Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa Jan 4th, 2021

Ahmad Kutty
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a short story about Islam and the importance of not letting things happen. They then ask the audience to recite a waragon and encourage them to not let things happen. The speaker also mentions a recommendation to not let things happen and to focus on forgiveness and mercy through the next world.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay Shabana Shala

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Rahmani r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala

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se either via your mousseline, Muhammad Anwar Ali wasabia Varian,

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my dear brothers and sisters, it's my pleasure once again to welcome

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you to another episode in our daily do us to power your day. And

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today I have chosen one of those short to do us. It belongs to the

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category of Java mu dua or Javon mule curry. You know, Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi salam has been gifted with the miracle of the

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Quran, as well as the ability to express profound spiritual and

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moral lessons in short phrases. And this is one of those pithy,

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short Dwars which comprises which come comprehends everything.

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So, we are asking last one or whatever in this dua, to make

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outcome of all of our affairs, X actions, behavior, everything, the

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final outcome, to be beautiful, and pleasant and presentable to

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the Lord of the words. And number two, we are asking the last one

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what Allah to save us from disgrace and misery. As we face

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the trials and tribulations, we don't want Allah subhanaw taala to

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destroy us, to cause prediction for us, and to save us from our

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that is shameful in this world. And the next thing is we are

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asking Allah subhanaw taala to save us from punishment of the

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next world. So if you are we are saved from the misery in this

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world, and the punishment in the next world and the outcome of all

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of our actions becomes ultimately good for us. We are saved May

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Allah is one of the lives per me and you to recite this war as

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often as you can. This is one of the recommendations of the Prophet

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made to one of his companions Allahumma has sinned Naki batana

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fellow moody Khalifa. Well as you know, I'm in Kizzy dunya tabula

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Allahumma ashen Tiburtina fill me with equally what a journey

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metaphyseal dunya

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Allahumma ash Janaki batana fildo more equally. Why journal

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metaphyseal dunya Viva la cara. Wala make the outcome of all of my

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affairs or affairs I crematory beneficial beautiful person for us

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and save us from the disgrace in this world. And the punishment in

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the next world than last one otter inspire us to always turn to him

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seeking refuge and protection with him and also to save us to shower

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us with His mercy and forgiveness through that.

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Ultimately, we ended our life in this world we die in a state of

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grace and peace and tranquility. Hakuna ohada was tougher.

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Lollywood accom salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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