Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa Jan 18th, 2020
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Okay, Chicagoland Sharla Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim
Allah when Nana Hamanaka winnersh Korach also deliver no surgery
Mala say either Mohammed and Nabil Amin. While he was a big marine
brothers some sisters, it's my pleasure to welcome you to another
episode in our daily series of doors to power your day. And today
I have chosen that war to be read after listening to the other
as we should know the why is always beneficial except the times
when we are to be engaged in other duties like prayer and things like
that. Having said that, there are some times which are more
times which are recommended for us to offer supplications because we
are told by Rasul does allow us to them, that when we offer prayers
in these times, we can more likely hear a response with our dua will
be answered by a lost world. And the time between Northern India
karma is one of those times and the Prophet salallahu Salam said
Eduardo by email Raza, and you will come on now you read a
supplication that is awful, between other India karma will not
be rejected. And the Prophet also recommended that we should read
this particular dua
after I recently reviewed Sudan and then we can engage in any dua
that we can. And when somebody asked him, What shall we pray for
and then of course, he told us to ask Allah subhanaw taala for
forgiveness and well being and protection in this world of the
next. So let me read this two or three times as usual. And let us
be inspired to learn this to an offer it as well as
use the time to turn to Allah subhanaw taala asking Allah for
retrievals and protection Masha Allah, Allah Amara bahagi Dawa
Kitayama was assaulted by EMA RT Mohammed and university that will
follow either of us who Muhammad Muhammad and Lydia Mata
Alohomora bahagi Dawa key term, WA salatu Karima at the Mohammed
Daniel University letter well for those
of us who who McCollum more than
one more time, Allah humara bahagi Dawa Tatum was salah, Karima it
Mohammed Daniel vasila will Felina obasa who McCollum mood and
interview atta wala the lord of this perfect call and the prayer
to follow girl Muhammad salallahu Salam, the highest stage positions
of Paradise, and raise him to the praise worthy station you promised
him this praise what the station is the maqam of shafa that the
Prophet sallallahu has been promised on the Day of Judgment
when everybody will be stricken for fear ring of last one what
holla and afraid to you know even raise the head from the from the
sujood for the frustration of last one author I will call upon
Muhammad Sallallahu and grant him the shafa so we are told to ask
ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada for these favors for rasool Allah his
Messenger of mercy. And let's also be reminded when the Prophet said,
dua between Adan and your karma will not be rejected. When someone
asked him, then what shall we pray for? The Prophet sallahu wa salam
said, ask Allah for forgiveness and protection. And here is one of
those doors he recommended. Allahu vinyasa.
You can afford Afia dunya Allah, Allah who may near Sarukhan Alpha
raffia for dunya
Allahu Mamia cervical halfword Afia with dunya la sera while I
beseech Your forgiveness and protection in this world and the
next. Last one, okay, they've inspired us to always turn to Him
for protection and mercy ACOTA holy Harada Vostok for Allah Allah
welcome was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh