Ahmad Arshad – 10 24 2024 – Remembrance Solace Of Hearts
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a gathering of people, including Jesus, Hope, and Jesus, discussing the importance of being mindful of one's words and actions. It touches on the use of tests and religion in various situations, including personal reasons. The journey to the next world and the importance of being attached to it are emphasized, along with symbols such as a number and a title.
AI: Summary ©
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most
Remember me, I remember you, and thank me,
and do not disbelieve.
Glory be to your Lord, Lord of Glory,
above what they ascribe.
Peace be upon the messengers, and praise be
to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most
We begin this gathering with the name of
Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali
Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa
barak wa sallim.
Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali
Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa
barak wa sallim.
Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali
Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa
ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa barak wa sallim.
Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali
Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa
ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa barak wa sallim.
Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali
Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa
ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina
Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala
aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin
wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali
Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa
ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina
Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala
aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin
wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali
Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa
ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin
wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali
Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala
aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin
wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali
Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa
ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina
Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala
aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin
wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali
Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa
ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin
wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali
Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa
ala aali Sayyidina Muhammad Ya shafie al amraad,
Ya shafie al amraad Allahumma
ya rafi al darajat, Ya rafi al darajat,
Ya rafi al darajat Allahumma
ya mujeeb al da'wat, Ya mujeeb al
da'wat, Ya mujeeb al da'wat Allahumma
ya musabib al asbaab, Ya musabib al asbaab,
Ya musabib al asbaab Allahumma
ya arham al rahimeen, Ya arham al rahimeen,
Ya arham al rahimeen Ya arham al rahimeen,
Ya arham al rahimeen, Bi
rahmatika ya arham al rahimeen
Ya Allah Kareem Tama mu'mineen, mu'minat, mursaleen, ya
la mu'mineen, mu'minat, muslimeen, muslimat ki arwah ko
Bil khasus Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ki ummat
ko Allah iska sawah pohcha dijiye Ameen, Ya
Rabbul Aalimeen Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa
ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa barik wa sallim
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Hasbuna Allahu wa
ni'ma alwakeel Hasbuna Allahu wa ni'ma
alwakeel Allahumma
salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina
Muhammadin wa barik wa sallim Bismillah
ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Ya khafi al-lutfi
adrikni bilutfi kal-khafi Ya khafi al-lutfi
Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali
Sayyidina Muhammadin wa barik wa sallim Allahumma
salli ala Sayyidina
Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa barik
wa sallim Ya baqi anta al-baqi Allahumma
salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina
Muhammadin wa barik wa sallim Bismillah
ar-Rahman ar-Raheem La hawla wa la
quwwata illa billah Allahumma
salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina
Muhammadin wa barik wa sallim Bismillah
ar-Rahman ar-Raheem La ilaha illa anta
subhanaka inni kuntu minal zalimin La ilaha illa
anta subhanaka inni kuntu
minal zalimin Allahumma
salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina
Muhammadin wa barik wa sallim Bismillah
ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum
bi rahmatika astaghith Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum Ya
Hayyu Ya Qayyum bi rahmatika astaghith Bismillah
ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina
Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa barik
wa sallim Bismillah
ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Wallahu dhu fazlin ala
al mu'mineen Wallahu dhu fazlin ala
al mu'mineen Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina
Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa barik
wa sallim Bismillah
ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Inna lillahi wa inna
ilayhi raji'oon Allahumma
salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina
Muhammadin wa barik wa sallim Bismillah
ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Wallahu wali al mu'mineen
Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali
Sayyidina Muhammadin wa barik wa sallim Bismillah
ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Allahu noorul samawati wal
ardu Allahumma
salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina
Muhammadin wa barik wa sallim La
ilaha illallah La
ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
Alhamdulillah wa kafa wa salamun ala ibadihi lazeena
istafa amma ba'ad wa a'udhu billahi
minash shaitanir rajim bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
wal lazeena jahadu feena lanahdee annahum subulana subhana
rabbika rabbi al-izzati amma yasifoon wa salamun
ala al mursaleen walhamdulillahi rabbil alameen Allahumma salli
ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin
wa barik wa sallim Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina
Muhammadin wa ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa barak
wa sallim Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa
ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa barak wa sallim
It is said that the world is a
test ground In this, a person is sent
for a short period of time and each
person is tested individually or collectively This is
something that a person understands because when we
go through small tests like school then we
come to know that to become something, to
grow something, to do something a person has
to go through tests Anyway, it happens Whether
you go from one grade to another, you
will have a test Whether a person goes
from one job to another then they take
tests that this person is capable enough to
be brought So through tests, Allah the Almighty
awakens a person brings a spark in a
person and this is something that this test
is on the disbelievers as well as the
Muslims and probably more on the Muslims because
the world is For Muslims, the world is
like a jail There are troubles in the
jail and for the disbelievers, it is like
heaven Now, what kind of tests are there?
You see, sometimes a person is in a
state of happiness sometimes a person is in
a state of sadness sometimes a person is
healthy sometimes a person is sick sometimes a
person is in a state of nepotism that
when he touches the soil, it becomes gold
and sometimes a person is in a state
of loss that when he touches gold, it
becomes mud sometimes a person does not want,
Allah the Almighty gives respect and sometimes Allah
the Almighty wants respect then a person is
disrespected and humiliated in the work of respect
So these situations come on everyone Probably more
on the close people of Allah the Almighty
Anyway, Allah the Almighty is the changer of
situations He changes the situation No one is
in the same state all the time Someone
said that there are thousands of sorrows with
happiness Where there is a shahnai, there are
also sorrows There are sorrows with happiness Now,
because this is on everyone and especially those
who are closer to Allah Therefore, if you
look at the Prophets then most of the
tests come on them This is also known
from the Hadith Rather, it comes on the
individual level and as a nation, as a
nation tests come on them That is why
it is in the Holy Qur'an that
that the previous Prophets they were shaken so
much that even the Prophets started saying and
their nations, their believers What did they say?
When will Allah's help come?
When will Allah's help come?
So we cannot see this at the meta
level We think that because we matter that
we matter then in the life of thousands,
millions, billions, billions of years the world revolves
around us This does not happen This is
a long story of creation that Allah has
created and how long will it go on,
only Allah knows In that, we are a
speck of dirt We are a speck of
dirt, a speck of dust that we don't
really matter in the bigger scheme of life
In that, a person should at least try
to think that we are nothing and Allah
has a master plan There is Qadr, there
is Takdeer and sometimes a person has to
kneel in front of Takdeer The same thing
about the Companions Allah has said Allah has
shaken them in a severe way and tested
them So in this, what kind of tests
were there?
We will not go into that much because
we have already talked about the purpose Allah
says in the Qur'an that a person
has to be patient in front of Allah
So through patience and prayer a person tries
to learn to bear his circumstances and apart
from that he prays in front of Allah
There is a blessed hadith of our Prophet
that the Prophet prayed a lot for this
that whenever there was a problem the Prophet
would always be seen in prostration So if
a person tries to understand this then the
circumstances that are going on in the Ummah
that we see every day wherever there is
a problem wherever there is death wherever there
is calamity, disorder, corruption then sometimes a person
is forced to think that when will the
circumstances get better So I remember that our
poet, Allama Iqbal he wrote a very good
poem on this which is called Jawab-e
-Shikwa Allama Iqbal says that when people like
us complain to Allah that why is Allah
doing this to us why are the circumstances
of the Ummah like this it is as
if a voice from the unseen is answering
So today we will not give a long
speech as is usually the case with advice
So today we will try to focus on
those words that when a person complains when
he is in a state of worry then
what kind of response does he get So
there is a long poem we will see
some of its verses He says We are
on the path of kindness There is no
one to guide us There is no one
to show us the way There is no
destination See, the system of Allah the system
of help is that but there is no
one to guide us you do not see
the one with faith whose faith is at
the level that it has drawn the help
of Allah Training is common but not the
essence from which Adam was made this is
not the essence although you can see the
training but the essence is missing See, I
often say that Muslims are in a state
that neither can we become anything in the
world nor can we become anything in the
religion nor can we bring a framework through
which we can present a solution to the
world So we are zero in the world
and in the religion we have become zero
So to build Adam what is called a
constructive thought we are not a flower we
are not a flower through which humanity can
be built If someone is capable then we
give glory we do not give the world
to the seekers Allahu Akbar This is the
reality Where there is capability Now you see
the companions of the Holy Prophet who lived
in Rajasthan who were called before Islam and
faith the era of ignorance when Allah created
this light in them So we do not
give the world to the seekers Our hands
are powerless We have nothing What a strange
thing We have nothing We do not have
any action Our hands are powerless We cannot
do anything We have nothing Do you know
what is Ilhad?
Atheism Ilhad means that we say La Ilaha
Illa Allah but we do not believe in
the heart We do not believe in Allah
We do not believe in our way of
life So Ilhad is the heart of the
heart He is the Prophet I think that
the Holy Prophet must have seen us The
companions must have seen us So the heart
must be that he is a Muslim He
is a Muslim The idol was broken The
remaining idols were Abraham and his son The
spiritual sons and daughters of Abraham are now
the spiritual sons and daughters of Azer We
are not broken We have created so many
idols inside us If we look inside then
we cannot get out of our ego We
fight with each other We quarrel with each
other We want to move ahead in worldly
terms and in religion We do not want
to see the goodness of religion We do
not want to see that religion is great
We just want to be considered great We
have created so many idols inside us How
much do you love the morning?
When do you love us?
Yes, you love sleep Those of us who
could not perform tahajjud Those who woke up
at night and prayed to Allah And those
who slept in the bed Of course, we
sleep and wake up On the free path
the fast of Ramadan is heavy On the
free path the fast of Ramadan is heavy
You say this is the mirror of loyalty
It sounds like you call yourself a loyal
person You tell yourself that those who are
burdened with fasting and prayer and reading the
Holy Quran will be called disloyal Those who
are abd-al-nafs will be called disloyal
The nation is of religion If there is
no religion, you are not What makes us
a nation is our deen What makes us
an Ummah is our deen The nation is
of religion If there is no religion you
are not If there is no passion there
is no gathering Brotherhood If there is no
passion to be united then this is not
even a gathering If it is just a
gathering then it isn't a gathering Those who
do not know the world You are the
one Look how many rockers we are blowing
The world does not know anything The nation
who does not care nashe man tum ho,
bajliyan jisme ho, aasooda wo khar man tum
ho, beech khaate hain jo afslaaf ke madhfan
tum ho.
Humne hi apne badon ke kisse kaha nahin
ko, isse dafna diya.
Hunko naam jo kabron ki tajarat karke, kya
na bechoge jo mil jayen sanam bathar ke?
Hum logon ke naam bechte hain.
Aap dekhne aaj ka khankahin kya hai, wohi
Ki woh jaise ek ghulami ki jaise adde
ban chuke hain.
Bajaye iske ke insan ko duniya se, makhloog
se azaad karte, unko sahi ek azaadi naseeb
hoti, nahin.
Woh ek alag se jaise ghulami ka shikar
hote jaa rahe hain.
Safa-e-dahr-e-dahr se baatil ko
mataya, kisne?
Nau-e-insan ko ghulami se chudaya, kisne?
Mere kaabe ko jabino se basaya, kisne?
Mere qur'aan ko seeno se lagaya, kisne?
Yeh kisse baat ho rahe hain?
Yeh Salaf-e-Saleheen ki baat ho rahe
The toh wo aaba tumhare hi, magar tum
kya ho?
Haath par haath dar-e-muntazar-e-farda
Yani ki jo bade log the, woh toh
dekho kaam kar gaye.
Woh tumhare hi bade the, zahir hai humare
roohani peshwaat hai, jinkum aqabireen kahte hain, Salaf
-e-Saleheen kahte hain.
Yeh Salahuddin Ayubi rahmatullah, Tariq ibn Ziyad rahmatullah,
kitne bade bade jo buzur hain.
Sultan Muhammad rahmatullah.
Yani ki woh toh ek meaningful, purposeful zindagi
guzarne wale.
The toh wo aaba tumhare hi, magar tum
kya ho?
Haath par haath dar-e-muntazar-e-farda
Muntazar-e-farda kahte hain, looking for tomorrow.
Woh tarah ki intazaar mein baith hain ki
jee Imam Mehdi rahmatullah, you know, alaihis salaam
tashreef laayenge.
Toh khud ba khud aa ke humare haalaat
theek ho jaye.
Puri ummat baith hain intazaar mein.
Ki koi aisa Masiha aaye, khud ba khud
kaam humare theek ho jaye.
Toh kehte hain yaad rakho, manfat ek hai,
is qaum ka nukhsaan bhi ek.
Ek hi sabka nabi, deen bhi, imaan bhi
Haram-e-paak bhi, Allah bhi, Quran bhi
Kuch bari baat thi hote jo musalmaan bhi
Aaj jo hum toot chuke hain, 50 se
upar musalmaan malik hain.
Lekin divide and conquer.
Yani koi kafiron ne hume toodala.
Aaj bade-bade building-e banane ke andar
shop pe baithe hain.
Casino banane me concerts ho rahe hain.
Sab kuch ye ho raha hain.
Lekin ye nahi ki insaan ki dil mein
gham ki kaifiyat ho.
Ki bhai musalmaanon ko, is ummat ko, nabi
sasam ki ummat ko kya ho rahe hain.
Kuch bari baat thi hote jo musalmaan bhi
Firka bandi hain kahin, kahin zaate hain.
Kya zamane mein panapne ki yehi baat hain.
Kis tarah deen mein bhi toot rahe hain,
koi deobandi hain, koi barelvi hain, koi ahl
-e-hadees hain, koi falan, koi falan, koi
Chote chote se jaise har ek ne apne
chote-chote khe day-deen ki masjid badae
Kya zamane mein panapne ki yehi baat hain.
Kya insaan banda soche to ek bada vision,
ek mission, ek badi direction to hum lehna
Chote chote chote chote kaam karke jaise insaan
apne aapko khush karne wari baat hote.
Allahu Akbar.
Kaun hai taare ki aayin-e-rasool-e
Mujhe bataein ki nabi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
mein jo aayin.
Aayin yani ki the constitution of life.
The way to live your life.
Kisne usko chhoda?
Maslehat waqt ki hain, kiske amal ka mayyar.
Ki hum waqt, har waqt, yehi aaj ho
rahe hain.
Ki waqt ki maslehat batate rahe hain.
Is waqt maslehat kya hain?
Aur wo maslehat kya hote hain, ki kisi
tarah hum bach jayein.
Baaki ummat jayein, baad mein jayein, chahein wo
aag mein jayein.
Maslehat waqt ki hain, kiske amal ka mayyar.
Har amal mein bas maslehat hain doonte rahe
Kiski aankhon mein samaya hain shiaar-e-agyaar?
Hum logon ko dekh ke unki kaamon ko,
unki anzaaz-e-biyaan, unki life, unki culture
usko dekh ke humare aankhon mein jaise roshni
se aajaatein.
Kiski aankhon mein samaya hain shiaar-e-agyaar?
Logon ke, yaani ki way of life aur
unki lifestyle aur unki world view ko dekh
ke hum jo hain bas, yaani ki usi
se hum jaise humare aankhen chundi hajaatein.
Ho gayi kiski nagatar salf se bezaar?
Aur waqt, badon ki baatron toh bezaari se
hoti hain.
Yaani hum apne andar dekhein, aqabreen aise thein,
waise thein, woh jee woh toh purani baatein
thein, chauda saal purani baatein thein, bhaiyaan aap
modern zamane ki modern baatein karein.
Qalb mein sooz nahin, rooh mein ahsaas nahin.
Yehi cheez hain, ki ahsaas khatun ho chuka,
ahsaas-e-ziyaan jaata raha.
Qalb mein sooz nahin, empathy nahin hain, we
don't feel anything, there's no grief, ke bhaiye
humare andar fikar hi nahin ho rahein.
Dekho ho kya rahein?
Hum dekhein toh saheen ki humare bachiyon ke
saath kya ho rahein, humari maa-e, behne
-e, behtiyon ke saath kya ho rahein?
Yeh shayr toh hila ke rak deta.
Qalb mein sooz nahin, rooh mein ahsaas nahin,
kuch bhi peghaam-e-Muhammad ka tumhe paas
Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
Ki Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam ka jo
peghaam tha, Ummati, Ummati, Ummati, uska tumhe koi
paas hi nahin, koi gham hi nahin hain.
Apne choti si duniya bana ke behti ho
Wa aiz-e-kaum ki wo pukhta khayali
na rahi, bark-e-taubai na rahi, shola
maqali na rahi, reh gayi rasme azaa, rooh
-e-Bilali na rahi.
Allahu Akbar.
Azaan-e toh abhi dete hain, lekin wo,
Bilal R.A. ki rooh nahin rahi, falsafa
reh gaya, talkeen-e-Ghazali na rahi.
Yaha pe yeh hain ki humare andar ek
academic sa knowledge rahi gaya.
Even as far as the deen is concerned,
but the in-depth being a polymath, yaani
ki jo har life ka jo har aspect
hota usko insaan cover karke, holistically soch ke,
wo hum soch hi nahi, humare andar wo
badi zihin hi nahi rahe, chote chote se
zihin rahe ke.
Masjid-e-marsiyan khaan hain ki namazi na
rahe, masjid-e-rooh rahi hain ki namazi
khatam, yaani wo sahib-e-ausaak hajazi na
Shoor hain ho gaye duniya se musalman abood.
Hum yeh kahtein hain ki the bhi kahi
muslim maujood.
Loh kahtein ki musalman khatam.
Lekin agar dekho tumhi musalman the kahan.
Hum kahan musalman, hum apne aapko musalman kahi
bhi shaktein.
Waja kya hain, ab yeh sunayin.
Waza mein ho tum nasara, to tamadan mein
Waza kata.
Waza kata insaan jo bahir, yeh maine aise
kapde pehenne hain, maine aise dikhna hain, maine
aise karna.
Waza mein tumho nasara.
Bilkul hum west ko hundred percent copy kar.
Jo fashion jaisa hume de diya jaata hai
haath mein, usko hundred percent humne apne upar
Tamadan mein hunood.
Aap dekhne Pakistan jaise humara mulk hai.
Tamadan, tamadan kahtein culture.
Culturally hum, jis tarah se woh hindu culture
ko apnana chahatein, ab woh chahe Bollywood ho,
chahe falan ho, falan ho, hundred percent usko
hum cover karne ki koshish kartein.
Yeh musalman hai jine dekh ke sharmaayin yahood.
Yahood bhi dekh ke jo na hume sharma
Yeh log musalman hai, yeh Ismail a.s.
ki olaat, yeh hai, woh bhi sharmaatein.
Allahu Akbar, yoon to Syed bhi ho, Mirza
bhi ho, Afghan bhi ho, tum sabhi kuch
ho, batao to musalman bhi ho.
Yani ki humne har kisam ki identity ko
apna liya.
Lekin, sawal yeh hai ki hum sab kuch
hain, kya hum musalman hain?
Like is that our primary identity or no?
Har musalman rag-e-batil ke liye nishtar
Rag-e-batil kahtein na, ki artery.
Nishtar hota hai ki scalpel, like a knife.
To har musalman rag-e-batil ke liye
nishtar tha.
Uske aayina hasti mein amal-e-jauhar tha.
Jo bharosa tha, usse kuwat-e-baazoo partha.
Usko this self-identity that a person develops
based solely on their reliance on Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
Phir ek Allah ta'ala himmat detein, ki
haan main sab kuch kar sakta hun Allah
ta'ala ki madad se.
Hai tumhe maud ka dhar, usko Khuda ka
Allahu Akbar.
Yeh hai wahna.
Humme apni maud se dhar hai.
Koi mada baud ki baat nahi karna chahata.
Aise darpok hum musalman ho chuke hain.
Hai tumhe maud ka dhar, usko Khuda ka
Woh sirf Allah se dharne wale log tha.
Yani Hussain r.a. Anhu, yani Ahle Baith,
Rasulullah s.a.w. ke sahaba kiram, woh
Allah se dharne wale log tha.
Woh maud ko gale lagane wale tha.
Woh nahi dharte tha.
Aur hum maud se dharne wale.
Ki humare haath se humare duniya na chali
Baat ka ilm na bete ko gar azbar
Phir pisar qabil-e-meeraz se phidar kyun
kar ho.
Har koi musth mai zauqetan aasani hai.
Mai zauqetan, mai kehte hain sharaab ko.
Zauqetan aasani, comfort and luxuries.
Comfort and luxury ke jo sharaab ka jo
mazain hai, uske andar hum, har banda musth
Comfort mila, luxury mila, comfort mila, luxury mila.
Tum musalman ho, yeh andaaz-e-musulmani Like
how dare you even call yourself a mu'min,
a Muslim.
Haidri faqar hai, nai daulat-e-usmani.
Haidr Hazrat Ali r.a. anhum, woh toh
faqeer tha.
Woh kehte na tumhare indar Ali r.a.
ki faqeeri reh gayi, nai daulat-e-usmani
Neither do you have the wealth of Hazrat
Na yeh hai, na woh hai.
Tumko aslaaf se kya nisbate roohani?
Yani woh aise buzurd the, lekin tumne unke
saath apna ek roohani, islahi, qalbi taaluk tor
diya hai.
Woh zamane mein muazzaz the musalman hokar, aur
tum khaar hue taarik-e-Qur'an ho
Their primary, jo bhi unse poosna ki who
are you, toh woh sharmate nahi the, woh
kehte the hum la ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur
Rasulullah s.a.w. ko seene milane wale
Hazrat Umar r.a. unhone, he was wearing
clothes that were patched when he met the
patriarch of Jerusalem.
Aur woh poora bada dhan san ke bahar
Toh Umar r.a. unhone, yeh hota jab
andar la ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur Rasulullah hota,
toh ek aisa mazbooti ihsaan mein a jaati
Aur Allah ta'ala fir izzat aisa logon
ko dete hai.
Allah ta'ala fraud logon ko izzat nahi
diya karte.
Aur tum khaar hue taarik-e-Qur'an
hokar, Qur'an ka message tauheed ka, risalat
ka, akhirat ka, ab woh humare andar se
khatam ho chuka.
Toh uski warah se Allah ta'ala ne
ab duniya ke andar hume khaari ataab firmahein.
Chahate sab hai ki ho auj-e-saraiyyah
pe muqeem.
Har banda chahate izzat hai.
Auj-e-saraiyyah yaani ki woh unche unche
maqamat, ki Allah ta'ala har usko naseeb
Pehle waisa koi paida toh karein qalb-e
Ki insaan ka waisa dil ho, ki jis
dil mein Allah aa jayein, jis dil mein
Allah samaa jayein, jis dil mein Allah chhaa
Pehle aisa dil, aisa qalb lekar aoge, phir
Allah ta'ala auj-e-saraiyyah ataab firmahein.
Wanna har banda chahate main walayat ke bade
maqam par aaja.
But where is the qalb-e-saleem, where
is the qalb-e-muneeb that is required
for you to attain those status and those
Woh humaare paas hai nahi hai.
Khaab ke andar arsh ko farf se mulaya
Khaab ke andar hum se bada koi majaddad
nahi, hum se bada koi ghaus nahi.
Lekin jahan qalb-e-saleem ki baat aati
hain toh, insaan jo hai wo qalb-e
-saleem se bilkul mehroon.
Khud kushi shewa tumhara wo ghiyur-o khuddaar.
Ki hum toh bhai, humaara kya khud kushi,
har kaam mein apne hi paon pe kulhari
Woh kehte khud, ghuyur samajh se nahi ghira.
They had that deeni hamiyat.
They had that self-identity.
They were proud of that.
Not proud in terms of pride and arrogance.
Proud in terms of being, feeling honoured.
Feeling honoured by the Islam that Allah Ta
'ala had given them.
Woh ghuyur-o khuddaar.
Khuddaar hota jo kisi aur ki taraf nahi
Uske andar yeh ek kaifiyat hoti hain.
Khuddaari ki kaifiyat kehte hain ki Allah Ta
'ala unke andar itna yeh bedaar kar de
de jazba ki insaan kabhi ghair ki taraf
nazar utha ke nahi dekhta.
Usko bewafai samajhta hain.
Tum akhuwat se gurehza wa akhuwat min isaar.
Coming back to, we are not committed to
the brotherhood of the ummah.
Although akhuwat min isaar, they would do anything
to sacrifice themselves for their brotherhood.
I will take you to that famous example
of one of the battles in which a
person was looking for his own cousin and
he found him and he found that he
was taking his last breath and he was
saying al-atash, al-atash, that I'm really
thirsty, give me some water.
And so he was about to give him
some water when he heard somebody else crying
al-atash, al-atash.
And the person who was there, the cousin
of the person carrying the water, he closed
his lips.
He said, go and give him the water.
So the person rushed to him and he
tried to give him water.
But again, he was about to drink when
he heard somebody else, a third person say
al-atash, al-atash, that I'm thirsty, I'm
Now he rushed to the third person, but
before he got to him, the third person
had passed away.
Now he rushed to the second one, he
went to him, he had also passed away.
And when he came back to his own
cousin, his cousin had passed away as well.
I really need us to think about this
for a second.
This is what it means to be akhuwat
min isaar, that this concept of ummah, living
beyond ourselves, breaking the cocoon of our own
nafs, thinking about the ummah, this is what
self-sacrifice is all about.
What can I do for the ummah of
Rasulullah ï·º?
This is such a taunt.
You are an embodiment of talk, that you
love to talk.
They were an embodiment and pinnacle of kardaar,
We like to talk the talk, they used
to walk the walk.
Sarapa means this pinnacle of just talking.
We love to talk, we don't like to
And they were a pinnacle of action, pinnacle
of character, pinnacle of personality, pinnacle of what
it means to be a real human being.
That is why we are looking for just
one small flower and they were like a
big orchard Allah has sent to this humanity.
Every nation still talks.
This is so interesting that when it comes
to Salahuddin Ayyubi, if you look at the
western literature on him, they have nothing but
praises for him.
They were so impressed by this Mujahid of
Allah that their literature is filled with praises
for him.
The nations still remember their stories, they still
remember Umar and what he had done.
This was the truth that they lived that
has been made part of the story of
So you have to be true to yourself,
you have to be true to Allah, you
have to be true to others and inshallah
then the story remains.
And this is what the ghairat, this is
what khuddari, this is what khudi truly means.
This is what the identity of being a
mu'min, identity of being a mu'min this really
You know Allama Iqbal says in a different
place, that a person with this ghairat, their
nazar is only on Allah subhanahu wa ta
What is death?
Death is just a shifting of a world.
In shaheedon ki diyat ahle kalisa sinama, people
who have been martyred in the path of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, don't look or
ask for their value from ahle kalisa, from
the people of cathedrals and churches.
Don't look for their acknowledgement from them.
Qadro qeemat mein hain khoon, jin ka haram
se badkar.
Whose blood is more honourable than the haram
Ah eh mard-e-musulman tujhe kya yaad
naheen, harfe la tadu ma laahi ilaha naakhir.
So you know it is, you know we
are being called to wake up.
The ummah needs to wake up.
You know our haram is in danger, our
way of life is in danger across all
the communities, you know all the countries of
the world, especially the Muslim countries as well.
And you know we need to become part
of the solution.
You know we need to be there inshallah
ta'ala to raise good strong Muslims, sons
and daughters who understand their way of life,
who have certainty in this way, and you
know who are attached to it, and you
know who are willing to to really live
an Allah-centric and akhirat-centric life.
And this is what the job of scholars
is as well.
This is what the job of mashayikh is
as well.
Allama Iqbal says, tune poochi hain amamat ki
haqiqat mudse.
You know you're asking, you know everybody wants
to be called imam fala, imam fala, imam
fala today.
So Allama Iqbal says, tune poochi hain amamat
ki haqiqat mudse.
You have asked me the reality of what
being an imam really truly is.
Haq tuje meri tera sahib-e-israr karein.
May Allah ta'ala make you a person
of secrets like me because I know the
He was sahib-e-sir, sir you know.
We have latifa-e-sir as well.
That's a sahib-e-israr basically means a
person that is filled with secrets.
This is ilm-e-ladun that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala gives.
Then he says who is an imam?
Hain wohi tere zamane ka imam-e-barhaq.
That the real, the true imam of your
zaman is jo tuje hazir-o-maujood se
bayzaar karein.
You know things that are present and in
front of you meaning duniya.
Your imam is the person who makes you
You take your heart of a meaning.
He puts this zuhd-e-duniya in your
That you're disconnected from the zahir-e-maujood
that you see in front of you.
You're not attached to it.
Bayzaar-e-samajtein that you're sick of it.
You're tired of it.
You don't want to do anything with it.
Zahir-e-maujood, you know this duniya that
we are so like littered with.
That we are so connected with.
That we are so entrenched in.
You know that this person gives you zuhd
in that duniya.
Maat ke aayine mein tujh ko dekha ka
ruh dost.
That you know every single day you know
this mirror of death is right in front
of you.
This is what you look at.
Anything that you are looking at you know
you see you know your own death coming.
You know this is from a hadith of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that mentions that
you know you make salam on one side.
That you are not sure if you'll get
even the moment to make salam on the
other side.
This is where you know that this journey
to the next world can come in any
second now.
And we need to be prepared for it.
We are looking for comforts.
And he's saying a true imam is who
makes your life difficult for you.
Zindagi tere liye aur bhi dashwar karen.
You know this is what a true imam
You know we need murshids like that but
where do you find mureeds like that?
Nobody wants that discomfort.
Nobody wants that you know stepping out of
their comfort zone.
You know the level of sacrifice, the level
of the ability to make qurbani is just
But Allama Iqbal is telling us that your
true imam is zindagi tere liye aur bhi
dashwar karen.
That makes more and more difficult.
Your life becomes intolerable for you.
There's so much difficulty for you because you
are so entrenched in making you know effort
and striving and mujahida and day in and
day out.
You're living a lifestyle.
Itnaha banda mehndat kare that people feel oh
Allahu Akbar.
You know what's wrong with this guy?
That these are crazy people.
That these are crazy people.
That you know he puts this fire inside
And he sharpens you right.
He sharpens you like a sword.
Fitna e millat e bezaah e imamat uski
jo musulman ko salateen ka paristar karte.
You know and then he goes into you
know the fitna that we are in.
And you know one of that is the
asabiya that the nationalism and you know the
governance that we are stuck in and our
leaders that we have and you know and
the true imam is that you know he
raises you above that.
So you know this is I remember just
reading this on my way back from Atlanta
on the plane and I thought that I
would I would share this with you because
really this is you know this is a
strange moment you know as one of our
mashayikh Mufti Taqi Usmani sahib said that this
is a pivotal moment.
This is a very we are we're facing
like a crossroad.
We're in a crossroad and our decisions about
how we act as an ummah will certainly
determine what kind of path we'll see in
front of us for ourselves but also for
our children.
And so you know it's we need to
wake up.
We need to reconnect.
We need to get re-inspired and we
need to be motivated into action insha'Allah
with haqq the way in the haqq way
at the haqq time.
So may Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala allow us
insha'Allah to become the ummah the nabi
salallahu alaihi wa sallam wants us to become.
May Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala make us the
abd that Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam wants
us to see.
May Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala help us be
attached to Quran and Sunnah like Rasulullah salallahu
alaihi wa sallam wants us to be attached
to it.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala accept us
Ya rabbal alameen.
Wa akhiru da'wana an alhamdulillahi rabbil alhameen.
InshaAllah ta'ala for a few minutes close
your eyes, bow your heads in humility and
Let go of all the thoughts of the
dunya and everyone in this dunya.
Bring your attention down to your quloob, to
your qalb, to your lataaf.
Feel Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's tajalliyat, fuyuzat
descending upon us and feel that your qalb
is engrossing in those tajalliyat, it is accepting
them, it's absorbing all of that light and
feel that all the darkness of the dunya,
all the rust, all the hardness is dissipating
away and we are waking up inside inshaAllah
Feel that your qalb is saying Allah, Allah,
ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala,
inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah
ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala,
inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta
'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah
ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala,
inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta
'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah
ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala,
inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta
'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah
ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala,
inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta
'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta
'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah
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inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta
'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah
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'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah
ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala,
inshaAllah ta'ala, inshaAllah ta'ala Allahumma ma
'af firmaa, khataaun se dargazal firmaa, ehbun ki
parda pooshi firmaa, Allah neeki ki zindagi naseeb
firmaa, taqwa ki zindagi naseeb firmaa, ayaa wali
zindagi naseeb firmaa, Allah wafaa wali zindagi naseeb
firmaa, ya Allah humein ek hokar neek hokar
rehne wala banaa, aafash ki muhabbat wa muaddat
naseeb firmaa, ek ummat banke rehne wala banaa,
ya Allah ki ummat ek jisam ki tarah
hai, ek hisse ki taqleef ho, poora jisam
taqleef ho mehsoos karta hai, ya Allah humein
ummat ka gham naseeb firmaa, ummat ki fikar
naseeb firmaa, nabi-e-sasam kis ummat ki
khatir qurbaniya dene wala banaa, ya Allah ummat
badi pareshaan haal hain, Allah pini madad shamil
-e-haal firmaa, ya Allah kareem humare chote
chote bachey bachiyan, ya Allah kareem iskadar zulm
ka shikaar hai, ya Allah kareem, Allah falasteen
meh, ya Allah kareem ghaza ki andar, Lubnaan
meh, Syria meh, Sudan meh, Nigeria meh, Yemen
meh, Kashmir meh, Allah kaha kaha pareshaaniya nahi
hai, ya Allah pini madad shamil-e-haal
firmaa dijiye, Allah zaalime ko hidayat de dijiye,
hidayat nahi to Allah chun chun ke dafa
door kar dijiye, ya Allah karam ka maamla
firmaa dijiye, ya Allah kareem hume duniya kameeni
ki muhabbat dil se door firmaa, apna chacha
ishq chacha taaluk ataa firmaa, quran ki muhabbat
naseeb firmaa, nabi-e-sasam ke raste mehi
ya Allah sakoon hai, Allah ye rasta naseeb
firmaa, ay piaari Allah nabi-e-sasam ki
muhabbat se wafaatoone to hum tere hai, ye
jaha cheez kya hai teri lauh-o-kalam
tere hai, ya Allah nabi-e-sasam se
baa wafaat bana dijiye, ya Allah nabi-e
-sasam ka dil khush karne wala bana dijiye,
ya Allah kareem doosron me khaif filane wala
bana dijiye, Allah wo hume ilm naseeb firmaa
jo naafih ho, wo amal naseeb firmaa jo
saalih ho, ya Allah ikhlaas naseeb firmaa jo
kaamil ho, Allah ihsaan ataa firmaa, ya Allah
kareem jo aapki qurbat naseeb firmaa de, ya
Allah kareem karam ka maamla firmaa, Allah imaan
wali zindagi naseeb firmaa, maut bar haq hai
Allah jab maut ka waqt hai imaan wali
shahadat wali maut naseeb firmaa, ya Allah jab
hum duniya se jaane lagayin labon ke upar
faqat kalma teyba ko jari firmaa, ay pyaar
-e-Allah jiski jo jais tamanna-e-haajate
hain poori firmaa, ya Allah kareem hamari wo
khaaheshein, ya Allah ki jo hamari liye theek
nahin duniya aakhirat ke liye usko dilon se
dafa door firmaa, ya Allah kareem karam ka
maamla firmaa, maangi hi duan ko apni rahmat
fazal karam se kaboor firmaa, khuda wanda maqsood
mera muhabbat-o-mu'arfat, zaak-o-shauk
-o-khod-bid-de, sallallahu ta'ala ala
khair-e-khalki-hi, Muhammadin wa ala alihi
wa sahabi ajma'een, bi rahmatika, ya arhman