Adnan Rashid – Qadianis Humiliating Defeat

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A woman named Mirza is presenting herself as a bigger liar and talks about her desire for people to read her TV and her desire for people to read her own hadith. She emphasizes the importance of reading the text and not blathering. Dr. books is being read and the source of the hadith is the Prophet's hadith. The speakers discuss various statements made by different speakers in the transcript, including a prophet in India who was black-skinned and a Prophet's statement causing chaos and confusion. The segment concludes with a discussion of history and the importance of consensus in Islam.
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In fact, what he is presenting goes against
Mirza, proves Mirza to be a bigger liar.
He doesn't even know what he is presenting
as evidence to save his false prophet because
now this proves Mirza to be a bigger
The question is, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani said,
Prophet Muhammad said in the Arabic language, Mirza
Sahib said this, right?
Yes, of course he did.
And he attributed this information to the Prophet
of Islam, Prophet Muhammad.
Yes, he did.
That means the Prophet said it.
I will tell you.
It's my turn now.
How much time will it go by?
Now you said you have up to five,
so you got eight more minutes.
No, no, no.
In total, in total.
So you can take two minutes, Mirza Sahib.
So firstly, is there a Hadith like this?
I will give you answer, straight answer, brother.
Straight answer.
Is there a Hadith with this wording?
Yes, yes, yes.
There's a Hadith.
There's a Hadith from the Prophet with this
Go ahead.
Brother, the problem is, you know, you are
Ahle Hadith.
Brailby, Deobandi, all other Fiqh.
We don't need an explanation.
We just need the Hadith.
Sorry, Imtiaz Bhai.
Sorry, Imtiaz Bhai.
I'm not going to let them do this.
That's not fair.
Let them all come.
Let them all come from all the way
from Rabwah to Qadian to Canada to Norway.
I'm giving you a Hadith.
I'm giving you a Hadith.
But you're not giving the Hadith.
You're giving about Ahle Hadith and so on.
You said such a Hadith does exist.
Where is it?
I want to see it.
You said it.
Go ahead.
Say yes, it is there.
I'm going to present it.
First of all, the previous scholar, he showed
you the reference.
No, it's not from the Prophet.
And it doesn't even say that.
Okay, bring the reference up.
I'm going to read it.
It doesn't even have those words.
He put a reference on his Twitter account.
And it has not the same Hadith.
Okay, read it.
No, no.
I want words.
Mirza said, the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
said, Arabic words.
Listen to me now.
Don't just go dumb on me.
Arabic words.
I want these words.
The report you just showed us on the
Read it.
Are these words there?
Are these words there?
One second.
No, no, read it.
Read it.
Read it.
You're not even letting me speak.
Brother, you just showed us something.
You just showed us something and you want
to read it.
You just showed the phone.
Can you read it?
Can you read it?
Can you?
Dr. Yahya.
Everyone is watching, as well.
Everyone is watching.
This is what, this is what I want
people to, I want people to watch this.
Can you read that text you just showed
on the screen like that?
With the phone.
Read it.
Are those, are those words there?
Mirza's words.
This is not Mirza's words.
This is from the phone.
But are those words, are those words there?
If you let me speak, I will tell
you without blathering and waffling.
Look, look, I don't want you to take
me to Lahore.
I don't know.
Dr. Dr. Dr. Yahya, I don't want you
to take me to Lahore and then to
Karachi and then to Bombay and then to
Dhaka and then bring me back to London.
I want you.
I want you to.
You finish.
You finish.
Mirza Sahib said Ahazrat, which is Rasulullah, Muhammad
Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said Kana fil
Hind, Nabiyyan Aswadul Launi, Ismuhu Kahin, Christian Kanaiya.
Basically, which is a Hindu deity.
So Mirza's claiming the Prophet of Islam, Prophet
Muhammad said that there was a prophet in
India, black skinned, and his name was Christian
Kanaiya, which is a Hindu idol, which Hindus
Now, I want you to produce that reference
word by word because Mirza used specific Arabic
Mirza's language was not Arabic.
His language was Urdu and Persian.
Arabic was not his language.
He gives specific words in the Arabic language.
I want those words from the Prophet.
And if you don't have them, then Mirza
is in Jahannam.
You know why?
Prophet said man kadaba alaiyya muta'amidan fal
yatabawwa maka'adahu minal naar.
Anyone who lies on me deliberately, let him
take his place in hellfire.
Now, if you don't have the words, Dr.
Yahya, say I don't have them.
They don't exist.
OK, then we move on.
But don't waste our time and the viewers
Don't play these Qadiani missionary games.
We're not going to allow that.
Do you have them?
OK, brother, I have got them, but you
have to let me speak.
You spoke for so long.
I am being very straight to the point.
I want to be direct.
Read, read, read the text.
Give me two minutes.
Read the text.
Yeah, brother, brother.
All Muslim scholars believe that awliya, they can
get the hadith.
I'm going to meet you.
OK, people might be thinking.
No one can hear you.
No one can hear you.
We are not going to allow you to
just waffle and blather.
You're speaking, but no one's hearing because you
think you're hearing because from your own speaker.
But no one is hearing you, Dr. Saab.
No one is hearing you.
Do you know why?
Because I have muted you and I'm telling
you why.
Because you do not have opportunity here in
the last few minutes before I have to
get Muhammad Imtiaz have some rest.
You need to quote or read the hadith.
Number one, just read without a commentary, a
prelog or a prolog or a postlog.
We just want the statement read in the
Arabic, preferably if it's there or in English
translation or whatever might be.
And tell us where the source of this
hadith is.
It needs to be hadith of Rasulullah.
We don't want what he said.
We don't want this.
We don't want this historian said we want
a hadith directly as we read like Rasulullah.
And you can read like this.
And the reference, if that's clear, I hope
it should be clear because you're a doctor.
You're a doctor.
So please, without any waffling, go ahead.
I'm going to give you the opportunity now
to speak.
Go ahead.
OK, now before.
Look, my problem is I can't even share
my screen because my original account has been
You can read it.
We're listening.
We're listening.
Read it.
Read those words.
This is from the Dastur ul Ulema or
Jamia al-Aloom.
OK, and I can show you the reference.
OK, read them.
Read the very words Mirza wrote attributing to
the Prophet.
OK, he said.
It's not the Prophet.
It's not the Prophet.
The Hadith has to be revealed by a
How many hadith?
I don't have to teach you these ABCs
OK, so OK.
OK, good.
Very good point.
I'm going to give you some extra territory
You are saying a Sahabi when he makes
a statement, it must come from the Prophet.
OK, now you're going to show me those
Now you're going to show me those words
in Arabic.
Go ahead.
Read it.
It says.
Have a look.
Wait, wait.
We heard it.
We heard it.
Yes, read again.
OK, yes.
OK, you know what it means?
And if you know the translation, you would
never use it.
If you knew the translation, you would never
use it.
Everyone who is watching, they know that what
was your claim.
Do you mind translating it before you start?
Before you go on a victory parade.
No, no, it's not the victory parade.
Please translate.
OK, I will listen.
There's another line which I have to read
before I before I translate.
Because I'm not used to mobiles, I'm so
used to the.
That's fine.
No problem.
Do you know what the translation is?
Let him finish first, brother.
Carry on, Dr. Saleh.
And then he says.
OK, first of all, do you agree that
whatever you are asking.
Translation, please, Dr. Saab.
I don't have to treat you like a
child, Dr. Saab.
You are quite, you know, an old person
compared to myself.
I'm asking you for a translation.
Thank you.
OK, now it says, it says, if a
prophet came to India.
If he was.
Yeah, I'm reading what he says.
He was black, but whole, but part.
He says, you see, my problem is I
will tell you a problem.
I am not expert in Arabic.
OK, good.
I am not.
OK, just one clarification.
One clarification is done.
You know, in the last stream, when I
No, no, no, no.
No, no, no.
No one can hear me.
Everyone wants to hear me.
Everyone wants to hear me.
That's it.
Brother M.T. Azbai, do you want to
But make sure, M.T. Azbai, we stick
to this point.
Stay on this point.
Go ahead, Brother M.T. Azbai.
What do you want to say?
M.T. Azbai, you.
Okay, brother.
Very quickly.
as audience can see and see and all
the viewers can see Dr. Saab in the
beginning even though this was not the topic
he tried to give a Usul from the
Hadith okay and obviously I'm just paraphrasing okay
this Usul he was trying to quote and
Razi quoted the same that when a Sahabi
he quotes something which is from the unseen
that is considered as a Hadith or so
I'm right to to portray your point okay
now now listen to us are very carefully
now listen the response brother you haven't explained
let me finish then you can speak okay
now now in your turn Dr. Saab you
need to give me the answer for the
following question quote and quote my question is
following please write it down so you can
address the question Jamaat Ahmadiyya do they accept
Usul al-Hadith which have been mentioned in
the books of Ahlus Sunnah okay please give
me a clear answer do you accept those
Usul of Hadith or do you not or
do you cherry-pick give me a clear
answer I'm done okay thank you wait wait
wait wait wait wait wait wait wait before
before he opens his mouth before you open
his mouth you are now giving him a
separate topic to indulge in and waste one
hour of our time I'm not gonna allow
that I'm not going to allow that I'm
gonna come back to his translation he quoted
Ali bin Abi Talib allegedly saying low carnaval
in the Nubian yes that kind of sweat
lacana us what if there was a prophet
from India it would have been black correct
Mansur yeah Mirza is saying the Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there was
a prophet in India black skinned his name
was guy in Christian Kanaya do you see
the difference between two statements even if we
accept even if we accept Ali said it
first of all they will run marathons to
prove it they will never be able to
do it but let's say we accept the
words are there he pulled out something okay
we say we give them we give them
benefit of the doubt that he did not
attribute this to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam though he did not know number one
number one he did not and in fact
what he is presenting goes against Mirza proves
Mirza to be a bigger liar why he
doesn't even know what he's presenting as evidence
to save his false prophet because now this
proves Mirza to be a bigger liar Ali
saying if there was a prophet in India
he would have been black-skinned right Mirza
saying there was a prophet in India black
-skinned called the car in okay we've temporarily
lost let me let me
tell you what you need to respond my
question my question is as
followed when it comes to of these okay
Jamaat Ahmadiyya do you accept the usul of
Hadith mentioned in our books or not okay
is that the question again again one second
one second he's gonna see in five seconds
because he's a yes or no question okay
yes before I come back to this at
these results I got the words okay now
brother you have to understand we give what
was the what was the muqam of other
visa top according to the Holy Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam we accept him because he
called him how come other how come other
so any usul which has been given to
us by Hadrat Mirza sahib in light of
holy Quran and hadith we accept it and
that includes that usul of all Muslim accept
any of these that only Allah can take
the Hadith direct from the Holy Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam so from for us Hadrat
Mirza sahib took this at least he doesn't
have to have that chain you all accepted
you are a minority okay
so dr.
top dr.
top have just mentioned one thing he said
that to take a revaya the Auliya the
Auliya take the revaya directly from Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam and he mentioned about this
usul that this is accepted by all the
scholars which means the Ijma the Ijma on
this one not stop your homework for the
next stream is when you will come next
time we'll begin with this homework okay you
need to bring us from the books of
usul al hadith and the Ijma please note
three things there has to be the book
of usul al hadith number one number two
it has to be consensus of the scholars
number three it has to say in black
and white that the only Allah the Saints
the Saints of Allah they narrate directly from
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when you come
next not stop the steam and you come
next that will begin from this question I'm
finished with you okay
and clearly you are claiming by putting that
to be a truthful person I'm gonna ask
you a very straight basic question is there
such a Hadith from the Prophet because Mirza
to you was a prophet Mirza and prophets
are the most responsible people who walk the
planet there were the most truthful people who
walk the planet they would not make blunders
and attribute lies when there is no evidence
is there any Hadith from the Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi and sallam with this wording khana
fil hind Nabi and aswad alone e ismuhu
kahin Christian Kanaya brother first of all I
showed you one of these answer answer my
question that wasn't it I haven't showed you
the full of these brother I I'm asking
you the question is there any these with
this wording from the Prophet in any collection
in the world he said yes I would
like you to read it please go ahead
can you read what does it say he
now Roger or is it why are you
lying sorry what sorry why do I have
to listen you're not listening to me hello
listen to me that statement you just read
there is it attributed to the Prophet in
that book this statement is an Arabic brother
I'm not an expert in Arabic if you
don't know what it means don't bring it
up he has done research on this upon
this topic okay so so so we're gonna
move on from dr.
yahya clearly no but I haven't completed my
answer yet what I'm from shovel you know
they'll be he categorically said that thing not
interesting I can't take a hearties from directly
bring bring whoever you like minority this
was a homework for you from brother in
chaos which you can talk about it later
clearly attributed to lie to the Prophet there
is no such Hadees it is not even
from Ali bin Abi Talib they cannot pull
out any any Sahabi any any Imam who
said who said okay in the first 300
years of Islam I'm gonna give them this
this long you know period go and produce
a statement from any of the scholars of
Islam for the first 300 years so I'm
done by I'm gonna let the first bring
another Qadiani Ahmadi so because we're gonna have
to try someone else