Ahmad Saleem – Tafseer Surah Kahf – Deep Dive into Quranic Lessons #14

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The loss of the United States and the importance of destruction in the eyes of the Prophet have been highlighted as the loss of the United States and the need for a test to determine one's knowledge. A woman with a heart attack and a teacher to teach them is also mentioned. A strange incident involving a man named Jesus and a woman named He is also discussed, with some details given about his behavior and his goals.
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Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Bismillah ar-Rahman
ar-Raheem, Bismillah walhamdulillah, wa salatu wa salamu
ala rasoolillahi wa ba'd So Allah SWT, where
we left off from our last session, He
talks about a nation that were destroyed, وَتِلْكَ
الْقُرَىٰ، i.e. there were nations that were
destroyed أَهْلَكْنَاهُمْ We destroyed them لَمَّا ظَلَمُوا When
they transgressed, when they recognized what is wrong
And they said, it's okay, we're still going
to do it And that is a principle
of Allah SWT When a nation, irrespective of
who they are, They know what is right,
they know what is wrong And they choose
to transgress that Then destruction comes to them
inevitably It could be financial destruction, it could
be moral destruction It could be destruction for
both sides وَجَعَلْنَا لِمَهْلِكِهِمْ مَوْعِيدًا And Allah is
like, some is like, oh how come that
nation is not destroyed They have crossed a
lot of boundaries Allah is like, every nation
has a time Not now, not tomorrow, we
are not the ones who decide When which
nation is going to be destroyed Maybe in
our eyes, they must have qualified In our
eyes, with all the transgression that has happened
in the countries By certain countries to our
Muslim brothers and sisters We're like, oh, this
nation should be destroyed But I was like,
وَجَعَلْنَا لِمَهْلِكِهِمْ مَوْعِيدًا Every nation, their destruction has
a set appointed time وَإِذْ قَالَ Then Allah
SWT starts off and He says And this
is where the story of Musa AS begins
So a preamble to what the discussion has
been before Which is that there were, how
many questions asked to Prophet SAW?
Three What were the three questions?
Ashabul Kahf Ruh Dhul Qarnayn Was Musa AS
No Then why tell the story of Musa
That was not one of the questions You
For sure, but why Musa AS story?
Beautiful So since they were testing Rasulullah SAW
Allah SWT brought a story of their own
Prophet Musa AS, who did not know?
So you come and test my Nabi Let
me tell you about a story of your
Nabi when he didn't know something But don't
test Prophet SAW This story was not with
them They don't have the recollection of this
story in their books So this is like,
hey, you know, when this happened with Musa
AS Now the story, as it is mentioned
in Hadith books Bukhari, Muslim, and various other
Hadith books The collection of all of that
that we find in the Hadith books Abu
Ubaidah is the one who narrates most of
that Is that Musa AS was giving a
Khutbah once After the Khutbah ended, a person
came to Musa AS And the person said,
Ya Nabi Allah, Ya Kaleem Allah, Ya Rasulullah
O, the one who has spoken with Allah
O, Rasul of Allah O, Prophet of Allah
Who is the most knowledgeable person on this
So what did Musa AS say?
Qala Ana I am the most knowledgeable person
I am Musa Ibn Imran The Prophet of
Bani Israel I am the most knowledgeable So
Allah SWT, He sent an angel to tell
Musa AS Why did you not return the
affair to me?
Why didn't you say Allah is the most
And then he sent Musa AS and he
said Inna li abdan I have a servant
that has more knowledge than you Go to
him and seek knowledge So Musa AS, as
soon as Allah tells him Sorry, Allah did
not tell him to go and seek knowledge
Allah SWT told him that I have a
servant who has more knowledge than you So
Musa AS, he gets up, packs up everything
And he says, we are going to go
find this person O Allah, where can I
find him?
Allah SWT says, you will find him at
Majma' al-Bahrain You will find him at
the junction of the two seas So you
find that Musa AS Despite being a Prophet
Despite being every question that he could ever
think of can be answered through Wahi He
picks up himself and says Seeking knowledge is
an essential part of even a Nabi So
he displayed the humility of a And humbleness
of a student of knowledge I mean if
anyone of us was in that shoes We
are like, man, I am sad I have
Wahi, Jibreel AS is coming to me I
don't need to seek any knowledge Alhamdulillah Can
you find out what is the opinion on
this thing?
You have direct access to the Divine Realm
And you are not just any Nabi You
are Kaleemullah, Allah talks to you You are
one of the only human beings that Allah
has had Kalam with And he says, if
there is somebody more knowledgeable, I will go
and seek I will go and seek knowledge
This is something so strange if you think
about it What happens to many of us
If we know a little bit this, little
bit that I studied here, did this, this,
Khalas Alhamdulillah, we know And then we become
passive about Ilm Because I am passive about
Ilm Just a couple of hours before coming
here A very good brother, friend of mine
47 years old, he passed away They gave
him two days Two days before he went
to the hospital And he said, I can't
breathe, something is up They are like, let's
do a test Oh my God, you have
got cancer all over your body Your lungs
are filling up with water We will drain
some of the lungs He got two days
to live Perfectly healthy person before that I
was on chat with him Literally I think
20-25 days ago I messaged him, I
said Omar, you know, you need to come
down to Atlanta And because he was one
of the pioneers Who established Jummahs in high
schools back in the day He decided to
go into public school system as a teacher
And I still remember John Fraser Secondary School
All other Jummahs, we were struggling Because there
was this massive We don't want this, we
want these people to assimilate But you know,
people wanted Jummahs And there was a lot
of pushback We could hardly get room We
could hardly get people to sponsor us Because
if you are a student High school, you
need a sponsor Teacher who is going to
be there the entire time While you are
doing that And it is very difficult Many
teachers don't want to sit They are like,
I need to go home I don't want
to do this And they are not being
paid for that So Omar, I remember in
those days In early 2000s Mid 2000s He
became the pioneer in establishing Jummah In John
Fraser School To the level that the entire
gym used to be filled with Jummah Kids
Then when I came back after my studies
He was the first person to meet me
Total random We were not intending to meet
We prayed Asr at a Masjid Rahman Center
He met me And he sat me down
And he said, look People are losing their
faith Whatever you do You are going to
be up against so many challenges Many of
the Masjids Many of the institutions Don't want
people that can do good work And I
have been burnt so many times But no
matter how many times I get burnt I
don't leave the community I give every time
that I can He used to run classes
He wouldn't take a single dine He would
run classes on Fridays and Saturdays In Masjids
Same Masjid that would kick him off the
Minbar Because he said something That they did
not want him to hear And then six
months later They would come back and say
Oh, pressure has mounted We have nobody who
can help our youth And then he would
be back So he told me Whatever happens,
don't back down And I was just like
coming back I'm like, no They're not going
to do that to me And then his
Every single word of his was true Because
if you're beneficial to the community The people
who are guarding and safeguarding Those centers They
don't want that Because education leads to questioning
And they don't want a community that questions
SubhanAllah Anyhow May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
Have maghfirah for him And in hindsight His
pain was only a couple of days Of
extreme pain And Allah gave him the opportunity
To repent And he never told anyone of
us Until like today at I think I
got to know about it At 11 o
'clock That he's super sick And then like
I was trying to take a nap And
my mom called me And said he passed
away I'm like, what?
I just heard the news that he's sick
At 11 o'clock He's like, yeah, he
passed away But that is the reality of
My life and your life As I was
talking to brother Asad I was talking to
At the back And a few Like We
all have a deadline That deadline is coming
In his case He got to know about
the deadline early In many cases You will
not know about your deadline He never thought
He had plans He was going to go
for Umrah in December Tickets booked He's ready
Allah has different plans But the reality is
that That deadline of hours Can come any
minute And the The thing that really matters
Is in the last two days What did
he occupy his time with?
Was he busy with Things that we are
busy with?
Or Because the The visceral nature of his
deadline That it's just a couple of days
Made him drop Everything that was not necessary
He's like, you know what?
It's not worth it It's not worth it
Because it's not going to go with me
To the grave Right?
Many of the Masha'ikh They used to
say That Take an account Of What In
your day That you did That will go
with you to the grave What is it
that you did?
And if we honestly Take an account All
of us included Maybe an hour a day
If you add all the salawat And the
quick sunnahs That we might do If we
do And on top of that Maybe one
or two du'as here and there Maybe
some lecture here and there Like maybe max
two hours Of our days is dedicated towards
this The rest of the 22 hours Is
of no use May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta
'ala Grant him maghfirah And higher status Insha
'Allah And seeking knowledge Is the most important
Highest Loftiest Action the person can get involved
in That is why if you look at
any of the Tazkiyah books You look at
Imam Ghazali's Arba'een The 40 Principles of
Life You look at Minhaj Al-Abideen You
look at Minhaj Al-Qasideen You look at
Al-Nurayn Fi Al-Darayn All of these
books that relate to My tazkiyah of the
nafs They all begin with If you look
at hadith books Babul Ilm The chapter of
knowledge Because without ilm Without knowledge My ibadah,
your ibadah And a person who has no
knowledge And a person who has knowledge The
ibadah can't be the same It cannot Ilm
is what differentiates An abid And that's why
the ulama they used to say That ilm
is over ibadah You have to do your
obligatory But if a person has an opportunity
To pray two rakahs of nafil Or to
seek knowledge that is Obligatory on him Then
seeking that knowledge matters Seeking that knowledge matters
And sad reality is That obligatory knowledge Is
not being offered Anyone It's not being offered
As a matter of fact like Another friend
of mine who is a sheikh Sheikh Sami
and he wrote a I mean you can
look it up on instagram His name is
The Usuli That's his channel And he wrote
something beautiful He said look at all of
our masjids Look at all of our centers
Everything that is being offered in North America
Sunday schools We don't have a concept of
Sunday school Sunday school is a Christian thing
We just took that concept at wholesale And
every masjid says We are going to create
a Sunday school Then what's after that?
Hifz Hifz is fard kifaya As a matter
of fact Hifz was not recommended For awam
Ever A layman was not told you should
go and memorize Because he doesn't live Like
a scholar He has not gone through the
training of being a scholar So he would
desecrate the maqam of the Quran He would
not know how to behave Having Quran in
his heart But today everyone is like In
this business of pumping hufaz Fard kifaya What's
fard ayn?
Those hufaz don't know How to make wudu
And this is the situation we had Like
those kids Lining up to lead taraweeh Going
to the bathroom in socks And coming back
in the musalla Standing right next to I
just saw you with these socks in the
bathroom You can't be here Nobody told us
Ajeeb So