Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa Feb 2nd, 2021
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Football insha Allah Allah
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.
Allah Humala. callaham Duhem delicacy Ratan Tata tayyiba. We're
also live on a Sunday boiler. So you're gonna Muhammad and Nabil
Amin while he was a big Marine, my dear brothers and sisters, it's my
pleasure once again to welcome you to another episode in our daily
series of doors. And this time I have chosen to us that we should
be reading after performing voodoo will do as as you should know, is
not just a physical exercise, it's also spiritual. The Prophet
sallallahu sallam said as you wash your face, your hands, your feet,
and your mouth, all of the sins that we have committed are washed
away. So it is not just the dirt and filth, physical, dirt and
filth that are washed away. But also the sins that we have done
throughout various parts of our bodies also washed away, hands or
face and mouth and feet. So in order to achieve this perfect
purification, we need to begin the wudu by saying Bismillah R Rahman
r Rahim and then
do all of this washing as describing the Sunnah of the
Prophet sallahu wa salam,
as you learn in the fifth and imagining also that you are not
just washing the dirt, physical dirt, but also the inner sins, the
sins that we have committed.
And after having done so, I'm retired the Voodoo it's time for
us to ask Allah subhanaw taala to bless us by reading this to us and
this was are very very profound in meaning.
I will read them and then translate Inshallah, I would urge
everyone Inshallah, if you are not already doing it, start practicing
this Inshallah, by doing so, the prophet promised, that if a person
performs will do in the best form and spirit
are of his sins are washed away, and the doors of heaven Paradise
will be open for for them. So let us be motivated to perform will
improve form and spirit and after which to turn to Allah subhanaw
taala in supplication, asking His grace and forgiveness and mercy.
I said well, La ilaha IL Allah. Why the hula Sharika Why should
one know Mohamed Abu rasool
Allah majali min a cover been war jolly middle mo takahe
Ashford Illa illallah wa who actually Cara wash had one know
Mohammed Magan Abdu rasool
Allah how majali Minato Bobby, what you're ugly men are Matahari
eyeshadow Illa Illa la wa de who? Shari Cara wash Edwin know
Mohammad Abdu rasool Allah, how majali minutter Babina was your
only mineral Matata, hurry. Now the translation I testified
is no god but Allah subhanho wa Taala he is one and has do
partner. I also testify that Muhammad peace be upon him is His
servant and Messenger wala make me among those who are repentant
and make me among those who strive to purify themselves, outwardly or
inwardly. May Allah Swan otter help us to modulate the beautiful
examples for the prophets that allows, thereby celebrating the
remembrance of Allah and always connecting our ourselves with
Allah subhanho wa Taala the source of peace and tranquility and
salvation Akula ko Vihara was Takuro Allah who will come to
Salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh