Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa 10 December 2020

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The speaker discusses the importance of praying for Islam's well-being and helping others to achieve their health and prosperity. They encourage listeners to practice praying for Islam's well-being and shower themselves. The segment ends with a mention of a call recovery hada and a warahmatull hadn't been forgotten.
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim
Allah homological hamdu kama Yun but really generally what you Hiko
or Lemus will tonic
was Salatu was Salam ala Abdi cholera Zuleika, Mohammed and
Debbie el Amin. While Ali, he was a big Marine, brothers and
sisters, once again, it's an honor for me to share with you another
dua, a very profound dua that I inspire myself and inspire
to supplicate to use it, to pray to Allah subhanho wa taala. To
continue to bless us, we ought to know that the blessings, the
Health, and the protection and the security and the abundance and
prosperity, that we all enjoy
our pure gifts from Allah subhanho wa taala. And we can never take
any one of them for granted. So, as believers, we need to always
appreciate the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala and continue to
pray to the Lord of Mercy, that he does not suddenly take away these
blessings. He does not punish us, for our many sins outward and
inward since the sins that we are aware of the sins we are not aware
of. So join me in reading this dua and I will read it three times
and let's be encouraged to practice it everyday inshallah.
Allah on my knee are always weak means ever in your matric but I
have Willie off here take fragility necrotic what Jamie is
Arctic Allahumma in ni are all Zubieta miniserver in the Arctic.
What the? How will the fear tick or fragility Nicoma tick? What
Jeremy is TIG Allah who made near obika wins the World in your
magic, but the humbly Lafayette of Pooja Tinicum Patek, where Jeremy
is article, one Allah I seek Your protection, I seek refuge in You,
from this sudden reversal of your blessings
and overtone of wellness and health and well being
and quick chastisement
and are other instances of your wrath falling upon me. So let's be
to turn to a last one are always not only to appreciate the
blessings, but also to continue to shower us but picture the
blessings so that he does not punish us. For the ministers we
commit a call recovery hada was stuck for a while it will come was
Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh