Ahmad Arshad – Obeying OneS Lower Desires

Ahmad Arshad
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AI: Summary ©

The speaker discusses the fear of death and the worries surrounding it, particularly in the sight of Allah. They describe people as fearful of death and describe the physical and mental state of the person they are facing.

AI: Summary ©

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			Today, in our lives, and in the lives
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			of the people of Allah, there is only
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			one difference left, that they used to do
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			everything according to their Lord's will.
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			And my dear ones, we do everything according
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			to our heart's desire.
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			Nafs-purashti, Khuda-purashti is the name of
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			something else, isn't it?
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			So, those who have this fear in their
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			heart, their morning and evening, getting up and
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			sitting, speaking and remaining silent, all these things
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			keep changing, keep changing.
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			Apparently, they are walking humans like you and
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			me, but their heart is connected somewhere else.
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			Such a thought of the hereafter has come
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			into their heart, there is a worry of
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			death in their heart, there is a worry
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			of presenting in front of Allah, that now
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			they do everything after thinking twice.