Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa April 28th, 2021

Ahmad Kutty
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of Emacing the Prophet's teachings during a sermon, emphasizing the need to refer to the Quran and Hadith for reference. They also mention the importance of Emulating the example of praying to God and sharing his teachings in prayer. The speaker provides examples of how the Prophet's teachings can be applied to the world and mentions the importance of Emacing his teachings in the next world.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay shall go ahead inshallah.

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Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim. Allah homewrecker. hamdu kabayan

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Belinda Jalali, what Hiko Olympus Retallick was Salatu was Salam o

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Allah so you can Lumbee or you will mousseline, Muhammad Anwar

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Ali, he was a huge Marine. My dear brothers and sisters, it's my

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pleasure once again to welcome you to another episode. Now the series

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of Dewas to power your day, we are today talking about answering the

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question, what is ZICO? Because this is a critical question people

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ask, because there are a lot of misconceptions about liquor. Some

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people think liquor is you join a group of people who crossed the

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light, and in darkness the chant, of course, I'm not saying that you

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cannot change you cannot, you know, express your joy.

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Even that, you know, by remembering the last one or

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whatever, all of these have benefits. I am not denying that.

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But what is the exemplary way for every one of us to benefit to do

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dhikr as prescribed by Allah and His Messenger, which we can do any

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time. We don't need to join a specific club, or current for

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that. So the answer to this question, just like any answer,

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about any of the shrine of Islam, any of the ordinances of Islam, we

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must refer to the basic source, the Quran and the Hadith of the

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Prophet settlers. So the best answer what is the best answer by

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reference to the Quran? Allah tells us in the book,

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lack of the kind of local fee Rasul Allah He was watered Hassan

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Lehmann Korea, doula Hawa yoga, whether Kerala cathedra indeed you

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have beautiful exemplar in the Messenger of Allah. For those of

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you who for God was looking forward to God Almighty, and the

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last day and remember Allah much.

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What is the inference here? Now?

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Rasulullah Salallahu Salam is the exemplar for us.

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He the GM He set the example for us how do we celebrate the

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remembrance of Allah?

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Someone has blown our bus he was one of the greatest companions of

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the Prophet

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Rasul Allah has allowed some prayed to Allah to gift him with

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that special deep understanding of this religion and the meaning of

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the Quran. So he's Mufasa Quran. He was a someone asked him how

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unless one author says, well Nikita locka serum was Akira

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Abdullah Hello, Mulford atom journal Lima, and those who don't

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last talks about those who are established in prayer and also

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fast charity and devote men and women and patient men and women.

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And finally was lucky read Aloka zero the Quran and those men and

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women who remember Allah with much remembers, Allah has prepared for

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them forgiveness and abundant rewards. So even our boss replied,

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They are those who remember Allah after prayers of course in prayer,

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the mica data after a prayers were sitting in the masala pizza, and

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in morning and evening and in the wild retiring to bed and when you

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wake up from sleep, go to washroom go home or come home.

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In all the states in the manner of the Prophet of Allah. They are the

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ones whom Allah describe Iraqi rule of law cathedra with k-rod

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That is why

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Misha, hold you, the beloved wife of Rasulullah Salallahu Salam who

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knew profit more than anybody else. The Sahaba knew him they

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only see him in public.

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I share the beloved wife knows the inside and outside of us.

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She the beloved wife, living meters fullness, loudness loving

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and you want to see the example of Rafa rasool Allah, in celebrating

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remembrance of Allah, I shall allow in a sad con and maybe

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useful Allah Allah wa salam in the Quran, Allah Allah.

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The Prophet peace be upon him, was always in the habit of remembering

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Allah wa Kula was always tongue is mine, emitter single RT performed.

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He celebrated the remembrance of lies and terror rife was a grand

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celebration of the remembrance of Allah. So we can never go wrong by

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emulating the beautiful example of the Messenger of Allah, in the

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practice of liquor. Mere loves water inspire us to look up to the

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best of exemplars, not only in in Salah and CRM and everything, but

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also in the Corolla. If we want to approve to go, hop, look forward

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to Allah subhanaw taala and salvation and success in this

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world in the next world, we will lovable by emulating the beautiful

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examples of the Messenger of mercy in May Allah make me grant me a

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new the love of Allah and level this messenger and level of doors

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will love Allah and now of actions that will bring us are closer to

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the love of philosophy one accord over the other one starfruit

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lovely welcome was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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