Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa Feb 1st 2021
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So I'm gonna show how we can begin to shallow data start
displacing shallow
Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim Allah homological hamdulillah survivor
cumilla Laurel, como la mushy Tomine shame Bardot.
Brothers and sisters, it's my pleasure to welcome you to another
episode in our daily series of Dwars. To power your day, and
today I have chosen an extremely beautiful dua that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi salam used to call his hearts before his Lord
and his moments of intimate communion with his Lord, intimate
communion with his role
in this dua, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is
acknowledging his surrender, total surrender to Los Banos realize
unconditional faith in Him and trust in Him. And also recognizing
that he is always turning to him in repentance, in all of his
affairs. And our of his struggles are solely for his sake, for the
cause of Allah alone. And he walking out of this external
internal states of surrender and submission and faith, and then
also invoking the glory of allow small Wattana the might of allows
one or whatever, asking him to protect him, to keep him on the
straight path. And finally, he does a conversion that Allah alone
is our ally. So his soul trust is in Him alone because everything
else, he cannot come to anything else because everything will
perish, except the face of his Lord. So, let us use this to our
the Prophet several hours from us to say this to all you intimate
moments of communication in sujood in tahajjud, and other occasions,
so we may use it in tahajjud, orange sujood or other occasions
as well. Let us be inspired to read it as often as we can. Allahu
Malacca Salam two will be common. While a Qatar record were illegal
or because of some Allahumma in ER or dewberries Attica la la.
Until literally under Hey yo la de la yo mood while general use to
your Moto Allahumma raka Aslam to OB calm and to our recap of occult
what a carnival to be kaha some to Allah Khomeini are all the better
exotica La ilaha illa and undiluted any under hi you Lydia
mooch, Virgin, no illusory Yamato
hola Hamada. Cars from to be Carmen to re cut our credit. We're
in a car number two because our sum to Allah Khomeini our own
little bit receptacle, La Ilaha. Illa, Anta and to Lily and tell
how you ready your mood, while Jin Nolan's to your Moto. The
translation Oh Allah to you, I surrender my will. In you alone, I
cherish my faith. In you alone, I place my trust and to you alone, I
return independence and in honor of my affairs, and for your sake
alone, I argue and dispute. I seek your refuge in Your glory from
being misled.
And going astray, there is no goal but you
you are our ally who never dies, whereas the species of jinn and
humankind will die. But there's some sisters
Let us be inspired to use this dua and I would argue to share this
with every member of your family and friends, members of your
family, friends, circle and everyone so that you can reap
tremendous rewards for sharing beneficial knowledge. There is
nothing like more rewarding than sharing the beneficial knowledge
acquired recovery harder, was tougher. Lollywood accom Salaam
Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh