Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa March 31st, 2021

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The host of a video series introduces a Quranic mission to be a burial worker for Islam. The series then explores a story of a doer of Prophet Master A, who was supposed to be killed by a creature from the culture. The host encourages viewers to practice the mission and fulfill conditions to avoid sin.
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Okay, Chef, inshallah Tada
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Allah Who medical hamdulillah yarmulke
la vie Bovada. You could just see ma will also live in Australia
more or less either Mohamed and maybe Levine while he was such a
big Marine.
My dear brothers and sisters, it's my pleasure once again to welcome
you to another episode in our daily series of Dwars.
Today we are choosing a Quranic dua to Allah number 31.
This is one of those doors from the great Prophet Musa A sinner
whose story has been repeated throughout the Quran in various
a loved one or whatever I repeat, never read the stories, not for
entertainment for us to learn the lessons and to practice them in
our life. Because even as Allah subhanho wa Taala nurtured and
took care of his messengers
and responded to the prayers, He will also do so if we cherish
faith in Allah Spano, Tala, and believe in the Revelation, and
emulate the beautiful examples of this perfect role models, the
messengers of Allah subhanho wa taala, because they were nurtured
by Allah, and protected by your loved one or what Allah mentored
by your last model. Here is the story, a doer of Prophet Musa A
Salam, as he grew up in the household of Pharaoh, and became
an adult person, he walked into the street, and he sees great
injustice, the oppression there, his own people, the children of
Israel, oppressed by the tyrants, Pharaoh and his people. And he
sees one of his own person from the children of Israel, calling
out for help, as he's being, you know, returned in the mediator by
Pharaohs people.
So, Mossad is an umbrella has to help him.
And then he's Max. This person
who was doing wrong, who was abusing that person from the
children of Israel from But Israel, as soon as his makarim
this man fires dead.
Of course, he feel deep remorse because he never intended to do
that. It simply wanted to teach him a lesson.
But the man dies. It's an accident. So moosari Salaam, turns
to Allah subhanho wa taala, begging his mercy, admitting his
mistake his sin.
And then asking Allah subhanaw taala for forgiveness. And here is
an example for us. We may be in similar situations.
I was driving once, and by accident, I carry one of those 80
miles, you know, this
just crosses the door, the road. It was, I was rushing to fajr
prayer. And I happen to run over that animal and I cried, and I use
this word I've been Neilan to see for free, My Lord, I have wronged
my soul. So forgive me. So read this to you may have occasions
where you have committed a sin, sometime deliberate or by mistake,
then confess your sin to the Lord of the words and a beggar loss for
His mercy. And of course,
you need to do so in by fulfilling the conditions because you need to
abstain from the sin and you need to abstain from all those
associations that led you to that sin and you should also do
something good to wipe it out. So join me as I read this and
conditioned yourself to do it as often as you can when you faced
similar situations or even when the LSAT li dua you can use this
to or Inshallah, because all of us commit sin day in
Rugby knee let them to the FC for free. Rugby kneel allow them to
receive awfully rugby in the lunchroom to the sea for family,
my lord. Indeed I robbed my soul. So forgive me. You may have lost
one or two and inspire us to turn to Him independence and honor us
to celebrate his remembrance always a cool recovery ha That was
tough for a lady welcome. was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi