Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa

Ahmad Kutty
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of character in Islam, and how it applies to leadership and the Prophet sallama. They also mention a new song about dwarves and the importance of being a good character. The speaker emphasizes the need for personal development and training to achieve the best of character.
AI: Transcript ©
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Shahzad insha Allah

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to live Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu

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salam ala CB mursaleen Muhammad in one early he was the age of

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marine. My dear brothers and sisters, I am very happy to

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welcome you to another episode Dwars to power your life and my

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life. Today I have chosen two beautiful dwarves.

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They are duas to help us achieve the best of character.

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The world today is facing a massive failure of character.

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It applies to leadership as well as to the followers in Islam, the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is our role model

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and a loved one or what ALLAH blessed him to achieve the noblest

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of character. Allah praised him say him white knuckle Allah Hello

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canali You are indeed a man of Noblesse character. So we have a

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way of trying to correct houses and to achieve the best of

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character. If only we were to focus

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on practicing the discipline that the prophet has taught us. Here I

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have chosen to do us from those

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treasure of dwarves from Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam.

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These are the Dwarves the prophets that allowed Islam us to pray or

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for every

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and it tells us his thoughts actually, and his yearnings and

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his beseeching allows one or two less help so that he can modify

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and beautify his character.

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He can perfect his inner and outside. Today the world is

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focusing on the persona the mask the Veer outside. What's more

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important is the inner character the * so I would like to

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you myself a new to read these doors every day as we look in the

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mirror, and also as we open our prayer, because this first prayer

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is a prayer prophets and allows us to use as dual one of the dual is

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stiff tie a DUA to open the prayer before reading fattier.

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So join me in sha Allah.

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Allahu Mohini Leah has sent in less luck, while Yahoo Delia

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Seneca Illa and wakeeney say e alarma. You will rock when are you

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happy say your high land.

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Allahu Maga Delia Ashton in Ladakh while our Yahudi the sunny, high

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work in ECU alarma you will love FANUC when I actually say you have

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learned one more time Allahumma add the accent enough luck. Well I

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already the sunny island working is a year alarma you will have

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luck when I actually say how I learned what Allah guided me to

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achieve the best of characters. For no one can guide you to be to

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the best of characters except you will Allah and save me from the

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worst of actions and characters. For no one can save me from them

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except you. One may ask why Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam in

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the second phrase, worst of actions, because the character is

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developed by repeated actions we do not becomes a Care customer

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habit. repeated actions becomes a customer habit and that is the

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character. So that is why the Prophet of Allah asker allows one

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ortholog to see him from the worst of actions and characters. And

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only Allah can save us from the

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other dua related to disease every day the prophet is to look in the

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mirror on a first look in the mirror. While doing so our focus

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is how do we appear before other people? Surely we should care for

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our appearance. And the Prophet did care for his appearance.

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Because we know from Aisha Alana is better able to wife even as

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Rasul Allah used to sort of allow us to step up to the prayer for

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the ball to the mosque. Every time he stopped

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route before doing so he will look in the mirror, fix his beard, grow

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Kombis hair and things like that. So he is indeed, taking care of

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your parents the way he look, appear before people whether he is

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presentable or not. But then he wants to direct our thought. Even

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as we care for our appearance, we should care even more so.

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to beautify our inner person, our character, Allahu mahkamah has

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sent the hierarchy for her sin hookeri What a beautiful boys will

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Allah even as you have molded my sheep in the best way beautify my

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character also for me. Allah mahkamah has sent the harpy for

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her sin hooky. Allahumma Kumar has sent the healthy for her sin

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Hello, okay. Remember the words of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam are

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Kamal Momineen a Iman Ashburnham halacha. The perfect believer is

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the one with the best character. And I can rule this by mentioning

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that a man of character is a man of compassion man or woman.

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Integrity, trustworthiness and discipline and also respect not

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only for himself, but others as well. compassion for others, wish

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for others what you wish for yourself, integrity,

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trustworthiness, these are our pillars of Islamic character and

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the Prophet of Allah achieved all of them all of these traits in the

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best manner. So let us follow through last example and read this

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was and focus our thoughts and intentions on developing and

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training ourselves to achieve the best of character Akula Cody ha

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That was stuck for Allah Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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