Ahmed Hamed – How to think positive – Importance of Positive Thinking In Islam

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The speaker discusses the importance of positive thinking in protecting oneself and bringing positive outcomes in one's life. They stress the need to be in a positive state and avoid negative thoughts. The speaker emphasizes the need to be in a positive state to avoid negative emotions and achieve positive outcomes in the future.
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It has nothing to do with money, it
has nothing to do with status, it has
nothing to do with position, it has nothing
to do with the wealth of the material
How to utilize the power of positive thinking,
you know, in an Islamic perspective.
Subhanallah, we need to realize that we are
tend to incline towards negativity or we face
or encounter negativity.
Every step of our life, subhanallah, we need
to make sure that how do we protect
and keep a shield between us and those
negative thoughts and bring the positive energy, bring
the positive thinking into our minds.
So, this is an ongoing struggle.
So, I call it as a process.
It is a process where you need to
ensure that you keep on struggling and striving
to be in a state of well-being
and that comes with a positive thinking.
So, let us know what positive means.
You know, subhanallah, it is a desirable or
constructive quality or attribute.
So, obviously, positive or positivity, it demands something
which is constructive, something which is good, something
which is, which builds, you know, people and
things, subhanallah.
So, this is positive.
Thinking, the process or to consider or reason
something, this is thinking, you know.
Subhanallah, this is something which we need to
understand because a lot of times we want
to be positive.
Many people, they want to be positive but
they don't know how to actually trigger those
positive thoughts in their minds and they don't
know or they are not aware of such
ways and strategies, how they can actually be
in an optimistic state, subhanallah, and that's the
state which we do not want to be.
But, unfortunately, because not knowing these realities and
these strategies prescribed in Islam, we tend to
be a person who gets into a trap
of this negativism, subhanallah.
So, we need to answer this very clearly.
Why do we need to think positive?
Reason number one, it brings peace of mind,
We need to be positive in our thinking
because it brings peace of mind and this
is something which is seriously and sincerely lacking
in the minds or in the lives of
many people, subhanallah.
And, subhanallah, it has nothing to do with
money, it has nothing to do with status,
it has nothing to do with position, it
has nothing to do with the wealth of
the material things.
It is to do with your internal state
of being good, subhanallah.
So, being positive brings peace of mind.
That is the reason we have to think
positive because if we think positive, we will
do things which are positive, we will say
things which are positive, which will lead us
to positive outcome, inshallah, in this world and
in the hereafter.
As Muslimin, as believers, we do not limit
our thinking only to this world.
This is very, very important for us to
remind ourselves that our thinking, our positive thinking
does not restrict to this world.
It goes beyond this life which is the
hereafter, al-akhirah.