Adnan Rashid – Throw Him Out

Adnan Rashid
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AI: Summary ©

The speaker discusses various hadith collections and references to Prophet's statements about black and white man named Mirza GhMarket. They also share a previous hadith collection and reference a prophet's statement about a black man named Mirza GhMarket. The speakers express struggles in answering questions about the Prophet's campaigns and the potential danger it could bring.

AI: Summary ©

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			He lied black and white.
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			He lied through his teeth.
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			Okay, fine.
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			Let's say you produce five references, Mirza abusing
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			Nuh a.s. or Yunus a.s. or
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			even the Prophet of Islam.
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			We have plenty of references.
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			I know, I've seen them.
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			But what is more important for the masses
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			here, the Ahmadi masses is that they need
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			to know that this man called Mirza Ghulam
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			Ahmad Qadiani was an outright manipulator, forger, and
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			Okay, how can we show that to them
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			by actually opening the floor to these people
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			and ask them to address questions where Mirza
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			lied black and white.
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			So next point, I would like to, with
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			absolute, you know, sympathy to what you had
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			to say, Imtiaz bhai.
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			I respect completely what you're saying.
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			But I insist that the next point we
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			raise here is the point about Kishan.
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			Okay, Mirza claimed that the Messenger of Allah,
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			Prophet Muhammad said that there is a black
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			-skinned Prophet in India, or there was, and
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			his name was Qadiani.
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			I want this gentleman, this Qadiani gentleman to
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			answer this question.
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			Did Mirza say that the Prophet Muhammad s
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			.a.w. said that there is a Prophet
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			from India, he gave these Arabic words, attributing
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			these words to the Prophet s.a.w.
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			Okay, and we have the reference.
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			And can you find this hadith for us
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			anywhere in the world?
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			Okay, let Fateh Islam respond and reply to
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			Go ahead.
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			Yeah, I'll respond that the first thing.
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			We already gave that reference.
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			And in your own Ulma's books, that is
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			mentioned there, there should be a Prophet in
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			So the thing is that...
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			Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, brother Adnan.
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			Wait, wait, brother.
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			You just made something up.
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			You just like Mirza.
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			You just made something up.
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			Where did our scholars say that there will
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			be a Prophet in India?
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			When I say our scholars, okay, wait.
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			First of all, my question is about the
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			Forget the scholars.
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			There are thousands, there are thousands.
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			Mirza said Prophet Muhammad said that there will
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			be a Prophet from India, s.a.w.
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			There will be a Prophet from India.
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			His name will be Kahin.
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			And Krishan and Kanaiya.
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			Where is that hadith?
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			Yeah, let me share my screen.
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			Then people will understand.
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			You know, I have two minutes.
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			Let me respond.
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			Answer the question directly.
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			You are shifting topic, one topic to another
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			We don't know.
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			No, no, this is the topic.
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			In the start, let me establish my case
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			first, Adnan.
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			Okay, wait.
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			No, no, no.
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			You answer the question.
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			No BS.
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			No BS.
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			Answer the question or you go.
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			Answer the question.
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			So can you start giving us first the
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			reference which hadith collection is?
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			If you want a kind of answer which
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			you want from my side.
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			Not a kind of answer.
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			Write it down.
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			I'll read that.
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			Or if you want to answer me.
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			What's your name?
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			What's your name?
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			What's your name?
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			What's your name?
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			My name is Fateh Islam.
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			Fateh Islam.
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			Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani wrote that Prophet Muhammad
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			s.a.w. said in the Arabic language.
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			Where are these words from the Prophet s
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			.a.w.? Do you understand the question?
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			Let me give you.
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			Answer, please.
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			Let me share my screen first.
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			Because you have to.
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			We have to establish a case.
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			Then I'll show you that one.
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			Mansoor bhai, start is two minutes now.
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			That's a hadith.
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			That's a hadith that is written by Hazrat
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			Maulana Wahid Dupzama.
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			Adnan bhai, please give him his two minutes.
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			Imtiaz bhai, no.
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			I'm not going to accept this BS.
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			Do you have the hadith or not?
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			He's going to waste our time.
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			Imtiaz bhai, I'm not going to allow that.
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			Do you have the words from the Prophet
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			Muhammad s.a.w. or not?
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			Simple question.
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			Yes or no?
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			Yes or no?
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			I'll give you.
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			I'll give you.
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			Answer my question.
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			Do you have these words?
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			Yes, I have.
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			Yes, I have the words.
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			You have these words from the Prophet Muhammad
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			s.a.w.? Yes.
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			The thing is that once the...
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			How Hazrat Ali can quote anything?
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			Fateh Islam.
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			Fateh Islam.
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			How Hazrat Ali can quote anything?
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			Fateh Islam.
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			Is the Hazrat Ali was lying anything?
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			Is Hazrat Ali was lying anything?
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			Why are you waffling there?
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			No, I'm not waffling.
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			I'm not waffling your quotation.
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			Mute him.
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			Mute him.
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			Imtiaz, no.
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			Imtiaz, your style is different to mine.
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			One second.
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			You can deal with them as you like.
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			Let me deal with them the way they
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			Fateh Islam.
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			I'm going to ask you once again.
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			I'm not going to allow them to waffle,
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			take us around the world, take us around
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			London, then to Birmingham, to Manchester, to Canada,
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			then to the US, then to Latin America
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			and come back to London.
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			Get straight to the point.
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			Mirza said categorically, Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam
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			said, there is a prophet from India, black
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			skinned, black color.
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			His name is Kahin Christian Kanaiya.
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			He attributed these words in the Arabic language
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			specifically to the Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad
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			sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
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			Either this Hadith exists...
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			Authentically or inauthentically.
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			Mansoor, I will give them, I will give
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			Why choose an authentic Hadith?
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			If Mirza is going to speak, he must
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			speak that it's an authenticated...
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			No, no, no problem.
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			Mansoor, Mansoor, I know the reason why I'm
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			going to give them this leeway so that
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			they can find it somewhere.
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			Even if it's maudhu, even if it's daif,
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			even if it's a false attribution, bring it
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			where the Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad said
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			that there is a prophet from India, black
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			skinned, his name is Kahin Christian Kanaiya.
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			Okay, we've heard the actual demand you're asking.
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			Okay, let's see where the Hadith is.
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			Yeah, yeah.
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			Let me share that.
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			So, if he has the Hadith, we are...
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			He's sharing his screen, so there you go.
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			Okay, Hadith.
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			Let's go.
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			Very happy to see it.
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			Okay, it's a Hadith from the Prophet sallallahu
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			alaihi wasallam, right?
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			Yeah, you know, that's a narration from the
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			Hazrat Ali.
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			Okay, okay.
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			Well, first of all, no, no, no, wait,
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			wait, wait, wait.
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			That's the same, that's the same thing.
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			No, no, that's the same thing.
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			Be quiet.
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			That's the same thing.
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			Be quiet.
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			Be quiet.
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			Be quiet.
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			Be quiet.
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			Stop making noise.
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			Don't make noise.
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			Be quiet.
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			I will read it.
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			I will read it.
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			But is it from the Prophet?
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			First question.
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			Hazrat Ali is not the Prophet.
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			Wait, wait.
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			Stop making noise.
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			Stop making noise.
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			Have a conversation.
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			Don't be...
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			Are you from a village?
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			Stop making noise.
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			Let's have a conversation.
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			It seems you are from a village.
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			No, I'm not from a village.
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			I know how to deal with the people
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			from village.
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			This is something I have.
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			Okay, okay, okay.
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			I'm asking you a question, Fateh Islam, is
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			this from the Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad?
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			Because that's what Mirza said.
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			That's what Mirza said.
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			The Prophet said it.
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			Is it from the Prophet?
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			And then we will read it, what Ali
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			said, apparently or allegedly.
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			Is this from the Prophet?
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			Now my turn.
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			No, I'm asking you a question.
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			Is it from the Prophet?
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			Yeah, that Hazrat Ali is narrating that.
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			I am asking you.
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			My question is that...
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			First of all, first of all, first of
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			all, this is not the Hadith Mirza narrated.
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			First of all, first of all, I'm not
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			going to let you off.
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			I'm not going to let you...
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			I'm not going to let your Dajjal lie.
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			I'm not going to let you be a
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			I'm going to let you...
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			You are doing a Dajjal.
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			You are saying...
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			Let's see, let's see.
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			Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani said, Do
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			you understand?
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			Mirza said this.
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			Mirza said this.
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			Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
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			Are you going to listen or not?
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			Are you going to listen or not?
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			I'm listening to you and you are not
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			answering me.
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			Mirza said...
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			Your own Hadith scholar accepts Christian is a
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			Okay, wait, wait.
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			Do you know there's a Hadith in Sahih
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			Bukhari which says, Why am I doing this
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			So that you understand where I'm going with
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			The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, Anyone
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			who lies in my name or on me.
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			Deliberately let him take his seat in hellfire.
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			Let him take his seat.
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			So anyone who names the Prophet and says
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			the Prophet Muhammad said this and it doesn't
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			Then this man is not only a liar.
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			He is burning in hellfire.
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			Do you understand why I'm so concerned about
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			the Ahmadis?
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			Why I'm so worried about them?
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			Why I have so much sympathy for them?
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			Now, Mirza said that Muhammad Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
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			Wasallam said, His name is Qahin Christian Kanaiya.
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			Did Mirza sahib say this first of all?
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			Yes or no?
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			You are not reading the text of that
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			Okay, I will.
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			It says, Innahu Alaihi Sallallahu Wasallam.
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			I will, I will, I will, I will.
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			Translate it for me, brother.
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			Translate it, sir.
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			Listen, this guy...
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			The last red line, translate it.
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			Mansoor, throw him out.
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			Mansoor, throw him out.
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			Bring someone else.
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			Brother, brother, I'm saying, Innahu Alaihi...
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			Mansoor, yeah, throw him out.