Ahmad Saleem – Tafseer Surah Kahf – Deep Dive into Quranic Lessons – Part 15

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The transcript describes a group of people discussing various topics, including eating, drinking, and the importance of being present. They also discuss cultural pronunciation and pronunciation of words, including "arads," "naught," "naught," and "naught." The segment also touches on Khadir's origins and his metaphysical world.
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Come, come.
Test, test, test, test, one, two, one, two,
test, test, one, two, one, two.
Test, test.
Test, test, one, two.
Okay, all right.
Alright we'll start again.
So insha'Allah we are going to start
back the series, start back the story, where
the Condition was given.
He said, He said, He
said, He said, He
said, He said, He said, He
said, So it begins where Khadir Alayhi Salaam,
he gives that condition to him.
That the condition or the only rule you
need to follow is that when we are
on this journey you can't ask me any
Until I explain whatever has happened in front
of you, the actual meaning of what has
taken place.
So he says, So now he begins.
So they departed.
So they departed until they went into a
And he dug a hole in it.
There's multiple tafseers of it, whether he drilled
a hole, he took out a plank.
There's all different ways that the khark can
Then now Musa Alayhi Salaam, he says, You
want the people of the ship to die?
In one narration, in one riwayah, we read,
So the people of the ship will drown?
He said, I already told you, you're not
going to be patient about this.
You're not going to have patience on this
I forgot.
Don't hold me accountable for it.
He started pleading with him.
And don't make this affair hard on me.
I'm going to be nice to you now.
So they both departed again.
Now he sees this young boy and he
kills him.
You killed a nafs, and you haven't, there
is no nafs, because in Musa Alayhi Salaam's
shariah, in Musa Alayhi Salaam's shariah, it says,
that an eye for an eye, an ear
for an ear, and all of that ruling,
so he's bringing that shariah.
He's like, you could have killed him if
there was a consequential killing, that he killed
somebody, then you had the right.
But why are you killing somebody for no
You have definitely brought something grave, a horrible
Now this time, notice, the first one he
says, Did I not tell you?
You will not have patience, the first time.
The second time he says, So this shows
you that he is now a little bit
So he added that extra word.
He's like, did I not tell?
So the first one is, did we not
talk about this?
Did we not say that you will not
have patience about it?
Now this time he's like, did I not
tell you that you are not going to
have patience about it?
It's just, for example, sometimes you tell, don't
do this.
So your child will carry on doing it.
He'll still do it.
When they do it, and now what you
had told them was going to happen, what
do we say?
Did I not tell you that this was
going to happen?
We see this in our regular languages.
We add that you for emphasis.
You're not going to have patience with me.
Question for you guys.
The first two, both of these times when
he spoke up.
Actually, I'll pause this.
We'll come to the next one.
If I ask you about anything after this
event, do not accompany me.
You have received from me a very clear
i.e. you have enough of an excuse
to let me go.
فَانْتَلَقَا So they both parted again.
حَتّى حَتّى until اَتَيَا اِذَا اَتَيَا اَهْلَ قَرْيَةَ
نِسْتَطْعَمَا اَهْلَهَا They came to a Qariya.
قَرْيَةَ نِسْتَطْعَمَا اَهْلَهَا They came to a Qariya
and they asked for food.
فَأَبَوْا يُضَيِّفُهُمَا The people said, we're not going
to be hospitable to you.
فَوَجَدَ فِيهَا جِدَارًا He found in that city
a جِدَار في المدينة فَوَجَدَ فِيهَا جِدَارًا يُرِيدُ
أَن يَنقَدَّ In that he found a جِدَار
i.e. he found a جِدَار a wall
that was about to fall or it was
like wanting to fall it had like an
inclination to fall فَأَقَامَهَا So he fixed the
قَالَ لَوْ شِئتَ لَتَّخَزْتَ عَلَيْهِ أَجْرَا If you
had wished, you would have taken So this
is not an objection It's like a suggestion
So he has learned So he tried to
be smart here قَالَ لَوْ شِئتَ لَتَّخَزْتَ عَلَيْهِ
أَجْرَا If you will, I'm not objecting but
you could have possibly taken an amount of
money for it a demand, a fee for
it قَالَ هَذَا فِرَاقُ بَيْنِي وَلَا He's like,
this is the partition point between you and
me This is where our parting is سَأُنَبِّئُكَ
بِتَأْوِيلِ I will tell you the original intended
مِنِنْ مَا لَمْ تَسْتَطِعَ عَلَيْهِ صَبْرًا That that
you did not have patience about Now, a
few points in these ayahs first that as
I was reading they came to me Number
one, the word قَرِيَة is very appropriate Because
in later ayahs the same قَرِيَة is referred
to as No, in قَرِيَة but in Arabic
in the ayahs that come after Allah SWT
says مَدِينَ Why قَرِيَة here and مَدِينَ here?
قَرِيَة is from قُرَى And قَرَى basically means
to seek food So, there's a subtle imagery
here that فَنْتَ لَقَى Until they came to
a city And the city could be مُدُن
It could be أُمُّ الْقُرَى All these words
can be used The word قَرِيَة is used
that the first thing that comes to mind
is that this is a place where we
can find food Where does it say that?
In surah Kahf بِوَرِقِكُمْ هَذِهِ إِلَى الْمَدِينَ So,
at this point they're not hungry So, they're
not hungry They just want to take this
money Go and see what you can find
in there So, the main item is not
hungry Over here, they're hungry Because as soon
as they're under استطعَم They ask for food
They ask for food The second thing is
The ulema, they say That the one who
asks So, from the people who ask for
money The one who is the most honest
is the one who actually asks for food
and not money So, the ulema, they say
that if you ever have beggars and people
who ask for money If you want to
know which one amongst them is the most
truthful the one who asks for food is
the أصدق And that's why if you ever
try this if you're in Makkah or Medina
and somebody comes and asks you for food
He said, I'll get you a shawarma They're
like, no thank you They're like, no no
I don't want a shawarma, I'm good But
if they say yes Please provide me food
Then they'll take it That means they were
actually genuinely in need The third point That
Why was the Qariyah not mentioned?
Why not mention Why not let us know
Let you know and let me know what
this Qariyah is Why is it not mentioned?
The name of the town Why is it
not mentioned?
What could have been the problem if the
name of the town was mentioned?
People would hate that town You guys did
this to Musa Alayhi Salaam And so Out
of Although they were the It is mentioned
that they were the most miser town in
the world أَبْخَلُ قَوْم But Allah SWT knows
that I don't want the people that come
after to have to worry So Allah took
away that name And likewise when we find
somebody or a group of people or a
place that may have people who don't necessarily
represent good values Taking away the name and
just saying there are a bunch of people
or a group of people and then making
it ambiguous saves face because maybe ten years
later that same place will have people that
will flourish that And that masjid will become
or that center will become or that city
will become that group of people will become
that country will become All people from this
country are katha When we make that statement
Sometimes we will do that And when we
Oh from those Oh such and such country
they are the We'll make these generalizations Allah
SWT does not do that So that's the
third lesson that we have here The fourth
lesson is The first two times when Musa
AS became upset For whom did he get
Why was he upset?
What was his anger for?
For himself?
For both the first two times Kharaqta, Imra,
Nukra Both for the people and for standing
up for the justice and standing up for
the Haq of Allah SWT That's what he
stood up for As long as he kept
standing up for the Haq of Allah SWT
He stayed with Khadir AS The third time
What was his suggestion for?
They were hungry Right?
And they were hungry Because they were hungry
And his objection This time was for himself
and not for the people And not for
Allah The separation between Khadir and Musa AS
happened And over here There's a nafis fa
'ida that Ibn Abbas has said He said
When his anger and he got up and
was for Allah SWT Allah kept him with
that source of knowledge But the minute his
anger became for himself Allah separated him from
that knowledge And that is why he said
That if you want to show anger Your
anger is for the sake of Allah If
you get angry for Allah If you get
angry for Allah You'll still stay with Allah
But if you get angry for somebody else
Your own nafs The anger is for your
own nafs Then Allah will leave that It's
a very famous story about A salaf that
is mentioned That he was also a wrestler
He was a musarir He was a wrestler
So in the city Shaytan made people believe
That this tree has I don't know Some
magical powers If you're from India and Pakistan
You know what I'm talking about I don't
know if it happened in India But they'll
tie like Things to a tree And they're
like If we come and we tie Seven
red threads And ten blue threads Then we
will get a child Who's gonna be male
Or something like that Until this day These
things are there Like a friend of mine
And he went recently visited And this tree
was like dead And it had all these
things Attached to it And every time people
come So this person He saw this tree
And Shaytan Made people believe That this tree
has some power So they would come And
tie these things So he was a musarir
He was a wrestler So he got up
And he said Tomorrow I'm going to go
I will take this tree Out of the
root And get rid of the shirk So
as he's about to do that Shaytan comes
in a form of human And fights this
person This guy was a musarir He was
like a wrestler So he puts him down
And like He's got his hand on the
throat And he's like Listen listen Don't Don't
remove the tree Every day after fajr I
will come And I will leave two dinars
For you under your pillow So he's like
okay So he goes to sleep next morning
MashaAllah Fajr two dinars This is a true
story It's mentioned in tafseer books Second time
he gets up next day Two dinars Ya
Allah What a great guy Third day no
dinar And that person In the shape of
Shaytan He was basically They're physically trying to
confuse people So he's there in the shape
of a human It's well known about Shaytan
Historically if you read stories That he comes
in the shape of humans To like when
battle of ahzab was happening He came in
the shape of humans He does that all
the time So he came there as a
shape of He was there And then this
musarir comes and sees him He's like come
So there's a wrestle match happens And this
time Shaytan wins And he loses So he's
like I defeated you two days ago What
He said your anger Shaytan tells him Your
anger two days ago was for Allah So
Allah made you overpower You were able to
overpower me And I became weak Allah helped
you over me Today your anger is for
dunya So Allah helped me over you Because
he came for dunya And this tells you
The importance of Just how much a person
weakens If dunya takes over This is a
clear indication If dunya takes over you Man,
it's over It's over The third thing In
the next ayah he says The actual sentence
should have been All of that They're connected
So why separate and say Why not say
No They were never together From the
first incident Even Musa A.S. never submitted
There was no baynana There was nothing between
us Because from the first incident you argued
So he's like I got nothing to do
with you The technical term should have been
Between us This is a separation between us
But he separated that Even in the words
That we were never connected We were never
on the same page Right?
Funny story I'll mention that It just came
to me There was a woman by the
name of Hind Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf stories are
really funny There was a story There's a
woman by the name of Hind So Hind
Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf sends for Hind And says
I want to Marry Hind Hind says I
hate this guy I'm not getting married to
him They all convince him He said look
This is khutba of Hajjaj You know what
he can do He has killed villages He's
going to completely destroy us So please just
accept Finally they all convinced her And she
said okay fine I will convince Because I'm
convinced I accept Because I don't want any
harm To come to my family I'll accept
And he has many other wives So I
only have to deal with him once In
a blue moon So I think he was
his fourth wife Or something So anyhow She
was his fourth wife So now she goes
The nikah happens As soon as the He
comes and meets her for the first day
She's looking at the mirror And she says
She says a poetry in Arabic That Hind
is nothing but A prize jewel of Arabs
They all wanted to marry her And if
after tonight Allah gives us If Allah gives
us Of a child And he happens to
be Like an Arabian horse Then he's on
my He's on my lineage And if it
happens to be Like a mule Then it's
going to be on the father This is
like She's looking at the mirror And not
even looking at him So Hajjaj ibn Yusuf
gets so upset He takes out the sword
And he was about to kill her But
he knew that I'm not going to do
that At least even those tyrants They knew
that you don't hit women Like today we
have real issues Like tyrants They'll go kill
a man But they'll knew not to hit
a woman That much honor they had So
he calls his sayyaf He calls the guy
who does the execution He says Divorce her
Divorce her I am giving you the authority
I need you to divorce her With two
words And now this is a test for
his sayyaf Because like how are you going
to The two words You have to say
taliq There's three words He's like divorce So
he says How is he going to say
Because he can't Because he can't do the
talaq The sayyaf is not If he says
Like if Hajjaj says Done But he has
to say He has to say all of
that So then he says to her Kunti
You were appointed as Hajjaj Binti Now you
have become a daughter You've become my daughter
I'm going to take guard of you You
have nothing to do with Hajjaj So the
divorce took place The story was Not this
The story is after Who asks for her
hand Because she was One of the most
beautiful women In Arabia at that time Haroon
Al Rashid says I need to get married
to her Like her beauty Everyone is talking
about So she says only on one condition
Only on one condition Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf Is
going to take my caravan And my horse
The hawdaj In which I'm going to sit
in My camel He is going to grab
The ligam The reign of it And he
will drive me all the way to Haroon
Ya Allah Hajjaj is now So Haroon Al
Rashid says Go and get her And now
Haroon Al Rashid doesn't know Who's in there
This is the point So he says She
accidentally She accidentally drops this A dirham A
silver coin on the ground And then he
says She says Ya Lajjam The one who's
carrying the reign Give me the dinar So
Hajjaj kind of like mocks at her He's
like You don't even know the difference Between
$100 and $1 Like that kind of thing
So he's like This is not a dinar
This is a dirham You don't know the
value $100 you can't differentiate And then she
says Alhamdulilahil lazee Abdalani Allahu bi dirhamin Pointing
to Hajjaj Bi dinarin Haroon Al Rashid So
over here In the entire conversation She never
uses we She never uses we We were
I and he This and that Like all
the time Dinar We were never together She
points out to that So this tells you
the eloquence That the Arabs used to have
But this is a way To let other
person know That we never had something together
We never had something together Anyway it was
a complete far tangent But like I don't
know It just brought me that thing Abdalani
dinar Bi dinarin dinar Kunti wa binti That's
like Sa unabbiuka bi ta'wili ma lam
tastati alihi sabra I shall tell you About
the interpretations Of these things You did not
have any patience upon Then he says Amma
safinatu As for the ship Fakanat li masakin
It belonged to poor people Ya'maluna fil bahra
They were fishermen Or they were people Their
main job was To do something in the
sea Their main job It belonged to poor
people And they were people Who worked at
the sea Fa arattu an a'ibaha So
I intended To create a a'ib Or
a damage in it Wakana wara'ahum malikun
And behind them Was a malik A king
Ya khudhu He would take Kulla safinatin Every
single ship Ghasban With force So sufun
As sufunu Basically means When something is carved
And the obvious front portion Of it that
becomes visible And from there comes safina That
you know It's like It's a big ship
It's carved in hollow When you look at
it You see the outer structure But the
inner part of it is hollow That's what
a safina is The word wara'ah In
the Arabic language Comes for many many meanings
Wara'ah means in front Wara'ahum In
front of them There was a king Waman
ootia kitabahu Wara'ah Behind Waman yabtaghi Wara
'ah zalik Whosoever chooses Other than this Like
you know There were permission of limited quantity
Anybody who chooses One, two, three Other than
that And also Wara'ah also means To
have tertib To have sequence All of these
meanings Based on the context This word can
adopt And that only exists in Arabic language
One particular word Can have multiple meanings Based
on the context And the context will automatically
Tell you which wara'ah we're talking about
So In the Arabic language The word ghasb
is something interesting For us to get into
a little bit So ghasb Is to take
something That you acquire Or you to acquire
something unlawfully Okay To acquire something unlawfully You
take something Unlawfully And there was an element
of struggle in it So you try to
take that And the person fought And I
don't want to give my camera And you
fought And then you finally took it That's
ghasb Khatf is where the person didn't even
recognize when he took it You came Where
like The person who possessed the item He
did not have any power to fight Okay
And now you You made it for yourself
That is called All of these Words, they're
very similar But they come in different meanings
All throughout the Arabic language Okay And as
for the Ghulam, the boy Now let's come
to the story of the boy Who was
killed Their parents Abu
Father Abu Father Mother and father combined Okay
It's not a Yes, it comes from the
word Abu But you know This is very
important for us Because Today the whole LGBTQ
mafia The LGBTQ mafia They use this ayah
It says So they use this ayah To
say why Islam allows it Look, it says
The two fathers Those people are absolutely ignoramus
In Arabic language Abu over here Automatically entails
When you say parent In the English language
means parents My parents What does that mean?
Both mother and father When I say parent
One, understood It could be mother or the
father But when it's parent It doesn't mean
ten fathers It doesn't mean five It's understood
My parents, two parents It's understood So Abu
Their father They were believers Their parents were
believers So we were afraid The word Khashina
Over here, we feared Is not a fear
of like me and Allah Allah does not
have fears Some translators Have translated this wrong
Because they literally went We feared This we
over here is When the kings They speak
It's an indication of my knowledge My greatness
My greatness So we feared The greatness of
my knowledge It's just like when you go
to a doctor You tell the doctor I
don't agree with your diagnosis Listen, I have
five degrees He wants to assert his My
diagnosis Comes from a source of knowledge So
over here This Khashina is an indication that
I have From Allah It is not just
randomly that I'm doing this Take me seriously
We Of greatness The sun Would be in
defiance And that's the word comes from The
same word Teenager Teenager Teenager is called The
one who exhausts you Exhausts you Because of
defiance Put pressures on you And he would
pressure This child would pressure The mother and
the father into defiance He would force the
parents to be Disobedient to Allah Same thing
Who is this Aradna It can't be Allah
So we hope Allah comes right after This
is the we hope The element of grand
We hope If you do add Allah in
it The meaning doesn't make any There's no
issues It's actually Allah With the ilm that
I have That meaning could also That Allah
would replace them Their Rabb would replace them
Better than them In piety and virtue And
he would be a lot more Caring to
them Now he starts about The jidar And
as for the wall Notice the Qariya word
changed To Madina Because the food is not
the purpose here It's a story being told
In the city Underneath that wall was A
treasure For them The two kids Now it
is mentioned that these kids There's lots of
tafsirs mentioned about them Who were their kids,
what was their age All of that, we
don't need to get into that There were
two boys Allah knows what their age was
If he had intended he would have given
us the word They were young boys, we
know that But what were their age What
was their nature, all of that They were
in Qariya All these names have been mentioned
We do get all of those from Israel
But there's no benefit If Allah wanted us
to know where this was He would have
told us And between this, underneath the wall
Was treasure for them And their father was
a pious person Now over here I'm going
to take some time on this So Abu
Huma Saleha In this tafsir Lots and lots
of discussion has happened There's a summary of
what I thought was relevant to all of
us The greatest thing That you can Entrust
with Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala Is the
deed of your children Not your bank accounts
Not the car you leave behind Not the
401k That you make them As the inheritors
Not your asset inheritance Accounts where on your
death They automatically get a tax free asset
All of those things Lead to nothing I
know of an individual When he died, his
father He was not close to his father
But his father left for him in California
His father was in California, they were somewhere
else And he left behind His father left
behind, I don't know Stocks and this and
that All of a sudden one day he
got up In cash options, he had like
4 million dollars in his account The next
day after his father died But those 4
million dollars Ended up This person completely Leaving
Islam He got into gambling He got into
womanizing So the greatest thing That you can
leave For your children That you can entrust
with Allah Is The deen of your child
And how do you Ensure that You ensure
that By focusing on your piety Not money
Or men It is mentioned in the Tafseer
books That this father was 7th generation Ab
Jadduhus Sabe' Yeah Father, grandfather Grandfather Great-grandfather
Great-great-grandfather Great-great-great-grandfather 7th
generation And from there They mentioned that Salahul
abbi yantakidu ila Sab'ati ajia The piety
of the father Impacts 7 generations Now Allahumma
ja'al Salahul abbi Now notice That piety
of the 7th grandfather of this Child, these
two children That piety What happened The ulama
they said Think about this That Allah's mercy
Descended on these yateems The piety of the
Father, 7th father Whose body is completely Dissolved
in the grave But the effect of his
amal Is still fully active In this dunya
That rahma and the effect Of his piety
combined Led to A nabi And another nabi
Combined together On a journey Only to come
and save Allah Hajji He takes Musa From
where, he goes on a journey He meets
Khadir And then all of that and they
come And they save the wall Allah brought
them on this journey So he's like, the
ulama they said Salahul Salahul hadhan ab The
piety of this father Ja'ala anbiya'ain
Two prophets come to only Save the wall
That is the value of the piety that
we have As a father May Allah Subh
'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la give us tawfiq
to do this And protected their dunya too
Today sometimes Many of us We can't make
time for deen Because we are focused on
protecting Their dunya I want to build this
and this and this So that when I
die I have left for my kids Something
Wallahi that dunya is going to be of
no avail Ask every single mother And father
who are in their 50s Right now or
in their 60s And I meet them all
the time In various masjids Met this brother
in a masjid from Bangladesh Well to do
He was driving up like a maserati In
the masjid, he comes for fajr And I
saw him He was very, you know one
of those people SubhanAllah miskeen After every salah
I was teaching a course He kept making
dua He came up to me and he
said He said is Allah going to accept
my dua's And I said inshaAllah You know
you should have hope in all dua's That
Allah is going to accept He said yeah
but there is one dua of mine That
is not being accepted I have been making
dua for the last 15 years SubhanAllah What
dua is that I made dua that Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala Brings my daughter back
Towards the deen Because she has left Islam
I said but she grew up with you
He said yes she grew up with me
I sent her to an Islamic school I
did all of that but I was too
busy For my dunya I thought that I
need to get her A car and this
and that I was so focused on that
I forgot about her akhira So if you
focus on your deen You will protect your
child's dunya Automatically But if you focus on
your dunya Then you jeopardize the deen of
your child Every single time And they focused
on deen And they entrusted The dunya So
he focused on his deen And entrusted the
dunya with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala And
to protect The treasure Allah sent two Anbiya
to protect the dunya And if Allah can
do that To a random person who is
not even Some Mubaligh Just a random person
who believed in Allah And had piety Then
imagine what Allah can do for us To
protect our children The second point over here
in this ayah So over here he says
Where do we go sorry Allah intended Allah
intended That these two children They reach their
mature age They reach the age of puberty
Then the treasure will come out And they
will be able to benefit from that Why
wait until their puberty Because whoever was taking
care of them If the money came out
before The person who was taking care of
these yatim They will take that money So
Allah protected that money for them And I
have not done any Of these affairs of
mine ذلك تأويل ما لم تستع عليه صدرا
This is the explanation of that Which you
were not capable of being patient Yes So
that's good So in the first one it's
تستطيع Six words, second one is what No,
second one is not تستع The first one
Allah Subhana No the one before that تستطيع
First is تستطيع Then the second one is
تستطيع And the third one is تستع So
the general rule In Arabic language The simplest
form to understand this is كلما زاد المبنى
زاد المحنى That's the rule that you need
to understand Every time a word Is added
to an Arabic So The actual is استطاع
The actual is طاع طاع From there comes
استطاع From there comes تستع Now you add
the other one تستطيع Then you add تستطيع
The more حروف You add the more emphatic
The word becomes So in the first one
He was He emphasized More emphatically لم تستطيع
عليه صبر But then he realized The second
time he objected He's not going to have
any patience So he dropped that emphasis He
dropped that emphasis That's why he dropped one
word Then the third one he's like You
have no عزم He's like indicating تستع You
have no عزم So that's again this is
mentioned in Tafsir books about this جميل Next
part Now comes the Fun part Best story
yet Depends on their patience I
think I like that You know what I'll
do that We'll do a quick intro of
this Like why the story is important and
all of that So this was one of
the second stories that was asked ذو القرنين
ذو القرنين What is his name that is
mentioned The man with two horns Was he
a human Amphibian Alien So it is mentioned
that He was Either a human Or number
two is He was either an angel He
was either a human or an angel If
he was a human A lot of the
story that happens You have to suppose That
story that everything is taking place In this
world And you're going to run into a
lot of issues We're trying to explain these
ayahs But if you take the Tafsir opinion
which is the classical Opinion that he was
also Ibn Abbas used to believe in that
Ali used to believe in that Some of
the great sahabahs believe in that So if
you Believe that he is An angel then
the story Becomes a lot more interesting I'll
share with you some of the Hadiths that
are mentioned about him That are mentioned in
For example Fath Al Bari He quotes that
hadith He quotes the qaul of Ibn Abbas
Or quotes the qaul of Ali radiallahu anhu
And there was nobody from the sahabah Nobody
objected to this qaul One of them it
says That he used to have A horse
So one of these days he took his
horse While he was in this dunya And
he took his horse to The Cyrus star
The star Suraya He took his horse and
on Cyrus He went and he parked his
horse And there was a stable over there
He parked it and then he came back
Ali radiallahu anhu mentions that He went to
Suraya And then he parked his horse And
then he came back Nobody from the sahabah
Objected to this So then it makes a
lot more sense that this person was An
angel Because angels can travel all the way
They can travel to the stars, they can
come down, come back And they're not limited
to Their travel space is a lot bigger
Second Which I think is a more powerful
reason Which some of the Tabi'eens have
mentioned too Is that generally a human Doesn't
punish This statement is generally Who in the
entire Quran Has come down to punish The
angels Allah gives them the Qawm of Yunus
Allah sends angels down And they come down
and they punish So because of that, because
of this ayah Give them a choice Right?
Whoever is going to do good, you will
be dealt good But if you don't So
that also Indication tells you that this was
an angel Most likely Having said that I
need to be on the record So we
know majority of the Tafsir scholars believe that
He was not an angel Despite few of
the sahabahs used to believe in that And
the reason for that is because it didn't
make sense They did not have the celestial
knowledge They didn't have all of that So
with the limited knowledge that they had They
said this cannot be an angel This has
to be a person And they believed in
that ayah in such a manner They said
you know what We don't know where the
sun is That causes a lot of problems
Where does the sun set?
There's no place in this earth where the
sun sets It's continuously revolving Right?
The only way you see a sun set
Is when When you travel far Away from
the universe Okay?
When you travel far away from the universe
And you can do that on telescopes And
stuff like that If you travel and zoom
out Eventually you will see that the entire
Sun's energy is going to diminish Because you
will be so far away that you will
feel like the sun is gone Okay?
So all of these things Lead us to
believe that You know a lot of these
They did ta'weel of it They said
maghrib al shams It was a place Aqsa
sharq The furthest east They didn't understand the
earth was round They thought of it as
a flat Go to the last end And
over there it will end So if you
read the tafsir books They are basing it
on this premise That we're on a square
plane And you go to aqsa The furthest
gharb And that's where the sun is going
to set Because that's how they imagined it
But if you look at the round earth
Then there is no place Another place where
you have a problem Where Where it says
We had not created There was no place
to hide from the sun's energy There was
nowhere they could hide from the sun All
of that would lead us to believe Where
Tell me one place in the earth Unless
you enter the earth Unless you enter the
earth Like underground Then you can be fully
covered Not be touched by the sun But
Allah says There was no covering made for
them They had no way of protecting themselves
From the power of the sun Or the
light of the sun That cannot happen on
this earth Because there are so many places
we can hide from the sun Even if
you stay in the one place Wherever you
are Eventually the sun will disappear So all
of these things Will make you believe that
this was Somebody who was an angel Now
While I'm going through the tafsir of these
things I will explain the classical understanding And
then I will explain to you How we
apply this with the current knowledge That we
have Of the universe Of how galaxies work
And wormholes and all of that He is
like Interesting science Any questions?
It's going to come قُلِ الرُّوحُ بِنْ أَمْرِي
رَبِّكَ قُلِ الرُّوحُ بِنْ أَمْرِي رَبِّكَ It's going
to come Somebody ask a question?
What is that?
I'm a milkshake How's that?
Anything else?
Yeah The hadith
From a qawl of one of the sahabis
No I just one day sat And I
was like seven Whenever we say any definitive
numbers Generally you will see That they will
come from either Mujahid, Muqatil, Ibn Abbas Dhahaq
All of these early mufassirs And they must
have heard it from a sahabi A tabi
'i when he narrates He must have heard
it from a sahabi And a sahabi when
he narrates He will explain things Whatever they
heard from Rasulullah Sometimes they may not say
in tafsir books سَمِعْتُ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ
عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَقُولَ They are not going to
say any of that This is what I
believe This ayah means And generally there is
a tasalsul When you ask this question There
is a sequence in which we order So
if Ibn Abbas says something That's number one
You drop everything else Because his goal is
The Rajah And then if any of the
10 Mubashireen of Jannah If any of them
They take precedence So it's generally Ibn Abbas
Who is the second one?
Ibn Mas'ud Ibn Mas'ud Ibn Abbas,
Ibn Mas'ud Because he had fiqh Ibn
Mas'ud had the highest level of fiqh
from the Quran So Ibn Abbas he says
I know لا أعرف آية إلا I don't
know of an ayah Except that every ayah
in the Quran I know Where it was
revealed For what purpose it was revealed And
what was the meaning of this Similarly Ibn
Abbas He says from the Quran I don't
know Either Ibn Mas'ud or Another sahabi
He said I don't know from the Quran
except four words Like I understand most of
the Quran There are four words that I
don't understand Like they even knew it down
to that science Yes Yes No that's different
That's not knowledge of the Quran That was
not knowledge of Islam Yes Okay what's your
question You have a question Okay Yeah go
ahead What is Khadir's ethnic origin I don't
know the answer to that Huh Ethnic origin
Alien Alien He's a human He's definitely a
human He's from Bani Adam Is he alive
Oh let's get into that tangent Okay So
on Khadir The world is Divided Now you're
going to have questions So one group of
people They say that Khadir Passed away And
the reason they say Khadir Passed away is
because Prophet Said that after 100 years Of
my death There will be nobody Who is
alive today Will be alive on this earth
Kullu man ala zahri Al-ardi yamutun So
my death marks From here count 100 years
After 100 years the entire Generation that was
alive when I was alive Everybody that was
alive on this earth is dead Okay So
they say because that happened Then we know
that Khadir alaihi salam must have died Jameel
Second group of people come and Says no
no no what are you talking about That
does not make sense Because if he dies
then Dajjal dies and we know That Dajjal
is going to come And we know that
Dajjal was there during the time Of Rasulullah
Tamim al-Dari met Dajjal radiallahu anhu He
came and he said Tamim al-Dari he
came and told the whole story And not
only Tamim al-Dari all the 12, 16,
5 whatever number Of people that were on
the ship that's not the point But all
the number of people that were there They
all met him too And he was on
this earth So that's one So they say
that means That he's alive So the ones
that say that Khadir Is dead And they
respond to the Dajjal He is Banu Adam
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said Dajjalu min Bani
Adam We'll get there You'll know the answer
So So So the second people they come
and they say Wait a minute Wait a
minute Dajjal is not even born Dajjal is
not born Dajjal is not born He is
going to be born In the future he's
going to have a birth Okay he's going
to have a birth So that's the majority
opinion Of you know that he's going to
be born So they said what he met
i.e. this person he met Dajjal that
was in a different World They didn't meet
him in this world The ones who believe
that everyone has died They said no no
his meeting with Dajjal was a Miraculous event
where they lost The path they didn't know
where it was they Landed in an island
and somehow They were in a world and
then Khadr was In that sorry then Dajjal
was in that world he's not from this
world So then The other side they say
wait a minute that's exactly What we're trying
to say Khadr is not from this world
Khadr does not belong to he belongs to
a different World he belongs to a different
realm Okay so For Allah SWT there are
Anbiya that operate On the metaphysical realities Of
this world so The Anbiya that come with
Musa AS I hit this you hit this
like we have rules Tip for tat like
this is going to happen But then for
Allah SWT there are metaphysical Realities So Khadr
AS According to Imam Shaarawi He says and
I think this is Probably the best he
is the Anbiya He is a Nabi of
the metaphysical Reality So he's a Nabi He
has Ilm and he Operates in the Metaphysical
reality okay An angel comes And kills A
person On the battle of Khadr Nobody sees
That angel How did they differentiate that this
Was killed by an angel and this was
not killed by an angel When the neck
was chopped Off the angels had fire swords
But nobody Saw that fire sword Metaphysical world
And metaphysical world Interacting directly with the physical
world And we all believe in this in
the Quran So Khadr AS is considered to
be A Nabi from the metaphysical One He
is Bani Adam but Allah Has kept him
for the metaphysical one I'm coming to that
Now Allah
says If he had Ilm That I would
have Accumulated a lot of Khayr I would
never have had these issues So Allah the
best middle path Is Allah opens for whoever
he wishes A little bit of the future
knowledge Just like somebody Goes to sleep and
they wake up in the morning and they
see a dream And the next day they
see a dream And that dream happens Did
that person have Ilm Al Ghayr Similarly Khadr
AS He has access to A knowledge that
many of us We don't understand how things
will operate So he has knowledge to that
Does he come And interact with our world
Today that is the bigger question That people
ask about Khadr AS And Imam Sha'rawi
Rahimahullah He says The kids know that so
they are going to start laughing So Imam
Sha'rawi Rahimahullah He says that he met
him three times This is somebody who was
in our time Okay The first time he
met him He was in a Disguise of
like a Shepherd He was like a Bedouin
And we were sitting in the Tafseer Halaqa
Imam Sha'rawi says And then what happens
is in that Halaqa There was Somebody who
asks this question So he gets up Fatakallama
Bil He spoke about The Arabic rules That
are so rare That even the specialists need
a reference To refer to in that Quran
He was able to analyze the Quran and
a few Of those things at that moment
Very very vividly And then people started asking
other questions And my brain is like where
is this guy Where is this guy So
He went after him and then he disappeared
Then many many years later He said I
saw the same person again Saw the same
person again This time around I tried Chasing
him and then All he says to me
is don't try to chase me Like I
know you figured this out Just leave me
alone The third time When he is dying
That's where he actually meets him Last time
Before his death of certain And then he
mentions a story towards the end of his
death And he says I am who you
are looking for And I was the guy
who came there that day And Allah sent
me Because I knew that this question Was
going to come And Allah wanted your maqam
to be Established within the people So they
did not want That you did not know
an answer to this Allah sent me To
respond on your behalf So your maqam may
be kept And then he left Now interestingly
What happened was You look at Imam Shaarawi
he has passed away Long before YouTube 1982,
83, 84, 85 That's when his last recording
He died in the 88 or 89 Or
something So Today if you go to his
YouTube channel It has like 4 million subscribers
5 million subscribers He never thought for Once
in his life That when he was sitting
in front of a television station When he
started his Tafseer halaqa 25 years ago before
his death And there was like few people
That sat there and listened to it And
they would do the recordings of it And
it would be aired on every Fajr After
Fajr, 30 minutes, 29 minutes Of Tafseer And
his Tafseer is so deep That if you
understand Arabic Egyptian I don't think There is
a Tafseer out there In the Arabic language
If you can bear the bad audio quality
That provides A scholar And a layman Equal
amount of Enjoyment when you listen to it
Phenomenal And Allah has kept his name alive
Now recently somebody Took all of his audio
Tafseer Imagine the Tawfiq that Allah Has given
this man That they wrote through the audio
The entire Tafseer Then they created an entire
Tafseer Now his entire Tafseer of Sha'rawi
is printed In a physical copy Preserved for
the rest of History So when you do
something for the sake of Allah You know
You never know Allah will send Khadir To
you But again these are all stories that
we know And he is not the only
One, we have numerous stories in our Tafseer,
in our Seerah books And stuff like that
that mentions about various interactions That people have
had If somebody believes that he is dead
And that is what they want to believe
No problem, you are still a Muslim If
somebody believes that they met him And you
don't want to believe in him You are
a Muslim and he is a Muslim This
is not a matter of Divisiveness, we have
bigger fish to fry In the world right
now May Allah give us Tawfiq Yes, can
we pray He is like Khalas
Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic
Arabic Arabic