Adnan Rashid – Throw Him Out

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The speaker discusses various hadith collections and references to Prophet's statements about black and white man named Mirza GhMarket. They also share a previous hadith collection and reference a prophet's statement about a black man named Mirza GhMarket. The speakers express struggles in answering questions about the Prophet's campaigns and the potential danger it could bring.
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He lied black and white.
He lied through his teeth.
Okay, fine.
Let's say you produce five references, Mirza abusing
Nuh a.s. or Yunus a.s. or
even the Prophet of Islam.
We have plenty of references.
I know, I've seen them.
But what is more important for the masses
here, the Ahmadi masses is that they need
to know that this man called Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad Qadiani was an outright manipulator, forger, and
Okay, how can we show that to them
by actually opening the floor to these people
and ask them to address questions where Mirza
lied black and white.
So next point, I would like to, with
absolute, you know, sympathy to what you had
to say, Imtiaz bhai.
I respect completely what you're saying.
But I insist that the next point we
raise here is the point about Kishan.
Okay, Mirza claimed that the Messenger of Allah,
Prophet Muhammad said that there is a black
-skinned Prophet in India, or there was, and
his name was Qadiani.
I want this gentleman, this Qadiani gentleman to
answer this question.
Did Mirza say that the Prophet Muhammad s
.a.w. said that there is a Prophet
from India, he gave these Arabic words, attributing
these words to the Prophet s.a.w.
Okay, and we have the reference.
And can you find this hadith for us
anywhere in the world?
Okay, let Fateh Islam respond and reply to
Go ahead.
Yeah, I'll respond that the first thing.
We already gave that reference.
And in your own Ulma's books, that is
mentioned there, there should be a Prophet in
So the thing is that...
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, brother Adnan.
Wait, wait, brother.
You just made something up.
You just like Mirza.
You just made something up.
Where did our scholars say that there will
be a Prophet in India?
When I say our scholars, okay, wait.
First of all, my question is about the
Forget the scholars.
There are thousands, there are thousands.
Mirza said Prophet Muhammad said that there will
be a Prophet from India, s.a.w.
There will be a Prophet from India.
His name will be Kahin.
And Krishan and Kanaiya.
Where is that hadith?
Yeah, let me share my screen.
Then people will understand.
You know, I have two minutes.
Let me respond.
Answer the question directly.
You are shifting topic, one topic to another
We don't know.
No, no, this is the topic.
In the start, let me establish my case
first, Adnan.
Okay, wait.
No, no, no.
You answer the question.
No BS.
No BS.
Answer the question or you go.
Answer the question.
So can you start giving us first the
reference which hadith collection is?
If you want a kind of answer which
you want from my side.
Not a kind of answer.
Write it down.
I'll read that.
Or if you want to answer me.
What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?
What's your name?
My name is Fateh Islam.
Fateh Islam.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani wrote that Prophet Muhammad
s.a.w. said in the Arabic language.
Where are these words from the Prophet s
.a.w.? Do you understand the question?
Let me give you.
Answer, please.
Let me share my screen first.
Because you have to.
We have to establish a case.
Then I'll show you that one.
Mansoor bhai, start is two minutes now.
That's a hadith.
That's a hadith that is written by Hazrat
Maulana Wahid Dupzama.
Adnan bhai, please give him his two minutes.
Imtiaz bhai, no.
I'm not going to accept this BS.
Do you have the hadith or not?
He's going to waste our time.
Imtiaz bhai, I'm not going to allow that.
Do you have the words from the Prophet
Muhammad s.a.w. or not?
Simple question.
Yes or no?
Yes or no?
I'll give you.
I'll give you.
Answer my question.
Do you have these words?
Yes, I have.
Yes, I have the words.
You have these words from the Prophet Muhammad
s.a.w.? Yes.
The thing is that once the...
How Hazrat Ali can quote anything?
Fateh Islam.
Fateh Islam.
How Hazrat Ali can quote anything?
Fateh Islam.
Is the Hazrat Ali was lying anything?
Is Hazrat Ali was lying anything?
Why are you waffling there?
No, I'm not waffling.
I'm not waffling your quotation.
Mute him.
Mute him.
Imtiaz, no.
Imtiaz, your style is different to mine.
One second.
You can deal with them as you like.
Let me deal with them the way they
Fateh Islam.
I'm going to ask you once again.
I'm not going to allow them to waffle,
take us around the world, take us around
London, then to Birmingham, to Manchester, to Canada,
then to the US, then to Latin America
and come back to London.
Get straight to the point.
Mirza said categorically, Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam
said, there is a prophet from India, black
skinned, black color.
His name is Kahin Christian Kanaiya.
He attributed these words in the Arabic language
specifically to the Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
Either this Hadith exists...
Authentically or inauthentically.
Mansoor, I will give them, I will give
Why choose an authentic Hadith?
If Mirza is going to speak, he must
speak that it's an authenticated...
No, no, no problem.
Mansoor, Mansoor, I know the reason why I'm
going to give them this leeway so that
they can find it somewhere.
Even if it's maudhu, even if it's daif,
even if it's a false attribution, bring it
where the Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad said
that there is a prophet from India, black
skinned, his name is Kahin Christian Kanaiya.
Okay, we've heard the actual demand you're asking.
Okay, let's see where the Hadith is.
Yeah, yeah.
Let me share that.
So, if he has the Hadith, we are...
He's sharing his screen, so there you go.
Okay, Hadith.
Let's go.
Very happy to see it.
Okay, it's a Hadith from the Prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam, right?
Yeah, you know, that's a narration from the
Hazrat Ali.
Okay, okay.
Well, first of all, no, no, no, wait,
wait, wait, wait.
That's the same, that's the same thing.
No, no, that's the same thing.
Be quiet.
That's the same thing.
Be quiet.
Be quiet.
Be quiet.
Be quiet.
Stop making noise.
Don't make noise.
Be quiet.
I will read it.
I will read it.
But is it from the Prophet?
First question.
Hazrat Ali is not the Prophet.
Wait, wait.
Stop making noise.
Stop making noise.
Have a conversation.
Don't be...
Are you from a village?
Stop making noise.
Let's have a conversation.
It seems you are from a village.
No, I'm not from a village.
I know how to deal with the people
from village.
This is something I have.
Okay, okay, okay.
I'm asking you a question, Fateh Islam, is
this from the Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad?
Because that's what Mirza said.
That's what Mirza said.
The Prophet said it.
Is it from the Prophet?
And then we will read it, what Ali
said, apparently or allegedly.
Is this from the Prophet?
Now my turn.
No, I'm asking you a question.
Is it from the Prophet?
Yeah, that Hazrat Ali is narrating that.
I am asking you.
My question is that...
First of all, first of all, first of
all, this is not the Hadith Mirza narrated.
First of all, first of all, I'm not
going to let you off.
I'm not going to let you...
I'm not going to let your Dajjal lie.
I'm not going to let you be a
I'm going to let you...
You are doing a Dajjal.
You are saying...
Let's see, let's see.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani said, Do
you understand?
Mirza said this.
Mirza said this.
Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Are you going to listen or not?
Are you going to listen or not?
I'm listening to you and you are not
answering me.
Mirza said...
Your own Hadith scholar accepts Christian is a
Okay, wait, wait.
Do you know there's a Hadith in Sahih
Bukhari which says, Why am I doing this
So that you understand where I'm going with
The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, Anyone
who lies in my name or on me.
Deliberately let him take his seat in hellfire.
Let him take his seat.
So anyone who names the Prophet and says
the Prophet Muhammad said this and it doesn't
Then this man is not only a liar.
He is burning in hellfire.
Do you understand why I'm so concerned about
the Ahmadis?
Why I'm so worried about them?
Why I have so much sympathy for them?
Now, Mirza said that Muhammad Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam said, His name is Qahin Christian Kanaiya.
Did Mirza sahib say this first of all?
Yes or no?
You are not reading the text of that
Okay, I will.
It says, Innahu Alaihi Sallallahu Wasallam.
I will, I will, I will, I will.
Translate it for me, brother.
Translate it, sir.
Listen, this guy...
The last red line, translate it.
Mansoor, throw him out.
Mansoor, throw him out.
Bring someone else.
Brother, brother, I'm saying, Innahu Alaihi...
Mansoor, yeah, throw him out.