Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa Dec 21st, 2020

Ahmad Kutty
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a series of episodes on Islam, including a brief recap of the holy month and a series of personal experiences. They also mention a woman named Lydia Jana Bioderma Amata Anna who inspired them to wake up from their grave and practice the holy month.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay shahzada Shala

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Rahmani Raheem

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Allahu Malacca hamdulillah cachaca one oh suddenly when a Salam o

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Allah see then our Solina Muhammad. And maybe you live in

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Walla Ali, he was a huge marine brothers and sisters, it's my

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pleasure once again to welcome you to another episode in our series

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of daily dwarves to power your day. And this time I have chosen

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to short doors. They are very, very profound and meaningful for

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us to reflect. And of course thank Allah Spano Tala. For Islam. Quran

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reminds us to open the eyes of our heart. You know, we open our

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physical eyes to see things that are visible. But we need to

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condition ourselves to see the science of the divine mystery,

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that Divine Wisdom divine blessings as they unfold within

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our own souls, and outside of Philadelphia IEA tool will clean

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off the unforeseen commercial atmosphere, there are signs of

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Divine Power and Wisdom scattered all over the earth, out of the

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horizon, all over the horizon, or fee unforeseen command within your

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own source. So won't you look what you see when you reflect?

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You know, sleep, as you wake up, this is a normal thing you we take

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it for granted.

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But the believer should not take it for granted because sleep is a

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semi death.

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Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran uses the same word for depth and

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sleep. because sleep is a mystery. I remember reading about a

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scientists from Britain, who was researching about the phenomenon

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of sleep. And he came across the verses of the Quran describing

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sleep and calling it a death. Actually, this led him to embrace

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So we need to open our eyes and tongue ALLAH SubhanA wa Tala. As

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we wake up from that stream, which is a semi death

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in the manner of the Messenger of mercy, because we are told in

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their Hadith that as Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam opened his

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eyes from sleep. The words of spontaneous prayer came

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to his mind on his lips.

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Tongue given last one with Allah Alhamdulillah Hilah the rock Daria

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Rui, what are funny if he just really was in Libya decree

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Alhamdulillah Hillary wrote down a year Oh, hey, where are funny if

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he just really wasn't really busy?

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And hamdulillah Hilary Rob Daliya Ruhi are funny if he just said he

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was in a DBZ curry in this dua Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam is

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thanking Allah for the gift of life because he woke up from

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sleep, by the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala because he returned

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in sleep, our souls leave the body and suppose the soul did not

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return to the body. We are dead.

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What I find if he just said the so he also tanks a loved one or

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whatever, for the gift of health is a wonderful gift. What are they

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really biblically and also thanking Allah subhanho wa Taala

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honoring him or permitting him to remember him. Because Allah is the

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greatest gift that human can when being can be bestowed by Allah

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subhanho wa Taala and then another dua short dua Alhamdulillah Hilary

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Jana Bioderma Amata Anna, when you late in the show Alhamdulillah

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Lydia Jana Bioderma Amata Anna, what era in the show are

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hamdulillah in Lydia Jana Bioderma Amata Anna, la Himanshu, all

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praises to Allah, who gave life to us after he had caused us to die.

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Were elite in the shoal and the final resurrection belongs to him

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as well. You know, so tagging Allah for the gift of returning

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the soul to the body when we wake up, and also for Herot and sound

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body soundness of body and mind and also permission to remember

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and remember, a loved one, okay, another place in the Quran says,

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you know, as we wake up from our grave, we will ask Mombasa

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Mercadona hada, who caused us, you know, to arise from our sleep

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after he had caught, you know, like us, so die, you know, so that

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in the grave is also like asleep. And once again, we will be

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resurrected. Even as we walk up for more sleep in this world.

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We will wake up, we will stand up from our graves. And that's why

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the solar cell of ours will be saying unto Him is the final

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resurrection. May Allah subhanho wa Taala inspire vnu To always

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open the eyes of our heart to see the signs of the Divine Wisdom and

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mystery in our own life and out in the horizons and nature Akula holy

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Harada whilst for Allah He welcome was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi

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