Ahmad Kutty – The Message Of Jesus

Ahmad Kutty
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AI: Summary ©

The importance of Islam is highlighted, with a focus on Jesus' message and mission to bring everyone back to their religion. The importance of the law of Moses and the law of Moses in bringing everyone back is also discussed. Prayer for peace and sharing good news and helping others are emphasized. The segment emphasizes the need for people to be aware of prayer and encourage others to be more aware of their actions.

AI: Summary ©

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			Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest
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			Allah is the Greatest, Allah is
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			the Greatest I bear witness that there is
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			no god but Allah I bear witness that
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			there is no god but Allah I
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			bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of
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			Allah I bear witness that Muhammad is the
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			Messenger of Allah Come to
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			prayer, come to prayer
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			Come to success, come
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			to success Allah
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			is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest There
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			is no god but Allah Brothers
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			and sisters, first of all our praises to
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			Allah He describes himself as the one who
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			has no consort or offspring He has no
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			partner in his sovereignty He created everything, so
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			glorify him Proclaim his incomparable essence, names and
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			attributes I praise Allah, I thank him for
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			his countless blessings Thank you Allah, you created
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			us, you provided for us You guided us
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			to the straight path and you kept us
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			well With sound health, family, peace and security
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			in this country I bear witness there is
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			none worthy of worship but Allah I also
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			bear witness that Rasulullah is the servant and
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			final messenger of Allah Through whom Allah has
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			completed this chain of prophecy So let us
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			continue to send salutations and peace on all
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			the chosen messengers of Allah And the final
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			one, Rasulullah and his family and companions And
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			all those who strive hard to walk in
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			their footsteps And may Allah honour me and
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			you to be included among them Arabs say,
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			there is a topic for every context for
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			every time This is the time people speak
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			about Jesus I want to take a different
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			route today Instead of talking about Christmas, I
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			would like to ask What is the message
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			that we can learn from the mission of
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			Because this is very very important It is
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			important for us to know that Rasulullah s
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			.a.w. is not He is not an
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			isolated, he is an innovator in religion He
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			describes his position with the messengers before him
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			By giving us an example of a building,
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			a mansion somebody built Every brick is there
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			except one brick in one corner So people
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			go around this mansion And they say it
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			is all wonderful, it is beautiful Except this
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			brick should be filled When it is filled,
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			it is complete So I am that brick
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			with which Allah completed this mansion This construction,
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			this cart referring to the prophecy The chain,
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			the prophets that came From the beginning of
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			Adam s.a.w. until him Series of
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			messengers, many of them are mentioned And many
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			are not mentioned And each messenger is representing
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			a dimension of the truth And the messenger
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			of Allah came to complete it all With
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			a Jami'ah His mission comprises the mission
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			of all the prophets before him So one
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			way of looking at it, as Imam Shah
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			Waliullah said He combines in his Sharia, in
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			his message The law of Moses and the
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			way of Jesus peace be upon him What
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			is the law of Moses?
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			Of course to understand the mission of Isa
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			a.s. We need to place him in
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			the context of those Pharisees and Sadducees Who
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			went to extremes in legalism and ritualism They
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			practiced religion as simple rituals and dogmas And
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			they did not follow the soul The heart
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			of religion So Isa a.s. comes to
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			bring the soul back into the religion Back
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			into the law Isa a.s. reminded and
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			he reminds us Don't be obsessed with the
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			outward form of religion This form of it
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			When they talk about Salah All of the
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			books you learn about Salah It's all about
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			the form of Salah How high you raise
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			your hand Where you place your hand Where
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			you make Sujood Where you look As if
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			this is the Salah This is the outward
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			form of Salah So who is teaching the
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			soul of Salah?
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			Allah said in the Quran Successful indeed are
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			the believers Who are attentive Who are mindful
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			Who are focused Whose mind and heart is
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			communing with Allah So who started teaching that?
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			You don't find it in the faker books
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			It is in the works of Tasawwuf Unfortunately
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			we said Tasawwuf is all Bid'ah Of
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			course Tasawwuf is Bid'ah If you mean
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			by that the cultic form of Tasawwuf But
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			the genuine Tasawwuf is the heart of religion
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			Without it, it becomes shell Outward shell is
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			body without a soul So Isa came to
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			put back the spirit Into the law of
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			Moses So that the law should be applied
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			By focusing We must prioritize So today the
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			lesson for me and you We have a
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			lesson from the message and the mission of
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			Jesus What is that?
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			Of course you read How he faced those
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			Pharisees and Sadducees How he said you are
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			hypocrites Because you are obsessed with the form
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			And you forget the justice and the compassion
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			and the mercy Which is the heart of
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			the law Somebody asked him what is the
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			greatest commandment?
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			Greatest commandment in religion Is that you must
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			love your creator Allah And the next thing
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			is you should love his creation Love your
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			neighbor as you would love yourself And he
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			said to them You forget that You are
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			obsessed With all the nitty-gritty details of
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			the law But you are free, you have
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			no compassion for the poor For the weak,
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			for the vulnerable You oppress, you commit injustice
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			This is not religion that Allah wants us
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			to practice Now Muslims Also Isa if he
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			were to come today He would proclaim the
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			same message to us But it's already implied
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			in the Of the mission of Rasulullah Because
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			he has the law of Moses And the
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			way of Jesus So it is time for
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			us When Allah says in the Quran You
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			read the gospel Teachings of Jesus This is
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			encapsulated here Don't you look at the one
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			who denies religion While he is proclaiming that
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			he is religious He is the one who
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			denies it Even though he claims to be
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			religious And of course the word Deen Very
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			very subtle This is the beauty of the
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			Arabic language One word has different dimensions of
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			meaning in it Deny religion And the other
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			meaning is accountability Standing before the Lord for
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			judgment For the final reckoning So those who
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			practice aggression And tyrannize people They are denying
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			the religion Because you will stand before the
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			Lord of the worlds And you will be
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			accountable How you deal We made each one
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			of you A fitna for the other A
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			test for the other The way you treat
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			me The way I treat you Is what
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			Allah will The way Allah will treat me
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			So the way they treat the Palestinians The
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			people of Gaza Even though they claim to
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			be religious They are not religious They repulse
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			the orphans Drive them away Orphans are killed
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			Incinerated People are starving to death They are
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			dying They don't encourage the feeding of the
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			poor The hungry Woe to those who practice
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			worship But they are unmindful They have no
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			mind They have no khushu There is no
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			concentration They don't understand the meaning The meaning
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			of prayer How do you know?
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			The evidence is there They refuse even the
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			smallest acts of kindness Don't neglect
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			even the smallest acts of kindness Even
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			if it is a simple act Of appearing
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			with a pleasant face When you appear before
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			people Smile It's the least charity that you
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			can It doesn't cost you much And the
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			Prophet said You cannot help anyone At least
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			say a kind word And then the Prophet
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			Tells us How do we organize our day?
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			Every day Every day the sun rises, shines
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			in the sky We owe charity And he
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			said Saying subhanallah is charity Alhamdulillah is charity
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			Giving water Guiding someone who is blind Or
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			someone who is stranded Is charity Helping someone
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			to produce something good Is charity To pour
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			water from your jug To someone who has
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			no water is charity To feed the hungry
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			is charity And the Prophet said Everything Even
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			lift someone who is stranded Or somebody struggling
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			to lift a luggage Give him a hand
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			That is charity So the Prophet Repeated Exactly
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			the same Principles and teachings of Jesus Peace
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			be upon him Today we need to come
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			back to the soul of religion Because Muslims
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			Are more legalistic Literalistic And ritualistic Just like
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			the Pharisees and Sadducees All of us It
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			is time for us To come back to
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			the soul of religion Of course Jesus Is
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			a mighty messenger of Allah Peace be upon
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			him Jesus is like Adam If you want
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			to look at the creation How Jesus peace
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			be upon him His example is like that
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			of Adam Allah created him without a father
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			Or mother In the case of Adam And
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			in the case of Jesus peace be upon
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			him He was created from a mother But
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			he has no father Allah doesn't have a
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			consort Allah doesn't have an offspring He is
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			incomparable He is the absolute So Back to
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			the message of Jesus peace be upon him
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			And the message is Don't be obsessed with
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			the outward forms Develop that compassion Develop that
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			spirit of mercy Kindness Love for others Love
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			for the other What you would love for
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			yourself Let
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			me sum up Some lessons from the message
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			of Jesus peace be upon him That you
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			and I can practice Number one Develop that
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			sincere intention Whatever we do Let it be
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			for the love of Allah peace be upon
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			him And number two Love for others Love
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			Allah peace be upon him Because You are
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			All the blessings you and I enjoy Are
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			from him He can take them away anytime
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			So love Allah peace be upon him Unconditionally
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			And number three is Love your neighbor Love
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			the creation of Allah And enhance the quality
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			of life For yourself and others And finally
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			Let us pray to Allah peace be upon
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			him To purge our hearts From hypocrisy Show
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			off, ostentation Doing things When people are seeing,
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			looking at you And Refusing You know we
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			should have Each one of us should have
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			a secret Between us and Allah peace be
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			upon him Our wife should not know about
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			it So slip out of your bed When
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			your wife is sleeping And spend some time
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			Communing with Allah peace be upon him Or
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			take out charity Or Come out of your
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			house like many Forty years This saintly person
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			He would take his lunch His wife would
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			give him lunch And he would take it
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			with him On the way he gives to
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			the poor And he comes home for the
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			dinner And his wife doesn't know he is
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			fasting Forty years he did that This is
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			how We develop that Sincerity There are many
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			other ways So help someone Secretly Not No
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			single human being should know That should be
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			a secret between you and Allah So ask
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			yourself What is that secret between me and
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			my lord I am doing this Simply for
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			the love of Allah Zaynul Abidin radiallahu anhu
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			The great grandson of Rasulallah He was providing
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			Parcels Secretly At the night For hundred families
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			in Medina And nobody knew where these parcels
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			are coming But they stopped coming When he
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			died Then they knew That parcels are coming
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			from Zaynul Abidin radiallahu anhu So these are
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			the examples we have So let us follow
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			These examples of the pious To develop that
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			sincerity I pray to Allah subhanahu wa ta
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			'ala May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Come
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			to the aid of the oppressed Our brothers
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			in Palestine In Gaza In Yemen In all
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			over the world In Sudan In Myanmar In
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			Kashmir Let us remember all of them And
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			may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Come to
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			the aid of the oppressed Allahumma irina fihi
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			maja'iba qudratik Ya azizu wa jabbaru ya
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			muntaqim Allah is the avenger So He will
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			deal justly With the oppressed in his own
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			time And that's why We saw the evidence
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			of it As Syria is liberated And inshallah
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			Palestine will be liberated In its own time
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			Let us pray to Allah subhanahu wa ta
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			'ala And let us pray that those who
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			are suffering From oppression and tyranny And injustice
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			all over the world Muslims or others May
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			Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Bring relief for
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			them May Allah be with them May Allah
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			comfort them May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
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			Turn their suffering into relief And source of
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			redemption for them Let us pray for those
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			who have passed away Allahumma fullil mu'mineena wal
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			mu'minat Wal muslimeena wal muslimat Allah ya'im
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			minhum wal anwat When I stand here With
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			so many bachelors In this community I ask
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			Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala May Allah guide
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			them To find righteous partners Allahumma arzuquhum azwajan
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			salihina Wa azwajan salihat Pray with me Allahumma
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			arzuquhum azwajan salihina Wa azwajan salihat Allahumma arzuquhum
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			azwajan salihina Wa azwajan salihat May Allah guide
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			them To find righteous partners Whether they are
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			brothers or sisters And for the brothers May
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			Allah guide them To find righteous wives And
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			for the sisters May Allah guide them To
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			find righteous husbands I say this And I
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			ask Allah forgiveness for you End the prayer