Ahmad Kutty – Merchant Foundation of Canada
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Alhamdulillah Allahu Allah calhanoglu Allah and yami kala
Lima while you can just see him Allah to Allah to Abdullah to
Hisar Allah Who Madonna Shah Karina radiomic rockabilly her wa
T Mahara. You know what I should do eyeshadow Lyra hidden lower
shadow no Mohammed Abu rasuluh
Allahumma salli wa salam ala was only Allah Allah He was for
Huberty woman wala whom will be hottie in Westerner be sunnah to
him whether Bedava to HUMIRA yo within a la Madonna window my bad
about Allah will see come when our CEO William B taco Allah,
Allah subhanho wa Taala horrific Kitabi Hill Majeed wala who was
Roger caminho Tulio Marty, Camilla Carla, Mona Shreya. What are hola
como some our level sobre la vida, la la quinta school. Brothers and
sisters. First of all, I Praise Almighty Allah for his countless
blessings. And may Allah Almighty inspire us to be always grateful
for his blessings, and to appreciate those blessings and use
them positively, for benefiting ourselves and others and building
a better community and country. In May Allah onerous to do that. I
bear witness there is none worthy of worship, but Allah subhanho wa
taala, the creator and sustainer and I also bear witness that
Rasulullah Salallahu Salam has been sent by Allah subhanho wa
Taala as the final messenger, he was certainly about war as a
messenger of mercy.
All of the teachings of the Prophet salallahu Salam, if we
were to really reflect on them,
they will help us to build ourselves, to have a positive
mindset to develop our full potential, as individuals, and as
a society as a community, so that we make the world a better place,
not only for ourselves, Muslims, but for all human beings and the
creatures, creation of Allah subhanho wa taala.
This is the beauty of Islam. Today, I want to talk about the
virtue or the great habit, the value of gratitude, a shocker.
Today, scientists after scientists, psychologists after
psychologists, those who are trying to build the character
achievement, they are reflecting they're bringing out the great
benefits of the trade, developing the habit of gratitude, how it
will affect individuals performance, producing individuals
who are happy and fulfilled, and who can contribute beneficially
for their own soul and happiness, also for the happiness of others.
Last one, our data already has, you know, it's trivial this and
translate this principle throughout His scripture. Wherever
you turn allies, reminding us of his countless blessings within
ourselves and outside in the horizons and in everything you
observe in nature.
Allah says Allah who are Harajuku member torium article,
it is God who took you out or the wombs of your mother brought you
how you knew nothing at that time, and then he gave you hearing and
sight and minds in order for you to give thanks to him.
And Allah says in one place, when in doubt, dunya amatola To su Ha,
Allah counts the many blessings, the rain coming down with mercy.
And Allah Allah says Allah Azza Rahmatullah. Look at the
reflection, the manifestation of the Divine Mercy and that rain
comes down and producing abundance, vegetation, colorful
Earth. Look at that. And look at that fruit, look at the flower.
Taste it
and look at the color of it. Look at the winds.
Look at the ocean. Look at the camel. Look at the expanse of the
earth. Look at the mighty mountains.
And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said every day you wake up to see
sunrise you
Are we to Allah subhanho wa taala, to give charity, to give thanks to
Allah subhanaw taala for the blessing that you enjoy, you know,
in a we are in a culture of materialism or individualism, and
we are automatically programmed to think and don't own what we don't
So we are conditioned. And this is a recipe for misery, as designed
this psychologist, keep on reminding us. The recipe for
misery is depression is you dwell on what you do not have.
The opposite the recipe of the prophets are louder tsunamis.
To dwell on the blessings to count, start your day, by counting
the blessings of Allah subhanho wa taala. And the Prophet taught us
how to do that image in the many things that the Prophet didn't
have. Most of the things you and I take for granted, the Messenger of
Mercy was deprived of them. And yet,
he is rolling. He's counting the many tremendous blessings of Allah
subhanho wa taala. As you open his eyes, he's thanking Allah for the
gift of life gift of Herod and the gift of remembers, and he's
telling in the last one over Tala, he's spending you know, minutes
after after Salat al Fajr as BANA Bana, thank you, Allah for this
wonderful day. Thank you Allah for the blessings. And he's
remembering, counting and dueling on the blessings after blessings
of Allah subhanho wa taala.
The Pro one we do that. And actually this is one of the reason
why Rasulullah sallallaahu Salam could achieve what many of the
greatest leaders of the world could not achieve, because he was
very successful. Because one of the recipie that he taught will
universes, start your day by counting the blessings of Allah
subhanaw taala the many of the things we may think it's simple,
we take for granted, like to be able to breathe that fresh air
You don't remember I'm reminded of a story this really happened. A 78
year old man collapsed, and he was taken to the hospital. And he was
sustained by oxygen.
And when he got better, the doctor gave a bill $500 for 24 hours of
the oxygen he used.
The man took the bill and started crying.
The doctor could not understand the doctor told him if it is too
much for you to pay at once. You can pay it in installments.
The man said no. I can pay cash.
I am crying because I use 24 hours oxygen from the hospital. I got a
bill of $500 Now imagine 78 years I have been given free oxygen by
Allah subhanaw taala if I were to pay my Lord for this, how much
will I be able to pay him? This is just one blessing of Allah
subhanaw taala. And you know, BBC reports that in Brazil,
in the Brazilian city of Manos
they have reached a break a breaking point, treating COVID
With Tim's reports of siever oxygen shortages and desperate
staff. And people are dying because they don't have oxygen.
And they're requesting everybody who have oxygen to make it
available for the hospital to say people from that immediately. This
is just one.
I am able to see. I'm able to breathe. I'm able to hear. I am
able to walk. I'm able to taste a morsel of food. I'm able to drink
a glass of water.
I was going through somebody took me to see UAE and we were
traveling from one city to the other. And during the course of
our journey we came across a town completely deserted.
So many pools dried up and no one houses deserted. I asked what's
happening what happened here. So this was a flourishing city lot of
water and water swimming pools, and people are making very much
all kinds of entertainment. But suddenly, Allah took the water,
the water sang, they could no trace it.
Imam Muhammad will humble.
learn this lesson from the Quran, Allah asking us,
if Allah takes away the water, and it goes deep into the earth, can
you bring it back?
And so if every time he is able to fill a glass of water, he was
heard saying Alhamdulillah and his son asked him that this is a
simple thing. Why are you saying Alhamdulillah
the gritty mom told his son, my son, didn't you hear read Allah
In US, bah, bah welcome older and familiarity could be by mine, if
Allah takes you of water away, and it goes deep into the ground, and
you cannot bring it back, who will bring it back to you? Who will
bring it so today, Istanbul is you know, up, you know, experiencing
shortage of water. And they say, the war is going to be waged not
because of oil, not for oil, but for water. So imaging, this
blessing that v you and I take for granted. All of them, you know,
when we are speaking how many times the heart is beating,
without any input from me. And look at the brain, the mystery,
the great miracle of the human brain, the sign this, so much
research is going on, on this, how the brain functions, how retain we
think, how we remember certain things, how we forget things,
great researches are going on all over the world, especially in
North America. This is a miracle of miracles. And there are so many
miracles like that. One I'm speaking now, how many there
there was a program and 60 in the United States.
They went to the nursing homes
who were the key
great people great achievements.
top scientists top doctors top these top that
but they are in a state they cannot even have teaspoon they
have to be fed. Somebody has to feed them.
This could be be this could be you. So develop the habit of
gratitude, and saying thanks to allow sponsor a saving grace.
In Islam,
we start everything by Bismillah.
Why do we do that? This is appreciating that blessing of
Allah subhanho wa Taala you cannot take that for granted. I'm able to
speak Bismillah
I write Bismillah
I analyze Bismillah
I eat Bismillah I drink Bismillah everything we do, we should say
that grace. And after having done that, we should be able to say
thank you Allah.
We have enough time for we are living in abundance. So start your
day and have a journal
to list the things that you need to tank a lot to be grateful for.
Today I am alive. Today I am healthy. Today I am able to work.
Today I am able to sit properly. Today I am able to eat today I am
able to drink a glass of water. I don't need help from anybody. So
list all of the things that you need to be grateful. You have
parents you have children, your grandchildren, you have great
friends, thank them. You know, Islam teaches us to turn not only
Allah subhanho wa Taala but to tag our doctor, the nurse, everyone
who helped us when you take that morsel of food, think of that
farmer when you eat their fruit, think of the man who planted the
Allah caused him to plant it. And Allah made his work, you know be a
fruit and because of that now you are able to eat that fruit
In this way we develop the habit of gratitude, saying, you know,
appreciating and doing all the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala.
Before you go to bed, count the blessings that you have. And also
think, whether you fail to appreciate, you know, the favor
that somebody bestowed on you, in glory, even if it is saying Jazak
Allahu Allah, may Allah reward you pray for that person.
Have a kind word to your wife, when she bring that food. Say
thank you. You know, so many of us think that I don't need to tell my
wife is her duty. No, no, no, no, give thanks to her. Are you better
than Rasulullah Salallahu Islam Rasulullah sallallahu? Well, I was
always appreciative of even the smallest favors that anyone lend
it to him. So this is the habit of the role model that we have. So
appreciate. And always, you know, one of the traits of the
believers. I was studying in McGill University,
the orientalist said, you know, one of the things that embarrassed
him about Islamic culture was, he has been to the hospitals, Muslim
hospitals, and this man is suffering is great pain. And you
ask him, How are you? He will smile and says Alhamdulillah
100. You know why? Even though he is suffering pain, he's still
alive. He can come back and say, he can redeem himself, he can ask
forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala. So that's one author says,
we're in Tao dunya Mata Allahu La sua. If you were to sit down and
count the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala you will never be
able to finish counting them.
And then, you know, two verses in Berlin, Santa Varun, Kufa, verily
man is ungrateful, and just an ungrateful and the same concept
and other praise. Allah wants to remind us is forgiving in nevoie
level, or for long Rahim. Even though you may forget, comeback,
because Allah is Forgiving, Allah is merciful. So this is the beauty
of this religion. And of course, ln Shakuntala, as even if you are
grateful, I will enhance the blessings for you. This is again,
one of the scientists who wrote a book about gratitude says,
actually he's giving us you know, a scientific way of explaining it.
He says Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions,
the more you express gratitude, for for what you have, the more
likely you will have even more to express gratitude for. So this is
a beautiful concept in Islam. And how do we do that? We have to
become a Ramadan official rival Lara, always standing Allah. Even
though we may have setback, even though we are sick, we should
because you know, we have enough other proceeds to thank for so
always, you know, the Prophet taught us on low ilium and who was
full of income, always look to those who are below you in worldly
status, in the comforts, because by conditioning yourself to think
those who are deprived, less than you what you have,
you will be
inspired to, to appreciate and to be grateful for the blessings of
Allah subhanaw taala in the Prophet taught us to say Bismillah
in the beginning, and hamdulillah Dan, and he also said who are
saying Subhan Allah will be handy he Yeah, 100 times a day, all of
his sins will be raised. Of course, if you're returning to
Allah subhanho wa Taala by appreciating His blessings, and
that's why level four Oh Rahim that God is even though you
forgot. So once you remember and appreciate, God will forgive you
Subhan Allah will be handy Subhan Allah halali these are this is the
last Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari so one Buhari says Rasulullah
Salallahu Salam said there are two words two phrases. They are very
light on the tongue heavy in this case of the Judgment Day, and
heavy baton era Rama dearest to the All Merciful Subhan Allah will
be handy Subhan Allah Allah the Glory be to Allah and praises to
Him. Saba grey Glory to Allah that tremendous the greatest
Yeah last one article inspire us to be always grateful for his
blessings and dwelling on the blessings and appreciate the
blessings and thank Allah subhanaw taala and tan those who have
benefited us in one way or another Akula COVID era there was talk for
a while you will