Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa

Ahmad Kutty
AI: Summary ©
The speaker reads a two or three times story about Islam's use of negative traits and emotions to prevent fulfillment and prevent success. The story suggests that the Prophet's actions are designed to inspire people to use words and meditations to achieve success. The speaker also mentions that the Prophet's actions are designed to make people feel alive and graduate from their experiences.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay, let's go ahead and shall

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miss Mila era Rahmanir Rahim

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Hamdulillah you will Kufa wa salatu salam ala Sayidina

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Muhammad, and maybe Lamine. Voila, earlier he was so happy he urged

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brothers and sisters, I have the pleasure of sharing with you

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A beautiful dua

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is a dua that would help us to dispel worries and get rid of the

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negative traits and emotions that render our renderer as crippled

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and unproductive preventing us from leading a fulfilling life. So

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join me as I read this two or three times, and then I will

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explain briefly the points stress in this dua. Allah who my knee are

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older because mineral Hanmi will hasn't

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well I just see well Castle, or bocalee will juban walleye they

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are vulnerable to regional

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and local minima are also becoming an HMI whereas and while I use the

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word castle, for bocalee will juggle all are they relevant to

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Allahu Mindee are all the weaker men are Hanmi Wellhausen. While

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RGZ will Castle while Boucle old juban walleye they work a little

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bit to return.

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Wala I seek Your protection against worry and grief against

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powerlessness and laziness,

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against miserliness and commodities, and burden of debts

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and tyrannical men. They This is a report from manasota Malik,

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probably Allahu Anhu. This boy at the age of seven joined the

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service of the Prophet sallahu wa salam to help him in his errands.

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And he heard the Messenger of Allah repeating this prayer as

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often as he could.

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So we have we are indepted they are grateful to anastomotic for

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narrating this to offer us. The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is

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praying against things that render us unproductive.

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You know, we become depressed, worried about our future

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and grieving over the past. And we feign helplessness.

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And we feign laziness. And we suffer from miserliness and

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cowardice. And we are also sometimes overburdened with debts.

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And sometimes we have to deal with people who are tyrannical or

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supportive or oppressive. So this dua will take care of this. And we

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know that the Prophet of Allah you know, was the most he led the

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fulfilling live a fulfilled life. He achieved what no one else in

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this world no leader could achieve. And this was because of

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his self talk and repeater power words and meditations and easy

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temps prayer to Allah subhanho wa Taala to help him so I inspire

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myself I persuade myself and everyone hearing this, to use this

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to our as often you can, so that we can emulate the beautiful

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examples of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam and make our lives

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saturated with spirituality and connection with Allah subhanho wa

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Taala Akula holy hada whilst Lollywood accom salaam aleikum wa

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rahmatullah wa barakato.

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