Ahmad Saleem – Tafseer Surah Kahf – Deep Dive into Quranic Lessons – Part 14

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The importance of seeking obligatory knowledge and seeking obligations in education is emphasized in sharia culture. The speakers discuss various topics such as the loss of schools, people in the past, and the importance of seeking answers early. They also touch on the topic of "immreal" and "immreal time" in sharia culture, as well as the use of words and phrases to describe experiences and outcomes. The importance of understanding the Bible and the potential consequences of the sharia culture are also emphasized.
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Test, test, one, two, one, two, okay, okay,
we're good.
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed
So Allah SWT, where we left off from
our last session, He talks about a nation
that were destroyed.
There were nations that were destroyed.
أَهْلَكْنَاهُمْ We destroyed them.
لَمَّا ظَلَمُوا When they transgressed.
When they recognized what is wrong, and they
said, it's okay, we're still going to do
And that is a principle of Allah SWT.
When a nation, irrespective of who they are,
they know what is right, they know what's
wrong, and they choose to transgress that, then
destruction comes to them inevitably.
It could be financial destruction, it could be
moral destruction, it could be destruction of all
وَجَعَلْنَا لِمَهْلِكِهِمْ مَوْعِيدًا And We made for their
destruction a warning.
Some is like, oh, how come that nation
is not destroyed?
They have crossed a lot of boundaries.
Allah is like, every nation has a time.
Not now, not tomorrow.
We are not the ones who decide when
which nation is going to be destroyed.
Maybe in our eyes, they must have qualified.
In our eyes, with all the transgression that
has happened in the countries by certain countries
to our Muslim brothers and sisters, we're like,
oh, this nation shouldn't be destroyed.
But I was like, وَجَعَلْنَا لِمَهْلِكِهِمْ مَوْعِيدًا And
We made for their destruction a warning.
Every nation, their destruction has a set appointed
وَإِذْ قَالَ وَتِلْقَى Then Allah Subh'anaHu Wa
Ta-A'la starts off and He says,
and this is where the story of Musa
Alayhi Salaam begins.
So, a preamble to what the discussion has
been before, which is that there were, how
many questions asked to Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam?
What were the three questions?
Ashabul Kahf, Ruh, Dhul Qarnayn.
Was Musa Alayhi Salaam asked?
Then why tell the story of Musa Alayhi
That was not one of the questions.
You know?
For sure, but why Musa Alayhi Salaam's story?
So, since they were testing Rasulullah ﷺ, Allah
Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la brought a
story of their own Prophet.
Musa Alayhi Salaam, who did not know?
So, you come and test my Nabi, let
me tell you about a story of your
Nabi when he didn't know something.
But don't test Prophet ﷺ, okay?
This story was not with them.
They don't have the recollection of the story
in their books.
So, this is like, hey, you know, when
this happened with Musa Alayhi Salaam.
Now, the story, as it is mentioned in
Hadith books, Bukhari, Muslim, and various other Hadith
books, the collection of all of that that
we find in the Hadith books, Abu Ubaidah
is the one who narrates most of that,
is that Musa Alayhi Salaam was giving a
khutbah once.
After the khutbah ended, a person came to
Musa Alayhi Salaam.
And the person said, Ya Nabi Allah, Ya
Kaleem Allah, Ya Rasulullah, O the one who
has spoken with Allah, O Rasul of Allah,
O Prophet of Allah, who is the most
knowledgeable person on this earth?
So, what did Musa Alayhi Salaam say?
Qala Ana!
I am the most knowledgeable person.
I am Musa Ibn Imran, the Prophet of
Bani Israel.
I am the most knowledgeable.
So, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la,
he sent an angel to tell Musa Alayhi
Salaam, why did you not return the affair
to me?
Why didn't you say Allah is the most
And then he sent Musa Alayhi Salaam and
he said, Inna li abdan, I have a
servant that has more knowledge than you.
Go to him and seek knowledge.
So, Musa Alayhi Salaam, as soon as Allah
tells him, sorry, Allah did not tell him
to go and seek knowledge.
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la told
him that I have a servant who has
more knowledge than you.
So, Musa Alayhi Salaam, he gets up, packs
up everything and he says, we're going to
go find this person.
O Allah, where can I find him?
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says,
you will find him at Majma'ul Bahrain.
You will find him at the junction of
the two seas.
So, you find that Musa Alayhi Salaam, despite
being a prophet, despite being every question that
he could ever think of can be answered
through Wahi, he picks up himself and says,
seeking knowledge is an essential part of even
a Nabi.
So, he displayed the humility of a, and
humbleness of a student of knowledge.
I mean, if any one of us was
in that shoes, we're like, man, I'm set.
I have Wahi, Jibreel Alayhi Salaam is coming
to me, like, I don't need to seek
any knowledge, like Alhamdulillah.
It's like, hey, you know, can you find
out what's the opinion on this thing?
You don't, you have direct access to the
Divine Realm and you're not just any Nabi,
you're Kaleemullah, Allah talks to you.
You're one of the only human beings that
Allah has had Kalam with, and he says,
oh, if there is somebody more knowledgeable, I'll
go and seek.
I'll go and seek knowledge, ajeeb.
This is something so strange if you think
about it.
What happens to many of us, if we
know a little bit this, little bit that,
I studied here, did this, this, khalas, Alhamdulillah,
we know.
And then we become passive about ilm.
We become passive about ilm.
Just, you know, a couple hours before coming
here, a very good brother, friend of mine,
47 years old, he passed away.
They gave him two days, two days before
he went to the hospital, and he said,
I can't breathe, something's up.
They're like, oh, let's do a test.
Oh, my God, you've got cancer all over
your body.
Your lungs are filling up with water.
We'll drain some of the lungs.
Doctor does the diagnosis.
You've got two days to live.
Perfectly healthy person before that.
I was on chat with him literally, I
think, 20, 25 days ago.
I messaged him.
I said, Omar, you know, you need to
come down to Atlanta.
And because he was one of the pioneers
who established Jummahs in high schools back in
the day.
He decided to go into public school system
as a teacher.
And I still remember John Fraser Secondary School.
All other Jummahs were, we were struggling because
there was this massive, we don't want this,
we want these people to assimilate, but, you
know, people wanted Jummahs.
And there was a lot of pushback.
We could hardly get room.
We could hardly get people to sponsor us
because if you're a student, high school, you
need a sponsor teacher who is going to
be there the entire time while you're doing
And it's very difficult.
Many teachers don't want to sit.
They're like, I need to go home.
I don't want to do this.
And they're not being paid for that.
So, Omar, I remember in those days, in
the early 2000s, mid 2000s, he became the
pioneer in establishing Jummah in John Fraser School
to the level that the entire gym used
to be filled with Jummah kids.
Then when I came back after my studies,
he was the first person to meet me.
Total random.
We were not intending to meet.
We prayed Asr at a masjid, Rahman Center.
He met me.
And he sat me down.
And he said, look, people are losing their
Whatever you do, you're going to be up
against so many challenges.
Many of the masjids, many of the institutions
don't want people that can do good work.
And I've been burnt so many times.
But no matter how many times I get
burnt, I don't leave the community.
I give every time that I can.
He used to run classes.
He wouldn't take a single dime.
He would run classes on Fridays and Saturdays
in masjids.
Same masjid that would kick him off the
minbar because he said something that they did
not want him to hear.
And then six months later, they would come
back and say, oh, pressure has mounted.
We have nobody who can help our youth.
And then he would be back.
So he told me, whatever happens, don't back
And I was just like coming back.
I'm like, no, they're not going to do
that to me.
And then every single word of his was
Because if you're beneficial to the community, the
people who are guarding and safeguarding those centers,
they don't want that.
Because education leads to questioning, and they don't
want a community that questions.
Anyhow, may Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A
'la have maghfirah for him.
And in hindsight, his pain was only a
couple of days of extreme pain.
And Allah gave him the opportunity to repent.
And he never told any one of us
until today at, I think I got to
know about it, at 11 o'clock that
he's super sick.
And then I was trying to take a
nap, and my mom called me and said
he passed away.
I'm like, what?
I just heard the news that he's sick.
At 11 o'clock, he's like, yeah, he
passed away.
But that is the reality of my life
and your life.
As I was talking to Brother Asad, I
was talking to at the back.
We all have a deadline.
That deadline is coming.
In his case, he got to know about
the deadline early.
In many cases, you will not know about
your deadline.
He never thought.
He had plans.
He was going to go for Umrah in
Tickets booked.
He's ready.
Allah has different plans.
But the reality is that that deadline of
hours can come any minute.
And the thing that really matters is in
the last two days, what did he occupy
his time with?
Was he busy with things that we are
busy with?
Or because the visceral nature of his deadline
that it's just a couple of days made
him drop everything that was not necessary.
He's like, you know what?
It's not worth it.
It's not worth it because it's not going
to go with me to the grave.
Many of the Masha'ikh, they used to
say that take an account of what in
your day that you did that will go
with you to the grave.
What is it that you did?
And if we honestly take an account, all
of us included, maybe an hour a day.
If you add all the salawat and the
quick sunnahs that we might do, if we
And on top of that, maybe one or
two du'as here and there, maybe some
lecture here and there.
Like maybe max two hours of our days
is dedicated towards this.
The rest of the 22 hours is of
no use.
May Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la
grant him maghfira and highest status inshaAllah.
And seeking knowledge is the most important, highest,
loftiest action the person can get involved in.
That is why if you look at any
of the tazkiyah books, you look at Imam
Ghazali's Arba'een, the 40 principles of life.
You look at Minhaj Al-'Abideen, Minhaj Al-Qasideen,
you look at An-Nurayn Fi Al-Darayn.
All of these books that relate to my
tazkiyah of the nafs, they all begin with,
if you look at hadith books, Babul Ilm,
the chapter of knowledge.
Because without ilm, without knowledge, my ibadah, your
ibadah, and a person who has no knowledge
and a person who has knowledge, their ibadah
can't be the same.
It cannot.
Ilm is what differentiates an abid, and that's
why the ulema, they used to say that
ilm is over ibadah.
You have to do your obligatory.
But if a person has an opportunity to
pray two rak'ahs of nafil or to
seek knowledge that is obligatory on him, then
seeking that knowledge matters.
Seeking that knowledge matters.
And sad reality is that obligatory knowledge is
not being offered anyone.
It's not being offered.
As a matter of fact, another friend of
mine who is a shaykh, Shaykh Samir, he
wrote a book, you can look it up
on Instagram, his name is The Usuli.
The Usuli, that's his channel.
And he wrote something beautiful.
He said, look at all of our masjids,
look at all of our centers.
Everything that is being offered in North America.
Sunday schools.
We don't have a concept of Sunday school.
Sunday school was a Christian thing.
We just took that concept at wholesale, and
every masjid says, oh, every center is like,
we're going to create a Sunday school.
Then what's after that?
Hifz is fard kifaya.
As a matter of fact, hifz was not
recommended for awam, ever.
A layman was not told you should go
and memorize.
Because he doesn't live like a scholar.
He has not gone through the training of
being a scholar.
So he would desecrate the maqam of the
He would not know how to behave having
Quran in his heart.
But today, everyone is in this business of
pumping hufaz.
Fard kifaya.
What's fard ayn?
Those hufaz don't know how to make wudu.
And this is the situation we had.
Kids lining up to leave taraweeh, going to
the bathroom in socks.
And coming back in the musalla, standing right
And I'm like, I just saw you with
these socks in the bathroom.
You can't be here.
He's like, nobody told us.
So proper ilm, obligatory ilm, is what matters.
And that is of three types.
Number one is your basic fiqh, your basic
aqeedah, basic tazkiyah.
And add on to that is Quran classes
of this nature or seerah.
That's it.
Everything else that is being offered through the
centers, other places, fluff.
It's basically, and he posted, he said, we
sent a message to survey to the community.
What would you like to have in the
Community doesn't know.
It's the scholar's job to teach what needs
to be taught, not what they want.
So ilm is something so important.
And the more you spend time in ilm,
the more barakah your life is going to
have, insha'Allah.
So Musa alayhi salam, he establishes that.
He says, so this story is happening when
Musa alayhi salam has already embarked.
He's already embarked on the journey.
And he turns to his fatah.
Who is this fatah?
Who knows the name of this person, the
young assistant?
What was his lineage?
Yusha ibn Nun.
He's what?
Lineage, I don't know.
Lineage is.
Yusuf alayhi salam.
He is from the lineage of Yusuf alayhi
His great, great grandfather was Yusuf alayhi salam.
But again, they're connected.
But his immediate grandfather, his great, great grandfather
was Yusuf alayhi salam.
And he took on the job of Musa
alayhi salam after the death of Musa alayhi
salam in the desert of Tih for 40
He became that Nabi.
When Musa alayhi salam turned to Yusha ibn
Just one point.
Generally, when the word fatah is used in
the Quran, it refers to a slave.
But in this particular case, fatah is that
he was in servitude to Musa alayhi salam
in such a level that he was literally
like a slave.
That's the denotation.
He was although a free person.
La abrahu.
I will not, I will never stop.
La abraha basically means that whatever state you
find me in, I will not change the
state of mine.
So, if we are traveling for this knowledge
and this person, then I will stay in
this state of travel.
Aw amdhiya la abrahu hatta until ablugha I
reach majma'a, the junction of Bahrain, the
two seas.
Let me show you.
So, the junction of two seas.
Where do you think this is?
Where do you think two seas meet?
I think the TV is shut down.
Do we need to just press the buttons?
Yeah, I am casting.
Okay, awesome.
That's fine.
You guys can see that, right?
Okay, awesome.
So, most of the scholars of tafsir, they
say majma'a al-Bahrain is either the
So, they refer to the two bahars here.
So, this is one bahar and this is
the second bahar.
And there are two seas that are connecting.
This is one.
The others, they say this junction.
Like, so over here.
This portion of the sea meeting that bigger
That's what they refer to.
But the most plausible.
So, bahar in Arabic language is something that
is surrounded by three places and it could
be open from one.
It could be completely open.
But if it's surrounded by completely or if
even one side is open, it's still be
considered bahar.
So, if you see the red sea, this
is still the sea.
The actual bahar that we're talking about is
over here.
These two.
And if you actually have been here, this
area, Tayyab al-Ism, this is where there's
a lot of remains of Musa alayhi salam
over there.
You find the valley.
A lot of reminiscences you'll find about Musa
alayhi salam's traditions.
And a lot of the biblical references also
allude to this place, Tayyab al-Ism.
The valley of Tayyab al-Ism.
It has a different name.
I forgot the name that it has in
biblical references.
But all of this.
Now, interestingly, this is something very interesting for
a lot of people.
So, when Musa alayhi salam, he crossed from
Egypt, he would cross over where?
So, when we say that Musa alayhi salam,
during the time of Fir'aun, he crossed.
Ya Allah.
Saint Catherine in Egypt?
You learn weird, interesting things.
So, when Musa alayhi salam, he was here.
Now, he's here with, what's his name?
So, he escapes from Fir'aun and he
crosses over the desert.
Sayyidina, he crosses over the desert.
Obviously, he's not going to go back into
the land of Fir'aun.
He's going to go somewhere else.
Now, if you come and actually go to
these areas, you're actually going to find something
really interesting.
That the Arabs, this mountain, Jabal Lowz, we've
been there with our family and stuff.
Jabal Lowz is well documented within the Arab
People in Arabia, they call Jabal Lowz, Jabal
If you ask anybody in the desert, they
don't call it Jabal Lowz.
They call it Jabal Musa.
And actually, next to this Jabal Musa, there's
actually an entire documentary where they found the
stone that split into the four, the twelve,
All of that, you don't find anything in
Mount Sinai.
The current day Mount Sinai.
You find everything in this area about that.
So, Musa Alayhi Salaam, he is traveling with
Yusha Ibn Nun.
And obviously, he is around the coastal areas.
So, you have to remember this part while
we go through this.
And Majma' Al-Bahrain is over here where
the two seas are meeting.
There is some research that there's a place
called Ra'as Muhammad.
Now, whenever the Arabs, they say Ra'as,
they refer to these things.
You see Ra'as Hamad, which means the
Which is basically a port, like a head
popping out of the land.
So, there's a place called Ra'as Muhammad,
which is well documented.
That's where, right here, Ra'as Muhammad.
This is where they believe that this actually
took place, the entire thing.
Okay, let's go back to, how do I
stop this?
So, وَإِذْ قَالَ مُوسَٰئِ فَتَاحُ When Musa Alayhi
Salaam, he said to his fatah, Yusha Ibn
Nun, لَا أَبْرَحُ, I will not change the
state حَتَّى Until أَبْلُغَ, I reach مَجْمَعَ الْبَحْرَينِ
This junction of the two seas.
What was going to happen?
How would they know?
Because they don't have drones that they can
fly, and now see where the مَجْمَعَ الْبَحْرَينِ
is taking place.
Obviously, when you don't have that, how are
you going to know?
Prophet Musa Alayhi Salaam was told, that take
a fish with you.
And what is going to happen to this
fish, is wherever the مَجْمَعَ الْبَحْرَينِ is going
to happen, this fish is going to become
alive, and it will go into the sea.
That is مَجْمَعَ الْبَحْرَينِ That in itself, if
somebody believes, and we do as Muslims, then
if Dajjal comes and shows us some magic,
we're not going to feel awkward.
That's one of the reasons why this surah
is so powerful.
And then, what happens with the fish?
مَجْمَعَ الْبَحْرَينِ أَوْ أَمْضِيَ حُقُوبًا Or, I will
carry on my travels for حُقُوبًا Basically means
حُقُوبًا Minimum that can come here is three.
For plural, minimum three.
Which means one حُقُوب is 70 years, another
حُقُوب is 70 years, another حُقُوب is 7
So he's like, I will carry on travelling
for at least 210 years.
If I have to, until I get to
this place.
What happens?
فَلَمَّا مَلَغَ بَلَغَ مَجْمَعَ بَيْنِهِمَا So he reaches
the junction point that I told you about,
Ra's Muhammad.
What happened?
نَسِيَ حُوتَهُمَا They forgot about the fish.
Yusha ibn Nun's only task was that you're
going to keep an eye on the fish.
That's the only task that he had.
And he forgot.
The only task.
Over here, a lot of benefits.
First benefit that the ulema, they say, the
first benefit that we get over here is
that teenagers forget.
It's actually written.
That when you're young, you're distracted with, oh
my God, look at the, like when we
travel, oh wow, look at that.
So he got so distracted that his main
task that he was on with saying, keep
an eye on the fish because this fish
is going to jump out.
So he forgot.
He saw the event, but he forgot to
even tell.
I'm like, just think for a second with
This fish is dead.
And this thing is called hoot.
So either it's an actual piece of whale,
a small piece of whale, or as our
brothers and sisters in Tanzania, sorry, our brothers
and sisters in, why am I saying, North
African countries, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, these countries, Libya,
they call fish hoot.
Every fish is hoot.
What is in the tafsir books is this
was hoot mumallah.
It was salted fish, which is the tradition
of Egyptians till today.
So this salted fish that they were eating
somehow jumps out of the basket, goes into
the zee, and he forgets it completely.
You really think about it.
How distracted was he?
That a miracle happened in front of him.
He forgot to tell Musa.
Question for all of you.
If Musa, if Yusha ibn Nun, if he
forgot it, why use nasiyah?
Why use both of them forgot?
Why add Musa in the problem?
It was not Musa's problem.
He didn't forget it.
Yusha ibn Nun forgot it.
But then Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A
'la, He says, nasiyah, they both forgot.
I can't give you all answers.
Yeah, yeah, sure, sure, Shaytan made them forget.
But why is Allah adding Musa to this
It was his responsibility.
So if you are held, if you have
been given a responsibility, anybody who is subordinate
to you, their mistake is your mistake.
You will be held liable for that.
Somebody got it here?
Okay, Alhamdulillah.
Whoever got it there, good for you.
So it was the responsibility of Musa Alayhi
Salaam because he was the leader.
So if the mistake happened, it's also his
Nasiyahu ta'uma.
Fattakhada sabeelahu fil bahri saraba.
This hoot, this fish, it took a path
in the sea in a wondrous way, i
.e. it was not a normal path.
Number two, it was sabeel.
So it was a clear path.
It was not like a fish jumps in
and goes, disappears.
As the fish was traveling, the path was
absolutely clear in the sea.
It was parting its way into the sea.
Falamma jawaza.
When they crossed that moment of the junction,
Qala li fattahu, he turns to Yusha ibn
Nun, Atina ghada'ana, give us our food.
Laqad laqina min safarina hadha nasaba.
We have been really tired and in this
travel, we have been inflicted with an exhaustive
Or we've been exhausted.
So this also has really beautiful point that
some of the scholars have taken out.
That when we crossed, So see, up until
where Allah wanted them to be, they were
in a state of ibadah, trying to seek
this person.
But when they crossed that junction, that's when
they started becoming tired.
Similarly, when we go beyond that which Allah
has asked us to, then we ourselves inflict
our bodies with pain and we get tired
because Allah had never asked you for that.
I met a brother.
He had registered one of their kids in
a program that I was running.
And I think they only showed up like
four times.
They didn't bring their kid.
And I was like, I met him recently.
I was like, what happened?
He said, I got so busy with this.
And then this person and then her education
and his thing and all this.
I'm like, has Allah obligated us for all
of that?
And the answer is no.
Allah has obligated the parents to teach the
children their fara'id, fard'ayn.
Basic aqeedah, basic tahara, basic tasbih.
Beyond that, everything else is taqlufah.
It's additional headache that we have taken which
Allah has not asked us for.
If somebody wants to do it, perfect.
But if that comes in my way of
my ibadah, then it is something blameworthy.
So then Yusha'i bin Noon turns back
to him and he says, Qala ara'ayta
id awayna ila al-sakhra?
Do you remember when we stopped at that
big boulder and we were resting?
So he's like, yeah.
Fa inni naseetu al-hoot.
At that moment we were resting and I
forgot to tell you about the fish.
He's like, oh, and then he gives him
an excuse.
Wa ma ansanihu illa sh-shaytaan.
This is all shaytaan's fault.
We well know every time something happens when
we're young.
Maine ni kiya tha, shaytaan ne budha kala
It was not my fault, shaytaan made me
do it.
Again, that's human nature.
You think about it, like thousands of years
ago, a young boy is saying the same
It's not my fault, it's shaytaan who made
me do it.
It's a funny story.
A boy tells his father, he's like, honestly,
I did not want to take the car.
Wallahi baba, shaytaan told me to take the
keys and I took the car.
So the dad took off his belt and
took care of the king.
He's like, wallahi, I did not want to
hit you today.
But the shaytaan convinced me that I have
to beat you today.
So we can't blame shaytaan, we also have
some nafs.
But over here, he's giving an excuse.
An adhkurahu, I wanted to tell you, but
shaytaan made me forget this.
Wattakhatha sabeelahu fil bahri ajaba.
The only thing I remember is it took
a very, like when it jumped in the
water, it took a path.
Wattakhatha, the fish took sabeelahu, its path, fil
bahri, in the sea, ajaba, in a very
strange manner.
Qala thalika ma kunna nabgh.
This is exactly what we were looking for.
Fartadda ala atharihima qasasa.
So they travelled back, following their footsteps.
And where can you usually find your footsteps?
What type of terrain?
But not really close.
Somebody said sand?
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is
helping us.
Even Chromecast wants to help us.
So, on the sand, the footsteps were very
Yeah, that too.
But they didn't have snow.
Mud eventually comes back.
Depends on how thick the mud is.
Fartadda ala atharihima qasasa.
So they followed their footsteps back all the
What happens?
Fawajada abda min ibaadina.
This is where we need to pause and
I'll tell you the beautiful scene.
So now they come back.
And they find that where the fish took
its path, where the fish traveled, there is
no water.
And Musa alaihi salam, he finds that the
fish has led to a boulder.
That's one tafseer.
And the other tafseer is it was no
It was just right above the water.
There was no rock there.
It was just a path that was leading
to where Khadir alaihi salam was there.
Now in the hadith, in various hadith, there
are numerous things that are mentioned.
Number one, Khadir.
We also say Khidr.
But Khidr is not correct in Arabic.
It's Khadir.
Number two, Khadir comes from Khudra, which means
And the thing about him is whatever he
touches, wherever he steps his foot, it is
known about him that wherever he travels, that
place turns green, as we find in tafseer
Number three, he has a cloak that is
Because whatever he touches turns green.
So he has a cloak, and that cloak
is all green.
So the hadith mentions that, yes, what happens
if you shake his hand?
Only a teenager can think of that.
You don't turn into Groot.
That's a good comeback, right?
That's good, right?
Did you guys get the reference?
Who got the reference?
No, some people got it.
You got it.
You got it?
You got it?
This is Groot.
He got it right away.
So, fawajada abdan, he finds one of the
abd, a servant of Allah swt.
And the hadith mentions that Musa alaihi salam
And then, he sees him there.
So he goes up to him, and he
says what?
Assalamu alaikum.
So Khadir alaihi salam is wearing a cloak,
and he is literally, imagine me having this
cloak on top.
And then he's got his hand like this.
And he's not even looking at Musa alaihi
And then he opens his hands, and he
says the first thing.
Wafi ayi ardikumu salam.
Which parts of your land has peace?
You come and say salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah
to me.
He said, I am Musa.
He said, I know, Musa ibn Imran, Rasul
of Bani Israel.
Musa alaihi salam is like, ajeeb.
And then, he says to him, let's go.
Musa Alayhi Salaam, he says to him, that
I would like to seek knowledge from you.
Qala Musa, hal attabi'uka, Musa Alayhi Salaam
tells him, sorry, let me finish this.
Fawajada abdan, so this is how he finds
this abd Khadr Alayhi Salaam, min ibaadina from
our servants.
What was the specialty?
Aataynahu rahmatan, we had given him rahma.
Now this word rahma in the Qur'an
is generally translated as mercy and if it
is attached to a human being then nubuwwah,
Most of the time in the Qur'an,
if rahma is attached to a human being,
that Allah has given someone rahma, then it
is referring to nubuwwah, prophethood.
Aataynahu rahmatan, we had given him rahma, which
was the mercy of Allah SWT and the
Min indina, from our side, i.e. from
Allah SWT.
Wa'allamnahu min ladunna ilmah, and he had
knowledge that was directly from me.
Not through Wahi.
His knowledge is direct knowledge that was given
to him.
How do we know that?
We know that because that was the same
knowledge that was given to Adam AS without
any messengers, without any malaika because the malaika
did not have that knowledge.
So Allah SWT can provide that knowledge and
that is the same knowledge that the baby
is born with.
For example, who teaches the baby how to
He didn't go and take a course.
He knows.
She knows right away.
So that is knowledge from Allah SWT.
But in this particular case, this is not
any knowledge.
This is prophethood.
Now, we have to understand this part because
this is really confusing for people.
So there is some knowledge that comes to
a human being as a Wahi through Prophet
SAW or all the prophets that came before
him through a messenger and they come with
They come with obvious rules of engagement that
Allah has allowed and not allowed for our
physical world.
But Allah also has rules of how the
metaphysical world operates.
Allah has the sunnah, how He operates that.
And in that realm, He has various messengers.
Some are malaika.
And He happened to be one of those
from the realm that is not physical to
So you're going to notice that He will
do things that in our Sharia or any
Sharia, it's not possible for someone to do
But you'll understand where we're going.
Now, what happens?
Musa AS meets him.
Shall I follow you on this condition?
All I want is you teach me from
that guidance that you have been given.
There's a difference between rushd and rashada.
Rashada is a guidance of how to live
as a human being, not necessarily Sharia-oriented.
It's more about like how to drink, not
to burn your mouth when you're drinking coffee.
All of that knowledge is rushd.
Rushd is the knowledge of values, morals, morality,
and how not to lie.
And all of that is rushd.
So he's asking spiritual knowledge, some element of
spiritual knowledge from him.
You will not be capable of having patience
with me.
And how are you going to have any
How are you going to have knowledge about
that affair that your brain cannot even encompass?
Tuhid over here, and the word over here
is beautiful.
He's saying, listen, you will not be able
to have patience.
And the word tuhid actually means realm.
That my knowledge is not from this realm.
You cannot understand this knowledge.
Because I operate in a different realm, and
you don't have ihata of this realm.
You don't understand my realm.
The imagery is that your knowledge, khabar, any
knowledge that is coming to you, you are
in one ihata, you are in one circle.
You are not in the circle that I'm
My knowledge and the realm through which, the
circle through which I get my knowledge, you
don't even, you're not from there.
You're not going to get it.
So he says, You're going to find me
very patient.
Don't worry, inshallah, sabira, I will be very
And I will not disobey you.
Yeah, yeah.
He was either on the rock or he
was above the sea, levitating.
He's still stuck there.
It's like levitating, wasn't he levitating?
How is he without a rock?
Qala satajiduni inshallah sabira, inshallah you're going to
find me patient.
You'll find me patient.
And wala aasi laka amra, and I will
not disobey you.
It's really interesting, you're getting all the interesting
Qala fa inittaba'tani, so he says, Fine, the
only condition that we have, our rules of
engagement is, If you were to follow me,
Fa inittaba'tani, If you follow me, Fala tas
'alni an shay, Don't ask me about anything
that you see.
Until I say something to you about that
Or I clarify something for you.
I'm going to do things.
You're going to see things.
Don't ask.
Fan talaqa, So they travelled.
The word in talaqa basically means, To traverse.
Or to depart from that point where they
So that's where I was going to come
Fan talaqa means, The two of them departed.
So Yusha ibn Nun, Is still by the
By that boulder where the fish has taken
a weird path.
Now, where do you think they would go?
Hatta rakiba fissafina, Until they climbed on a
Rakiba fissafina.
There was no safinas there.
There was no harbour there.
It was just him.
Fan talaqa, they travelled.
Where did they go?
So they traversed the sea.
That in itself, Wherever the path was, Wherever
the fish travelled, That led them to a
path, Until they got to a ship.
Because we know that, That swim, It didn't
happen that the fish went, And then it
stopped right at, It kept swimming.
So wherever that path was, They followed that.
Wherever he, Musa alayhi salam, Came to meet
him on that path, The dry land the
fish had left, Fan talaqa, from that point,
So i.e. from the junction, They carried
on the path.
It's understood here.
Until they got to a ship.
Rakiba hatta idha rakiba fissafina.
Until they got onto the ship.
Was the ship empty, Or with people?
There were people.
Remember this point, When we read the next
Hatta rakiba fissafina, Kharaqaha What did he do?
He got on, And he made a hole
onto the ship.
Or onto that ship.
Qala Musa alayhi salam says, A kharaqtaha You
have, Placed a hole?
Li tughriqa ahlaha You want people to drown?
People of the ship to drown?
Laqad ji'ta shay'an imra You've done a
terrible thing.
Question for you all.
Why did only Musa alayhi salam, Complain?
I mean imagine.
Think about it.
I just want you to imagine this.
Kharaq is generally, To poke a hole in
a wood.
Generally the Arabic language, Kharaq basically means, To
poke a hole, In a piece of wood.
So it's a ship, That's made out of
Now obviously, It doesn't happen that, You just
automatically make a hole.
He didn't have like a super, Blaster gun.
Done in one second.
None of that.
So to poke a hole, On a piece
of wood.
If you've ever travelled on those ships, That
are made of wood.
Those woods are pretty dry, Clean dried wood.
It requires a lot of effort.
Nobody around noticed it.
Except Musa alayhi salam.
Everybody's like, Oh look at this guy, He's
poking a hole in the ship.
Very good guy.
Everybody's okay with it, Except Musa alayhi salam.
How come?
Yeah why?
Musa is saying, And imagine, These are poor
people, We know.
And how does that help?
Somebody that you know, You're like, yeah mashallah,
We know he's going to put a hole
in there.
You have less affinity, You're like, how dare
They could not see them.
They could not hear them.
They could not see them, They could not
hear them.
And that's what, If you read some of
the, Not the classic tafseers, But if you
read the modern day tafseers, That have been
That, And we all believe in these things,
By the way.
We all believe in these things.
Where you are hidden.
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, With Abu Bakr
in the ghar.
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, 40 people, They're
all waiting to see Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
They're all waiting to see Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam.
He walks right, They don't see the footsteps,
He walks right by them.
At least the smell, Rasulullah we all know
was so fragrant, That if he walked in
a street, You would smell, That street would
smell, It would have the scent of Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for days.
So what happened?
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la can,
That's the miracle here.
That we don't never think about.
The miracle is that, I mean like imagine,
You're on a ship, Everybody's there, And he's
like, Listen, you're going to drown the people.
The people did not see.
And how do we know that?
Because he tells them, Look, I operate in
a different realm.
You operate in a different realm.
And that's why that is, That wording is
so important.
You don't exist in that, Basically means like,
You're not in that surrounding circle.
My circle is different.
Your circle is different.
I'm going to allow you to be in
my circle.
And I'll do things the way I want
to do.
Similarly when Dajjal is going to come, He's
going to test us with these things.
This cup is annoying me, Because I keep
playing with it.
I need this cup gone.
Otherwise I'll just keep on playing.
I need something to hold.
Look at that.
He's laughing.
So this is what is happening.
They are operating in a different realm.
But then you may say, Okay, that was
Rasulullah ﷺ.
Has it happened to others?
Yes, it has happened to Sahaba.
It has happened to Sahaba.
It has happened to Sahaba.
And it has happened to one of the
persons Who ran, One of the leaders of
Where Allah ﷻ On the battle of Badr,
He made a dua against him.
Oh Allah!
Oh Allah!
A point on him, A dog from your
So this person, he heard this dua From
Rasulullah ﷺ, he got so scared.
He was with the Muslims.
So what he would say, whenever he would
travel With the Muslims, he would say, listen,
I will sleep right in the middle.
Not on the edges.
So if any animal comes by the time
They get to me, I am safe.
There were wounded people in that battle And
he got All of those prisoners And he
sat right in the, Like he slept in
the middle To make sure that if there
is any lion Or dog that is going
to come and eat The wounded people and
the blood is fresh They are going to
go after them first.
The lion comes.
It was a leopard, An Arabian leopard Comes
and grabs him right from the middle.
And the Arabian leopard Did not smell any
other blood Of any other Muslim.
So our history is filled with these stories
that we have From the Sahaba and Tabe
'een I am not even talking about, let's
talk about in our day.
We have so many stories In our day
of similar things that have happened.
So they were in a different realm And
that is the only way this entire story
makes sense.
Qala Alam akul laka innaka lanta istatee'a
ma'iya sabra He reminds him, listen, you
are in a different realm.
You don't understand the Dynamics and the physics
of how this world Works.
You don't understand, you can't apply that.
So you will not understand and I told
you You are not going to be patient
about this.
Qala La tu'akhidni bima naseet Don't hold
me accountable for this.
Honestly, I have to go.
La tu'akhidni And don't Be hard on
Don't be Burdensome on me.
Min amri usra Don't make this difficult for
I really want to be with you.
Fanta laka So they both travelled.
Hatta lakiya ghulaman Until they met a boy.
Ghulam, a boy.
A boy anywhere between The age of 9
to 12.
Sorry, 9 to 14.
Faqatalahu He killed him.
Imagine You enter a city You meet this
boy And you just kill him.
And nobody around Has any issue with it.
How is that possible?
You kill somebody.
Laqiya ghulaman faqatalahu Qala qatalta nafsan zakiyatan Bighayri
nafs Musa alayhi salam says shari'ah He
says, in my shari'ah you can only
kill If he has killed.
You have killed somebody for You have spilled
blood for no other reason Bighayri nafsan He
has not done any harm.
How could you do that?
Laqad zji'ta shay'an nukra You have done
a horrible thing.
Ala alam aqul laka innaka lanta Astati amani
sabra Did I not tell you that You're
not going to have patience with me?
You will not be able to Travel along
with me patiently.
Qala insa'altuka an shay'in Ba'daha If
I ask you about anything after this moment
Falatu sahibni I give you permission Take me
out of this realm Leave me.
Leave my company.
Don't accompany me.
Qad balaghta milla dunni Uzra This uzr has
come to you This excuse has come to
you from me So That's the final So
what happens?
Fantalaqa They traveled Hatta idha ataya ahlaqariya Notice
the additional word over here Hatta until Ataya
They arrived They entered Ahlaqariya They met the
people now Ahlaqariya What did they do?
They asked for food Just like istasqa You
ask for water They asked for food They
both asked for food Ahlaha the people of
this Qariya So they said no We're not
going to be hospitable to you They were
very inhospitable people This time around It's a
physical thing that is happening He saw an
actual wall Fawajada fiha jidaran yuridu an yanqadda
This is interesting Allah SWT is saying He
sees a wall And that wall had the
desire to collapse Yuridu Arada yuridu is a
desire Now we're seeing the wall From a
different realm Every inanimate Object that we believe
is inanimate Has a reality We know this
because Rasulullah SAW hasa He had hasa, he
had pebbles in his hands In his hands
And Abu Bakr RA comes What did he
He said they're doing tasbih To Allah SWT
That they're in the most blessed hands They're
thanking Allah SWT Ali RA Was walking with
Rasulullah SAW after Fath Makkah And Rasulullah SAW
Sees that hajar And he says Inna hadhal
hajar kana yusallimu alai This stone Used to
send salam To me When I was not
a nabi So there is A realm and
a reality Of all of those things We
just The scientific way of inanimate That's not
true That's why Allah SWT Says Yusabbihu bihamdihi
Everything that came Into existence Just tasbih Yusabbihu
bihamdihi Walakin You don't understand Their tasbih That's
the problem So over here A wall Can
have irada Maybe not in our realm But
in their world Yes it can have an
irada The second meaning is It's high level
of imagery That it's like as if If
the wall had An irada It just wanted
to fall I.e. it was really close
to falling Yuridu an yanqada fa aqama So
he comes and he fixes the wall Qala
law shitta latakhasta Alihi ajra I mean we
needed food We don't have money You could
have asked for labour charges You fixed this
You should have told the guys Who you
fixed the wall for Give me the money
I'm going to fix the wall for you
for free No we could have taken the
money Ali radiallahu anhu He used
to say Mawdiani yabkiyani Inda firaqil mu'min Two
places On this earth They cry When a
believer leaves A place where he used to
pray Mawdi'u salatihi A place where he
used to pray And the spot in the
sky Where his recitation And the salah would
ascend In harmony with the angels That spot
where that recitation Would ascend to Allah That
spot also cries That no longer from this
spot Any recitation of this Individual is going
to ascend So
even The earth cries The point is the
earth also cries The spot in the sky
cries We just don't know this The sky
did not cry upon them These are all
Things that we know in the Quran And
if we have That level of belief Then
when Dajjal comes We should not have any
Don't try to test your If it happens
in our time We read tafsir Let's go
Dajjal And then Musa alaihi salam is there
And Khadir alaihi salam He says This is
the Departation point Between you and me I
will tell you The original Intended Intention of
my action The word ta'weel Comes from
awwal First Generally translated ta'weel I will
explain to you The purpose behind it But
when we say the word ta'weel Ta
'weel of the Quran It is that what
was the Original intended Meaning That's what ta
'weel is I will tell you
The ta'weel Of all of that That
you were not Capable of having patience We
will also talk about the next part Next
week This ayah has a very Close Maqam
in my heart Because this is the ayah
That my father-in-law Recited to me
When I got married We had the nikah
done We had momentary We had very few
moments With my wife to spend And she
had to go back to Pakistan And we
were at the airport And he met me
And he said So instead of He referred
to me He's like this is the firaq
Between you and her You guys are departing
But inshallah you guys will connect So this
is the first time I remember he read
this ayah And then he said I will
tell you the original Intended purpose of her
travel That you don't have a patience for
right now So he came to me and
he recited that to me And that was
the first time I read this ayah That
it got stuck in my head For the
first time Anyhow inshallah we'll cover the rest
part Because to understand What happens next Is
far more important So now you understand I'm
preparing you for what is to come So
inshallah Hopefully you guys are ready for that
next week Oh yeah Dhul Qarnayn is where
everything is going to go off Any questions
about this?
Or related to this?
So two other updates We will have two
more classes For this year And I believe
they're going to be closed So I think
Next Wednesday and the Wednesday after Those are
the only two classes we have left For
this year And then we shall Start back
whenever As long as you follow their Instagram
Or my Instagram And if you're not on
the Whatsapp group Brother Hanifa can add you
to the Whatsapp group There's a Whatsapp group
So that if there's any updates or if
there's any cancellation You can quickly know if
the class is happening inshallah Nobody else has
any questions We will end the du'a
inshallah BarakAllahu
feek Who's going to give Yusuf