Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa May 24th, 2021
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Allah Hamanaka Al hamdu. Kama Jambo Li
Li Jalali would he cover Olympus will tonic will also live on a
Sunday more or less a you're going to be you know Mohammed and Nabil
Amin while Ali was superior to marine. My dear brothers and
sisters, it's my honor to welcome you to another episode in our
daily cities of the worse and we are starting a new segment
reflections or meditations on a small host now the Beautiful Names
of Allah subhanaw taala all of us know there are 99 Names of God
Almighty. We have been told to reflect on them so we are going to
introduce this concept first, before engaging in meditation on
these beautiful names.
And last one what the law says in Surah 20 verse eight hola hula you
know how you lo lol a small Hustla Allah there is no God beside him.
To Him belongs the beautiful names
in Surah number seven, verse one atll says, When you lie a small
Hustla follow behalf while they're already in your head, don't be a
smart E. So use Oh nama con we are maroon And to Allah belong the
most beautiful names. So call him by them and leave those who abuses
names. They will be recruited or for what they do.
The Prophet salallahu Salam said, Of course prophet is the
interpreter of the Quran per excellence and we need to reflect
and meditate on the Quran by going through the to see
the explanation and the illustration of Rasulullah
sallallahu. So
the Prophet of Mercy said in Allah, et cetera what is you know,
Essman be attorney lower Hida Manasa. Hello, Jana. This is a
report in a hurry while other Decatur Allah has 99 names and
says 100 Except one minus one. So I didn't translate it because on
last 99 names is clear enough. Whoever retains or meditates upon
them will end up paradise. And that is why it's very, very
important for us
to ask the question, what do we mean by this? And that is why I
will introduce some concepts before going into meditations on
the specific names. Gods attribute attributes are not limited to 99.
Because you know why? Because God Himself defies enumeration is
Nobody can enumerate them, nobody can limit them.
So 99 names are given to us. That doesn't mean God has only 99
Human mind cannot comprehend God's nature.
Our minds, which is a creation of Allah subhanaw taala cannot
comprehend the Creator.
you build a car, the engine of the car cannot understand anything
about the creator, the maker of that car.
Human language has a limited function.
It is meant to describe the things that fall within our senses of
perception or sense experience. It's not created to describe God
Almighty, which is unknowable. So whatever we think or speak of God
is greater.
This is why we are saying Allahu Akbar, Allah is greater. Whatever
we think of, whatever we conceive of God is greater than that. So
God is beyond. So that is why being lost monitor helps us to
the greatest and the perfection of Allah subhanaw taala and fill our
hearts and mind with a true sense of awe and wonderment and
reverence for the creator of the world. The King of the Kings Akula
Korea harder was tougher Lolly walakum wa salaamu alaykum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh