Ahmad Kutty – Daily Dua March 14th, 2021
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Okay insha Allah dar data
this will likely Romana Rahim
Allah on Windows Mobile governorship karoq Allah and Erica
Lima or you could just Hema one also Lee will certainly more or
say either Mohammed, maybe he'll Amin, while he was happy to marry.
My dear brothers and sisters, it's my pleasure once again, to welcome
you to another episode in our series of duels to power your day.
And this time, this is the 14th of the Quranic Dewas. And this is
from Surah Yusuf.
This is a beautiful Surah
narrating the story of Prophet Yusuf Ali Salam, as he was
abandoned, forsaken and thrown into the world, by his own
brothers. And then the last one, or what Allah arranged to save him
out of it. And then he was sold into slavery, and from the, into
the jail,
and after that he was released.
And then Allah subhanaw taala gave Him authority and power. And the
dream he had seen as a child,
materialized. 33 years 35 years after the incident, after he was
thrown into the pet, the world.
He, after going through all of this trials, and tests, all of
that dream, the full dream came true.
And he became one of the most powerful person next to the king,
the finance minister, the Prime Minister, you may call him of
And he supplicating to the Lord towards the end of his life,
his parents came to Egypt,
and they all admitted, and his brothers confess to their sins,
and He forgave them,
and they are fell on his feet
and use of Alehissalaam towards the end of his life supplicating
to the Lord of the walls, saying,
Rebecca de Arteta, noumenon mineral, Kovalam 30 meter Vera
Hadees, My Lord, You have given me power and authority in the land,
and taught me the interpretation of dreams. far there are some what
you will learn the creator or Originator of the heavens and the
earth, you are my protector in this world and the nest world?
Then what is his last wish?
On or me to die as a muslim? Sovereign surrendering myself
wholly unto thy will?
And honor me to join the company of the righteous?
When you look at the narration of the story of the last words of
exactly the same words, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said,
My Lord, I've made Julian, the nobles of assembly, the company of
the prophets and the writers and the matures. So you see how the
two prophets their wish, is not to continue to live in this mundane
world, materialistic world material world.
Their yearning is to die in a state of surrender to the will of
Allah and the joy in the company, the noble assembly, the highest
somebody of profits, the materials and the saints and the righteous.
So let us read this war.
Of course that's why I avoided the first preface. So we save after
summer what you will learn and thoroughly if you do not have a
locker there were funny muscleman world how can you be Sally? Fall
there are some our Cuba Laurel and our Lee if you do
Nuvola era there were funny Muslim Anwar the name is Sally.
For there are some about you will Laurel and we'll leave it dunya
era there were funny Muslim Anwar happened to be serene, creator of
the heavens and the earth. You are my guardian and protector in this
world and in the hereafter order me to die as one who has submitted
your will as a Muslim and helped me join the company of the
righteous after death means us. Barnatan inspire us to read this
to show that we are also honored
with debt, sound faith, and also to be honored to join the company
of the prophets and the saints and the mighty support holy Hara was
tough. We will likely win a call