Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa Feb 6th, 2021

Ahmad Kutty
AI: Summary ©
The host of a daily series discusses the importance of reading the Prophet's salallahuorn for healing. They also discuss the need for a culture of healing and treatment for various conditions. The host emphasizes the importance of turning to Him for relief and healing, and mentions a culture of waracy and the need for a culture of peace and comfort.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay schukat football Insha Allah, masha

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa

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salatu wa salatu wa Salatu was Salam ala Nabi Lamine Muhammad

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Anwar Ali was here to Bahrain. Brothers and sisters, it's my

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pleasure, once again to welcome you to another episode in our

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daily series of doors to power you Ray. And this time I have chosen

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to do us

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from different reports, traditions to the prophets that allowed

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Islam. The first one is

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an answer to a request from one of the companions of the Prophet. His

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name is Samira, when I Bill asked early Allah who he came to the

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Messenger of Allah salAllahu Salam, complaining about a pain,

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which is not going away

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for a long time since he embraced Islam. And so the messenger of

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Mercy recommended that he would read Bismillah three times, and

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that the next dua which I'm going to read, and I have combined with

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this, another dua, that the Prophet salallahu Salam used to

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for himself, to cure himself for a source of healing takes. So these

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are good dwarves that we can read. When we experience pain, or an

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affliction or something, we want to turn to Allah subhanaw taala

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for help. Inshallah, with the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala we

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will be able to be healed and curing sha Allah. Of course, this

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is no substitute for medicine. There is a spiritual healing. And

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there is a physical healing, we should also treat our souls by

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going to the doctor and taking medications we should not solely

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rely on to us because Allah has prescribed a medicine for every

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disease as a messenger of Merseyside, and he would use

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medication as well as

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turn to Allah subhanaw taala asking him for healing and cure,

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because ultimately, it's Allah who is the real healer, and medicine

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and the physician are only causes appointed by Allah subhanaw taala

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they cannot work without the will of philosophy. So never, ever free

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to turn to Allah subhanaw taala in honor of your conditions, whether

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you are in a state of joy or sorrow, or affliction, or worry or

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anxiety, always make it a habit of turning to the Lord have mercy.

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Surely he will be the he will bring peace and comfort into your

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hearts Bismillah The Prophet said read it three times Bismillah

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Bismillah Bismillah and when the next dua seven times. I was a

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biller, he was a co director, he mentioned Cherie ma judo. Oh, hi

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there. I was a Billahi we're karate Michelle Reema. Egidio Oh,

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how the Billahi were Qudra de Visscher Rima IG do ohada The

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prophets are allowed some told us barbarian to read this seven times

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after reading three times Bismillah and then I have joined

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another door here which the prophets have allowed us to recite

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or they will pass robinus be a DECA Shiva. The Akasha further

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enable us robinus be added DECA Shiva laka Shefali. Who

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are they in reverse webinars via DECA Shiva, their cash flow who

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learns that translation in the Name of Allah, I seek refuge in

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Allah and invincible power from the pain I experience and fear.

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All of humankind remove your friction. Healing is solely in

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your hands. There is no hero

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oracular accept to me allows one alters but each and every one of

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us to condition ourselves to turn to Him always in our own states

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and conditions. By doing so.

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Allah will be with us when we restore peace and comfort, and be

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a source of relief for us. From all the troubles and worries and

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issues Akula holy ha was helpful, valuable accom wa salam alaykum

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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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