Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa May 16th, 2021
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Hello, Mr. Vela here Rahmani Raheem, Allah Homolka Al
Hamdulillah Ania Mikela Lima or you could just Seema. We're also
live under salam ala Sayidina Muhammad in Nabil Amin wala Ali
wasabia. To Marine, my dear brothers and sisters, it's my
to welcome you to another episode in our series of doors to power
your day. And we are speaking about etiquettes of dua that will
do our very, very important for us to offer supplications to pray to
Allah subhanaw taala to make dua, but it's equally important for us
to observe those conditions, manners and proper etiquette are
that while Do you saw each other and today we are mentioning a
fourth point. Remember the earlier point the three points that we
mentioned earlier. And today another point is why praying to
Allah monitor while calling upon Allah while making dua. We need to
do so. With how fear
the wrath of Allah subhanaw taala and hope for the merciful last
This is the tour you know, feelings where we should have
always we should fear the wrath of Allah and we should hope for the
Mercy of Allah Swami.
This beautiful was in Surah number seven
for 1657 56. What does she do for Lalibela is right here. What do
homophone what the MA in the Rahmatullah arriba mirror machine,
denote so corruption spread corruption in the land, after it
has been set in order
and call upon Allah with hope and fear.
Indeed, Allah's Mercy is always close to those who do good because
we've persisted corruption and call upon Allah is not good. We
need to fear the wrath of Allah subhanaw taala and then if you
have been guilty, of course, we can hope for the Mercy of Allah
subhanaw taala when we call upon Him, seeking his repentance, and
of course then Allah reminds us that we should follow it up with
good deeds insha Allah
and Allah important etiquette to observe as persistence. Persistent
really, we shouldn't not just simply pray. Allah forgive me and
then stop it. No, continue continue. Continue to ask Allah
continue to petition Allah subhanaw taala don't give up your
Now yes, are you struggling loved Mara middleby As we know, Katya,
Iran, Milan Bay Stargell kala Yara Sol Allah ballistae JAR file a
call called the out of pocket doubt for a mirage yesterday glory
for your stash screw in the valley kava dal dua.
Allah will answer a servant's prayer as long as he does not pray
for something sinful, or suffering blood ties, and as long as he does
not rush
when the prophet's companions ask, What do you mean by Rashi? He said
it is for if somebody says I prayed and I prayed, yet I did not
get any answer. And then he gets upset and stops caring upon Allah
subhanaw taala. So we should not get upset, because as we mentioned
earlier, prayer is already answered Allah will answer it. So
continue to call upon Allah. Be consistent, be persistent in
offering wars. This is the important point for us to observe
a loss. Barna will help us inspire us motivate us to be always
turning to him, offering supplications begging us mercy and
forgiveness. Allies Indeed, our man and a Rahim afford holy hada
was tough for a lonely welcome was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi