Ahmad Kutty – Islamic Legal Maximsepisode 03

Ahmad Kutty
AI: Summary ©
The importance of actions and intentions in worship is discussed, including the need for clear intentions and a strong will in worship. The negative consequences of actions that are not intended to be considered divorce, such as false accusations and confusion in court cases, are also highlighted. The speakers emphasize the need for people to be sober and avoid civilized divorce, and explain their reasons for the need for sober mindfulness.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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wa sallahu min Nana Mangu Kawana star a Luca Juana Stubblefield oke

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we're all going to we go on at our carova lake we also really want to

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sell them all so you can

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never use I mean why Allah Allah He was having he marine

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My dear brothers and sisters so it's my pleasure

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to welcome you to another episode in our series lessons on a wider

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hamster Cobra

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the grant five legal Maxim's and their applications.

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In today's episode, inshallah I will explain some more details

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regarding the first legal Maxim the most important legal maximum

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or more Wilma asset matters or judged by intentions.

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I will discuss first why is this kinda important?

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And what are the exceptions to the role

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and place of leisure anywhere that and we're just the bits and some

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subsidiary rules.

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In this way we can have a better picture that or we have this role

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it shows up.

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Why this car it up. If you look at this car ADA deeply

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it has a moral and spiritual dimension, it's not limited to

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legal damage.

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It helps us

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to make out to formulate intentions to think through our

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actions because our of our actions have cosmic significance. So

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a little more Wilma Cassidy Ha is trusting that we need to

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clear our mind we need to think through the actions as we perform

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them. So it really helps us to lead and examine life

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and to shake off heedlessness golf.

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Golfer is the trait of the Carter the animal who are acting by their

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instinct. They don't think to their actions, but as human beings

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we need to think before we act. So it helps us if we develop the

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habit of

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cultivating the intentional act, doing things intentionally. It

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helps us to develop willpower and mindfulness

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subsidiary rule which is an explanation of the same thing,

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further application exposition of which Lhasa in Lavinia there is no

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reward without intention.

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This is especially true of the acts of worship that we perform.

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We have mentioned it earlier. But let us go into little more detail.

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acts like a gospel

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This can be a rewarding an act of worship, if we have the NIA but if

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you were to beit or perform that ablution without the NIA is not an

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act of worship, the same way as salah, sia and fasting hunch.

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Everything more acts of worship.

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For their validity, we need to have that Nia or intention

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in other words, x for the acceptor must be done solely for the sake

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of Allah subhanho wa taala. We read in Quran verse eight Surah 18

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was one turn from Ankara Euro Juliet Cara behave for Yama,

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Ramadan Solly hon wala usually can vary by that you're a bit here

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Haida, so who are hopes to meet his Lord? Let him perform

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righteous deeds, and make no one a partner unto His Lordship unto

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Lord in worship.

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For Leila when Aon, one of the pious sages and saints of the

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regeneration said soundless, sallahu. Amara is dependent on two

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conditions are based on two pillars. Number one, the act we

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perform must be in the first place sanction should be allowed

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approved by allow smart water. And number two, we must do them with a

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sincere intention

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of pressing the last one over Tara otherwise, this virtuous deed is

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not acceptable.

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On the other hand, NIA if we have the NIA intention,

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every single permissible app that we do, can be rendered can be

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turned into an act of worship.

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Or sola SallAllahu sallam said, when you engage in that spousal

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relationship, intimacy with your spouse, with your wife, that's an

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act of worship.

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Because if you do it, to guard yourself to remain chaste,

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to be protected from sales, as an act of worship, even as if he were

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to go out and do engage in an extramarital affair, you will be

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punished the same way you will have a reward for that permissible

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app, once it is done, for the sake of protecting yourself.

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Likewise, Nia, when you have the need to resolve resolution resolve

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in our mind to do something good.

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But God forbid, we were prevented from doing so in spite of our best

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because of circumstances beyond our control,

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then we are rewarded, as if we have done it already.

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The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said, if someone intended by going

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to bed before going to bed, to wake up for tahajjud

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but because of that exertion, or tiredness, or oversleep, he could

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not wake up.

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And he will get the reward because he had that intention to do so.

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But he was prevented because of circumstances beyond his control.

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So Allah will reward him for that

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someone wanted to give charity,

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but he didn't have anything to give. So, you will be rewarded as

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if he has already given the charity. In one of his expeditions

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with this companions,

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the Prophet sallallaahu Salam was gathered with his companions, he

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addressed them and said, We have left behind us in Medina people

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there will be with us always wherever we went, and every single

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expedition and winter We undertook they were with us, but this time

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they could not make it because of the loss or valid excuses. So they

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already shared the reward of this expedition with us.

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Now, another point to consider is there is no accountability for

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words or actions that are not intentional.

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If somebody uttered the words of the was Carnac without any

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intention, just this word came out

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without intention, of course that will not be considered as a valid

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divorce. Likewise, if somebody extreme fit of anger

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driven by out of control and he is not aware of the words He's

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speaking and He said to laughter

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and and later on he regretted it that's not considered a valid

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tharok Simone liberal claim even with maybe another subset, because

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Allah Tala coffee Allah Tala is not valid. When the mind is

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blockage of mind when the and you cannot you don't think

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you are not aware of what you say. Thus Barataria says you know

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statements about that are not intentional. Allah says, now you

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are who the Comala who will never be free or Imani come, wherever

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you offer to come we mark cassava to Google comm Wallah over for ID.

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Allah will not call you to account for take you to task for all three

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you have uttered and intentionally but he will call you to account

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what what do you mean in your heart? God is the most forgiving

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and forbearing

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exceptions to the no role a little more Wilma Cassidy ha. You are

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matters are judged by intentions or reckon by intention. Exceptions

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is contracts that

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finalize what to believe or in writing.

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For instance, a sale or lease contract

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house sale house purchase. And you have articulated that in writing,

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or in words, and you signed it the document, you cannot say I didn't

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have the intention. So it's an exception, because these

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expressions as long as of course, one has to be in a sober state of

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mind in full possession of senses, and he is not endurace we have

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already mentioned that in the past in the previous session. So as

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long as that is not the case, any agreement we may make verbally or

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in writing.

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We cannot

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excuse also by saying, I didn't have the intention.

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But it's a different issue altogether, when the expression

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the words used, not explicitly indicating

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this is what can I.

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So it requires Lea.

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For example, if it says to be, this car is you worse,

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is the NIA that

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that makes that determines whether it was a sale or not. Because

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if the knee is to give it to him free, as a gift,

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it's not considered a sale, it's a hadiya. So the NEA make that

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distinction, whether it was a sale, or a gift.

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the person matters says to his wife, you are free.

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This is the NEA that decides whether it consider a divorce. If

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he says no one should be in a divorce, I meant to say that you

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are free to go home, you are free to visit your parents or whatever.

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So Nia makes the distinction. Crucial.

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Nia once again, is critical in deciding the cases like you know,

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some Sometimes people put out a jar to collect rainwater, and

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somebody came, and you know, you know, throw it out.

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If then his Nia was that he put it out to collect rainwater, and

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anyone who destroys that water who takes away or does everything to

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interfere with that water. He should be he's liable. They should

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If he if if it goes to the court, or if the person wants a

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compensation ed to compensate for you. Likewise, if a person pick up

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last articles, you're working and you found something, a wallet or

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something with money, and he picked it up, and his intention

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was to keep it in trust for that person. Whenever he arrives, he

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comes to crave it, he will surrender it to him. If the

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intention while he picked up the act was to give it to the rightful

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owner. Then suppose God forbid it is taller,

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or it is destroyed by fire is not liable.

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If on the other hand, a person picked it up. And he thought okay,

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now I can use it. It's mine. And the owner comes and ask for it is

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So they intentionally make that different distinction. Another

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subsidiary rule, whoever monostatic Russia Avila Awani

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Okay, Bobby arrow, Armani.

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Whoever has to get something before it's due time, it will be

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deprived of its benefit.

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An example is if God forbids a son kills his father to claim the

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inheritance, then then that son will be disqualified as your

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higher here, he will not be receiving any share from that

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inheritance when it's time to share. Cobble Awadhi Okay, Bobby

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Romani, he who over has allowed us to get something before it's due

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time, it would be deprived of its benefit as a penalty. So, these

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are some of the explanations. I hope it will be in this way this

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we have a better understanding of that gun legal Maxim or logo

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RubyMine. paucity. Inshallah, in the coming sessions, we will visit

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some of the other legal Maxim's Insha Allah, may Allah subhanho wa

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Taala help us to benefit from proper understanding

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In knowledge of religion to enhance our understanding and

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practice of it

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Cody Harada was the who it would have come was Salam o Alaikum

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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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