Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa W. Shaikh Ahmad Jan 1st, 2020
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The speaker welcomes listeners to a series on daily do-you-have-you and asks for help in achieving their desired blessings. They then ask the audience to share their favorite blessings and actions, including the ones they want to achieve. The speaker then asks for help in achieving their desired blessings and actions.
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Go ahead and shallot on SHA
Mr. Rahman Rahim
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Cejudo. Lumbee
are evil mousseline Muhammad in your early he was gonna be here to
My dear brothers and sisters, it's my pleasure once again to welcome
you to another series, another episode in our series on daily do
us to power your day. And today I have chosen a very short but
beautiful and profound dua which we can all read every day and it
will surely we are asking Allah subhanaw taala for three of the
most important blessings that we can ever achieve in this life.
We are asking the last one or what Allah to grant us beneficial
knowledge because knowledge can be beneficial or it can be harmful.
So we want Allah subhana wa Taala to inspire us to learn things that
are beneficial for us in this world and the next world. And
secondly, we are asking the last one our Tala for pure and
wholesome provision and sustenance.
You know, one of the great prerequisite of answer for our
devices that we earn the income through lawful and ethical waves
and race, we often forget this. So it's important for us to achieve a
source of income to obtain a source of income, that is ethical,
pure Harar and pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala and next thing is
we want our loved one or whatever to bless us in our four actions a
by that as well as the deeds that we do the live performance and
they can only be acceptable to Allah Spano Tala, if they fulfill
two conditions, number one is the action must be sanctioned by ALLAH
SubhanA wa Tala and approved by him and number two is that we
should embark on any action undertake any action with a pure
intention of serving last one. So may Allah bless us to read this
dua and I will read it three times as usual. Please join me in this
crypto inshallah we will bless you or us all of us sorry we just lost
the PowerPoint if you could just reshare it again inshallah.
Okay, so then I have to start the session No, no, no, no, just just
the reshare the PowerPoint and we can begin inshallah we're live now
so as soon as you shared I can put it up.
The introduction is not needed.
No, just just the PowerPoint just share the PowerPoint
alone we knew yourself Luca efia. What is country by Alma Mater
Allahu my Nia sir Luca Illman Afia what is country Eva Amara Motor
Club de la
Allahu mania sir Luca Illman. Mafia. What is country Abba, Amara
Mata Cabella wala I beseech you and beg you to grant me beneficial
knowledge, pure and wholesome provision of sustenance and
acceptable deeds. Some of the pious settlers used to add to the
bow. Another phrase were American theatre Attica villa, or Ameren
theatre article taweelah. The homerun theater article taweelah
and the blessed life devoted to your obedience. So we are asking
Allah subhana wa Tada for three of his great blessings, beneficial
knowledge, ethical and pure and wholesome provision and sustenance
and acceptable deeds, actions
that are pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala May Allah inspire
me a new to read this to our
man loves Walrath Allah bless us accept our prayers inshallah.
Hakuna holy Haida was Takuro Allah he will come, or Salam o Alaikum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh