Ahmad Arshad – The Sickness Of Heedlessness

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The speaker discusses how religion has become an obligation for the person who cannot be saved from death and how they cannot be saved from their own generation. They also mention that the person who has fear of Allah will not be at home and will continue to do whatever they want to do.
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The one who has made his life a
living *, he cannot be saved from sin.
Now religion has become an obligation for him.
He has no reality left.
That is, the one who has no fear
of Allah, no fear of Allah, now religion
has become just a cultural identity for him.
It is said, The one who had fear
is not at home, the one who comes
to the heart is at home.
So the one who had fear of Allah,
when he is not at home, if he
has not made a home at home, then
the one who comes to the heart, now
that person will do it.
The one who comes to the heart, then
that person does it.
Allahu Akbar Kabira, Allahu Akbar My dear ones,
We have to ask Allah for this blessing.
We have to ask Allah for this blessing,
so that we do not lose the blessings
of the hereafter.