Ahmad Saleem – The Dajaal

Ahmad Saleem
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses upcoming major changes in religion, including predictions and events, and the importance of understanding Daj Geoff in Arabic language. They stress the need for preparation and evidence to measure events, as well as the potential disaster of leaving society. The transcript also touches on protecting oneself from Daj commissioned media, including the importance of learning to trust and protect oneself.
AI: Transcript ©
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From the things that prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam

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has told us

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that are coming true today

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are the predictions or the signs of

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And from these signs, there are those that

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are minor

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and many of them have occurred and many

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yet to come.

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And now there are those that are major

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And the major signs as prophet said

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like as if they are a string

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and beads in a string.

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If one comes

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and, you know, imagine if the breaks.

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If one breaks, everything else comes following.

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Likewise, there are gonna be the major signs.

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If one of them arrives,

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the others will come till.

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They will just follow right after the other.

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Once Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam, he got up

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and he told he gave the Khudbah and

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it was a Jumaa Khudbah. And he said,

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I'm about to warn you all

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about a thing

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that every single prophet,

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whether he it's Nuh alaihi salaam

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or whether it is Musa alaihi salaam,

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Reesa alaihi salaam, every nabi

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that has come,

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have warned their nation about this.

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And I am going to share with you

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about this fitna,

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about this trial,

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something that none of the 123,000

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ambia have ever mentioned.

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says, know

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that this is the fitna of Dajjal

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And I will tell you

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that Dajjal is going to be aawar.

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One eyed.

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And indeed our

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or Allah is not 1 eyed.

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The word or the description that Allah Prophet

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Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam gave us about this Dajjal

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is his one eyed. If you go and

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read the literature, you're going to find

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that both hadith,

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Sahih Muslim and Bukhari are mentioned in which

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it says,

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he is 1 eyed in the right or

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1 eyed in the left.

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And the way you consile between these two

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things is

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in Arabic language, if it is taken in

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the context of alone,

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there is no secondary context to us, then

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it means that it's one eye. But if

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we're given 2

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descriptions of the similar thing, and we are

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using the word,

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then it means

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1 eyed or the second one is defective.

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So one eyed is like a bulging

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grape. A dried bulging grape covered, there is

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nothing in there. There is no cataract, you

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don't see anything. It's just skin that looks

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like a dried grape. And the second one

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is bulging too and it's defective, but he

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can see from it.

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Now to get into this debate of whether

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can he see from the right or left

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is not the point of the Hadith.

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So ahamshay that our Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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is perfect and if he claims to be

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Then prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam

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after every salah, he would seek refuge from

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fitna of dajjal.

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Imagine who, prophet salalahu alaihi wa sallam,

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he himself

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told us in another narration.

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If he comes out

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and I'm amongst

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you. I will take care of you more

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than you.

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Don't worry. I got this.

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You all stay home, I will go.

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I'll take care of the jal.

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And if he comes out,

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and I'm not amongst you.

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Then every nafs,

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every individual,

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Each one of us needs to have our

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arguments ready to fight Dajjal. Dajjal.

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Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said in another

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that dajjal shall not come

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and in specific

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of this ummah,

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They forget to mention

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the dajal on the manabir,

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on the mimbers.

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In another narration prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,

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another narration of a Sahabi, he says

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majority of his khutbas.

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What were they?

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They were about warning the ummah of the

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This is a fitna that we all have

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to be prepared for.

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we wanna talk about,

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in tonight's lecture inshallah, we'll talk about the

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detailed descriptions of the jad so we can

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understand. There's details that sometimes many of us

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don't even know exists.

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For example, his hair are like branches

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of a dried stick that are prickly in

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its nature.

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Hajjib, there are descriptions so that we, when

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we see, and if it happens to be

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in our lifetime,

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our children are aware of it and we

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know right

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away. Now

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some of the descriptions,

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his name is Masih.

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The word Masih,

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23 different meanings of what means.

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The most prominent of those

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is that his eye is wiped.

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His eye is white, he doesn't have an

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eye. The second most probable meaning is that

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he is going to travel the entire earth

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and not a single

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space on this earth except that he would

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have placed his foot on and he would

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have traveled.

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And his other name is a Dajjal.

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The word Dajjal

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comes from Dajjal,

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It comes from Dajjal.

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Why? As sheikh bin Bazzi says

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because he is such a great liar.

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And he's a kafir, denying he denies Allah

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and he is going to claim that he

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is a prophet.

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And then he is going to claim,

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I am your rob.

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So what are the things that we know?

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This is what concerns us.

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What are the

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that need to exist

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within our society

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so we can ascertain and measure and gauge

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if the time is near or it's still

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time left.

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Number 1,

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when you forget

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when the when the the the the hutaba,

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they forget to mention danjal on the manabir.

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That is the first sign that the time

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of dajal is is near.

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Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam he says

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Dajjal is not going to come until people

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would have completely forgotten talking about Dajjal.

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In their gatherings, at home, nobody talks about

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And another narration he says,

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and even the imams of the masages they

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will forget to talk about it.

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Then, another hadith prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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A person is going to be a believer

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in the day.

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Night happens,

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I'm no longer Muslim.

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How many times are we seeing this in

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our society today?

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Every now and then you hear something, oh,

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Subhan Allah, he he doesn't believe in this.

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He has left this. May Allah protect us,

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Then prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam says

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this affair of people leaving Islam

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right? This this affair of people leaving Islam,

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it will come to the point

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until people will become into 2 groups.

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There's going to be a group of people

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that will have iman and their iman is

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has no hypocrisy in it. And

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the second one

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is the group.

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The second one, hypocrisy. The person claims to

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be Muslim.

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Masha Allah. Everything,

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nifaq outward.

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There is no iman in that person's heart.

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The ulama deferred whether it is a iman

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or Amali. And most of them said both.

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The person who believes

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in but his Amal in his Amal, he's

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May Allah protect us.

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When that time comes, when the group has

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been divided and these two group distinctions happen,

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So just wait, the jal is around the

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corner. In another hadith prophet salallahu alaihi wa

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sallam says

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So wait for dajjal

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that day or the day after he's coming,

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I e he's gonna be this close.

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Next, you're going to have

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famine in the earth.

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Currently, the world hunger report suggests

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that there are more than 3,000,000,000

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in the world

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that are at the verge of hunger.

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It's not that they're living in poor countries,

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It's that the cost of providing food has

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become so expensive

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that many of them are not even able

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to provide

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nutritionist meals to their kids, and they have

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to rely on cheap food that is, you

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know, fabricated

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or manufactured in factories that have no nutrition.

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3,000,000,000. That means almost

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half of the world is at the verge

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of famine.

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And that is one of the signs of

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Khurujus Dajjal.

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And then, you know, the long hadith prophet

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asked, you know, this is just a small

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tangent, but the Sahabas, they asked you Rasulullah,

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what are people going to eat on that?

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So the prophet

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says their food is going to be

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The remembrance of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is

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going to sustain us through those difficult times.

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Then prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and this is

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a very very strong hadith. He says,

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right before the coming of the Khurooj of

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Masih Dajjal

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There's going to be ears that are leading

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up to the the emergence of Dajjal,

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ears of deception.

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What you see is what it is not.

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We all are witnessing this

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with the issue of Palestine.

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Every what we see and what is being

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presented, 2 different things.

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Deception. And the entire world

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and everyone else have put their

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blinds on and they're like, nope. We will

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be we will we will prefer to be

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in this state of deception

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and listen to the propaganda, but not be

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Ears that would lead up to deception.

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Listen to this.

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The person who's telling the truth, he will

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be speaking the truth, he will be telling

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you the realities of what is happening, and

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everybody around and all the leadership and everybody

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is going to say you're a liar. This

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is not

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The truthful one will not be

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his truth is not going to be accepted

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and he will be belied.

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And the one

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who is fabricating

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lies, people are gonna believe those fabrications.

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The one we should not be trusting.

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people are gonna trust that person.

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And the one we should put our trust

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That person, nobody is going to trust.

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And then prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam says,

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and in that

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time, there will be people that will come

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to the podiums. They will come to the

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main stages. They will be presenting

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representing the communities,

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and they will speak, and these people are

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going to be

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So even the Sahabas, they did not know

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name. The Sahabas is like, wamarruaybida

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You Rasulullah. What is ruaybida?

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The word ruaybida comes from

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means is a state

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that you find a lion

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when it has snatched onto the prey

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and it is holding on to that prey

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and it's not moving from its

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spot. Out of this fear that some somebody

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is going to take away the food.

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This state or the state of a camel

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when the camel sits on its fore and

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nobody can move this beast.

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Or the state of a person

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who is attracted

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to the falsehood

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and that falsehood has shackled him

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and he has no business with the Gulu,

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he has no business with Iman and the

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greater loftier characters,

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these individuals are

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And prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam says,

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They will be given platforms and podiums to

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come and represent communities.

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And they have nothing to do with faith.

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They have nothing to do they have not

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an ounce of khair to the world,

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yet they will be given the stages to

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We all are witnessing this.

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Every single one of us can think of

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a time and a moment where you were

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there and you said to yourselves, why is

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this guy speaking on the microphone?

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on Ramadan Iftars.

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Every single person

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with a little bit of status in the

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society but zero accomplishments

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will get a microphone to talk.

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The one who is useless amongst the people.

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He has no value other than the fabricated

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fame that he has created for themselves.

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So the question happens, how do you protect

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from Dajjal?

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Amongst the protections is to have realm about

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him, but the second thing that is very

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important for us is prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam says, if we are in that situation

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that we come across darjal, may Allah protect

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us. Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam says, don't

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try to be like, yeah, I have iman,

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I'm gonna go and argue with him. If

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you see him, run the other way. But

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if he captures you,

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then let him read that person, let him

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Fawati Surat Al Kahf. The first ten ayaat

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of Surat Al Kahf, let him recite these

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ayaat because it has that foundational

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that is necessary

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for all of us to protect ourselves

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In the end, we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa

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to protect every single one of us from

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fitna of the jal. We ask Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala to send his choices blessings on

00:18:44 --> 00:18:45

Nabi Muhammad

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We ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala on this

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blessed Friday to help our brothers and sisters

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in Gaza, and to help them liberate the

00:18:57 --> 00:18:59

lands and to free the lands from the

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We ask you, oh Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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on this blessed day of Friday that protect

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the iman of every single one of us

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that is in this masjid until your

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and their generations to come. We ask you,

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oh, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, that if you

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have decreed for any one of us to

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be tested by or are any one of

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our generations to be tested by the fitna

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of the dajjal that Allah protects their imans

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and saves them. And we ask Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala that Allah gives us the tawfiq

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to be truly able to understand and love

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the message of Quran and to guide our

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lives with the light of Quran. And we

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ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to truly grant

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us hidayah and anyone of us that is

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suffering from any sicknesses that Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala gives them shifa and kamila. Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala gives them shifa and kamila. Oh

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Allah, if we have anybody that is amongst

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us, that is from your pious individuals,

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oh Allah, we ask you to accept his

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dua for the the shifa of every single

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sick person that is in this masjid or

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anywhere else in this Umnah. We ask you

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oh Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that if we

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have left if we have

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missed our relatives and if they have left

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this earth then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala turns

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their graves into a piece of paradise

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and grants them rifa'a and elevate their statuses

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in their graves and enters them in Jannah

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without any

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