Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa June 12th, 2021
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The speaker reflects on the names of the gods who have promised to protect their affairs and gives a brief recap of their behavior. They encourage listeners to trust and entrust their affairs with Allah's help, as he has promised to answer their prayers and provide protection. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of not being fired and offers a toner to make one's earring and site shiny.
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Allah Who Malacca hamdu cama Yamba.
Really Jalali virginica, Elie Wiesel tonic wa Salatu was Salam
ala Sayidina Muhammad Nabi el Amin, while Ali he was a big
Marine, my dear brothers and sisters, it's an honor for me once
again to welcome you to another series in our Dwars series for the
day and we are still old reflections on small Hush now. And
today I would like to reflect on four of the most beautiful names
of Allah subhanaw taala. And please make sure to call upon the
Lord using these beautiful names, as he has promised to answer our
prayers inshallah.
Number one Alba keel, the trust tree, the trustworthy disposal of
affairs are curvy, they are strong, they are powerful, and
Mateen. The form the steadfast, or volley the protecting friend in
The Guardian.
And Rocky refers to Allah as the one to entrust all of our affairs
as He alone can maintain, sustain and protect Arctic's.
Has word Allah when Yamawaki we say that God is sufficient and
he's the best one to entrust our affairs for safe keep. Our
community denotes Allah has absolute power over our things
Robocon Allah Holyrood is a who will shamefaced some of it when
I've learned in the whole Karna Lehmann pudiera surah number 35
Verse 44. God is not to be frustrated by anything in the
heavens sold on the earth is all knowing all powerful. Nothing can
defeat the last one or nothing can over my last one Ocula nothing can
we can allow someone to Ouattara so he has power, absolute control
over artists. Illuminati in the first one last power, never being
exhausted or weakened by entity. It's a continuation of the same
meaning. Albery refers to a loss preserving and maintaining all of
their first of the universe. Even as an orphan Guardian takes care
of their affairs, the first of the, the orphans,
closely allied to these gods friendship with those who are
conscious of him. Consequently, their service is instruments. When
I on the same ship.
Allah says in surah 10 verses 60 to 64 Allah in now leon de la
hopefully him well who has an own Alladhina amanu Wakamiya taco, LOL
Bucha raffle hieratic dunya la cara, behold, truly the friends of
Allah, no fear shall Kanaka come upon them, nor shall they grieve
those who believe in our Reverend, for the more glad tidings in the
life of this world, and in the hereafter. What a great promise.
So what is our share, while reflecting on these names, number
one, we ought to trust, entrust our affairs to Allah alone for his
escape, because he will suffice us believe firmly that God alone has
the absolute power over everything in the universe. So never be
afraid of anyone, as long as we align our will, with a will have a
loss for number three,
reflecting on these names, or to
continue to draw us closer and closer to Allah. And let's enjoy
this enjoy that tranquility and freedom from all kinds of fields
and anxieties, because Allah has promised if you come closer and
closer to me, by carrying out the orders and doing voluntary acts of
I will become your earring and here's your site, your hand your
feet. So when you call upon me, I will answer you when you seek
protection with me I will protect you. So what a great toner and
Allah has promised to bestow on our hearts tranquility and peace
and freedom from our worries and fears are color coded hada was
taught through Lolly walakum wa salaamu alaykum Warahmatullahi