Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa June 7th, 2021

Ahmad Kutty
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a series of powerful and appreciative names, including Al Qaeda, markers of forgiveness, and a man named Tala. The series emphasizes the importance of remembering and embracing Allah's attributes of clemency and patience. The speakers stress the need to always be constant in seeking forgiveness and doing good work to achieve God's mercy and grace.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Allah Malecon hamdu chama Jambo really

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Jalali YG qawwali mistletoe Anik wa Salatu was Salam ala say you

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didn't want to be you know Muhammad in A Debbie Lamine wala

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Ali was happy at Marine. My dear brothers and sisters, it's my

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pleasure once again to welcome you to another episode in our series

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of the words to power obey. And we are reflecting on a small listener

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the most beautiful names although Spano, Tala, and today's

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reflections are on another set of four most beautiful dua Most

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Beautiful Names of Allah subhanaw taala. Al Halim, the Claremont and

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forbearing and Aleem the great and the supreme of awful Forgiver. The

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most forgiving a Shaku the most appreciative, the most grateful.

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So, now coming to the name Al Halim.

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It refers to Allah's attributes of clemency and patience, as he does

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not have to punish the sinners, all around us.

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People are rebelling and singing.

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And they are being unjust as they disobey Allah subhanaw taala, the

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Creator who has bestowed auditing

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so this shows that since Allah does not rush to punish his

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servants, who are always sending and rebelling against Him, this

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shows how Allah subhanaw taala is Clement. How is patient? Allah

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says in Surah 16 verse 61, wherever you are, Allah la NASA

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bill will be matakauri I mean,

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whenever Can you Rumia Gillian masoumeh for Elijah the loom

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lifestyle hoorah satin, what are you stuck with evil, evil lover to

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take people to task for the evil they do? He will not leave one

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living creature on earth.

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But he reprieves the me give them a chance, until an appointed time

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comes. And when the time comes, they cannot delay it for a moment,

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nor can they bring it forward.

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So are they even on the other hand, refers to Allah as

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Look at the scientists reflecting on the universe, they feel most

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humbled. They say mind is mind boggling. Even the computers

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cannot estimate the vastness the sheer size of this universe, so

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they are humbled before the sheer vastness of the universe, if so,

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how about their sense of our reverence and humility, before the

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One who created all of this out of nothing, and continues to expand

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it more and more.

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The name or fall refers to Allah's attributes of forgiving the

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Even his command, and he may furnish, is also the most

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to those who turn to him in repentance. And he's also a Shaco,

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which refers to his rewarding the righteous, and the grateful and be

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I will share in these names. We must never be complacent about

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persisting in them by persisting in them. Instead, we must has an

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Tura turn to Allah in repentance, as his punishment may overtake us

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Second, we must always feel humbled by reflecting on the mind

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and the power of Allah, as you reflect on his creation,

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and we must always be constant in seeking forgiveness, and doing

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good works in hope for God's mercy and grace. Amen. Lux Bong

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ortholite inspire us to do that. Apollo cola hada was tougher as it

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were welcome. wa salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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