Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa Feb 17th, 2021
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Okay Shabbat insha Allah Tala okay insha Allah something happened
here. I don't I hope we'll be able to. You're
okay. Yes, we're good to go ahead.
This week, amount of Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa
salatu salam ala say you the Lumbee or you will go serene
Muhammad Anwar, he was talking to your domain. My brothers and
sisters, it's my pleasure once again to welcome you to another
episode in our daily series of dwarfs to polio day. And this time
I have chosen a very comprehensive dua the focus of today's jihad in
all its forms Jihad within and without,
in order to help us remain steadfast
in standing for truth and justice. And the Prophet salallahu Alaihe
Salam in this dua teaches us how to continuously turn to Allah
subhana wa Tala.
For in our struggle against the enemy within and without, so that
we are not led astray by the temptation that Trier's
persecutions intimidations and threats
and we are so this door also manifests
the prophets,
Prophet pouring his heart before his Lord,
crying out to Him, yearning for his love and acceptance and asking
him to purchase heart of our vices and malice and ill feeling towards
others and to make him always steadfast in devotion to Him.
Sure, let us really let us continue to use this to our as
often as we can, by emulating the messenger of Mercy SallAllahu
that we are in nee will activate Maria, when Sunni will turn
psoralea from kuraly wala Koralia one Sony alarm and Buhari
was your attorney Kashia Cara wrecker that Cara laka hubba
recommend to Hua laka Vita Lake wa Mareeba bit of Kabul Tober at
Walsall Huberty Well, RJ Badawi it was a bit Jetty while the economy
was the the the Saudi was looted Sufi medical B. Rugby I knew when
I joined Malia once told me what our terms are rally. One kuraly
When I come Koralia one Sunni alarming. Botha Alia was your only
Kashia Cara Dakka Dakka Dakka hubba laka Matoba reco mocha beta
la que our hamari Mareeba rubbished of corporate Alberty
Walsall Huberty RJ Badawi it was a bit of a jetty Wahoo the current
we were certainly the rissani was Hello Sofia Mata Calbee rugby are
in me when I joined Medallia Malia one Sunni well Atos rally on
Coralie will come Koralia one Sunni alarm and Baba Ali
What's your unli cachaca Dakka Dakka Dakka hubba Lacombe to Lake
Como Kobita in Lake Geneva, betta Cadbury Thalapathy Walsall Huberty
What a gem Dharma it was a bit who Jackie wasn't your partner B was
the rissani was Hello Sofia Mata lb. My Lord helped me and do not
help my enemies against me, gave me victory and do not grant them
victory against me. Plan for me I do not plan against me and give me
victory over those who are aggressive towards me, my Lord,
make me ever grateful to you ever remembering you, ever fearful of
you ever obedient to you? Ever submissive to you ever for Renly
besieging Your mercy and turning towards you independence.
My Lord, accept my repentance. Wash my sins, answer my prayers.
Strengthen my proof of faith and guide me right. And Mike make my
tongue steadfast on speaking the truth and purge my heart of ill
feeling and malice towards others. May Allah Spano tell inspire us to
always turn to him in supplication visiting his mercy and forgiveness
and allow a quota holiday was tough it was it was Salam alaykum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh