Adnan Rashid
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AI: Summary ©

The importance of clear dreams and evidence in verifying Islam's claims is emphasized in Christian faith. Visitors are encouraged to share their own experiences and thoughts on the topic. The religious community in India is also discussed, including the rise of Muslims and the downfall of their religious freedom. The speakers stress the importance of evidence in shaping behavior and beliefs, finding evidence to be cleared, and proving a claim made by a brother in a conversation. They also touch on the challenges of finding reference for personal lives and the need for volunteers to help with the process. The importance of finding a way to convince someone of their actions, researching the situation "by the way", and finding a way to convince someone of their actions is emphasized.

AI: Summary ©

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			Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu everyone.
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			We begin with this du'a that may
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			Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala keep all of
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			you Muslims in the best state of health
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			and Iman and our sincere prayers for the
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			Ahmadi community, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
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			guide all of them to the fold of
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			Islam, Ameen Ya Rabbul Aalameen.
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			So, as you can see our today's topic
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			is Ahmadiyya ideology and world of dreams.
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			Some of you may be surprised that what
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			the topic could be about.
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			Before I give you some insight into the
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			topic, let me share with you an anecdote.
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			So, when I was in the UK a
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			couple of months ago, we had the opportunity
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			to meet with an official delegate from the
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			Ahmadiyya Centre, their Baitul Futuh.
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			So it was myself, Adnan Bhai and a
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			couple of other brothers from the Muslim side
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			and I believe there were four Ahmadi officials.
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			So, I am using this word official on
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			purpose because one of them was their Murabbi
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			who you have seen in the past as
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			well on these live streams, Raheel Ahmed and
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			there were three other people and the reason
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			I said official because when they came to
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			meet us, they said this in black and
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			white, said look we came officially to meet
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			you and Adnan Rashid.
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			So anyhow, what was the subject of the
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			meeting, that's a separate discussion.
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			But the reason I mentioned that is regarding
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			tonight's topic.
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			So I said to them, I said look
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			you are four people sitting here and all
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			of you are obviously well versed in your
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			I am really interested to know that if
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			each one of you can tell me that
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			what is the number one evidence or that
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			top argument which you have.
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			Obviously you could say that there is a
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			plethora of arguments, there is a multitude of
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			arguments in the favour of the truthfulness of
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			Mirza Ghulam Qadiani according to Ahmadis.
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			I said but I am really interested if
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			every single one of you sitting here and
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			there were four people, each one of them
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			was well versed in this ideology.
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			I said can you please give me one
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			argument, just one argument, which according to you
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			is the most powerful and most convincing argument
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			regarding the truthfulness of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani.
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			And to your surprise and maybe our surprise
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			as well, three out of four said straight
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			They said that the first one said I
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			had a dream, second one said I had
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			a dream, third one said I had a
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			dream, and the fourth one in that order
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			was no other than Raheel Ahmed.
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			What Raheel Ahmed said I cannot remember and
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			I am sure that if we ask Raheel
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			Ahmed to recollect those memories of what exactly
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			you said because maybe perhaps Allah knows better,
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			maybe he was feeling a bit embarrassed to
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			say that I had a dream because like
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			I said there were four altogether and three
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			of them are telling me that they had
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			a dream.
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			And guess what?
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			Then I gave them a second opportunity.
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			I said okay no problem, let's go again,
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			let's have a second round.
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			And I said to them, I said okay
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			what is the biggest evidence, the most powerful
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			evidence that you have as an Ahmadi official
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			to believe that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was a
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			truthful person in his claims?
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			SubhanAllah, again three of them did not say
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			Raheel Ahmed said something interesting and it is
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			again SubhanAllah, it's heartbreaking for us but in
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			their terms it's called ilzami jawab.
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			You know what he said to me, Raheel
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			He said that what evidence do you have
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			that Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was a
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			truthful person in his claims?
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			Can you imagine?
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			Why did you ask me this question?
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			Because in theory, in theory there is no
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			disagreement on his blessed personality.
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			You say in the public that you believe
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			in him, you tell people that he was
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			Ghulam-e-Ahmad and all of this kind
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			of, you know, this rhetoric.
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			I said look, the reason, if you ask
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			me number one reason, I would say it
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			is the Quran.
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			Quran as a most powerful convincing miracle is
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			a number one proof for anyone regardless of
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			somebody is a Muslim or not because the
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			truthfulness and the miraculous nature of the Quran
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			can be established even for the one who
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			is not a Muslim because the content of
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			the Quran, there are signs in the Quran.
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			In order to appreciate those signs and in
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			order to conclude that this book could not
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			have been authored by any human being, we
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			can provide evidence which will be acceptable either
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			you are a Muslim or non-Muslim.
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			So this is what was asked by Raheel
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			Ahmed and then he said that same thing
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			as most of the Ahmadis would say, I
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			mean the Ahmadi official would say, I should
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			rephrase, they would say that look, if Mirza
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			Ghulam Qadiani was a liar, why would Allah
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			let him and his community progress?
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			At this point, I asked them this question,
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			can you please define what do you mean
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			by progress or if you talk in the
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			Quranic terms, they would use the word falah
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			because they say, the Quran says, those who
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			are zalimun, those who are the oppressors or
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			those who are the wrongdoers, they can never
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			progress, they can never have the falah or
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			the success.
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			At this point, I am asking them, can
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			you please define for me what is the
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			success for an ideology?
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			Please define and the reason I am saying
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			this is because in whichever way they are
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			going to define success, on that same standard,
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			we can prove that it means that the
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			other cults and other false religions, they are
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			successful as well.
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			For example, I give you a simple example
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			and by the way, I am not moving
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			away from my topic but the reason I
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			shared that story or that account or the
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			encounter with the Ahmadi official, so you can
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			see that, look, even at that point, even
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			at that point, by the way, I did
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			not realize that this could be the number
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			one argument but after that, I came across
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			certain videos of convert Ahmadis in which they
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			are telling their story that how they had
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			this vision and dream in which they were
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			told that Ahmadiyya is the true ideology and
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			likewise, I spoke to some of the Ahmadis,
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			I mean, I would say former Ahmadis and
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			they are very well educated and I had
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			some discussions with them in the past couple
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			of weeks and some of them, they are
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			very well versed in the Ahmadiyya ideology and
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			they were almost like, you know, making it
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			as a mission in their life to propagate
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			the ideology and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
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			guiding them the fold of Islam.
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			Even they testified to that and said, look,
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			that this dream thing, this dream thing is
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			a big thing in the Ahmadiyya community that
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			people are just quoting their dream right, left
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			and center that, you know, that how their
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			dreams, in some cases, it is their dream
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			or it is the dream of their forefathers.
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			For example, you know, some of their people
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			who are quote-unquote rational, they might not
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			quote their dream or they might not have
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			their dream but then they would say, look,
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			my grandfather had a dream and in that
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			dream, he was told that, you know, join
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			the Ahmadiyya movement or the Ahmadiyya ideology and
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			that's how the Ahmadiyya came in our family
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			and, you know, now how can I ever
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			say that this could be wrong?
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			So, this is a bit of context that
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			why I chose this topic because I was
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			surprised because I never thought that it could
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			be of this magnitude that it is not
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			Quran, it is not Sunnah, it is not
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			the strength or weakness of the argument, it
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			is rather the dreams which are playing a
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			big role in this community.
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			So, inshallah, in this today's program or in
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			some cases in tonight's program, depending on where
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			you're watching from, inshallah, I'll discuss with you
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			and I'll share with you some of the
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			video clips of some of their previous caliphs
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			and including their current caliph and some other,
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			you know, short clips as well and then
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			inshallah, we'll comment on that and we really
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			want to hear from somebody from their side
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			that what is their side of the story
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			and let me tell you one thing before
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			we move on.
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			You know, at this stage, just imagine this
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			live stream, alhamdulillah, it's not something special in
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			us, it is something special in the truth
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			of Islam.
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			Now, they are so scared, yes, they are
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			scared and you know this, that they are
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			not willing to come and confront anymore and
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			now they are giving excuses, oh, ex-Ahmadis,
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			you know, they are basically, you know, sorry,
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			the non-Ahmadis, you know, or the anti
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			-Ahmadis or the anti-Jamaat people, oh, you
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			know, they are actually, they are not using
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			the right language, their language is not appropriate.
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			Subhanallah, at this stage, I am still waiting
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			to see that one Ahmadi, that one Ahmadi
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			who is at least fair and just and
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			I want to ask him this question and
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			my question is, if someone is using vulgar
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			language, let's talk about the principle and then
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			once we agree on the principle, we can
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			apply the principle across the board, right?
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			That is what is called being consistent and
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			being consistent is another world being on the
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			truth, agree?
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			Now, let me ask you a simple question
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			and please come on, any of you, because
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			I know you cannot confront us anymore, sit
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			on your platform and answer a simple question.
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			If someone is using vulgar language, inappropriate language,
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			is this person justified to be preaching Allah's
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			religion to others?
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			Please address the question.
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			If you are going to say that no,
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			if somebody is using vulgar language, this person
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			cannot preach Allah's religion and guess what?
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			On this principle, the first person who will
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			disqualify is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and if you
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			would say that no, despite having a vulgar
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			language, somebody has the right to preach Islam
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			and people should interact with them, then why
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			don't you interact with the, in your terms,
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			non-Ahmadis because you don't have this standard.
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			If you do have this standard, that somebody
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			has to have a very civilized and by
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			the way, let me ask this question, what
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			have we ever said which can be labeled
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			as vulgar?
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			What is it?
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			According to you, Mirza Ghulam Qadiani is a
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			prophet of God and on these streams, you
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			kept saying this, you kept praising him and
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			in our belief, he was a liar, okay,
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			he was one of those like more than
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			30 Antichrist or Dajjal, Dajjal or Antichrist or
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			a liar or Kazzab, okay, these are not
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			the vulgar terms.
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			Don't you know that Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi
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			Wasallam has labeled any false claimant of prophethood
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			and by the way, anyone who would claim
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			to be a prophet of Allah after Nabi
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			Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he will be in
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			this category.
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			Let me give you ilzami jawab, right, because
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			you love ilzami jawab, right.
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			If today, if today someone claims to be
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			a prophet of Allah and you as Ahmadiyya
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			community, you are 100% sure on the
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			basis of evidence that he is lying, please
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			be just, would you not say that this
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			person is one of those liars and deceivers
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			according to Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, would
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			you not say this, you have to say
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			this, right.
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			So, if somebody is a false claimant of
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			prophethood, these are two titles, these are two
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			titles which are used in our religion from
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			the blessed tongue of Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi
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			Wasallam, right.
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			These are two terms.
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			So, you can't really say that, you know,
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			how can you use this term.
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			So, anyhow, this was just a bit of
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			background I wanted to share with you that
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			why I chose this topic, okay.
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			Now, like I said before, we do have
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			some things in terms of principles on this
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			topic to discuss with you.
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			There are some, what are those, what are
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			some of the principles, okay, which we can
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			agree and by the way, before I move
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			forward, let me say something very interesting and
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			please pay attention, okay.
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			When you converse with the Ahmadis, when we
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			discuss with the Ahmadis, as soon as conversation
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			is about the principles, they are finished and
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			when I'm saying Ahmadis, I meant by paid
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			Ahmadi clerics.
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			A common Ahmadi is always, we always distinguish
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			between these two groups.
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			A common Ahmadi who is a member of
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			Ahmadiyya community, we do not know, people are
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			different, you know, unless you talk to someone,
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			you don't really know that what this person
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			believes, why this person believes so, etc.
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			But when it comes to their paid official
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			Murabbis who are kind of, you know, following
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			a narrative, you talk to them, as soon
00:16:45 --> 00:16:50
			as they start conversation, they just immediately hook
00:16:50 --> 00:16:51
			to that narrative.
00:16:51 --> 00:16:54
			So, these people, these people, when you talk
00:16:54 --> 00:16:56
			to them and you want to have a
00:16:56 --> 00:17:00
			principle discussion, they will never agree, they will
00:17:00 --> 00:17:00
			never agree.
00:17:01 --> 00:17:06
			They want to discuss things without agreeing on
00:17:06 --> 00:17:09
			principles and if you want a proof, let
00:17:09 --> 00:17:10
			me give you a proof.
00:17:12 --> 00:17:16
			Once the stream is finished, go and check
00:17:16 --> 00:17:19
			this platform, the Dialogue with Imtiaz.
00:17:19 --> 00:17:23
			First video, the first video on this platform
00:17:23 --> 00:17:27
			I published, in that video, there was a
00:17:27 --> 00:17:29
			very short video, I can't remember but it
00:17:29 --> 00:17:31
			was definitely very short, maybe 30 minutes or
00:17:31 --> 00:17:32
00:17:33 --> 00:17:37
			In that video, I asked them principle questions.
00:17:38 --> 00:17:41
			For example, I said that what is your
00:17:41 --> 00:17:43
			methodology to interpret Quran?
00:17:45 --> 00:17:45
			What is it?
00:17:47 --> 00:17:51
			Because once we know your ideology, then we
00:17:51 --> 00:17:53
			can see that are you consistent to use
00:17:53 --> 00:17:54
			this methodology?
00:17:55 --> 00:18:01
			Likewise, what is your methodology to label a
00:18:01 --> 00:18:03
			hadith as authentic or unauthentic?
00:18:04 --> 00:18:04
			What is it?
00:18:06 --> 00:18:09
			And likewise, number three, what is your ideology
00:18:09 --> 00:18:13
			or what is your principle in terms of
00:18:13 --> 00:18:15
			establishing consensus?
00:18:17 --> 00:18:18
			What is it?
00:18:20 --> 00:18:23
			And up till today, they are discussing, they
00:18:23 --> 00:18:25
			were coming on the stream but they are
00:18:25 --> 00:18:32
			not responding to that video because these are
00:18:32 --> 00:18:35
			the principles and once we have those principles
00:18:35 --> 00:18:38
			in front of us and then we engage
00:18:38 --> 00:18:42
			in discussion in a very short amount of
00:18:42 --> 00:18:44
			time, we can see that who is being
00:18:45 --> 00:18:46
			consistent or otherwise.
00:18:47 --> 00:18:50
			So anyhow, this was just a bit of
00:18:50 --> 00:18:53
			background or just a bit of intro if
00:18:53 --> 00:18:55
			you want regarding to this topic.
00:18:56 --> 00:19:00
			So inshallah, before I move any further, let
00:19:00 --> 00:19:03
			me share with you a short video clip
00:19:03 --> 00:19:07
			which can give you some idea, at least
00:19:07 --> 00:19:10
			some idea that what I am talking about
00:19:11 --> 00:19:13
			is not something just in our mind.
00:19:13 --> 00:19:16
			This is something which really exists, okay?
00:19:17 --> 00:19:19
			So Ahmad bhai, first, if you want to
00:19:19 --> 00:19:22
			comment something, most welcome or if you want
00:19:22 --> 00:19:24
			to play the clip, bhai, most welcome.
00:19:24 --> 00:19:25
			The Ahmad bhai.
00:19:25 --> 00:19:28
			Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to everyone and Imtiaz bhai
00:19:28 --> 00:19:31
			again for a beautiful, beautiful introduction.
00:19:32 --> 00:19:34
			Inshallah, Imtiaz bhai, this video is actually very
00:19:34 --> 00:19:37
			special because it is about a guy who
00:19:37 --> 00:19:40
			actually started all this and if it all
00:19:40 --> 00:19:43
			started from a dream, then basically dreams are
00:19:43 --> 00:19:46
			pretty strong because a dream started the downfall
00:19:46 --> 00:19:48
			of this particular cult.
00:19:49 --> 00:19:51
			But inshallah, without any further ado, inshallah, I
00:19:51 --> 00:19:55
			will share the video and then we can
00:19:55 --> 00:19:56
			comment on it, inshallah.
00:19:59 --> 00:20:02
			I don't have time to read such nonsense.
00:20:03 --> 00:20:08
			So, if, if Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Ghadiyan
00:20:08 --> 00:20:10
			is the Mahdi and the Messiah, then I
00:20:10 --> 00:20:11
			want to see him.
00:20:13 --> 00:20:15
			That night, I saw Hadhrat Masih Ibn Islam
00:20:15 --> 00:20:18
			and Hadhrat Masih Ibn Islam said to me,
00:20:21 --> 00:20:29
			if, no, he said, Islam is Ahmadiyyat and
00:20:29 --> 00:20:30
			Ahmadiyyat is Islam.
00:20:31 --> 00:20:33
			There is no difference between them.
00:20:34 --> 00:20:36
			And he said to me, if ever you
00:20:36 --> 00:20:40
			are in doubt again, pray in this position.
00:20:41 --> 00:20:43
			And I saw Hadhrat Masih Ibn Islam falling
00:20:43 --> 00:20:44
			in Sajdah.
00:20:45 --> 00:20:47
			Then I woke up shaking.
00:20:51 --> 00:20:55
			So, Imtiaz bhai, the evidence that Ahmadiyyat is
00:20:55 --> 00:20:58
			Islam is coming from a dream.
00:20:59 --> 00:21:02
			So, SubhanAllah, what's your opinion about this?
00:21:02 --> 00:21:03
			Or do you want me to continue playing?
00:21:03 --> 00:21:04
			It's up to you, inshallah.
00:21:05 --> 00:21:07
			But our point is made, inshallah.
00:21:08 --> 00:21:09
			Yes, Ahmad bhai, Jazakallah Khair.
00:21:09 --> 00:21:13
			So, this was just played as one, and
00:21:13 --> 00:21:15
			by the way, those who don't know, this
00:21:15 --> 00:21:20
			person, Ibrahim Nunan, he's an Irish Imam and
00:21:20 --> 00:21:24
			a Murabbi, or maybe some other titles.
00:21:25 --> 00:21:28
			And this person is the one, as Ahmad
00:21:28 --> 00:21:31
			bhai already alluded, he's the one that when
00:21:31 --> 00:21:36
			he came to speaker's corner more than, I
00:21:36 --> 00:21:38
			think, 15-16 months ago.
00:21:39 --> 00:21:42
			And Adnan Rashid bhai and him, they had
00:21:42 --> 00:21:44
			an encounter and very interesting discussion.
00:21:45 --> 00:21:49
			And that discussion actually triggered the whole process,
00:21:49 --> 00:21:55
			which eventually is continued without any interruption for
00:21:55 --> 00:21:58
			more than one and a half years, almost
00:21:58 --> 00:21:58
00:21:59 --> 00:22:03
			Now, this person, Ibrahim Nunan is saying that
00:22:03 --> 00:22:07
			when he wanted to conclude that, you know,
00:22:08 --> 00:22:11
			this Ahmadiyyat is the true Islam, how he
00:22:11 --> 00:22:11
00:22:12 --> 00:22:15
			In his dream, he is having a vision
00:22:15 --> 00:22:21
			of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad telling him that Islam
00:22:21 --> 00:22:23
			is Ahmadiyyat and Ahmadiyyat is Islam.
00:22:25 --> 00:22:29
			And this vision somehow, you know, it put
00:22:29 --> 00:22:33
			him in such a deep spiritual emotional state
00:22:33 --> 00:22:35
			and it convinced him, right?
00:22:36 --> 00:22:40
			Now, before we move forward, if you are
00:22:40 --> 00:22:46
			an Ahmadi and listening right now, or will
00:22:46 --> 00:22:47
			be listening to this live stream in the
00:22:47 --> 00:22:51
			future, let me ask a simple question.
00:22:52 --> 00:22:55
			Those of you who are aware of the
00:22:55 --> 00:23:02
			Christian faith, so if there's one person who
00:23:02 --> 00:23:07
			is considered the most influential person in the
00:23:07 --> 00:23:12
			entire Christian religion after Jesus Christ, this person
00:23:12 --> 00:23:16
			is Paul the Apostle.
00:23:17 --> 00:23:17
00:23:17 --> 00:23:23
			Now, if you read about Paul, what you
00:23:23 --> 00:23:25
			come, what you will come to know is
00:23:25 --> 00:23:30
			that Paul came, Paul was initially, according to
00:23:30 --> 00:23:35
			the Christian literature, primarily the Bible, the Gospels,
00:23:36 --> 00:23:39
			Paul was initially an enemy of Christianity and
00:23:39 --> 00:23:44
			Christian faith and he was persecuting the followers
00:23:44 --> 00:23:45
			of Jesus.
00:23:47 --> 00:23:51
			And this person, when he was on a
00:23:51 --> 00:23:55
			road trip to Damascus, on this road trip,
00:23:56 --> 00:24:00
			he had a vision of Jesus in which
00:24:00 --> 00:24:06
			he saw Jesus and this vision became the
00:24:06 --> 00:24:11
			reason for Paul to convert to the Christian
00:24:11 --> 00:24:11
00:24:13 --> 00:24:17
			And then afterwards, what he concludes from this
00:24:17 --> 00:24:21
			vision, that he has been appointed as an
00:24:21 --> 00:24:26
			apostle to the Gentiles by Jesus, who are
00:24:26 --> 00:24:28
			Gentiles, non-Jews.
00:24:29 --> 00:24:35
			And according to Islamic scholarship and according to
00:24:35 --> 00:24:38
			the founder of Ahmadiyya movement as well, i
00:24:38 --> 00:24:44
			.e. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, this person, Paul,
00:24:44 --> 00:24:52
			is single-handedly responsible to change the teachings
00:24:52 --> 00:24:54
			of Jesus.
00:24:55 --> 00:25:02
			For example, this belief of atonement, it primarily
00:25:02 --> 00:25:04
			goes back to Paul.
00:25:04 --> 00:25:06
			I'm not discussing Christianity here.
00:25:07 --> 00:25:09
			There's a reason I mentioned this point right
00:25:09 --> 00:25:09
			in the beginning.
00:25:10 --> 00:25:14
			Now, my question to you is, when Paul
00:25:14 --> 00:25:17
			the Apostle, when he had this vision on
00:25:17 --> 00:25:19
			the road to Damascus in which he saw
00:25:19 --> 00:25:25
			Jesus, was it really Prophet Isa A.S.
00:25:25 --> 00:25:26
			or Jesus?
00:25:28 --> 00:25:32
			Would you believe that his vision was true?
00:25:32 --> 00:25:37
			I'm asking to the Ahmadiyya clergy because your
00:25:37 --> 00:25:40
			founder is telling us that Paul is the
00:25:40 --> 00:25:44
			one who changed the religion of Jesus.
00:25:46 --> 00:25:50
			Now, my question to you is, Paul is
00:25:50 --> 00:25:52
			telling us about his dream, about his vision
00:25:52 --> 00:25:57
			and he is convinced that the figure he
00:25:57 --> 00:26:01
			saw in the vision was really Jesus Christ.
00:26:02 --> 00:26:06
			And this vision was a true vision and
00:26:06 --> 00:26:08
			this vision became the reason for his conversion.
00:26:10 --> 00:26:13
			I'm asking you, the Ahmadiyya clergy, would you
00:26:13 --> 00:26:14
			agree with Paul's vision?
00:26:16 --> 00:26:20
			If yes, then your whole argument is finished.
00:26:21 --> 00:26:21
00:26:21 --> 00:26:24
			Because in this case, your founder is telling
00:26:24 --> 00:26:28
			us that Paul went against the teachings of
00:26:28 --> 00:26:29
00:26:29 --> 00:26:31
			How can he had a true vision of
00:26:31 --> 00:26:34
			Jesus and then going against his teachings?
00:26:35 --> 00:26:38
			And if you say no, you don't agree
00:26:38 --> 00:26:40
			with the vision of Paul and you don't
00:26:40 --> 00:26:42
			believe that his vision was a true vision
00:26:42 --> 00:26:45
			and you say that you don't believe that
00:26:45 --> 00:26:48
			he really saw Jesus in his vision, then
00:26:48 --> 00:26:52
			my question is, how come that your visions
00:26:52 --> 00:26:55
			are true visions and if somebody else has
00:26:55 --> 00:26:57
			a vision, that's a false vision?
00:26:59 --> 00:27:00
			What is the standard?
00:27:01 --> 00:27:05
			I hope that those of you in the
00:27:05 --> 00:27:09
			Ahmadiyya clergy who are not gone to that
00:27:09 --> 00:27:13
			extent, that you're not even willing to use
00:27:13 --> 00:27:18
			your own reasoning because if vision can be
00:27:18 --> 00:27:21
			used, now this is the key point here,
00:27:22 --> 00:27:25
			if visions can be used in order to
00:27:26 --> 00:27:31
			label something as true or false, then you
00:27:31 --> 00:27:34
			have to believe that the vision of Paul
00:27:34 --> 00:27:37
			was a true vision as well and secondly,
00:27:37 --> 00:27:42
			don't trust me, just go on the google,
00:27:42 --> 00:27:44
			go in the youtube and just put in
00:27:44 --> 00:27:47
			the search bar that my vision led me
00:27:47 --> 00:27:52
			to Jesus and you will come across hundreds
00:27:52 --> 00:27:56
			of videos in which people are telling that
00:27:56 --> 00:27:59
			how they had a vision of Jesus, how
00:27:59 --> 00:28:02
			Jesus came in their dream and guided them
00:28:02 --> 00:28:04
			to the Christian faith.
00:28:06 --> 00:28:08
			Now, would you believe in their dreams as
00:28:08 --> 00:28:08
00:28:09 --> 00:28:11
			Are their dreams true?
00:28:12 --> 00:28:14
			I don't think that you'll believe in them,
00:28:14 --> 00:28:14
00:28:15 --> 00:28:17
			But the question is then, what is the
00:28:17 --> 00:28:17
00:28:19 --> 00:28:20
			What is the principle?
00:28:22 --> 00:28:25
			And for your surprise, I'm going to play
00:28:25 --> 00:28:28
			something right in the beginning, you will really,
00:28:28 --> 00:28:32
			let me just, before I say something else,
00:28:32 --> 00:28:35
			let me just send that to Ahmed Bhai
00:28:35 --> 00:28:38
			and Inshallah, Ahmed Bhai can play that one
00:28:38 --> 00:28:43
			and this video of Mirza Tahir Ahmed, their
00:28:43 --> 00:28:46
			fourth caliph and by the way, you will
00:28:46 --> 00:28:50
			see in this video something about the dream
00:28:50 --> 00:28:54
			and this something is being narrated from Mirza
00:28:54 --> 00:28:56
			Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani, right?
00:28:57 --> 00:28:59
			And it will give you the answer for
00:28:59 --> 00:29:02
			what I'm trying to say right now in
00:29:02 --> 00:29:03
			this part, okay?
00:29:04 --> 00:29:05
			So give me just one second, Ahmed Bhai,
00:29:06 --> 00:29:08
			if you want to say something, most welcome,
00:29:08 --> 00:29:10
			I'm sending you the clip now.
00:29:10 --> 00:29:11
			Inshallah, Bhai.
00:29:12 --> 00:29:16
			Yeah, so this is the thing for our
00:29:16 --> 00:29:19
			Muslim viewers, we should actually even point to
00:29:19 --> 00:29:21
			our understanding of dreams as well.
00:29:22 --> 00:29:24
			It's not that as Muslims, we completely dispel
00:29:24 --> 00:29:26
			dreams, but we don't take any evidence for
00:29:26 --> 00:29:28
			the dreams because there's a hadith of Prophet
00:29:28 --> 00:29:30
			Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, where he said, nothing
00:29:30 --> 00:29:32
			is left of nabuwa and that is also
00:29:32 --> 00:29:34
			a hadith that clearly clearly says that there's
00:29:34 --> 00:29:36
			no prophet after Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
00:29:36 --> 00:29:38
			where he said that nothing is left of
00:29:38 --> 00:29:40
			nabuwa, except for al-mubasharat.
00:29:40 --> 00:29:42
			And he was asked by the sahaba, what
00:29:42 --> 00:29:42
			are those?
00:29:43 --> 00:29:46
			And he said that these are some good
00:29:46 --> 00:29:47
			dreams from Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A
00:29:47 --> 00:29:49
			'la and what it means is that we
00:29:49 --> 00:29:52
			don't take anything from these dreams except for
00:29:52 --> 00:29:54
			when a person wakes up, he feels happy
00:29:54 --> 00:29:55
			that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la
00:29:55 --> 00:29:58
			has shown him something that he's happy about,
00:29:58 --> 00:30:00
			but dreams are not evidence in Islam.
00:30:00 --> 00:30:03
			You cannot see something in a dream and
00:30:03 --> 00:30:06
			wake up and say, now I start this,
00:30:06 --> 00:30:08
			I add this in sharia, this is the
00:30:08 --> 00:30:10
			evidence of this person being true or that
00:30:10 --> 00:30:11
			person being true inshallah.
00:30:11 --> 00:30:15
			So I just wanted to introduce this hadith
00:30:15 --> 00:30:16
			because it's very relevant to our topic and
00:30:16 --> 00:30:19
			inshallah this is another hadith in the whole
00:30:19 --> 00:30:22
			list of hadiths that prove that Prophet Muhammad
00:30:22 --> 00:30:24
			Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was the last prophet inshallah.
00:30:24 --> 00:30:28
			Ahmed bhai, actually this hadith is definitely very
00:30:28 --> 00:30:31
			relevant and we can definitely draw some benefit
00:30:31 --> 00:30:35
			from this and I really want to thank
00:30:35 --> 00:30:36
			you that you reminded me of something.
00:30:37 --> 00:30:39
			So now this is the hadith on the
00:30:39 --> 00:30:42
			screen right now, before we share with you
00:30:42 --> 00:30:45
			this clip of Mirza Tahir Ahmed, let's read
00:30:45 --> 00:30:47
			the hadith and I will request to common
00:30:47 --> 00:30:51
			Ahmadis, look I'm begging to you, I'm begging
00:30:51 --> 00:30:56
			to you, please remove your glasses and just
00:30:56 --> 00:30:59
			look at the hadith as an unbiased person,
00:31:00 --> 00:31:05
			okay and don't try to discredit everything with
00:31:05 --> 00:31:08
			that rhetoric, oh anti-Ahmadi is saying that,
00:31:08 --> 00:31:11
			look at the hadith of our beloved master
00:31:11 --> 00:31:14
			Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, look what he
00:31:14 --> 00:31:19
			said, I heard Allah's messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
00:31:19 --> 00:31:23
			saying, nothing is left of the prophetism or
00:31:23 --> 00:31:27
			the prophethood you can say because this prophetism
00:31:27 --> 00:31:30
			is a term or you can say this
00:31:30 --> 00:31:33
			is a technical term, you may not have
00:31:33 --> 00:31:35
			used, we don't use in our daily language
00:31:35 --> 00:31:37
			but you can say nothing is left of
00:31:37 --> 00:31:44
			the prophethood except Al-Mubasharat, there's only one
00:31:44 --> 00:31:49
			exception, so prophethood has ended but there is
00:31:49 --> 00:31:52
			one thing that is left, before I go
00:31:52 --> 00:31:57
			to that one thing, if prophethood has not
00:31:57 --> 00:32:00
			ended, what is the point of this hadith,
00:32:02 --> 00:32:07
			think about this, what Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi
00:32:07 --> 00:32:12
			Wasallam is actually telling us, let's continue because
00:32:12 --> 00:32:13
			I just want to focus on the relevant
00:32:13 --> 00:32:18
			part now, so prophet is telling us that
00:32:18 --> 00:32:21
			there's only one thing that is left and
00:32:21 --> 00:32:23
			that is Al-Mubasharat and what are they,
00:32:23 --> 00:32:27
			they ask, so the companions may Allah be
00:32:27 --> 00:32:29
			pleased with all of them, they ask what
00:32:29 --> 00:32:35
			are Al-Mubasharat, so the companions are asking
00:32:35 --> 00:32:38
			to Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam that oh
00:32:38 --> 00:32:43
			prophet of Allah, what are Al-Mubasharat, okay,
00:32:44 --> 00:32:47
			Mubasharat is basically the glad tidings or the
00:32:47 --> 00:32:50
			good news, okay, Ahmed bhai it's not big
00:32:50 --> 00:32:51
			enough so I can read, if you can
00:32:51 --> 00:32:57
			make it a bit bigger, yes Inshallah, just
00:32:57 --> 00:33:08
			give me a second, so
00:33:08 --> 00:33:15
			as you can see now, you see there
00:33:15 --> 00:33:19
			is nothing left from the Nabuwwah, from the
00:33:19 --> 00:33:26
			prophethood except one thing that is Mubasharat and
00:33:26 --> 00:33:30
			now the companion are asking that oh prophet
00:33:30 --> 00:33:33
			of Allah, what are Mubasharat, prophet said the
00:33:33 --> 00:33:39
			true good dreams, okay and it explains in
00:33:39 --> 00:33:44
			another hadith that a good dream either you
00:33:44 --> 00:33:46
			have that or somebody else have that for
00:33:46 --> 00:33:50
			you, so basically obviously you can have a
00:33:50 --> 00:33:53
			dream in that dream, you can vision about
00:33:53 --> 00:33:56
			someone else, right, now look at this one,
00:33:56 --> 00:34:00
			what brother Ahmed was saying before, please pay
00:34:00 --> 00:34:08
			attention, someone's dream cannot prove something or cannot
00:34:08 --> 00:34:13
			disprove something, someone's dream cannot add something into
00:34:13 --> 00:34:17
			our sharia and cannot take something away from
00:34:17 --> 00:34:21
			the sharia, you may be thinking why, very
00:34:21 --> 00:34:25
			simple reason, if we are going to add
00:34:25 --> 00:34:29
			things or take away things from our religion
00:34:29 --> 00:34:32
			on the basis of dreams, just think about
00:34:32 --> 00:34:35
			the chaos we'll create, number one and number
00:34:35 --> 00:34:39
			two, if you may be thinking then what
00:34:39 --> 00:34:42
			is the point of a dream, the dream
00:34:42 --> 00:34:48
			is for that person himself or herself, a
00:34:48 --> 00:34:51
			dream cannot prove or disprove if somebody is
00:34:51 --> 00:34:55
			a prophet of Allah or not, for example
00:34:55 --> 00:34:57
			if somebody claims to be a prophet today
00:34:57 --> 00:35:00
			and the followers are going to tell you
00:35:00 --> 00:35:03
			okay you can pray to Allah, show me
00:35:03 --> 00:35:05
			in a dream if this person is a
00:35:05 --> 00:35:09
			true prophet, you can't do that because this
00:35:09 --> 00:35:12
			is a matter of deen, it is going
00:35:12 --> 00:35:14
			to be decided on the basis of Quran
00:35:14 --> 00:35:19
			and sunnah, so dreams are something subjective, that's
00:35:19 --> 00:35:23
			the key point here, dreams are subjective, if
00:35:23 --> 00:35:27
			dreams can prove something, this is the last
00:35:27 --> 00:35:31
			statement and I beg to common Ahmadis, please
00:35:31 --> 00:35:35
			pay attention, if dreams can be used as
00:35:35 --> 00:35:42
			evidence to establish the truthfulness of something then
00:35:42 --> 00:35:45
			what about the dreams of Hindus, they have
00:35:45 --> 00:35:49
			dreams, go and check on the YouTube, put
00:35:49 --> 00:35:54
			in the Google, all religions be it Christians,
00:35:54 --> 00:35:58
			be it Hindus, be it other religions, their
00:35:58 --> 00:36:01
			people are coming and they are telling us
00:36:01 --> 00:36:06
			about their dreams and they are exactly precisely
00:36:06 --> 00:36:09
			making the same point and the point is
00:36:09 --> 00:36:13
			that I had this dream and this dream
00:36:13 --> 00:36:16
			convinced me that my religion is true religion,
00:36:16 --> 00:36:21
			but you as Ahmadi clergy, you will not
00:36:21 --> 00:36:25
			take their beliefs as a proof to establish
00:36:25 --> 00:36:28
			that their religion is a true religion, then
00:36:28 --> 00:36:30
			why is it, because you have to be
00:36:30 --> 00:36:35
			consistent, if their dreams cannot prove that their
00:36:35 --> 00:36:38
			religion is a true religion, same has to
00:36:38 --> 00:36:40
			apply here as well and that's all we
00:36:40 --> 00:36:43
			are saying, now Inshallah, let's move on and
00:36:43 --> 00:36:46
			now Ahmad bhai, let's play the clip of
00:36:46 --> 00:36:48
			Mirza Tahir Ahmad and let's see what he
00:36:48 --> 00:36:59
			says, Now,
00:36:59 --> 00:37:01
			why from the beginning, from the beginning?
00:37:37 --> 00:37:39
			Okay, because some people may not understand the
00:37:39 --> 00:37:41
			Urdu, I just want to give you the
00:37:41 --> 00:37:47
			translation as well, so this person in the
00:37:47 --> 00:37:51
			presence of the fourth caliph, he says that
00:37:51 --> 00:37:55
			now this person is quoting something about Mirza
00:37:55 --> 00:38:00
			Ghulam Qadiani, okay, he says that somebody said
00:38:00 --> 00:38:04
			to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani that Mirza sahib,
00:38:05 --> 00:38:09
			someone had a filthy dream, now take a
00:38:09 --> 00:38:12
			pause here, you know why he called it
00:38:12 --> 00:38:16
			a filthy dream, because this dream was disapproving
00:38:16 --> 00:38:21
			Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, so right in the beginning,
00:38:21 --> 00:38:25
			look at the bias, so if a dream
00:38:25 --> 00:38:28
			is going to prove Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, that's
00:38:28 --> 00:38:31
			a good dream, but if a dream is
00:38:31 --> 00:38:33
			going to disprove Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, that's a
00:38:33 --> 00:38:36
			false dream, but you may be thinking it's
00:38:36 --> 00:38:40
			my own interpretation, let's Inshallah see that he
00:38:40 --> 00:38:42
			will confirm this, now before I move forward,
00:38:43 --> 00:38:46
			so this person says to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
00:38:46 --> 00:38:50
			that somebody has this quote-unquote filthy dream
00:38:50 --> 00:38:54
			and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in response to this,
00:38:54 --> 00:38:59
			he said that as ahadith are accepted and
00:38:59 --> 00:39:08
			rejected, likewise dreams are accepted and rejected, up
00:39:08 --> 00:39:10
			till now, you may be okay, there's some
00:39:10 --> 00:39:13
			criteria and then Mirza Ghulam Ahmad gives the
00:39:13 --> 00:39:17
			criteria and the criteria he gives is, if
00:39:17 --> 00:39:20
			a dream is approving Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, it's
00:39:20 --> 00:39:23
			a true dream and if a dream is
00:39:23 --> 00:39:26
			disapproving Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, it's a false dream,
00:39:28 --> 00:39:32
			I mean those common Ahmadis who are always
00:39:32 --> 00:39:37
			boasting that they are reasonable, rational people, think
00:39:37 --> 00:39:40
			about this, is it really a criterion, now
00:39:40 --> 00:39:43
			before I show to you the response of
00:39:43 --> 00:39:46
			Mirza Tahir Ahmad, in which he will basically,
00:39:47 --> 00:39:51
			he will endorse the same idea, but before
00:39:51 --> 00:39:54
			that, let's go back from the beginning and
00:39:54 --> 00:39:57
			watch this first part again, in which Mirza
00:39:57 --> 00:40:03
			Ghulam Ahmad is telling his follower that if
00:40:03 --> 00:40:06
			a dream approves of me, that's a right
00:40:06 --> 00:40:10
			dream, but if a dream is disapproves of
00:40:10 --> 00:40:13
			me, it's a false dream, so Ahmad Bhai,
00:40:13 --> 00:40:39
			please Inshallah, play the first part again, so
00:40:39 --> 00:40:42
			this was the first part, now please people,
00:40:43 --> 00:40:45
			you tell me, is it really a criterion,
00:40:47 --> 00:40:51
			how biased is that, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani
00:40:51 --> 00:40:55
			is clearly giving you a principle that a
00:40:55 --> 00:40:58
			dream will never be accepted, if it does
00:40:58 --> 00:41:02
			not approve me, is it really a criterion,
00:41:02 --> 00:41:05
			now let's see that what Mirza Tahir Ahmad
00:41:05 --> 00:41:07
			says in response to that, is he going
00:41:07 --> 00:41:10
			to agree, obviously he will agree, but let's
00:41:10 --> 00:41:23
			see how he agrees, okay, so
00:41:23 --> 00:41:27
			notice one thing here, when this person quoted
00:41:27 --> 00:41:31
			all of that, Mirza Tahir did not realize
00:41:31 --> 00:41:35
			that, who is saying this, who is the
00:41:35 --> 00:41:38
			person giving this principle that a dream is
00:41:38 --> 00:41:42
			only acceptable, if it approves Mirza Ghulam Qadiani,
00:41:43 --> 00:41:48
			at this point, Mirza Tahir Ahmad, the fourth
00:41:48 --> 00:41:51
			caliph, he did not know, so he first
00:41:51 --> 00:41:55
			confirmed that who is the person saying this,
00:41:55 --> 00:41:58
			so now once he knew, once he knew
00:41:58 --> 00:42:01
			that this is something said by Mirza Ghulam
00:42:01 --> 00:42:03
			Ahmad and you can all understand now, that
00:42:03 --> 00:42:06
			now he has to defend it at every
00:42:06 --> 00:42:20
			cost, so
00:42:20 --> 00:42:30
			you see that, we can just go to
00:42:30 --> 00:43:01
			Tahir's response, that
00:43:01 --> 00:43:04
			if there is a dream that goes against
00:43:04 --> 00:43:08
			the Holy Prophet, or goes against the Holy
00:43:08 --> 00:43:11
			Qur'an, then it is not acceptable, similarly
00:43:11 --> 00:43:15
			in dreams, some people write bad things about
00:43:15 --> 00:43:17
			the Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, that
00:43:17 --> 00:43:20
			he has told us that this is a
00:43:20 --> 00:43:23
			lie, God forbid, so a dream that does
00:43:23 --> 00:43:25
			not conform to that, a dream that does
00:43:25 --> 00:43:28
			not conform to Ahlul Islam, is not acceptable.
00:43:30 --> 00:43:33
			Okay, now look at this one, my dear
00:43:33 --> 00:43:37
			people, look at this one, first of all,
00:43:37 --> 00:43:42
			this is the game they play, the question
00:43:42 --> 00:43:45
			and the point was about Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
00:43:45 --> 00:43:50
			Qadiani, so first of all, in order to
00:43:50 --> 00:43:53
			blind, please people, please listen very carefully, in
00:43:53 --> 00:43:56
			order to blind the minds of common Ahmadis,
00:43:56 --> 00:43:58
			in order to draw that veil in front
00:43:58 --> 00:44:03
			of their eyes, he first equated that with
00:44:03 --> 00:44:07
			Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, now obviously, please
00:44:07 --> 00:44:09
			think about this, this is called a psychological
00:44:09 --> 00:44:14
			trick, now for example, if any Muslim would
00:44:14 --> 00:44:18
			ever have a vision, in which something is
00:44:18 --> 00:44:22
			being said or shown, which is contrary to
00:44:22 --> 00:44:25
			the teachings of Qur'an and Sunnah, right,
00:44:26 --> 00:44:29
			now this dream has to be a false
00:44:29 --> 00:44:32
			dream, we all agree, right, now in the
00:44:32 --> 00:44:35
			case of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani, first of all,
00:44:35 --> 00:44:39
			he gave this comparison, why, so the common
00:44:39 --> 00:44:43
			Ahmadi should immediately be coming in that mindset,
00:44:43 --> 00:44:45
			in that state of mind, where they are
00:44:45 --> 00:44:49
			thinking of Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and
00:44:49 --> 00:44:52
			Nauzubillah of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani in the same
00:44:52 --> 00:44:56
			frame, that's the first trick he played, okay,
00:44:56 --> 00:45:00
			now then he says, then he gives example,
00:45:00 --> 00:45:04
			Mirza Tahir Ahmad gives example, that sometime people
00:45:04 --> 00:45:07
			are given this vision, in which they are
00:45:07 --> 00:45:10
			told that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani is a
00:45:10 --> 00:45:13
			liar, he says that these dreams have to
00:45:13 --> 00:45:16
			be rejected, now I want you to take
00:45:16 --> 00:45:19
			a pause here, if you are going to
00:45:19 --> 00:45:23
			present, now this is my main contention, this
00:45:23 --> 00:45:26
			is my main contention, please listen very carefully,
00:45:27 --> 00:45:30
			if you are going to use and present
00:45:30 --> 00:45:35
			dreams as an evidence to prove or disprove
00:45:35 --> 00:45:39
			something, then how can you make this criterion,
00:45:39 --> 00:45:42
			that if the dream is going to approve
00:45:42 --> 00:45:45
			Mirza Ghulam Qadiani, it's a true dream and
00:45:45 --> 00:45:48
			if our dream is going to disprove Mirza
00:45:48 --> 00:45:50
			Ghulam Qadiani, it's a false dream, how can
00:45:50 --> 00:45:53
			you make this criterion, because this is not
00:45:53 --> 00:45:58
			really a criterion, it is absolute subjective biased
00:45:58 --> 00:46:01
			opinion, so that is the main contention, as
00:46:01 --> 00:46:04
			long as you are willing to agree that
00:46:04 --> 00:46:07
			dreams are something subjective, they do not prove
00:46:07 --> 00:46:11
			something and they neither approve something or they
00:46:11 --> 00:46:14
			neither disprove something, as long as you agree
00:46:14 --> 00:46:17
			with this one, we have no problem, as
00:46:17 --> 00:46:20
			long as you are saying that dreams are
00:46:20 --> 00:46:24
			subjective, but the problem becomes or the problem
00:46:24 --> 00:46:27
			kicks in, when you are trying to use
00:46:27 --> 00:46:31
			dreams as an objective criterion to verify the
00:46:31 --> 00:46:34
			truthfulness of the claims of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani,
00:46:35 --> 00:46:38
			that's the problem begins, now we do have
00:46:38 --> 00:46:40
			some other clips as well, in which we
00:46:40 --> 00:46:42
			can show you something of the similar nature,
00:46:42 --> 00:46:43
			Inshallah, I will show you in a minute
00:46:43 --> 00:46:48
			from Mirza Masoor Ahmed, the current Caliph of
00:46:48 --> 00:46:51
			Ahmadiyya Jama'at, but before that, I just
00:46:51 --> 00:46:54
			want to share something for a common Ahmadi,
00:46:55 --> 00:46:58
			that if you have dreams of that nature,
00:46:58 --> 00:47:01
			then I want to show you at least,
00:47:01 --> 00:47:04
			because your Jama'at will never tell you
00:47:04 --> 00:47:08
			that there are other dreams as well, which
00:47:08 --> 00:47:12
			are shown to the people, in order to
00:47:12 --> 00:47:16
			guide them back to Islam, in order for
00:47:16 --> 00:47:20
			people to denounce Mirza Ghulam Qadiani and to
00:47:20 --> 00:47:23
			leave Mirza Ghulam Qadiani, now obviously these dreams,
00:47:24 --> 00:47:28
			you have never been shown, okay, once again,
00:47:28 --> 00:47:31
			let me say something in black and white,
00:47:31 --> 00:47:34
			we are not saying that the dreams I
00:47:34 --> 00:47:37
			am going to present now, which are going
00:47:37 --> 00:47:41
			to disprove Mirza Ghulam Qadiani, they are objective
00:47:41 --> 00:47:45
			criterion, no, we'll be consistent, we will be
00:47:45 --> 00:47:50
			consistent, dreams are subjective, they can serve some
00:47:50 --> 00:47:54
			purpose for that particular individual, they cannot be
00:47:54 --> 00:47:57
			used as an objective criterion to verify the
00:47:57 --> 00:48:02
			truthfulness of something, after this disclaimer, now I
00:48:02 --> 00:48:03
			want to share with you at least couple
00:48:03 --> 00:48:06
			of dreams, and I want you to please
00:48:06 --> 00:48:09
			think about these dreams as well, because if
00:48:09 --> 00:48:15
			those dreams exist, which you are listening day
00:48:15 --> 00:48:17
			in day out in your community, in your
00:48:17 --> 00:48:20
			gathering, what about these dreams, let me just
00:48:20 --> 00:48:24
			share my screen first, then Inshallah, you will
00:48:24 --> 00:48:27
			know what I mean here, okay, now look
00:48:27 --> 00:48:31
			at this one, Amir bhai, is it clear
00:48:31 --> 00:48:43
			enough to see, so basically, accountability
00:48:43 --> 00:48:48
			of the Qadian religion, this is a compilation
00:48:48 --> 00:48:53
			of the books written by Muslim scholars of
00:48:53 --> 00:48:57
			old school of thought, in order to rebut
00:48:57 --> 00:49:04
			Ahmadiyya ideology, so there are multiple volumes, in
00:49:04 --> 00:49:07
			every volume, they have compiled the work of
00:49:07 --> 00:49:12
			different scholars, now what I am going to
00:49:12 --> 00:49:14
			share with you, you can find this one
00:49:14 --> 00:49:20
			in the first volume of and this is
00:49:20 --> 00:49:24
			about Lal Hussain Akhtar, before that, let me
00:49:24 --> 00:49:25
			just show you something on the top as
00:49:25 --> 00:49:28
			a title, so basically, if you can see
00:49:28 --> 00:49:33
			the title, Lal Hussain Akhtar, Rahimahullah, and this
00:49:33 --> 00:49:36
			is the Jild 1 or Volume 1, now
00:49:36 --> 00:49:39
			let me show to you, that this person
00:49:39 --> 00:49:42
			had some dreams as well, okay, and these
00:49:42 --> 00:49:46
			dreams became the reason, these dreams became the
00:49:46 --> 00:49:50
			reason, for this person to investigate this religion,
00:49:50 --> 00:49:54
			and eventually to leave Mirza Ghulam Qadian's religion,
00:49:54 --> 00:49:57
			and to come back to Islam, I am
00:49:57 --> 00:50:00
			not saying you agree with us, but let's
00:50:00 --> 00:50:07
			read the dream together, okay, now, dreams, One
00:50:07 --> 00:50:09
			night, I had
00:50:09 --> 00:50:18
			a dream,
00:50:18 --> 00:50:23
			in that dream, I saw a big field,
00:50:23 --> 00:50:27
			and in that field, there are thousands of
00:50:27 --> 00:50:32
			people standing, and they are wandering, and they
00:50:32 --> 00:50:34
			are, you know, in a state of shock,
00:50:35 --> 00:50:38
			and they are, they are lost, and they
00:50:38 --> 00:50:44
			are worried as well, lost and worried, and
00:50:44 --> 00:50:47
			he says, I am also one of, one
00:50:47 --> 00:50:55
			of them, it says that, in that field,
00:50:55 --> 00:50:59
			on all the four sides, they are very
00:50:59 --> 00:51:05
			tall pillars, made up of iron, and from
00:51:05 --> 00:51:08
			the ground to the feet of Adam, there
00:51:08 --> 00:51:11
			is a string of iron, it says that,
00:51:12 --> 00:51:16
			these pillars of iron, they are covered with
00:51:16 --> 00:51:20
			that fence, you know, that, that nobody can
00:51:20 --> 00:51:24
			climb the pillars, basically, okay, so they are,
00:51:24 --> 00:51:28
			there's a big field, and around that field,
00:51:28 --> 00:51:31
			there are iron pillars, and the pillars are
00:51:31 --> 00:51:35
			covered, or wrapped up, in that kind of
00:51:35 --> 00:51:44
			fence, and it says, there is no way
00:51:44 --> 00:51:52
			for anyone to exit this field, and these
00:51:52 --> 00:51:58
			thousands of people, they are basically imprisoned in
00:51:58 --> 00:52:05
			this field, it says that, some of these
00:52:05 --> 00:52:14
			people, I can recognize from their faces, the
00:52:14 --> 00:52:18
			author says, that I asked some of these
00:52:18 --> 00:52:22
			people, that why are we imprisoned, why are
00:52:22 --> 00:52:32
			we here, because this is the mindset
00:52:32 --> 00:52:34
			of a common Ahmadi, so you can see
00:52:34 --> 00:52:36
			it happening here as well, it says that,
00:52:36 --> 00:52:39
			when I asked these people, that why are
00:52:39 --> 00:52:45
			we here, so I am replied back, that
00:52:45 --> 00:52:51
			because we are Ahmadis, so our opponents have
00:52:51 --> 00:53:00
			basically imprisoned us in this place, and then
00:53:00 --> 00:53:05
			the author says, that from that field, where
00:53:05 --> 00:53:08
			I am standing, at a bit of distance,
00:53:08 --> 00:53:12
			there's a bed, and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani
00:53:12 --> 00:53:16
			is sleeping in that bed, he doesn't know
00:53:16 --> 00:53:20
			that he is trying to escape us, the
00:53:20 --> 00:53:26
			author says, that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, who
00:53:26 --> 00:53:29
			is just sleeping at a bit distance, is
00:53:29 --> 00:53:34
			he not aware of our situation, why is
00:53:34 --> 00:53:43
			he not trying to liberate us, this person
00:53:43 --> 00:53:53
			says, none of us has any tool, the
00:53:53 --> 00:53:57
			author says, that none of us have any
00:53:57 --> 00:53:59
			tool, which can be used to cut this
00:53:59 --> 00:54:03
			wire, or to have any kind of exit,
00:54:03 --> 00:54:06
			or to make any exit, to leave this
00:54:06 --> 00:54:14
			field, the author says, I started to wander
00:54:14 --> 00:54:19
			around, all the four sides of this fence,
00:54:26 --> 00:54:32
			the author says, that when I was observing
00:54:32 --> 00:54:36
			this entire fence, I noticed that at one
00:54:36 --> 00:54:49
			point, it is a bit loose, the
00:54:49 --> 00:54:52
			author says, that when I reached to that
00:54:52 --> 00:54:55
			point, where I could see that this wire
00:54:55 --> 00:54:57
			was, or the fence thing was a bit
00:54:57 --> 00:55:01
			loose, so I pressed that with my feet,
00:55:01 --> 00:55:04
			and I tried to make some room, in
00:55:04 --> 00:55:13
			order to exit this field, the author says,
00:55:13 --> 00:55:16
			that somehow I managed to make enough room
00:55:16 --> 00:55:21
			to leave that fence, now something interesting coming,
00:55:26 --> 00:55:29
			he says, that at a distance I could
00:55:29 --> 00:55:37
			see a bed, it says, in that bed,
00:55:37 --> 00:55:42
			was sleeping with having a blanket over him,
00:55:49 --> 00:55:53
			the author says, that I went close to
00:55:53 --> 00:56:01
			the bed, and I was very respectful, it
00:56:01 --> 00:56:05
			says, in the meantime, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani
00:56:05 --> 00:56:14
			removed the blanket from his face, he says,
00:56:14 --> 00:56:16
			that I saw that the face of Mirza
00:56:16 --> 00:56:26
			Ghulam Qadiani was almost two feet long, now
00:56:26 --> 00:56:30
			I'm not reading this to hurt your emotions,
00:56:31 --> 00:56:35
			in the state of wudu, Allah is my
00:56:35 --> 00:56:39
			witness, I'm reading this just to give you
00:56:39 --> 00:56:42
			that there is other side of the dreams
00:56:42 --> 00:56:45
			as well, are you aware of those dreams
00:56:45 --> 00:56:48
			as well, that's the whole point, you don't
00:56:48 --> 00:56:50
			have to agree with me right now, it
00:56:50 --> 00:56:53
			says, that I saw that the face of
00:56:53 --> 00:56:58
			Mirza Ghulam Qadiani is like a pig, it
00:56:58 --> 00:57:04
			says, one of the eyes was absolutely visionless,
00:57:05 --> 00:57:12
			it was closed, and the other eye was
00:57:12 --> 00:57:19
			very tiny, Mirza Ghulam Qadiani said to this
00:57:19 --> 00:57:23
			author, who's having this vision, Mirza said to
00:57:23 --> 00:57:25
			him in this vision, that I'm in a
00:57:25 --> 00:57:34
			very pitiful state, it says, that when Mirza
00:57:34 --> 00:57:38
			Ghulam Qadiani spoke, there was a very intense
00:57:38 --> 00:57:47
			filthy smell, it says, that I was shivering
00:57:47 --> 00:57:51
			with this smell and with this ugly face,
00:57:54 --> 00:57:57
			he says, that I could not sleep anymore
00:57:57 --> 00:58:01
			and I woke up, this is one dream,
00:58:01 --> 00:58:05
			very quickly, let's look at another dream as
00:58:05 --> 00:58:10
			well, it says, another dream, because if you
00:58:10 --> 00:58:12
			read this book in the context, the author
00:58:12 --> 00:58:16
			is telling us, that it was these dreams,
00:58:17 --> 00:58:21
			which basically triggered the process of investigating Ahmadiyya
00:58:21 --> 00:58:24
			for me and I end up leaving Ahmadiyya,
00:58:24 --> 00:58:34
			okay now, the author
00:58:34 --> 00:58:37
			says, that one night, I had a dream
00:58:37 --> 00:58:40
			and I see in that dream, that there's
00:58:40 --> 00:58:46
			a person, who is walking almost 200, what
00:58:48 --> 00:58:51
			is the word for gaz, Ahmad bhai?
00:58:53 --> 00:58:54
			Sorry, a word for what?
00:58:55 --> 00:58:58
			Gaz, like meter and gaz, so what is
00:58:58 --> 00:58:58
			the word for gaz?
00:59:00 --> 00:59:02
			I think yard or one yard.
00:59:02 --> 00:59:05
			Okay, thank you, yes, so it says, that
00:59:05 --> 00:59:08
			in that vision, I saw, that a person
00:59:08 --> 00:59:13
			is walking almost 200 yards in front of
00:59:13 --> 00:59:18
			me, he says, I am walking behind him,
00:59:28 --> 00:59:32
			it says, there is something, there is something,
00:59:33 --> 00:59:37
			that one end of that thingy, okay, when
00:59:37 --> 00:59:41
			one end of that thing is tied, one
00:59:41 --> 00:59:45
			end of this thing is tied to my
00:59:45 --> 00:59:53
			back it says, that one end of that
00:59:53 --> 00:59:56
			thing is tied with the back of that
00:59:56 --> 01:00:01
			person in front of me and the other
01:00:01 --> 01:00:03
			end of that thing is tied to my
01:00:03 --> 01:00:07
			neck, so basically, the scene is, there's this
01:00:07 --> 01:00:10
			author, who had this vision, he is walking
01:00:10 --> 01:00:14
			behind someone and the person in front of
01:00:14 --> 01:00:17
			him, there's something, a rod kind of thing,
01:00:18 --> 01:00:20
			so one end of the rod is tied
01:00:20 --> 01:00:23
			to the back of the person in front
01:00:23 --> 01:00:25
			and the other end is tied to the
01:00:25 --> 01:00:31
			neck of this author and he says, that
01:00:31 --> 01:00:34
			we are walking from west to the east
01:00:34 --> 01:00:38
			During the journey, on the right side of
01:00:38 --> 01:00:40
			the road, I saw a very handsome man,
01:00:41 --> 01:00:44
			it says, that on this journey, well, when
01:00:44 --> 01:00:48
			we are walking, on the side, I saw
01:00:48 --> 01:00:54
			somebody very handsome, white color, medium height, bright
01:00:54 --> 01:00:59
			eyes, white turban, white long kurta, white shalwar,
01:00:59 --> 01:01:02
			so then he described, that this person was
01:01:02 --> 01:01:07
			clothed in white clothes, very handsome man, and
01:01:07 --> 01:01:09
			this handsome man, who was on the side,
01:01:12 --> 01:01:17
			this handsome man said to the author, that
01:01:17 --> 01:01:18
			where are you heading?
01:01:25 --> 01:01:29
			I replied, that the person in front of
01:01:29 --> 01:01:34
			me, is taking me, wherever taking me, okay,
01:01:34 --> 01:01:42
			I'm basically a blind follower this handsome man
01:01:42 --> 01:01:45
			said, do you know, who is this person
01:01:45 --> 01:01:46
			in front of you?
01:01:48 --> 01:01:50
			and where he's gonna end up you in?
01:01:53 --> 01:01:55
			I said, that I don't know who is
01:01:55 --> 01:01:58
			this person and I don't know either, where
01:01:58 --> 01:02:02
			he is taking me to the handsome man
01:02:02 --> 01:02:12
			said, the handsome man said, that this
01:02:12 --> 01:02:14
			person in front of you is Mirza Ghulam
01:02:14 --> 01:02:18
			Ahmad Qadiani and he's heading into Jahannam and
01:02:18 --> 01:02:31
			he's taking you to the same place the
01:02:31 --> 01:02:34
			author said, that I replied back to the
01:02:34 --> 01:02:38
			handsome man, that it's impossible, that there can
01:02:38 --> 01:02:43
			be a human being, who is willfully walking
01:02:43 --> 01:02:47
			towards Jahannam or hellfire and trying to take
01:02:47 --> 01:02:55
			others as well with him, the handsome man
01:02:55 --> 01:02:58
			said, that if this is your argument, that
01:02:58 --> 01:03:00
			nobody can do this in the right state
01:03:00 --> 01:03:03
			of mind, then what do you think about
01:03:03 --> 01:03:07
			Musaylimah Al-Kazzab, i.e. the false claimant
01:03:07 --> 01:03:12
			of prophethood in the lifetime of Nabi Muhammad
01:03:12 --> 01:03:21
			Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam the
01:03:21 --> 01:03:25
			handsome man said, is it not true, that
01:03:25 --> 01:03:29
			Musaylimah Al-Kazzab, he made a false claim
01:03:29 --> 01:03:32
			to be a prophet and then he willfully
01:03:32 --> 01:03:36
			took the path of Jahannam, because the author
01:03:36 --> 01:03:39
			was making an argument, that how is it
01:03:39 --> 01:03:46
			possible, that somebody willfully with consent is misguided
01:03:46 --> 01:03:49
			as Adnan bhai says, a willful kafir, you
01:03:49 --> 01:03:54
			know anyhow, so when this argument was made
01:03:54 --> 01:03:57
			by the handsome man, what argument, that is
01:03:57 --> 01:04:02
			it not true, that Musaylimah Al-Kazzab, he
01:04:02 --> 01:04:05
			made a false claim of prophethood and then
01:04:05 --> 01:04:19
			he willfully took the path of Jahannam the
01:04:19 --> 01:04:22
			author said, when I was not able to
01:04:22 --> 01:04:26
			answer this argument, then the handsome man said
01:04:26 --> 01:04:29
			to me, look in front of you when
01:04:29 --> 01:04:31
			I looked in front of me, I could
01:04:31 --> 01:04:35
			see redness from the ground to the sky
01:04:35 --> 01:04:40
			the author says that, when handsome man appointed,
01:04:41 --> 01:04:44
			sorry, when handsome man pointed to the sky
01:04:44 --> 01:04:47
			and when I looked at the sky, it
01:04:47 --> 01:04:52
			was red, I said, I don't know, sorry,
01:04:52 --> 01:04:54
			the handsome man said, did you know what
01:04:54 --> 01:04:57
			is this, I said, no, I don't know,
01:04:57 --> 01:05:09
			then the handsome man replied, so
01:05:09 --> 01:05:13
			the handsome man said, that the path you
01:05:13 --> 01:05:17
			are working on, in this path, because you
01:05:17 --> 01:05:20
			are following somebody in front of you and
01:05:20 --> 01:05:23
			you are going to end up into Jahannam
01:05:24 --> 01:05:28
			and then the author says, the author says
01:05:28 --> 01:05:31
			that, when this handsome man said all of
01:05:31 --> 01:05:37
			this and then he disappeared, and he said,
01:05:37 --> 01:05:41
			I was still walking behind Mirza Ghulam Qadiani
01:05:41 --> 01:05:47
			in this dream we were getting close to
01:05:47 --> 01:05:50
			this red thing, which was told to me
01:05:50 --> 01:05:56
			as Jahannam it says that, now I could
01:05:56 --> 01:06:07
			feel the heat it
01:06:07 --> 01:06:11
			says that, this handsome man appeared again and
01:06:11 --> 01:06:17
			this handsome man striked that thing, which was
01:06:17 --> 01:06:20
			tiding me with Mirza Ghulam, you remember in
01:06:20 --> 01:06:22
			the beginning, there was a thing, so one
01:06:22 --> 01:06:24
			end of that thing was tied to the
01:06:24 --> 01:06:27
			back of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani and the other
01:06:27 --> 01:06:29
			end was tied to his neck, he said
01:06:29 --> 01:06:32
			that the handsome man appeared again, he struck
01:06:32 --> 01:06:35
			that thing and in this way he cut
01:06:35 --> 01:06:38
			off that thing, so basically I was free
01:06:38 --> 01:06:41
			from that kind of thing, which was dragging
01:06:41 --> 01:06:44
			me on that path and I was free
01:06:44 --> 01:06:48
			and I woke up, now after that you
01:06:48 --> 01:06:53
			can see the next book of starting, but
01:06:53 --> 01:06:58
			these two dreams of Lal Hussain Akhtar, Rahimahullah
01:07:00 --> 01:07:04
			he said that, these two dreams became the
01:07:04 --> 01:07:07
			main reason for me not to leave Mirza
01:07:07 --> 01:07:10
			Ghulam Qadiani but at least to start my
01:07:10 --> 01:07:14
			research and then he researched about this religion
01:07:14 --> 01:07:19
			and he left Ahmadiyyat or Mirza Ghulam Qadiani's
01:07:19 --> 01:07:24
			ideology, he came back to Islam and then
01:07:24 --> 01:07:28
			he became one of the main apologists or
01:07:28 --> 01:07:30
			one of the main debaters of his time
01:07:30 --> 01:07:34
			from Muslim side to debate to the Ahmadis,
01:07:35 --> 01:07:41
			to the point that Ahmadiyya Jamaat and their
01:07:41 --> 01:07:49
			Caliph, they officially issued an announcement in which
01:07:49 --> 01:07:52
			they said that no one should engage with
01:07:52 --> 01:07:56
			Mirza Ghulam Qadiani, no one should engage with
01:07:56 --> 01:08:01
			Lal Hussain Akhtar in their debates, hello is
01:08:01 --> 01:08:05
			it not true that same thing is being
01:08:05 --> 01:08:10
			repeated, can you really convince yourself that these
01:08:10 --> 01:08:14
			Ahmadi clerics all in a sudden they all
01:08:14 --> 01:08:18
			disappeared for no reason, no this is one
01:08:18 --> 01:08:22
			of the old tactic of the Jamaat, when
01:08:22 --> 01:08:27
			somebody comes appears on the scene initially they
01:08:27 --> 01:08:32
			will engage in discussions dialogues and debates but
01:08:32 --> 01:08:36
			as soon as they realize that they are
01:08:36 --> 01:08:41
			actually creating more mess and it's not going
01:08:41 --> 01:08:44
			in their favor, why because the other person
01:08:44 --> 01:08:48
			knows about Mirza Ghulam Qadiani and his ideology
01:08:48 --> 01:08:55
			then they would immediately start retreating and withdrawing
01:08:55 --> 01:08:57
			from the discussion and then they will completely
01:08:57 --> 01:09:01
			disappear and guess what, this had always been
01:09:01 --> 01:09:03
			the pattern, this happened in the case of
01:09:03 --> 01:09:09
			this person Lal Hussain Akhtar Rahimahullah and same
01:09:09 --> 01:09:11
			thing happened in the case of our beloved
01:09:11 --> 01:09:15
			Adnan Rashid bhai and same thing has happened
01:09:15 --> 01:09:17
			in the past in many other cases so
01:09:17 --> 01:09:19
			anyhow this was this is not the point,
01:09:19 --> 01:09:23
			the point is the dreams, I'm asking the
01:09:23 --> 01:09:27
			common Ahmadis, these are the dreams which are
01:09:27 --> 01:09:32
			guiding this person to come back to Islam
01:09:32 --> 01:09:35
			and to leave Ahmadiyyat and you have already
01:09:35 --> 01:09:38
			seen in that video they are telling you
01:09:38 --> 01:09:42
			that don't trust these dreams, why why is
01:09:42 --> 01:09:45
			it that your dreams are trustworthy and the
01:09:45 --> 01:09:47
			dreams of other people are not, why is
01:09:47 --> 01:09:52
			that so inshallah we still have a lot
01:09:52 --> 01:09:55
			to cover so let me end this here
01:09:55 --> 01:09:58
			and I will take if brother Ahmad wants
01:09:58 --> 01:10:00
			to add something, Zia Ahmad bhai.
01:10:00 --> 01:10:03
			Yeah you very cleverly took yourself out as
01:10:03 --> 01:10:05
			the handsome man but we do consider you
01:10:05 --> 01:10:08
			that handsome man inshallah, the one in the
01:10:08 --> 01:10:13
			dream and this the second dream subhanallah is
01:10:13 --> 01:10:17
			to be honest I saw this reference for
01:10:17 --> 01:10:19
			the first time but it's very close to
01:10:19 --> 01:10:21
			our heart because we when we are discussing
01:10:21 --> 01:10:25
			with the people on twitter or social media
01:10:25 --> 01:10:28
			engaging with this layman Ahmadis, this is the
01:10:28 --> 01:10:31
			feeling we have to be honest, we actually
01:10:31 --> 01:10:33
			do see that you guys are tied to
01:10:33 --> 01:10:36
			this person who's taking you to hellfire and
01:10:36 --> 01:10:39
			we are trying to cut that cord and
01:10:39 --> 01:10:41
			inshallah this whole effort and the whole dawah
01:10:41 --> 01:10:44
			is to cut that cord inshallah just just
01:10:44 --> 01:10:46
			take that leap of faith and and for
01:10:46 --> 01:10:50
			a second step outside your your circle and
01:10:50 --> 01:10:52
			look at the evidence we're not saying to
01:10:52 --> 01:10:54
			just accept what you're saying whatever we are
01:10:54 --> 01:10:57
			saying but inshallah there's no harm to actually
01:10:57 --> 01:11:00
			look into the evidence and start looking at
01:11:00 --> 01:11:03
			the evidence rather than taking something subjective as
01:11:03 --> 01:11:06
			dreams and stuff of that sort which can
01:11:06 --> 01:11:10
			be actually engineered there are popular cults which
01:11:10 --> 01:11:14
			are known to to engineer dreams if like
01:11:14 --> 01:11:16
			they talk to you and make you and
01:11:16 --> 01:11:18
			say certain thing to make a c-specific
01:11:18 --> 01:11:21
			dream so inshallah this is this is a
01:11:21 --> 01:11:23
			very like this reference was very powerful in
01:11:23 --> 01:11:26
			that regard is that the string needs to
01:11:26 --> 01:11:29
			be broken inshallah before you die before you
01:11:29 --> 01:11:32
			reach that red horizon stop yourself before you
01:11:32 --> 01:11:34
			reach that red horizon because mirza is already
01:11:34 --> 01:11:38
			there wallahi wallahi none of us muslim want
01:11:38 --> 01:11:43
			you to reach that horizon subhanallah so ahmad
01:11:43 --> 01:11:46
			by inshallah too i would say that maybe
01:11:46 --> 01:11:49
			you can share the link in the in
01:11:49 --> 01:11:51
			the chat and at the same time i
01:11:51 --> 01:11:53
			have sent you a video we can play
01:11:53 --> 01:11:54
			the video as well and by the way
01:11:54 --> 01:11:58
			ahmad bhai if brother umar if he wants
01:11:58 --> 01:12:00
			to come at any point to you know
01:12:00 --> 01:12:02
			to add something or to comment please invite
01:12:02 --> 01:12:04
			him as well and i have just sent
01:12:04 --> 01:12:06
			you an other video and i'm just make
01:12:06 --> 01:12:08
			it a bit bit bit bigger because it
01:12:08 --> 01:12:11
			was too small last time so so people
01:12:11 --> 01:12:12
			can see you know a little bit of
01:12:12 --> 01:12:14
			face as well because i'll make it slightly
01:12:14 --> 01:12:16
			bigger i just made it due to the
01:12:16 --> 01:12:20
			strike i understand yeah for the for our
01:12:20 --> 01:12:23
			brothers who's listening umar mashallah is with us
01:12:23 --> 01:12:26
			but his internet connection is slightly weak so
01:12:26 --> 01:12:30
			subhanallah uh like uh he he's the he's
01:12:30 --> 01:12:32
			the guy i'm just his assistant but today
01:12:32 --> 01:12:35
			assistant is sitting here inshallah uh whenever umar
01:12:35 --> 01:12:37
			wants to come he he'll just let me
01:12:37 --> 01:12:39
			know and inshallah you're gonna hear from him
01:12:39 --> 01:12:41
			but we're just uh uh right now we
01:12:41 --> 01:12:42
			are just a bit of our hands are
01:12:42 --> 01:12:44
			tied because of his internet and uh i'm
01:12:44 --> 01:12:46
			just gonna pull this uh just me two
01:12:46 --> 01:12:48
			minutes inshallah yeah and ahmad bhai inshallah while
01:12:48 --> 01:12:51
			you are pulling this those who are watching
01:12:51 --> 01:12:54
			i'm going to share with you a very
01:12:54 --> 01:12:57
			i don't know that if interesting is the
01:12:57 --> 01:13:00
			right word because you will not find it
01:13:00 --> 01:13:03
			much interesting it will actually be very disgusting
01:13:03 --> 01:13:05
			but inshallah i will i'm going to share
01:13:05 --> 01:13:08
			you with you a dream of because you
01:13:08 --> 01:13:10
			know this dream thing is too much in
01:13:11 --> 01:13:12
			so i'm going to share with you a
01:13:12 --> 01:13:18
			dream of mirza basheeruddin mahmud ahmad and you
01:13:18 --> 01:13:22
			all know he's the muslim he is the
01:13:22 --> 01:13:26
			second caliph of ahmadiyya jamaat inshallah after this
01:13:26 --> 01:13:29
			video i'm gonna share his dream as well
01:13:29 --> 01:13:33
			and then i let you decide obviously he
01:13:33 --> 01:13:35
			had a dream and then he tried to
01:13:35 --> 01:13:38
			give it some meaning okay we'll present you
01:13:38 --> 01:13:40
			with a dream and then we'll let you
01:13:40 --> 01:13:42
			think that you know what meaning you can
01:13:42 --> 01:13:44
			give to this dream okay before that let's
01:13:44 --> 01:13:48
			inshallah watch what mirza masroor ahmad the current
01:13:48 --> 01:13:51
			caliph is telling us about the dream and
01:13:51 --> 01:13:54
			when you are watching this one because there
01:13:54 --> 01:13:56
			are many such clips by the way but
01:13:56 --> 01:13:59
			i just want to actually share some thoughts
01:13:59 --> 01:14:04
			because look the main thing is what i
01:14:04 --> 01:14:10
			said already dreams are something subjective don't use
01:14:10 --> 01:14:14
			them as an objective criterion to tell people
01:14:14 --> 01:14:17
			that these dreams are the proof that mirza
01:14:17 --> 01:14:21
			ghulam ahmad qadiani was a true messiah don't
01:14:21 --> 01:14:33
			use them they are subjective that's
01:14:33 --> 01:14:39
			the whole point so yeah that's that's good
01:14:39 --> 01:14:42
			i i am but that's good inshallah it
01:14:42 --> 01:14:44
			means that i can stop from my side
01:14:44 --> 01:14:46
			it's good inshallah now i will explain bit
01:14:46 --> 01:14:49
			by bit so for those of you who
01:14:49 --> 01:14:51
			don't understand urdu because i know that some
01:14:51 --> 01:14:56
			people are from other background now this sister
01:14:56 --> 01:15:00
			or this lady is saying that oh caliph
01:15:00 --> 01:15:04
			we ahmadis we place our trust in dreams
01:15:04 --> 01:15:15
			and then she will say something further and
01:15:15 --> 01:15:19
			then she says she she first said that
01:15:19 --> 01:15:21
			look we ahmadis we place a lot a
01:15:21 --> 01:15:24
			lot of trust in the dreams but then
01:15:24 --> 01:15:28
			she raised a very logical question that how
01:15:28 --> 01:15:30
			can we how can we be sure that
01:15:30 --> 01:15:33
			if this dream is true or if this
01:15:33 --> 01:15:37
			dream is really giving me some message what
01:15:37 --> 01:15:39
			is the principle what is the criterion right
01:15:39 --> 01:15:47
			let's watch he said that who has told
01:15:47 --> 01:15:49
			you this that you can trust every dream
01:15:49 --> 01:15:52
			and then he said i don't trust every
01:15:52 --> 01:15:55
			dream now you may be thinking okay then
01:15:55 --> 01:15:58
			which dream when the the moment you are
01:15:58 --> 01:16:03
			thinking that which dream should i trust immediately
01:16:03 --> 01:16:06
			recall what mirza tahir ahmad said and what
01:16:06 --> 01:16:09
			mirza ghulam ahmad qadiani said that for an
01:16:09 --> 01:16:14
			ahmadi if a dream is in line approving
01:16:14 --> 01:16:17
			mirza ghulam qadiani take it trust the dream
01:16:17 --> 01:16:21
			but if a dream is otherwise like i
01:16:21 --> 01:16:22
			gave you two examples of the dreams of
01:16:22 --> 01:16:27
			he says forget about this dream and you
01:16:27 --> 01:16:30
			may be thinking that it's my interpretation let's
01:16:30 --> 01:16:37
			watch he says that half half half of
01:16:37 --> 01:16:43
			the dreams are just our own desires he
01:16:43 --> 01:16:46
			said that this is the very reason i'm
01:16:46 --> 01:16:49
			asking you this question that how to trust
01:16:49 --> 01:17:02
			or not trust our dreams i'm
01:17:02 --> 01:17:03
			not going to comment on these light things
01:17:03 --> 01:17:20
			here and there just continue hmm
01:17:28 --> 01:17:30
			now comes to the point so inshallah because
01:17:30 --> 01:17:32
			like i said before the previous couple of
01:17:32 --> 01:17:34
			things he said they were just on a
01:17:34 --> 01:17:36
			light note we don't need to spend time
01:17:36 --> 01:17:38
			on that but now let's see inshallah now
01:17:38 --> 01:17:41
			the lady is saying something interesting let's inshallah
01:17:41 --> 01:17:50
			watch this bit now can you say something
01:17:50 --> 01:17:55
			about a prophet or mecca or kaaba that
01:17:55 --> 01:17:56
			is a good thing, it is a good
01:17:56 --> 01:17:59
			dream but in mecca or kaaba you should
01:17:59 --> 01:18:03
			see how you have been seen if you
01:18:03 --> 01:18:08
			see there i mean my personal experience my
01:18:08 --> 01:18:12
			personal experience ok if you see a dream
01:18:12 --> 01:18:15
			that has a meaning that makes sense then
01:18:15 --> 01:18:19
			ok that is a good thing Because, if
01:18:19 --> 01:18:22
			I tell you, like they call the Ka
01:18:22 --> 01:18:23
			'bah a Haram, I saw it in a
01:18:23 --> 01:18:27
			dream and it was written that if you
01:18:27 --> 01:18:29
			look at the Haram, there is no religion
01:18:29 --> 01:18:31
			or any type of honour in it.
01:18:31 --> 01:18:33
			Okay, it is a good thing to look
01:18:33 --> 01:18:35
			at the Ka'bah, if it is a
01:18:35 --> 01:18:37
			true dream, then it is a good thing.
01:18:38 --> 01:18:38
01:18:39 --> 01:18:39
01:18:40 --> 01:18:43
			So, some dreams are good, look at the
01:18:43 --> 01:18:45
			Ka'bah or look at a prophet, they
01:18:45 --> 01:18:51
			should have a true meaning.
01:18:52 --> 01:18:54
			But look at this, the prophet is saying
01:18:54 --> 01:18:59
			to you, like some non-Ahmadis say, we
01:18:59 --> 01:19:04
			saw, the Holy Prophet said that Hazrat Mirza
01:19:04 --> 01:19:04
			Ghulam Ahmad Sahib is not true.
01:19:05 --> 01:19:06
			These are false dreams.
01:19:06 --> 01:19:09
			This is the key point I wanted to
01:19:09 --> 01:19:13
			show to you, that all of them are
01:19:13 --> 01:19:16
			making the same one point.
01:19:17 --> 01:19:19
			Did you really listen to what he said?
01:19:20 --> 01:19:23
			He said that some of the non-Ahmadis,
01:19:23 --> 01:19:27
			they tell us about their dreams, that in
01:19:27 --> 01:19:32
			their dream, they have seen Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu
01:19:32 --> 01:19:36
			Alaihi Wasallam telling them that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani
01:19:36 --> 01:19:37
			was a liar.
01:19:38 --> 01:19:40
			And then Mirza Masoor Ahmad said that these
01:19:40 --> 01:19:43
			dreams are false, these are lies.
01:19:44 --> 01:19:47
			Take a pause here, take a pause here.
01:19:49 --> 01:19:53
			If a prophet or Mirza Ghulam Qadiani or
01:19:53 --> 01:19:57
			according to your claim, Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi
01:19:57 --> 01:19:59
			Wasallam coming to the dream of an Ahmadi
01:19:59 --> 01:20:03
			or coming to someone's dream, telling him or
01:20:03 --> 01:20:05
			her that Ahmadiyyat is true.
01:20:06 --> 01:20:08
			You would say, oh, this dream is a
01:20:08 --> 01:20:09
			true dream.
01:20:10 --> 01:20:12
			It is from Allah, right?
01:20:12 --> 01:20:16
			And he's saying that even if somebody is
01:20:16 --> 01:20:18
			telling you a dream, that in my dream,
01:20:19 --> 01:20:23
			I saw Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam telling
01:20:23 --> 01:20:27
			me that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani is a
01:20:27 --> 01:20:27
01:20:28 --> 01:20:31
			Mirza Masoor Ahmad is saying, don't trust this
01:20:31 --> 01:20:32
01:20:32 --> 01:20:33
			It's a false dream.
01:20:34 --> 01:20:35
			Take a pause here.
01:20:36 --> 01:20:38
			Remove your glasses.
01:20:40 --> 01:20:41
			Be unbiased.
01:20:42 --> 01:20:43
			Now, let me tell you something very interesting.
01:20:45 --> 01:20:47
			We have hadith in which it is mentioned
01:20:47 --> 01:20:52
			that Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, if
01:20:52 --> 01:20:57
			someone has seen me in his dream, it
01:20:57 --> 01:21:01
			is true that he has seen me because
01:21:01 --> 01:21:04
			shaitan cannot appear in my form.
01:21:05 --> 01:21:11
			Now, with regard to this hadith, our ulema,
01:21:11 --> 01:21:14
			our scholars, they have given us a principle.
01:21:14 --> 01:21:17
			And the principle is they said that, look,
01:21:18 --> 01:21:24
			this can apply primarily to the companions, the
01:21:24 --> 01:21:27
			sahaba, because they are the ones who have
01:21:27 --> 01:21:30
			seen Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in reality.
01:21:31 --> 01:21:34
			So when they will see in vision, they
01:21:34 --> 01:21:37
			are sure it is him, right?
01:21:37 --> 01:21:40
			For somebody who is not a companion, who
01:21:40 --> 01:21:43
			has not seen Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
01:21:43 --> 01:21:47
			like sahaba in reality, this person does not
01:21:47 --> 01:21:51
			know because it could be shaitan may be
01:21:51 --> 01:21:57
			coming and lying to you that I am
01:21:57 --> 01:21:58
			your prophet.
01:21:59 --> 01:22:03
			Shaitan definitely cannot assume the form of Nabi
01:22:03 --> 01:22:05
			Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
01:22:05 --> 01:22:05
			That's true.
01:22:06 --> 01:22:07
			But shaitan can lie.
01:22:08 --> 01:22:11
			He can be lying to you that I
01:22:11 --> 01:22:11
			am your prophet.
01:22:12 --> 01:22:14
			Now, why I said this?
01:22:15 --> 01:22:16
			Why I said this?
01:22:16 --> 01:22:19
			The reason I said this, if one of,
01:22:19 --> 01:22:23
			according to you, non-Ahmadi, i.e. Muslim,
01:22:23 --> 01:22:27
			if a Muslim makes such claim who is
01:22:27 --> 01:22:30
			not a companion, we will not take his
01:22:30 --> 01:22:34
			statement as a hujjah, as a binding statement.
01:22:34 --> 01:22:35
01:22:35 --> 01:22:36
			Because he is not a companion.
01:22:36 --> 01:22:42
			Now, but why is it you as non
01:22:42 --> 01:22:48
			-Ahmadis, sorry, you as Ahmadis, you have also
01:22:48 --> 01:22:51
			not seen Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
01:22:52 --> 01:22:55
			So either you as Ahmadis or we as
01:22:55 --> 01:22:58
			Muslims, we are both in the same bucket,
01:22:59 --> 01:23:00
			on the same boat.
01:23:02 --> 01:23:04
			None of us can make any claim on
01:23:04 --> 01:23:05
			the basis of that.
01:23:05 --> 01:23:08
			But what I'm trying to point out is
01:23:08 --> 01:23:12
			that Mirza Masroor Ahmad is telling his community,
01:23:14 --> 01:23:17
			and this is something I really want you
01:23:17 --> 01:23:20
			to take home from this live stream.
01:23:20 --> 01:23:22
			Please pay attention, O Ahmadis.
01:23:23 --> 01:23:27
			Mirza Masroor Ahmad is telling his community, and
01:23:27 --> 01:23:28
			I will, inshallah, replay it in a minute,
01:23:29 --> 01:23:34
			that even if Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
01:23:34 --> 01:23:38
			comes in your dream and says to you
01:23:38 --> 01:23:42
			that Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was a liar, you
01:23:42 --> 01:23:44
			still cannot trust that dream.
01:23:45 --> 01:23:48
			Now my question is, then why are you
01:23:48 --> 01:23:49
			talking about the dream anyways?
01:23:50 --> 01:23:53
			Then why is it that the day in,
01:23:53 --> 01:23:55
			day out, you are putting the videos on
01:23:55 --> 01:23:58
			your official platform in which somebody from a
01:23:58 --> 01:24:01
			Sikh background, somebody from a Hindu or Christian
01:24:01 --> 01:24:04
			background, telling us, oh, I had a dream,
01:24:04 --> 01:24:06
			and that dream, I was told in a
01:24:06 --> 01:24:08
			dream that become Ahmadi.
01:24:09 --> 01:24:10
			Why is it?
01:24:11 --> 01:24:14
			Because even if, according to you, even if
01:24:14 --> 01:24:17
			Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam comes in the
01:24:17 --> 01:24:20
			dream, even still you cannot take his words
01:24:20 --> 01:24:23
			if he says Mirza was a liar.
01:24:25 --> 01:24:25
			Then what is the point?
01:24:26 --> 01:24:29
			I am asking you, what is the point
01:24:29 --> 01:24:30
			of dreams?
01:24:32 --> 01:24:34
			It means that dreams are not any criterion.
01:24:35 --> 01:24:36
			Let me repeat this, okay?
01:24:37 --> 01:24:38
			So you can really see what I am
01:24:38 --> 01:24:39
			saying here.
01:24:40 --> 01:24:42
			Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is saying that,
01:24:43 --> 01:24:47
			like some non-Ahmadis say, we saw that
01:24:47 --> 01:24:48
			Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said,
01:24:49 --> 01:24:51
			that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is
01:24:51 --> 01:24:53
			not true, that he has false dreams.
01:24:53 --> 01:24:54
			You see?
01:24:56 --> 01:24:57
			Then what is the point?
01:24:58 --> 01:25:00
			Then how can we use a dream?
01:25:01 --> 01:25:03
			Because even if such dreams can be a
01:25:03 --> 01:25:05
			lie, then I don't know how you use
01:25:05 --> 01:25:06
			a dream as a criterion.
01:25:08 --> 01:25:11
			He says that all of these dreams are
01:25:11 --> 01:25:11
01:25:25 --> 01:25:27
			Some are fabricated, but if it is a
01:25:27 --> 01:25:29
			true dream, then does it mean that the
01:25:29 --> 01:25:33
			whole meaning of a dream, the whole scene,
01:25:34 --> 01:25:35
			is also made up of these dreams?
01:25:54 --> 01:25:58
			It means that this is the point, this
01:25:58 --> 01:26:00
			is the very point I am trying to
01:26:00 --> 01:26:03
			highlight again and again, that it is your
01:26:03 --> 01:26:05
			dream versus my dream.
01:26:05 --> 01:26:10
			Your dreams are necessarily false dreams, and my
01:26:10 --> 01:26:12
			dreams are by default the true dreams.
01:26:13 --> 01:26:14
			Is it really a criterion?
01:26:16 --> 01:26:19
			And sometimes the names that are seen in
01:26:19 --> 01:26:21
			dreams, they also have certain meanings.
01:26:23 --> 01:26:25
			But those who have a habit of seeing
01:26:25 --> 01:26:28
			dreams, more than half of their dreams are
01:26:28 --> 01:26:28
01:26:28 --> 01:26:32
			As it is, the psychologists, the psychiatrists say,
01:26:33 --> 01:26:36
			or rather those who know, that every human
01:26:36 --> 01:26:37
			being has normal dreams.
01:26:38 --> 01:26:40
			So anyhow, then he goes, he says that,
01:26:41 --> 01:26:43
			you know, if you are too much into
01:26:43 --> 01:26:45
			having these dreams, then most of your dreams
01:26:45 --> 01:26:45
			are not true.
01:26:46 --> 01:26:48
			So the point is, if this is the
01:26:48 --> 01:26:52
			principle, that dreams do not have any place
01:26:52 --> 01:26:57
			in terms of affirming or disapproving the truth,
01:26:57 --> 01:27:00
			then what is the point of dreams?
01:27:00 --> 01:27:05
			Then why the Ahmadiyya community is so obsessed
01:27:05 --> 01:27:05
			with the dreams?
01:27:07 --> 01:27:09
			And if dreams have any role to play,
01:27:09 --> 01:27:12
			if dreams can prove anything, then on what
01:27:12 --> 01:27:16
			basis you can just cancel all the dreams
01:27:16 --> 01:27:19
			of quote-unquote non-Ahmadis, okay?
01:27:19 --> 01:27:22
			Now, before I move further, I just want
01:27:22 --> 01:27:25
			to share one more video.
01:27:27 --> 01:27:28
			Give me one second.
01:27:29 --> 01:27:31
			Ahmad Bhai, if you want to add something,
01:27:32 --> 01:27:32
			you are more than welcome.
01:27:32 --> 01:27:34
			I'll just send you one more video.
01:27:35 --> 01:27:35
01:27:36 --> 01:27:38
			So I just wanted to point out something
01:27:38 --> 01:27:41
			that I realized during my research for today,
01:27:41 --> 01:27:45
			is that, like you said, these cultures are
01:27:45 --> 01:27:49
			completely, completely infatuated, and they're completely into dreams.
01:27:49 --> 01:27:52
			If you just type Ahmadiyyat dream, you'll get
01:27:52 --> 01:27:54
			hundreds of videos on YouTube.
01:27:55 --> 01:27:57
			So they're completely obsessed about dreams for some
01:27:57 --> 01:27:59
			reason, most probably because, like Imtiaz Bhai said,
01:28:00 --> 01:28:03
			once you don't have evidences, then you resort
01:28:03 --> 01:28:05
			to evidence in a dream.
01:28:06 --> 01:28:08
			And truly, the only evidence you have is
01:28:08 --> 01:28:10
			the evidence in a dream, inshallah.
01:28:11 --> 01:28:12
			So just give me one minute, Imtiaz Bhai,
01:28:12 --> 01:28:13
			to pull this.
01:28:14 --> 01:28:14
01:28:39 --> 01:28:41
			Dear Huzoor, my name is...
01:28:41 --> 01:28:43
			Now, basically, let me tell you first why
01:28:43 --> 01:28:45
			I'm showing you this clip now, the one
01:28:45 --> 01:28:47
			which is on the screen right now.
01:28:47 --> 01:28:53
			Look, if dreams are so important, then I
01:28:53 --> 01:28:55
			want you to think about one question.
01:28:57 --> 01:29:01
			Is it not true that if somebody is
01:29:01 --> 01:29:05
			going to assume the position of the Ahmadiyya
01:29:05 --> 01:29:09
			Caliph or the Ahmadiyya leader, okay?
01:29:09 --> 01:29:11
			Now, this is something very important.
01:29:12 --> 01:29:15
			And the question is, should this person not
01:29:15 --> 01:29:15
			have a dream?
01:29:17 --> 01:29:22
			Because if there can be dreams for trivial
01:29:22 --> 01:29:26
			matters, for something very small, what about this
01:29:26 --> 01:29:30
			huge, big, gigantic matter, which is the Khilafah,
01:29:30 --> 01:29:30
01:29:31 --> 01:29:34
			Let's see what the Caliph is saying about
01:29:34 --> 01:29:40
			this, quote-unquote, gigantic matter of Khilafah, okay?
01:29:40 --> 01:29:41
			Now, let's see what he says.
01:29:42 --> 01:29:43
			My name is Sabiha Jamal.
01:29:44 --> 01:29:47
			Beloved Huzoor, my name is Sabiha Jamal.
01:29:47 --> 01:29:49
			My question is, when you were about to
01:29:49 --> 01:29:55
			leave for the Khilafat, did you have any
01:29:55 --> 01:29:57
			dreams about Khilafat before that?
01:29:57 --> 01:29:59
			No, I did not have any dreams, neither
01:29:59 --> 01:30:00
			before nor after.
01:30:01 --> 01:30:02
			Do you understand?
01:30:03 --> 01:30:05
			Yes, people had seen it.
01:30:05 --> 01:30:07
			Those who had not used the right to
01:30:07 --> 01:30:08
			vote, they had seen dreams.
01:30:10 --> 01:30:13
			Therefore, either Allah the Almighty had already placed
01:30:13 --> 01:30:14
			some people in their hearts and they had
01:30:14 --> 01:30:15
			not seen dreams, or Allah the Almighty had
01:30:15 --> 01:30:17
			placed some people in their hearts on that
01:30:17 --> 01:30:19
			occasion, but I had not seen any dreams,
01:30:21 --> 01:30:21
01:30:23 --> 01:30:26
			And I could never have imagined that I
01:30:26 --> 01:30:27
			would reach this position.
01:30:28 --> 01:30:30
			Anyhow, the reason I am showing you this,
01:30:30 --> 01:30:33
			he is saying that I have not seen
01:30:33 --> 01:30:38
			any dream either before becoming the Caliph or
01:30:38 --> 01:30:41
			after becoming the Caliph of Jamaat Ahmadiyya.
01:30:41 --> 01:30:45
			Now, the point is, you are telling us
01:30:45 --> 01:30:47
			about the importance of dreams.
01:30:49 --> 01:30:50
			I want you to think about this.
01:30:51 --> 01:30:56
			If dreams are so important, if dreams are
01:30:56 --> 01:30:58
			the source for you, to guiding you to
01:30:58 --> 01:31:00
			what is the right decision or what is
01:31:00 --> 01:31:03
			the right thing to do, why is it
01:31:03 --> 01:31:05
			not that your Caliph is not having any
01:31:05 --> 01:31:05
01:31:06 --> 01:31:06
01:31:07 --> 01:31:09
			Because this was something very important.
01:31:10 --> 01:31:11
			And he is saying that he did not
01:31:11 --> 01:31:13
			have any dream either before or after.
01:31:15 --> 01:31:19
			Then how Allah guided him about this issue
01:31:19 --> 01:31:20
			of Khilafah?
01:31:21 --> 01:31:24
			Think about this, because I am not saying
01:31:24 --> 01:31:28
			that it is a principle in your religion
01:31:28 --> 01:31:30
			that there should be a dream for every...
01:31:30 --> 01:31:31
			I am not saying that.
01:31:32 --> 01:31:36
			All I am saying is, that if dreams
01:31:36 --> 01:31:41
			are important, if dreams are a source for
01:31:41 --> 01:31:45
			guiding someone to the right decision, then how
01:31:45 --> 01:31:49
			would you not agree that your Caliph must
01:31:49 --> 01:31:52
			have a dream about this issue of Khilafah?
01:31:52 --> 01:31:54
			He said, I did not have any dream.
01:31:55 --> 01:31:57
			Then why are dreams important anyway?
01:31:58 --> 01:32:01
			So, anyhow, Ahmed Bhai, I have sent you
01:32:01 --> 01:32:03
			something because...
01:32:03 --> 01:32:05
			I was just...
01:32:05 --> 01:32:07
			Let me just...
01:32:07 --> 01:32:09
			Because no one else is here.
01:32:10 --> 01:32:12
			So, I have to mute myself.
01:32:18 --> 01:32:21
			Meanwhile, what we can do is a fun
01:32:21 --> 01:32:22
			exercise, I think.
01:32:22 --> 01:32:26
			So, all our viewers, Muslims and Ahmadis, they
01:32:26 --> 01:32:28
			are welcome to send us an email if
01:32:28 --> 01:32:31
			you are seeing a dream regarding Qadianism or
01:32:31 --> 01:32:33
			Ahmadiyyat, whether it is true or false.
01:32:33 --> 01:32:35
			Let us all poll and see how many
01:32:35 --> 01:32:38
			people have seen a dream regarding Ahmadiyyat being
01:32:38 --> 01:32:41
			true and how many have done it regarding
01:32:41 --> 01:32:42
			Ahmadiyyat being false.
01:32:43 --> 01:32:45
			SubhanAllah, because this is how we are going
01:32:45 --> 01:32:45
			to settle this, I think.
01:32:46 --> 01:32:51
			So, because in the arena of evidences, the
01:32:51 --> 01:32:54
			Qadianism, the Ahmadiyyat, and their Murabbis have been
01:32:54 --> 01:32:56
			completely knocked out by Imtiaz and Ahmed Bhai.
01:32:56 --> 01:33:01
			So, actually, we are out of evidences from
01:33:01 --> 01:33:01
			their front.
01:33:02 --> 01:33:03
			So, let us now settle it on dreams.
01:33:05 --> 01:33:05
01:33:08 --> 01:33:10
			Ahmed Bhai, I have sent you a video.
01:33:10 --> 01:33:12
			If you can play that video from six
01:33:12 --> 01:33:13
			minutes onward.
01:33:17 --> 01:33:19
			Yes, from six minutes, please.
01:33:19 --> 01:33:21
			And just make it a bit slow.
01:33:22 --> 01:33:35
			Maybe 0.75. While doing this,
01:33:36 --> 01:33:38
			during my education, I started to think more
01:33:38 --> 01:33:40
			about this.
01:33:40 --> 01:33:42
			So, during that time, I also had some
01:33:42 --> 01:33:42
01:33:43 --> 01:33:45
			In my dreams, I saw light.
01:33:46 --> 01:33:48
			And there were many other dreams like this.
01:33:49 --> 01:33:51
			I heard the word Qahaf many times in
01:33:51 --> 01:33:51
			my dreams.
01:33:52 --> 01:33:54
			When I got to know the meaning of
01:33:54 --> 01:33:58
			it, it was that there is a big
01:33:58 --> 01:34:00
			change in your life if you read the
01:34:00 --> 01:34:00
			incident of Saba Qahaf.
01:34:00 --> 01:34:04
			And apart from this, there were two or
01:34:04 --> 01:34:08
			three other dreams like this, which clearly had
01:34:08 --> 01:34:12
			a sign from Allah that I am going
01:34:12 --> 01:34:13
			in the right direction.
01:34:14 --> 01:34:16
			So, this...
01:34:17 --> 01:34:21
			Now, those who don't understand Urdu, this sister,
01:34:21 --> 01:34:23
			it's a complete video on the YouTube.
01:34:24 --> 01:34:26
			You can access this video on...
01:34:26 --> 01:34:28
			There's a YouTube channel called KTV.
01:34:29 --> 01:34:30
			Khatme Nabuwat TV.
01:34:31 --> 01:34:34
			And on that one, there are many videos
01:34:34 --> 01:34:38
			of those ex-Ahmadis whom Allah guided to
01:34:38 --> 01:34:39
			the fold of Islam.
01:34:40 --> 01:34:44
			This sister is one of those, mashallah, blessed
01:34:44 --> 01:34:46
			people whom Allah guided to the fold of
01:34:46 --> 01:34:46
01:34:47 --> 01:34:50
			And you can clearly see, she's telling you
01:34:50 --> 01:34:55
			that during her research, during her journey, she
01:34:55 --> 01:34:57
			had a lot of visions, dreams.
01:34:58 --> 01:35:00
			And she was shown light.
01:35:01 --> 01:35:04
			She was shown the world, Qahaf or cave.
01:35:05 --> 01:35:07
			And she said that she had many other
01:35:07 --> 01:35:09
			dreams and the meanings of those dreams were
01:35:09 --> 01:35:12
			very clear to me that I am heading
01:35:12 --> 01:35:13
			on the right path.
01:35:14 --> 01:35:18
			Now, again, I am not saying that her
01:35:18 --> 01:35:20
			dreams are an objective criterion.
01:35:20 --> 01:35:21
			No, I'm not saying that.
01:35:22 --> 01:35:26
			But I'm appealing to your conscience that when
01:35:26 --> 01:35:30
			this sister is having all of these dreams
01:35:31 --> 01:35:34
			and these dreams are leading her to leave
01:35:34 --> 01:35:38
			Ahmadiyyat, for you, they are not the proof
01:35:38 --> 01:35:40
			that Ahmadiyyat is a false vision.
01:35:41 --> 01:35:44
			But on the contrary, when somebody is having
01:35:44 --> 01:35:46
			a dream and in that dream, he is
01:35:46 --> 01:35:50
			guided towards Ahmadiyyat, those dreams are true dreams.
01:35:51 --> 01:35:52
			What is the criterion?
01:35:54 --> 01:35:56
			If you want to use dreams, then be
01:35:56 --> 01:35:57
01:35:57 --> 01:35:59
			Then these dreams are equally important.
01:36:00 --> 01:36:04
			These dreams are equally the proof that the
01:36:04 --> 01:36:06
			Ahmadiyya ideology is false.
01:36:07 --> 01:36:10
			So, by the way, if you just go
01:36:10 --> 01:36:13
			on the YouTube and you watch these stories
01:36:13 --> 01:36:16
			of those people who left Ahmadiyyat, you will
01:36:16 --> 01:36:16
			be surprised.
01:36:18 --> 01:36:21
			That in many cases, they were dreams.
01:36:23 --> 01:36:27
			Allah guided them in their dreams, through dreams.
01:36:27 --> 01:36:29
			And those dreams became the reason.
01:36:31 --> 01:36:32
			So, this is all I'm trying to point
01:36:32 --> 01:36:33
01:36:33 --> 01:36:35
			And like I said earlier, there's a very
01:36:35 --> 01:36:39
			interesting dream of Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, which,
01:36:39 --> 01:36:42
			inshallah, we will read together in a minute.
01:36:42 --> 01:36:44
			But please think about this.
01:36:44 --> 01:36:50
			Think about this and revisit this mindset, this
01:36:50 --> 01:36:53
			frame of work in which you are giving
01:36:53 --> 01:36:56
			too much importance to the dreams.
01:36:57 --> 01:37:00
			To the point, some of you already know
01:37:00 --> 01:37:06
			that one Ahmadi activist, he's not a murabbi,
01:37:06 --> 01:37:08
			we know that, but he's very active for
01:37:08 --> 01:37:11
			many, many years, Azeem Bhatt, the one I
01:37:11 --> 01:37:13
			debated on the issue of Khatm-un-Nabuwah.
01:37:15 --> 01:37:17
			He has appeared a couple of times on
01:37:17 --> 01:37:20
			the TikTok broad, and he said to me,
01:37:20 --> 01:37:23
			he said, look, let's settle the matter through
01:37:23 --> 01:37:24
01:37:25 --> 01:37:27
			He said that if you will bring one
01:37:27 --> 01:37:31
			dream to disprove Mirza Ghulam Qadiani, I will
01:37:31 --> 01:37:32
			bring five dreams.
01:37:33 --> 01:37:35
			And I asked him the same question.
01:37:35 --> 01:37:38
			I said, look, if one dream is telling
01:37:38 --> 01:37:41
			you Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was a liar, and
01:37:41 --> 01:37:43
			one dream is telling you Mirza Ghulam Qadiani
01:37:43 --> 01:37:46
			was truthful, which one to trust?
01:37:46 --> 01:37:49
			And if you say, trust the one which
01:37:49 --> 01:37:51
			says he was truthful, then that's not a
01:37:51 --> 01:37:52
01:37:52 --> 01:37:56
			That's all I'm trying to emphasize and point
01:37:56 --> 01:37:59
			out again and again and again, that consider
01:37:59 --> 01:38:01
			the dreams of this sister as well.
01:38:01 --> 01:38:03
			If dreams have any role to play for
01:38:03 --> 01:38:05
			you to know the truth.
01:38:05 --> 01:38:08
			Ahmed bhai, if you want to say something,
01:38:08 --> 01:38:12
			then Inshallah, I'm going to bring those dreams
01:38:12 --> 01:38:16
			of Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood.
01:38:17 --> 01:38:18
			Yes, SubhanAllah.
01:38:19 --> 01:38:22
			This has been extremely, extremely interesting.
01:38:22 --> 01:38:27
			And SubhanAllah, you see that, like for me,
01:38:27 --> 01:38:29
			the way it is set up is that
01:38:29 --> 01:38:34
			the Qadiani's idea on dreams is that if
01:38:34 --> 01:38:38
			it's ours, our dreams are true.
01:38:38 --> 01:38:40
			By default, and then all the dreams that
01:38:40 --> 01:38:42
			go against our understanding are false.
01:38:42 --> 01:38:44
			But we will still use dreams as criterion
01:38:44 --> 01:38:45
			for truth and false.
01:38:46 --> 01:38:47
			I don't know how it works.
01:38:48 --> 01:38:51
			Like every single thing about the religion, this
01:38:51 --> 01:38:52
			is like complete baffling.
01:38:52 --> 01:38:53
01:38:54 --> 01:38:56
			One thing I want to say, this is
01:38:56 --> 01:38:59
			usually what Umar bhai always comes and says,
01:38:59 --> 01:39:03
			Inshallah, brothers, keep the chat nice and clean.
01:39:04 --> 01:39:08
			SubhanAllah, like Imtiaz bhai, our platform is for
01:39:08 --> 01:39:12
			respectful discussions with Ahmadiyyat.
01:39:13 --> 01:39:15
			And we are giving them da'wah.
01:39:15 --> 01:39:17
			So Inshallah, we'll keep it clean.
01:39:17 --> 01:39:19
			I know there are Qadianis who just come
01:39:19 --> 01:39:23
			and abuse and start these discussions.
01:39:23 --> 01:39:26
			But Inshallah, just stay put.
01:39:27 --> 01:39:30
			Every time we see something that doesn't meet
01:39:30 --> 01:39:34
			our standards, we just delete it or hide
01:39:34 --> 01:39:35
			it, Inshallah.
01:39:35 --> 01:39:36
			So do not engage with them.
01:39:36 --> 01:39:38
			Do not waste your time, Inshallah, and keep
01:39:38 --> 01:39:40
			the chats very, very clean.
01:39:40 --> 01:39:41
			JazakAllah khairan.
01:39:42 --> 01:39:43
			Okay, Inshallah.
01:39:43 --> 01:39:45
			Ahmad bhai, let me share my screen.
01:39:46 --> 01:39:50
			And we read together one of the dreams
01:39:50 --> 01:39:53
			of Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad.
01:39:55 --> 01:39:57
			So basically, first of all, let me give
01:39:57 --> 01:39:58
			you the reference.
01:39:58 --> 01:40:02
			This is Al-Fazl, which is the official
01:40:02 --> 01:40:04
			organ of the Jama'at.
01:40:04 --> 01:40:08
			1st of May, 1948.
01:40:09 --> 01:40:13
			It is nearly one year after the birth
01:40:13 --> 01:40:14
			of Pakistan.
01:40:15 --> 01:40:18
			Okay, now, there are many things here, but
01:40:18 --> 01:40:20
			I just want to save your time.
01:40:21 --> 01:40:23
			Let's go to the dream straight away.
01:40:23 --> 01:40:23
01:40:25 --> 01:40:26
			I saw, who is this I?
01:40:27 --> 01:40:31
			Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Musleh Maud, or the
01:40:31 --> 01:40:31
			second caliph.
01:40:32 --> 01:40:32
01:40:34 --> 01:40:38
			He said that, I saw myself in a
01:40:38 --> 01:40:40
			vision that I am in Qadian.
01:40:50 --> 01:40:53
			He says that I am in that same
01:40:53 --> 01:40:58
			toilet in which Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani used
01:40:58 --> 01:40:59
			to relieve himself.
01:41:04 --> 01:41:08
			And it has that same seat made up
01:41:08 --> 01:41:11
			of wood as it used to be in
01:41:11 --> 01:41:13
			the time of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani.
01:41:18 --> 01:41:20
			And you know, back in the days, obviously,
01:41:20 --> 01:41:22
			they did not have these modern toilets.
01:41:22 --> 01:41:26
			So there's a seat, and underneath that seat,
01:41:26 --> 01:41:28
			there's a pot in which people relieve themselves.
01:41:29 --> 01:41:30
			He says this is the scene.
01:41:30 --> 01:41:33
			Look, I know I'm being very, you know,
01:41:33 --> 01:41:35
			graphic here in this translation, but I have
01:41:35 --> 01:41:38
			to, because this has some relevance in the
01:41:38 --> 01:41:39
			dream as well.
01:41:39 --> 01:41:40
			Anyhow, let's move on.
01:41:41 --> 01:41:42
01:41:44 --> 01:41:49
			Now, please have this vision in your mind,
01:41:49 --> 01:41:51
			or this image in your mind, that is
01:41:51 --> 01:41:51
			a toilet.
01:41:52 --> 01:41:57
			And in that toilet, Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad
01:41:57 --> 01:42:00
			is sitting on that toilet seat.
01:42:04 --> 01:42:07
			He says that I am as though as
01:42:07 --> 01:42:08
			I am relieving myself.
01:42:09 --> 01:42:09
			Now, I don't know.
01:42:10 --> 01:42:13
			Look, either you are relieving yourself or you
01:42:13 --> 01:42:13
			are not.
01:42:13 --> 01:42:15
			What do you mean that as though as
01:42:15 --> 01:42:16
			I'm relieving myself?
01:42:16 --> 01:42:16
01:42:24 --> 01:42:28
			It says that I have very loose motion.
01:42:28 --> 01:42:28
01:42:31 --> 01:42:34
			And then this loose motion spread.
01:42:35 --> 01:42:35
01:42:38 --> 01:42:42
			And some of it basically fell on the
01:42:42 --> 01:42:44
			seat, on the toilet seat as well.
01:42:46 --> 01:42:51
			Now, when I started to clean myself, I
01:42:51 --> 01:42:54
			felt as if I am tilted.
01:42:54 --> 01:42:58
			So, I felt as if I am tilted.
01:43:00 --> 01:43:03
			As though as I'm about to fall off
01:43:03 --> 01:43:04
			the seat.
01:43:12 --> 01:43:15
			It says that when I was tilted and
01:43:15 --> 01:43:18
			I was about to fall, in that moment,
01:43:18 --> 01:43:22
			some of that, you know, what I spread
01:43:22 --> 01:43:25
			around, some of that just, you know, stick,
01:43:26 --> 01:43:29
			some of them just, you know, went on
01:43:29 --> 01:43:31
			my, on my pant as well.
01:43:32 --> 01:43:32
01:43:32 --> 01:43:35
			So, there's a, what he's doing there, the
01:43:35 --> 01:43:37
			loose motion, it's all over the place.
01:43:37 --> 01:43:39
			And then some of it is on his
01:43:39 --> 01:43:40
			pant as well.
01:43:45 --> 01:43:48
			It says that when I, when I try
01:43:48 --> 01:43:52
			to basically, you know, control myself in terms
01:43:52 --> 01:43:55
			of when I try to balance myself, I
01:43:55 --> 01:43:57
			tilted towards the other side.
01:44:04 --> 01:44:09
			Basically, now, in the long story short, those
01:44:09 --> 01:44:11
			who understand Urdu, you know, what's happening here,
01:44:11 --> 01:44:11
01:44:11 --> 01:44:13
			There's a loose motion which is spread around,
01:44:14 --> 01:44:15
			which is on the toilet seat as well.
01:44:16 --> 01:44:19
			And now, this loose motion is basically on
01:44:19 --> 01:44:22
			the pant of Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood.
01:44:22 --> 01:44:23
01:44:23 --> 01:44:33
			Now, It says that then I started to
01:44:33 --> 01:44:36
			clean all of that with the water.
01:44:41 --> 01:44:44
			And I was, I was concerned that there
01:44:44 --> 01:44:50
			may not be enough water, so that I
01:44:50 --> 01:44:52
			can clean my pant as well.
01:44:52 --> 01:44:54
			Because don't forget that now there is, the
01:44:54 --> 01:44:56
			whole thing is just on his pant as
01:44:56 --> 01:44:56
01:44:59 --> 01:45:01
			And he said that I purified myself.
01:45:02 --> 01:45:05
			Don't forget, all of this is happening on
01:45:05 --> 01:45:06
			that toilet seat.
01:45:07 --> 01:45:08
			Don't forget this main part.
01:45:13 --> 01:45:16
			He says that I started to make ablution
01:45:16 --> 01:45:18
			in that same place.
01:45:22 --> 01:45:22
01:45:24 --> 01:45:27
			Now, all of this is happening on that
01:45:27 --> 01:45:29
			same toilet seat.
01:45:29 --> 01:45:30
01:45:30 --> 01:45:33
			He said that on that same toilet seat,
01:45:34 --> 01:45:35
			I cleaned myself.
01:45:36 --> 01:45:37
			I made ablution or wudu.
01:45:38 --> 01:45:39
			And I started to pray.
01:45:42 --> 01:45:45
			And instead of facing to the Qibla, I
01:45:45 --> 01:45:47
			was facing the other side.
01:45:49 --> 01:45:51
			And it is not my opinion, Inshallah.
01:45:51 --> 01:45:53
			I'll show you in a minute that the
01:45:53 --> 01:45:55
			Qibla was in the opposite direction.
01:45:55 --> 01:45:56
			Anyways, okay.
01:46:00 --> 01:46:10
			Now, he's giving the
01:46:10 --> 01:46:13
			all the, you know, the dimensions that where
01:46:13 --> 01:46:17
			this toilet was, and in which direction their
01:46:17 --> 01:46:19
			mosque was, etc.
01:46:20 --> 01:46:23
			And then it says that in the mosque,
01:46:27 --> 01:46:27
01:46:29 --> 01:46:31
			First, he gives us the direction that, you
01:46:31 --> 01:46:33
			know, where is the toilet, and which direction
01:46:33 --> 01:46:34
			is the mosque, etc.
01:46:34 --> 01:46:39
			And then he says, He says there are
01:46:39 --> 01:46:43
			few rooms in between the mosque and the
01:46:43 --> 01:46:43
01:46:49 --> 01:46:52
			And this toilet is about, you know, 30
01:46:52 --> 01:46:58
			plus yards in the direction of, what is
01:46:58 --> 01:47:03
			north, south, in the south.
01:47:08 --> 01:47:14
			Now, I want you to imagine this scene.
01:47:15 --> 01:47:18
			All of this is happening in the toilet.
01:47:19 --> 01:47:21
			And he is, in the entire, you know,
01:47:21 --> 01:47:24
			this drama, he's on the toilet seat.
01:47:25 --> 01:47:28
			And now, somehow, there are three people in
01:47:28 --> 01:47:29
			that same toilet as well.
01:47:30 --> 01:47:33
			And one is standing on his right, and
01:47:33 --> 01:47:34
			two standing on his left.
01:47:42 --> 01:47:45
			It says that, I feel like, on the
01:47:45 --> 01:47:48
			right side, somebody is without any, you know,
01:47:49 --> 01:47:51
			basically a clean shave person.
01:47:51 --> 01:47:54
			And on the left side, there was one
01:47:54 --> 01:47:57
			person like Mian Ghulam Muhammad Akhtar, one of
01:47:57 --> 01:47:57
			their guys.
01:47:57 --> 01:48:01
			And with them, there is a young man
01:48:01 --> 01:48:01
			without a beard and a moustache.
01:48:02 --> 01:48:04
			Because he said that, on the right, there
01:48:04 --> 01:48:05
			was one person.
01:48:05 --> 01:48:06
			On the left, there were two people.
01:48:07 --> 01:48:10
			And one on each side was clean shaved.
01:48:14 --> 01:48:19
			Now, somehow, Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood is actually praying
01:48:19 --> 01:48:23
			on that toilet seat, with all of that
01:48:23 --> 01:48:26
			filth, which you have already seen in the
01:48:26 --> 01:48:27
			previous line.
01:48:27 --> 01:48:32
			And then, they are having this congregational Jamaat
01:48:32 --> 01:48:33
			in that toilet.
01:48:33 --> 01:48:35
			I don't know how, but that's what he
01:48:35 --> 01:48:36
01:48:48 --> 01:48:51
			He said that, I was really concerned, and
01:48:51 --> 01:48:54
			I was really wondering, that where I would
01:48:54 --> 01:48:55
			make my prostration.
01:49:00 --> 01:49:04
			He said that, on the toilet seat, there
01:49:04 --> 01:49:07
			is filth, there is shit on the toilet
01:49:07 --> 01:49:07
01:49:08 --> 01:49:10
			And I was thinking that, how am I
01:49:10 --> 01:49:12
			going to make my prostration here?
01:49:19 --> 01:49:25
			And where my followers are standing, that place
01:49:25 --> 01:49:29
			is basically not the purified place.
01:49:29 --> 01:49:34
			It's basically a place of urine and the
01:49:34 --> 01:49:35
			toilet thing, basically.
01:49:41 --> 01:49:44
			It says that, the person on the right,
01:49:44 --> 01:49:47
			even though he's also on a toilet seat,
01:49:48 --> 01:49:51
			but once again, it's also part of the
01:49:51 --> 01:49:51
			same toilet.
01:49:56 --> 01:50:00
			He said that, in all of this state,
01:50:00 --> 01:50:01
			I looked at my feet.
01:50:10 --> 01:50:13
			He said that, I was surprised that all
01:50:13 --> 01:50:16
			in a sudden, this toilet seat has converted
01:50:16 --> 01:50:19
			into something on which you can pray.
01:50:21 --> 01:50:22
			And somehow, it's very clean.
01:50:29 --> 01:50:34
			He said that, likewise, the spot on which
01:50:34 --> 01:50:36
			the other people are standing next to me,
01:50:36 --> 01:50:41
			it's also clean, and there's no shit or
01:50:41 --> 01:50:42
			filth on that.
01:50:44 --> 01:50:47
			He said that, I continued my prayer.
01:50:54 --> 01:50:58
			It says that, when I bowed down in
01:50:58 --> 01:51:01
			my ruku, and when I got up from
01:51:01 --> 01:51:04
			my bowing down position, I felt that as
01:51:04 --> 01:51:07
			though there is some sort of whispering, which
01:51:07 --> 01:51:11
			made me realize that, in the Masjid Mubarak,
01:51:11 --> 01:51:13
			which is the mosque in their Qadian, people
01:51:13 --> 01:51:16
			are praying as well, and they are also
01:51:16 --> 01:51:17
			praying in congregation.
01:51:18 --> 01:51:19
			So, there are two scenes.
01:51:19 --> 01:51:23
			There is one prayer happening in their Masjid,
01:51:23 --> 01:51:25
			and there's one prayer happening here in the
01:51:25 --> 01:51:26
01:51:26 --> 01:51:30
			Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood and three people with him,
01:51:31 --> 01:51:33
			they are praying in the toilet, and the
01:51:33 --> 01:51:35
			rest are praying basically in the Masjid.
01:51:36 --> 01:51:43
			And then it says that, This is what
01:51:43 --> 01:51:44
			I said in the beginning, that he was
01:51:44 --> 01:51:46
			facing the wrong direction.
01:51:47 --> 01:51:50
			The people in the Masjid are facing the
01:51:50 --> 01:51:50
01:51:50 --> 01:51:53
			They are facing towards the Qibla, which is
01:51:53 --> 01:51:55
			in the west, not in the east.
01:52:06 --> 01:52:09
			And then he says that, we continued the
01:52:09 --> 01:52:09
			prayer, etc.
01:52:09 --> 01:52:11
			Now, let's move on.
01:52:14 --> 01:52:24
			He says, He says, I can't remember if
01:52:24 --> 01:52:26
			I completed my prayer or I just woke
01:52:26 --> 01:52:28
			up in the middle of my prayer.
01:52:31 --> 01:52:34
			It says that, when I woke up, I
01:52:34 --> 01:52:34
			was surprised.
01:52:35 --> 01:52:35
			What is it?
01:52:38 --> 01:52:41
			It says, I was facing towards the east,
01:52:41 --> 01:52:42
			which is the wrong direction.
01:52:49 --> 01:52:52
			Now, the main thing.
01:52:54 --> 01:52:57
			It says that, why was I praying in
01:52:57 --> 01:52:57
			the toilet?
01:52:57 --> 01:52:59
			Because there was a mosque nearby.
01:53:00 --> 01:53:01
			And then he gives the meaning.
01:53:06 --> 01:53:08
			It says that, toilet.
01:53:08 --> 01:53:12
			Now, again, at this point, I am not
01:53:12 --> 01:53:16
			going into pointing out how he was fabricating
01:53:16 --> 01:53:20
			things in terms of interpretation of the dream.
01:53:20 --> 01:53:22
			He says that, toilet in the Arabic is
01:53:22 --> 01:53:24
			called Baraz.
01:53:25 --> 01:53:27
			We have brother Umar with us.
01:53:27 --> 01:53:29
			You don't need to trust me or any
01:53:29 --> 01:53:30
			one of us.
01:53:30 --> 01:53:31
			Go and do your own research.
01:53:33 --> 01:53:37
			Basically saying that, the world for toilet and
01:53:37 --> 01:53:39
			the world for fighting.
01:53:40 --> 01:53:42
			It says these are the same world.
01:53:42 --> 01:53:46
			Baraz is used for the toilet and Baraz
01:53:46 --> 01:53:47
			is used for the fighting.
01:53:47 --> 01:53:50
			So basically, he's trying to give this interpretation
01:53:50 --> 01:53:53
			that the interpretation of the toilet is the
01:53:53 --> 01:53:54
01:53:58 --> 01:54:01
			I don't want to go into these details,
01:54:01 --> 01:54:03
			but let's just see if there's something else.
01:54:07 --> 01:54:11
			And then basically, he gave the interpretation that
01:54:11 --> 01:54:15
			all of this was basically a scene of
01:54:15 --> 01:54:16
			a fight.
01:54:16 --> 01:54:20
			A fight between Ahmadis and non-Ahmadis.
01:54:20 --> 01:54:26
			And eventually, they will come as victorious, etc.
01:54:27 --> 01:54:28
			I will come to that point.
01:54:28 --> 01:54:29
			I just want to show you one point
01:54:29 --> 01:54:30
01:54:30 --> 01:54:31
			Look at this one.
01:54:31 --> 01:54:35
			When he is interpreting the dream, he says
01:54:35 --> 01:54:36
			the following as well.
01:54:43 --> 01:54:50
			Basically, you can say the gist of his
01:54:50 --> 01:54:53
			dream is how he linked all of that.
01:54:55 --> 01:54:56
			You can read for yourself.
01:54:56 --> 01:55:00
			There is no way to link in a
01:55:00 --> 01:55:03
			logical sense that how you link such a
01:55:03 --> 01:55:07
			disgusting dream with all of this interpretation.
01:55:07 --> 01:55:09
			But that's not our subject right now.
01:55:10 --> 01:55:12
			I just want to give you one thing
01:55:12 --> 01:55:16
			from his interpretation that can tell you that
01:55:16 --> 01:55:17
			he was wrong.
01:55:18 --> 01:55:22
			He said that we'll keep progressing until a
01:55:22 --> 01:55:25
			point will come when we will take over
01:55:25 --> 01:55:26
01:55:26 --> 01:55:29
			Don't forget, this was 1948.
01:55:31 --> 01:55:33
			Okay, now partition has happened.
01:55:34 --> 01:55:37
			And he is telling his followers that one
01:55:37 --> 01:55:40
			of the interpretation or one thing in the
01:55:40 --> 01:55:42
			interpretation of the dream is that they are
01:55:42 --> 01:55:44
			going to take over Qadian again.
01:55:45 --> 01:55:47
			I want you just to do a bit
01:55:47 --> 01:55:48
			of research.
01:55:49 --> 01:55:52
			That what is the condition of this Jamaat
01:55:52 --> 01:55:54
			in Qadian right now.
01:55:56 --> 01:55:58
			Go and do your research.
01:55:59 --> 01:56:03
			And do your research on this topic as
01:56:03 --> 01:56:03
01:56:03 --> 01:56:06
			That how likely is that that they are
01:56:06 --> 01:56:10
			going to be the custodian quote unquote custodian
01:56:10 --> 01:56:11
			of Qadian again.
01:56:12 --> 01:56:13
			Go and read all of that.
01:56:14 --> 01:56:16
			Just go and look at the number of
01:56:16 --> 01:56:17
			their Jamaat in Qadian.
01:56:18 --> 01:56:21
			But leave all of that aside.
01:56:22 --> 01:56:27
			Now, obviously, your Khalif is giving you one
01:56:27 --> 01:56:27
01:56:29 --> 01:56:33
			The dream you have already seen in this
01:56:33 --> 01:56:34
01:56:35 --> 01:56:38
			If you were the one who had this
01:56:38 --> 01:56:43
			dream, would you ever be able to think
01:56:43 --> 01:56:46
			that this dream is telling you that Ahmadiyyat
01:56:46 --> 01:56:49
			is the true religion and it's going to
01:56:49 --> 01:56:49
01:56:51 --> 01:56:57
			Mr. Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, in all of
01:56:57 --> 01:57:01
			this shit and filth, praying in the wrong
01:57:01 --> 01:57:07
			direction, praying in the toilet, praying with a
01:57:07 --> 01:57:12
			handful of people, I'm just pointing to a
01:57:12 --> 01:57:12
			few things.
01:57:13 --> 01:57:15
			Please think about this.
01:57:16 --> 01:57:19
			What is the interpretation of all of this
01:57:19 --> 01:57:22
			filth in which he is just covered?
01:57:24 --> 01:57:25
			It's not.
01:57:25 --> 01:57:26
			I'm just making it up.
01:57:27 --> 01:57:28
			You have seen already.
01:57:29 --> 01:57:32
			My dear Kamal Ahmadi, you have seen already
01:57:32 --> 01:57:37
			that your Khalif is stuck in this filth,
01:57:38 --> 01:57:40
			praying in the wrong direction.
01:57:41 --> 01:57:45
			Despite the mosque is nearby, he is not
01:57:45 --> 01:57:48
			in the mosque, he is not with the
01:57:48 --> 01:57:49
01:57:50 --> 01:57:52
			He is with a handful of just three
01:57:52 --> 01:57:53
			people with him.
01:57:54 --> 01:57:55
			So now think about this.
01:57:55 --> 01:57:58
			Obviously, I'm not saying anything.
01:57:59 --> 01:58:01
			It's just what is given to us as
01:58:01 --> 01:58:03
			information, as data.
01:58:03 --> 01:58:05
			Let's try to understand this.
01:58:06 --> 01:58:10
			Let's try to give another interpretation to this
01:58:10 --> 01:58:10
01:58:12 --> 01:58:15
			That on the one hand, you have the
01:58:15 --> 01:58:20
			Muslim congregation, the Muslim Ummah, praying in the
01:58:20 --> 01:58:23
			right direction, praying in the mosque.
01:58:23 --> 01:58:26
			On the other hand, you have the Ahmadi
01:58:26 --> 01:58:30
			or Qadiani Khalif, praying in the wrong direction,
01:58:31 --> 01:58:32
			praying in that shit and filth.
01:58:33 --> 01:58:35
			This is in the dream.
01:58:36 --> 01:58:40
			If this dream, if this information is giving
01:58:40 --> 01:58:44
			you the confidence that Ahmadiyya ideology is the
01:58:44 --> 01:58:46
			right one, go for it.
01:58:47 --> 01:58:50
			But if this dream, and by the way,
01:58:51 --> 01:58:54
			this is not something you can say, you
01:58:54 --> 01:58:57
			know, as allegation on the Jamaat.
01:58:57 --> 01:58:59
			This is something mentioned by them.
01:59:01 --> 01:59:03
			They themselves are telling us that this is
01:59:03 --> 01:59:04
			the dream they had.
01:59:06 --> 01:59:08
			And, and look at this one.
01:59:09 --> 01:59:12
			Did they get or have they ever been
01:59:12 --> 01:59:14
			able to take Qadian back?
01:59:15 --> 01:59:16
			Think about this.
01:59:16 --> 01:59:18
			Why he was saying all of that?
01:59:19 --> 01:59:21
			I leave it with you.
01:59:21 --> 01:59:23
			A lot can be said.
01:59:23 --> 01:59:25
			Let's inshallah end the discussion here.
01:59:26 --> 01:59:28
			And I would love to listen from Ahmad
01:59:28 --> 01:59:32
			that from this entrusting dream, what he learned.
01:59:33 --> 01:59:33
01:59:34 --> 01:59:36
			So I've got a very simple interpretation of
01:59:36 --> 01:59:36
01:59:37 --> 01:59:37
01:59:37 --> 01:59:40
			When we always hear that and also happened
01:59:40 --> 01:59:42
			to us when we were kids, when you're
01:59:42 --> 01:59:45
			dreaming that you're in the washroom as a
01:59:45 --> 01:59:48
			kid, what usually is happening is you're wetting
01:59:48 --> 01:59:49
			the bed.
01:59:50 --> 01:59:52
			Usually that is the case.
01:59:52 --> 01:59:55
			But SubhanAllah, this is also a very interesting
01:59:55 --> 01:59:58
			reference for me in a way that you
01:59:58 --> 02:00:02
			see what the quality of writing he was
02:00:02 --> 02:00:05
			producing and the dream he was producing of,
02:00:05 --> 02:00:07
			of feces and dirt and, and, and something
02:00:07 --> 02:00:11
			completely, you know, that is unnatural against our
02:00:11 --> 02:00:12
			fitrah, right.
02:00:12 --> 02:00:14
			And, and, and also all over, all, all
02:00:14 --> 02:00:17
			over himself and then using such filth and
02:00:17 --> 02:00:20
			turning it around and trying to make it
02:00:20 --> 02:00:23
			as the delil for an, as an evidence
02:00:23 --> 02:00:24
			for his truth.
02:00:24 --> 02:00:28
			This is exactly what Qadianism is.
02:00:28 --> 02:00:30
			This is exactly what the murabbis do all
02:00:30 --> 02:00:31
			the time.
02:00:31 --> 02:00:33
			They take the filth of Mirza, the writings
02:00:33 --> 02:00:36
			of Mirza, the abuses of Mirza, the things
02:00:36 --> 02:00:38
			that he has said to the, to the
02:00:38 --> 02:00:40
			prophets, the things that he has said to
02:00:40 --> 02:00:42
			Maryam Alayhi Salaam, that is absolute filth.
02:00:42 --> 02:00:44
			That is exactly what he saw in the
02:00:44 --> 02:00:44
02:00:45 --> 02:00:46
			It's absolute filth.
02:00:46 --> 02:00:48
			And then they turn around and try to
02:00:48 --> 02:00:51
			make it as evidence for the religion and
02:00:51 --> 02:00:53
			try to push it down our throat saying
02:00:53 --> 02:00:55
			that this is, this is what the evidence
02:00:55 --> 02:00:56
			for, for our case is.
02:00:56 --> 02:00:59
			So this dream, because they like metaphors, right?
02:01:00 --> 02:01:04
			So metaphorically, this dream exactly, exactly shows that
02:01:04 --> 02:01:05
			what their methodology is.
02:01:05 --> 02:01:08
			Their methodology is taking something that is absolutely
02:01:08 --> 02:01:08
02:01:09 --> 02:01:11
			Uh, like, like a brother in the comments
02:01:11 --> 02:01:15
			said, I had just started eating and this
02:01:15 --> 02:01:15
			started swallowing.
02:01:16 --> 02:01:18
			So this is something absolutely, absolutely filthy.
02:01:18 --> 02:01:20
			And they're going to just turn around and
02:01:20 --> 02:01:23
			try to make it and see the audacity.
02:01:23 --> 02:01:27
			One thing that really, really, really surprises me
02:01:27 --> 02:01:28
			is the audacity of these people, right?
02:01:29 --> 02:01:31
			He saw, he might've seen this dream.
02:01:31 --> 02:01:32
			We're not contesting that.
02:01:32 --> 02:01:34
			He could have just left it out because
02:01:34 --> 02:01:37
			Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that once
02:01:37 --> 02:01:39
			you see a dream that is bad, and
02:01:39 --> 02:01:41
			this is clearly not bad.
02:01:41 --> 02:01:43
			It is like, there's no, beyond a shadow
02:01:43 --> 02:01:44
			of a doubt, this is a bad dream.
02:01:45 --> 02:01:47
			Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, spit on
02:01:47 --> 02:01:50
			your left side and do not narrate this
02:01:50 --> 02:01:52
			dream to anyone because it's from shaitan.
02:01:53 --> 02:01:56
			But you taking this and then publicizing it,
02:01:56 --> 02:01:59
			all this filth, and then trying to make
02:01:59 --> 02:02:02
			it as some sort of a weird evidence
02:02:02 --> 02:02:05
			for, and this is what we also want,
02:02:05 --> 02:02:08
			like Imtiaz Bhai said, we also want the
02:02:08 --> 02:02:10
			Lehman Ahmadi people to see.
02:02:11 --> 02:02:13
			See, this is the evidence they present.
02:02:14 --> 02:02:15
			And this is then how they twist and
02:02:15 --> 02:02:19
			turn, uh, and make it to, to seem
02:02:19 --> 02:02:21
			like that they have some sort of defense,
02:02:21 --> 02:02:22
02:02:22 --> 02:02:23
			So just think about this.
02:02:23 --> 02:02:25
			Would you ever, like Imtiaz Bhai said, would
02:02:25 --> 02:02:28
			you ever in your right mind, see something
02:02:28 --> 02:02:30
			so filthy and at the end of the
02:02:30 --> 02:02:32
			day, take out of it that they're going
02:02:32 --> 02:02:34
			to take over Qadian or it is about
02:02:34 --> 02:02:38
			fighting, sitting on the washroom, uh, with probable
02:02:38 --> 02:02:38
02:02:39 --> 02:02:40
			How does that equate to fighting?
02:02:41 --> 02:02:41
02:02:42 --> 02:02:46
			And how wasn't jihad banned by Mirza anyway?
02:02:47 --> 02:02:47
02:02:47 --> 02:02:51
			This is like, you know, unfathomable.
02:02:52 --> 02:02:52
02:02:52 --> 02:02:54
			I don't know what else can be.
02:02:54 --> 02:02:58
			This is like Clara's day, what it is.
02:02:58 --> 02:03:00
			And I apologize.
02:03:01 --> 02:03:04
			We have to present this kind of evidence
02:03:04 --> 02:03:09
			because, like, I know it's unfathomable and it's
02:03:09 --> 02:03:12
			filthy to when we Muslims hear all this,
02:03:12 --> 02:03:15
			but SubhanAllah, this is the price we have
02:03:15 --> 02:03:17
			to pay for da'wah to these people,
02:03:17 --> 02:03:18
02:03:20 --> 02:03:22
			Ahmed Ben, InshaAllah, if you want to bring
02:03:22 --> 02:03:24
			somebody, uh, most welcome.
02:03:27 --> 02:03:30
			Uh, Mubasheruddin Furqan Bhai, you're online.
02:03:33 --> 02:03:34
02:03:34 --> 02:03:35
			Assalamu Alaikum, Imtiaz Bhai.
02:03:35 --> 02:03:36
			Can you hear me?
02:03:37 --> 02:03:37
02:03:38 --> 02:03:38
02:03:39 --> 02:03:42
			I just had a question in regards to
02:03:42 --> 02:03:45
			Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani's death.
02:03:45 --> 02:03:48
			This Qadiani defend something else and there's something
02:03:48 --> 02:03:48
02:03:49 --> 02:03:50
			Can you please clarify in that regard?
02:03:50 --> 02:03:53
			How exactly was his death?
02:03:54 --> 02:03:55
			I mean, how did he die and where
02:03:55 --> 02:03:56
			did he die?
02:03:59 --> 02:04:00
			Brother, I look, I don't want to discuss
02:04:00 --> 02:04:01
			that topic.
02:04:01 --> 02:04:05
			I would, I would appreciate InshaAllah that if
02:04:05 --> 02:04:08
			you just respect our decision, I don't want
02:04:08 --> 02:04:09
			to discuss that.
02:04:12 --> 02:04:13
			No, understandable.
02:04:13 --> 02:04:13
02:04:15 --> 02:04:17
			If something else you want to ask, you're
02:04:17 --> 02:04:17
			the most welcome.
02:04:23 --> 02:04:24
			No, no, Imtiaz Bhai.
02:04:24 --> 02:04:25
			No worries.
02:04:28 --> 02:04:31
			JazakAllah Khairun, Brother Mubasheruddin.
02:04:32 --> 02:04:36
			And SubhanAllah, this is, I think what Imtiaz
02:04:36 --> 02:04:40
			Bhai has also touched upon before.
02:04:40 --> 02:04:46
			SubhanAllah, we have such a strong theological case
02:04:46 --> 02:04:48
			against this.
02:04:48 --> 02:04:50
			And there are like, there are a million
02:04:50 --> 02:04:52
			other problems with the cult and there are
02:04:52 --> 02:04:55
			a million other problems in terms of the
02:04:55 --> 02:04:58
			personalities of the people attached to this cult.
02:04:58 --> 02:05:02
			But our reason, our Da'wah is not
02:05:02 --> 02:05:06
			to tear down the Ahmadis or push them
02:05:06 --> 02:05:06
02:05:06 --> 02:05:08
			Our Da'wah is to call them and
02:05:08 --> 02:05:10
			present the evidences that would bring them to
02:05:10 --> 02:05:14
			Islam rather than get into this, these things.
02:05:14 --> 02:05:16
			And then the Murabbis are just going to
02:05:16 --> 02:05:17
			use as soundbites.
02:05:17 --> 02:05:19
			And they have been, they just keep implanting
02:05:19 --> 02:05:23
			this into their laymen that Maulvis do this
02:05:23 --> 02:05:24
			and Maulvis say this.
02:05:24 --> 02:05:27
			Like Imtiaz Bhai said earlier also, they say
02:05:27 --> 02:05:29
			we use bad language and nobody on this
02:05:29 --> 02:05:32
			platform has ever used bad language at all.
02:05:32 --> 02:05:36
			And I've never, like, never been disrespectful.
02:05:37 --> 02:05:39
			It is also against our belief totally.
02:05:39 --> 02:05:41
			And we have to control our emotions.
02:05:41 --> 02:05:45
			SubhanAllah, it takes a lot of effort to
02:05:45 --> 02:05:45
			control our emotions.
02:05:46 --> 02:05:47
			But we do it, why?
02:05:47 --> 02:05:51
			Is to bring the laymen, Ahmadis back to
02:05:51 --> 02:05:51
			Islam, InshaAllah.
02:05:51 --> 02:05:54
			And if anybody converts, that is our main
02:05:54 --> 02:05:54
02:05:54 --> 02:05:57
			So InshaAllah we stick to the theological topics.
02:05:57 --> 02:06:00
			And you have seen in the past one
02:06:00 --> 02:06:04
			year that without touching any of those personal
02:06:04 --> 02:06:08
			attacks or personal mistakes are the shortcomings of
02:06:08 --> 02:06:09
			their leaders.
02:06:10 --> 02:06:13
			We have dismantled, Alhamdulillah, Adnan Bhai and Imtiaz
02:06:13 --> 02:06:17
			Bhai have dismantled the whole Jamaat.
02:06:17 --> 02:06:20
			And they're, like, on the run right now
02:06:20 --> 02:06:23
			using just the writings of Mirza and their
02:06:23 --> 02:06:28
			theological writings and stuff like that.
02:06:28 --> 02:06:30
			InshaAllah we have another brother, our brother Muhammad.
02:06:31 --> 02:06:32
			Can you verify yourself so I can take
02:06:32 --> 02:06:33
			you on the stage, please?
02:06:43 --> 02:06:45
			InshaAllah while we are waiting for the brother
02:06:45 --> 02:06:47
			to verify Imtiaz Bhai, do you have something
02:06:47 --> 02:06:48
			else to share with us?
02:06:49 --> 02:06:54
			I was actually looking for another video clip
02:06:54 --> 02:06:56
			just to, you know, because we are discussing,
02:06:57 --> 02:06:58
			we can't just come back to this topic,
02:06:58 --> 02:07:01
			maybe at least in the near future.
02:07:02 --> 02:07:05
			So unless they have some rebuttal and they
02:07:05 --> 02:07:09
			want to confront this information or they want
02:07:09 --> 02:07:10
			to confront our conclusion.
02:07:11 --> 02:07:14
			So I just wanted to look for something.
02:07:14 --> 02:07:15
			So InshaAllah.
02:07:15 --> 02:07:16
			Yes, InshaAllah.
02:07:18 --> 02:07:20
			What a few things that I noticed is,
02:07:21 --> 02:07:22
			like you said, it is not a new
02:07:22 --> 02:07:24
			phenomena that they've used this.
02:07:24 --> 02:07:26
			They've always been using phenomena.
02:07:26 --> 02:07:28
			There are a lot of videos of Mirza
02:07:28 --> 02:07:34
			Tahir, the fourth caliph, in his early days
02:07:34 --> 02:07:39
			narrating writings from different people saying that, like,
02:07:39 --> 02:07:42
			they saw dreams and that is how they
02:07:42 --> 02:07:42
02:07:42 --> 02:07:46
			And they've also have, like, these videos throughout
02:07:46 --> 02:07:46
			the timeline.
02:07:46 --> 02:07:50
			If you look at the YouTube, do this
02:07:50 --> 02:07:50
			YouTube search.
02:07:50 --> 02:07:53
			So they have been using this point repeatedly
02:07:53 --> 02:07:57
			again and again that people actually saw these
02:07:57 --> 02:07:59
			dreams and came to Ahmadiyyat.
02:08:01 --> 02:08:04
			A point, an interesting point, it's an irrelevant,
02:08:04 --> 02:08:08
			interesting point, but just because Adnan Bhai is,
02:08:08 --> 02:08:12
			sorry, Imtiaz Bhai is sharing something, shares this
02:08:12 --> 02:08:14
			random thing just came to my mind because
02:08:14 --> 02:08:16
			I don't know how many of you have
02:08:16 --> 02:08:16
			seen it.
02:08:17 --> 02:08:20
			This is actually a website which is called
02:08:20 --> 02:08:20
			This Man.
02:08:21 --> 02:08:26
			So a psychiatrist, actually, a mental patient drew
02:08:26 --> 02:08:29
			this picture and a psychiatrist just took this
02:08:29 --> 02:08:32
			picture and posted online and asked how many
02:08:32 --> 02:08:33
			people have seen this person.
02:08:34 --> 02:08:37
			So from 2006, there are about 8000 people
02:08:37 --> 02:08:39
			who claim they have seen the same person
02:08:39 --> 02:08:39
			in the dream.
02:08:41 --> 02:08:44
			And so on principle, the dreams, the whole
02:08:44 --> 02:08:48
			idea that dreams have some legitimacy or hold
02:08:48 --> 02:08:48
			any legitimacy.
02:08:49 --> 02:08:51
			Then this, seeing this person, I think more
02:08:51 --> 02:08:54
			people have seen this person compared to Mirza
02:08:54 --> 02:08:56
			Qadiani, Mirza Qadiani.
02:08:57 --> 02:09:00
			So he, this, whoever that person is, he's
02:09:00 --> 02:09:01
			an imaginary person.
02:09:02 --> 02:09:05
			This imaginary person has more of evidence, a
02:09:05 --> 02:09:09
			point to make to any claim he wants
02:09:09 --> 02:09:09
			to make.
02:09:09 --> 02:09:13
			So this, there's actually like Imtiaz Bhai said,
02:09:13 --> 02:09:15
			what you're going to do about the Hindus
02:09:15 --> 02:09:20
			and the Christians and the atheists and all
02:09:20 --> 02:09:22
			these different religions, all of them seeing dreams
02:09:23 --> 02:09:26
			for the truthfulness of their particular religion or
02:09:26 --> 02:09:28
			a religion for that matter.
02:09:28 --> 02:09:30
			What are you going to do about all
02:09:30 --> 02:09:31
			that data, right?
02:09:31 --> 02:09:34
			If you're going to just stand on dreams.
02:09:34 --> 02:09:36
			The only way that they could have used
02:09:36 --> 02:09:39
			this evidence was that put a caveat there
02:09:39 --> 02:09:42
			that the only dreams that stand are the
02:09:42 --> 02:09:44
			ones that are in our favor.
02:09:44 --> 02:09:46
			And I don't know how that does that
02:09:46 --> 02:09:47
			game work.
02:09:47 --> 02:09:49
			Why are your dreams true and my dreams
02:09:49 --> 02:09:50
			not true?
02:09:51 --> 02:09:51
02:09:53 --> 02:09:55
			So I think so Imtiaz Bhai, you're still
02:09:55 --> 02:09:56
			looking for that video?
02:09:59 --> 02:10:00
02:10:00 --> 02:10:01
			So you're muted, Bhai.
02:10:04 --> 02:10:07
			Just one particular clip I just wanted to
02:10:07 --> 02:10:09
			play, but inshallah if there is something backstage
02:10:09 --> 02:10:10
			you can bring him on.
02:10:11 --> 02:10:13
			And inshallah as soon as I find that,
02:10:13 --> 02:10:14
			I'll share with you.
02:10:15 --> 02:10:15
02:10:16 --> 02:10:19
			Pablo, do you want your video on or
02:10:19 --> 02:10:21
			do you want to turn it off before
02:10:21 --> 02:10:22
			I take you?
02:10:23 --> 02:10:23
			Okay, good.
02:10:28 --> 02:10:29
			You're on stage.
02:10:30 --> 02:10:31
			Welcome to our stream.
02:10:31 --> 02:10:32
			Go ahead.
02:10:37 --> 02:10:38
			Okay, you just left.
02:10:40 --> 02:10:41
			Do you want to?
02:10:45 --> 02:10:45
02:10:48 --> 02:10:51
			Yes, Pablo, you're on stage.
02:10:51 --> 02:10:52
02:10:52 --> 02:10:53
			You hear me?
02:10:54 --> 02:10:54
			Yes, inshallah.
02:10:55 --> 02:10:55
			Assalamu alaikum.
02:10:56 --> 02:10:57
			Walaikum salam.
02:10:58 --> 02:11:01
			Aki, I'm a new Muslim.
02:11:02 --> 02:11:06
			My whole family is Christian and Catholic and
02:11:06 --> 02:11:08
			I was raised in a Catholic grandmom house.
02:11:10 --> 02:11:13
			My family, I'm the only Muslim in my
02:11:13 --> 02:11:14
02:11:14 --> 02:11:15
			There's no support here.
02:11:15 --> 02:11:16
			I only get support.
02:11:17 --> 02:11:19
			Like my support is, you know, the books
02:11:19 --> 02:11:24
			that I order from Amazon or Knowledge of
02:11:24 --> 02:11:28
			Brotherhood I see online, like you, like one
02:11:28 --> 02:11:28
			of my favorites.
02:11:29 --> 02:11:34
			So I got a question about Allah.
02:11:37 --> 02:11:43
			He has sifat and some guys was questioning
02:11:43 --> 02:11:45
			me about this and I have like no
02:11:45 --> 02:11:49
			knowledge about like Allah's sifat that he was
02:11:49 --> 02:11:51
			saying he has a hand or two hands
02:11:51 --> 02:11:52
			and a shin.
02:11:55 --> 02:11:57
			So I want to know what the sheikhs
02:11:57 --> 02:11:58
			say about that.
02:11:59 --> 02:12:01
			So Allah, if you can do that.
02:12:02 --> 02:12:04
			Or maybe I can take another time because
02:12:04 --> 02:12:07
			y'all was talking about something else.
02:12:08 --> 02:12:08
02:12:09 --> 02:12:11
			First of all, welcome to Islam.
02:12:11 --> 02:12:13
			You're now our brother and you're part of
02:12:13 --> 02:12:16
			the two billion people, people on earth who
02:12:16 --> 02:12:19
			are your brothers and sisters in Islam.
02:12:19 --> 02:12:22
			So welcome and make dua for us, inshallah.
02:12:23 --> 02:12:26
			And hopefully Allah make it easy for you
02:12:26 --> 02:12:28
			and your journey easy for you and you
02:12:28 --> 02:12:29
			grow from here.
02:12:29 --> 02:12:33
			And inshallah we meet in Jannah, you and
02:12:33 --> 02:12:35
			I and all of us, inshallah.
02:12:36 --> 02:12:38
			We have, inshallah, if you can leave because
02:12:38 --> 02:12:42
			like you said, the discussion is about something
02:12:42 --> 02:12:42
02:12:43 --> 02:12:45
			Inshallah, if you can leave your contact details,
02:12:45 --> 02:12:48
			we can connect with you in the chat,
02:12:48 --> 02:12:49
			in the private chat, inshallah.
02:12:49 --> 02:12:51
			There's only moderators there.
02:12:52 --> 02:12:54
			So we can contact you and we can
02:12:54 --> 02:12:57
			have like in that discussion about it.
02:12:57 --> 02:12:59
			I don't know if Imtiaz wants to.
02:13:00 --> 02:13:02
			Alhamdulillah, yeah, yeah, inshallah, because that's like I
02:13:02 --> 02:13:05
			said, I live in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, and there's
02:13:05 --> 02:13:06
			like no support here.
02:13:06 --> 02:13:08
			And if I go to the masjid here,
02:13:08 --> 02:13:10
			they're all Arabic brothers.
02:13:11 --> 02:13:13
			Inshallah, inshallah, we will find you support.
02:13:14 --> 02:13:14
			Don't worry about this.
02:13:14 --> 02:13:16
			Alhamdulillah, like I said, there are a lot
02:13:16 --> 02:13:19
			of brothers out there who live in the
02:13:19 --> 02:13:22
			U.S. And inshallah, we will find you
02:13:22 --> 02:13:23
			the support you want.
02:13:24 --> 02:13:28
			But this is like, I'll let Imtiaz, I'll
02:13:28 --> 02:13:29
			see if he wants to answer or not,
02:13:30 --> 02:13:32
			but definitely connect with us, inshallah, and we
02:13:32 --> 02:13:33
			can have a chat.
02:13:35 --> 02:13:37
			I'll leave my contact, brother, don't have to
02:13:37 --> 02:13:37
			answer that.
02:13:37 --> 02:13:39
			We could just continue on to what I'll
02:13:39 --> 02:13:42
			just keep watching what she was talking about,
02:13:43 --> 02:13:45
			Kulayani or whatever that dude was, the liar,
02:13:45 --> 02:13:45
			I guess.
02:13:46 --> 02:13:49
			So inshallah, I appreciate your brothers.
02:13:49 --> 02:13:50
			I'm gonna leave my contact.
02:13:52 --> 02:13:54
			Love you for the sake of Allah.
02:13:55 --> 02:13:57
			SubhanAllah, inshallah, we'll make contact with you.
02:14:11 --> 02:14:14
			As-salamu alaykum, Qadir Bey, you're online, please
02:14:14 --> 02:14:15
			unmute yourself.
02:14:16 --> 02:14:17
			Yeah, thank you.
02:14:17 --> 02:14:18
			I'm online, yes.
02:14:25 --> 02:14:27
			Qadir Bey, you want to comment on something?
02:14:27 --> 02:14:28
			You have any questions?
02:14:29 --> 02:14:29
			Most welcome, brother.
02:14:31 --> 02:14:33
			I don't have any questions at the moment.
02:14:37 --> 02:14:41
			Okay, then inshallah, you can stay backstage.
02:14:42 --> 02:14:43
			You can, inshallah, watch the rest of the
02:14:43 --> 02:14:44
02:14:44 --> 02:14:46
			And just in case if something comes to
02:14:46 --> 02:14:49
			your mind, you want to comment something, we'll
02:14:49 --> 02:14:50
			bring you back on the stage, inshallah.
02:14:50 --> 02:14:51
			Is it okay?
02:14:51 --> 02:14:52
			Inshallah, it's okay.
02:14:53 --> 02:14:55
			Yes, inshallah, just wave your hand and we'll
02:14:55 --> 02:14:55
			bring you back.
02:14:56 --> 02:14:56
02:14:57 --> 02:14:58
			Okay, Bashir Bhai.
02:15:02 --> 02:15:04
			As-salamu alaykum, Bhai, how are you, Bhai?
02:15:04 --> 02:15:06
			Wa alaykum as-salam wa rahmatullah.
02:15:06 --> 02:15:08
			Bashir Bhai, what's happening in the dreams?
02:15:09 --> 02:15:10
			Tell us something about the dreams.
02:15:11 --> 02:15:14
			Because people really want to, you know, get
02:15:14 --> 02:15:16
			some insight from your side as well.
02:15:16 --> 02:15:18
			Because you've been part of this whole thing,
02:15:18 --> 02:15:21
			you know, for a big chunk of your
02:15:21 --> 02:15:21
02:15:21 --> 02:15:23
			And your family is still around.
02:15:23 --> 02:15:24
			Did I freeze?
02:15:24 --> 02:15:25
			No, no, you are fine.
02:15:26 --> 02:15:26
			You're fine.
02:15:28 --> 02:15:29
			Yeah, now you're frozen.
02:15:30 --> 02:15:30
			Now you're frozen.
02:15:32 --> 02:15:34
			Oh, sorry about that, brother.
02:15:35 --> 02:15:38
			On my side, there was some lagging.
02:15:38 --> 02:15:40
			But I just wanted to say, in terms
02:15:40 --> 02:15:43
			of the dreams, Nabeel Qureshi had a dream.
02:15:44 --> 02:15:45
			And that's why he left Amity.
02:15:45 --> 02:15:47
			He was a famous one to leave.
02:15:47 --> 02:15:49
			And it was because he had some dream
02:15:49 --> 02:15:50
02:15:51 --> 02:15:54
			So, you know, in 2024, to rely on
02:15:54 --> 02:15:57
			dreams and not research, it's almost a disservice.
02:15:57 --> 02:15:58
			Because the research is there.
02:15:58 --> 02:16:00
			You don't have to rely on how you
02:16:00 --> 02:16:01
02:16:01 --> 02:16:03
			But I wanted to comment, this is part
02:16:03 --> 02:16:05
			of the return to Qadian prophecy.
02:16:08 --> 02:16:11
			And the second Qadiani Amni Khalifa was in
02:16:11 --> 02:16:11
02:16:11 --> 02:16:12
			I don't even think he was in Rabwah
02:16:12 --> 02:16:12
02:16:13 --> 02:16:14
			Because he didn't move to Rabwah, I think,
02:16:14 --> 02:16:15
			till like 1949-ish.
02:16:17 --> 02:16:20
			So he's in Lahore at Ratan Bagh, I
02:16:20 --> 02:16:21
02:16:21 --> 02:16:23
			And he's getting these dreams.
02:16:24 --> 02:16:27
			And that was also called a Batadwa.
02:16:28 --> 02:16:30
			That's where Mr. Ghulam Ahmed got the red
02:16:30 --> 02:16:30
02:16:31 --> 02:16:32
			The famous prophecy of the red drops.
02:16:33 --> 02:16:34
			But it used to be a bathroom.
02:16:35 --> 02:16:36
			And then they turned it into like Batadwa.
02:16:37 --> 02:16:38
			So I don't know when they turned it
02:16:38 --> 02:16:39
			into Batadwa.
02:16:39 --> 02:16:41
			Maybe it was after the partition.
02:16:42 --> 02:16:45
			But those are just my brief comments.
02:16:47 --> 02:16:49
			And in a different era, some of the
02:16:49 --> 02:16:52
			kids wonder why we have to do wudu
02:16:52 --> 02:16:53
			five times a day.
02:16:53 --> 02:16:54
			This is the reason, brother.
02:16:54 --> 02:16:57
			You know, now you can take a shower
02:16:57 --> 02:16:59
			and it's very easy to clean yourself.
02:16:59 --> 02:16:59
			You know what I mean?
02:16:59 --> 02:17:02
			In those days, there were some complications.
02:17:03 --> 02:17:06
			So those are just my brief comments, brother.
02:17:06 --> 02:17:08
			I was actually just trying to give my
02:17:08 --> 02:17:09
			contact information.
02:17:09 --> 02:17:13
			So the brother from Lebanon, Pennsylvania, if he
02:17:13 --> 02:17:15
			had any questions, he can reach out.
02:17:15 --> 02:17:15
			I don't know where he went.
02:17:16 --> 02:17:19
			But brother, look, we're available 24-7 on
02:17:19 --> 02:17:19
			many platforms.
02:17:20 --> 02:17:21
			We are here to help.
02:17:21 --> 02:17:24
			And those are my brief thoughts, brother Imtiaz.
02:17:24 --> 02:17:25
			Where do we go from here?
02:17:25 --> 02:17:28
			And Bashir bhai, if you can put your
02:17:28 --> 02:17:31
			email address in the comments, we can display
02:17:31 --> 02:17:31
02:17:31 --> 02:17:33
			So inshallah, if he wants to contact, he
02:17:33 --> 02:17:34
			can contact you as well.
02:17:36 --> 02:17:37
			Sounds good.
02:17:37 --> 02:17:39
			And it's just AhmadiyyaFactCheckBlog at Gmail.
02:17:40 --> 02:17:41
			Pretty easy.
02:17:41 --> 02:17:43
			Look, the way to get a hold of
02:17:43 --> 02:17:47
			me on any level is AhmadiyyaFactCheckBlog, Gmail, Instagram,
02:17:47 --> 02:17:53
			Facebook, wherever Allah allows me time to put
02:17:53 --> 02:17:54
			my information, brother.
02:17:54 --> 02:17:56
			Yeah, exactly.
02:17:56 --> 02:17:59
			And by the way, they had put up
02:17:59 --> 02:18:01
			a sign in Rabwah saying everyone who is
02:18:01 --> 02:18:03
			buried here will eventually go to Qadian.
02:18:03 --> 02:18:07
			And they were really, brother Imtiaz, I've proposed
02:18:07 --> 02:18:08
			this many times.
02:18:08 --> 02:18:11
			They can go to India instead of England,
02:18:11 --> 02:18:14
			instead of Germany, instead of Canada.
02:18:14 --> 02:18:15
			Just go to Qadian.
02:18:15 --> 02:18:17
			There's no Muslims there.
02:18:17 --> 02:18:19
			They say Muslims are bad.
02:18:19 --> 02:18:20
			It's not true.
02:18:20 --> 02:18:22
			But who's going to harass you in Qadian?
02:18:23 --> 02:18:24
			There's no one there.
02:18:24 --> 02:18:25
			You have no enemies at all.
02:18:26 --> 02:18:29
			Maybe the Sikhs have done some things.
02:18:29 --> 02:18:31
			But why not move back?
02:18:35 --> 02:18:37
			Qadianis were the only group of Pakistanis who
02:18:37 --> 02:18:39
			were getting visas to go to India.
02:18:39 --> 02:18:40
			As you know, if you have a Pakistani
02:18:40 --> 02:18:42
			passport, you're not getting a visa, bro.
02:18:42 --> 02:18:44
			You have to give up the passport.
02:18:44 --> 02:18:45
			And then still, there's going to be a
02:18:45 --> 02:18:46
			lot of scrutiny.
02:18:46 --> 02:18:48
			Forget about the passport.
02:18:48 --> 02:18:51
			I have a few people here who live
02:18:51 --> 02:18:52
			in Australia.
02:18:52 --> 02:18:54
			They have an Australian passport.
02:18:55 --> 02:18:57
			But because they were born in Pakistan, even
02:18:57 --> 02:18:58
			they can't get the visa.
02:18:59 --> 02:19:00
			Right, right.
02:19:00 --> 02:19:01
			Because the Indian government, you know.
02:19:03 --> 02:19:05
			But if you were a Qadiani, you could
02:19:05 --> 02:19:08
			go through Lahore, through the border.
02:19:08 --> 02:19:10
			And a lot of them used to go
02:19:10 --> 02:19:10
			to Qadian.
02:19:10 --> 02:19:12
			It was part from America.
02:19:12 --> 02:19:14
			They would have a contingent come for Jalsa.
02:19:14 --> 02:19:16
			And they'd go to Rabwah first or Qadian
02:19:16 --> 02:19:17
			first and then cross the border.
02:19:18 --> 02:19:19
			And everything was fine.
02:19:19 --> 02:19:22
			And to be fair, because as Muslims, we're
02:19:22 --> 02:19:23
			fair in our criticism.
02:19:23 --> 02:19:26
			Some Sikhs also got a visa for Pakistan
02:19:26 --> 02:19:30
			as Indians to go to, I think, Baba
02:19:30 --> 02:19:32
			Nanak's grave is right across the river or
02:19:32 --> 02:19:33
			something like that.
02:19:34 --> 02:19:36
			And also, this is how Qadianis got visas
02:19:36 --> 02:19:38
			to go to London for Jalsa.
02:19:39 --> 02:19:41
			Because they made it like their religious event.
02:19:41 --> 02:19:44
			Like their official and et cetera, et cetera.
02:19:44 --> 02:19:47
			So look, in Qadian, they're in trouble.
02:19:47 --> 02:19:49
			Pull up the videos of Mirza Tahir Ahmed
02:19:49 --> 02:19:50
			in 1991.
02:19:51 --> 02:19:51
			He's walking around.
02:19:51 --> 02:19:53
			There's a guy with a machine gun.
02:19:53 --> 02:19:55
			Like, this is a big rifle.
02:19:56 --> 02:19:57
			You know, it's not just one shot.
02:19:57 --> 02:19:59
			This is like many shots, you know.
02:20:00 --> 02:20:03
			So there's a huge security risk in Qadian.
02:20:03 --> 02:20:05
			And they're just afraid to go back.
02:20:05 --> 02:20:09
			Brother, look, in India, they can call themselves
02:20:09 --> 02:20:11
			Muslim and everything.
02:20:12 --> 02:20:14
			What's the problem?
02:20:14 --> 02:20:15
			What's the problem?
02:20:15 --> 02:20:17
			Ah, they can't do Tabligh.
02:20:17 --> 02:20:18
			And that's why they ran from India in
02:20:18 --> 02:20:19
			the first place.
02:20:19 --> 02:20:21
			Because the Hindus don't allow it.
02:20:21 --> 02:20:23
			They're in majority, you know.
02:20:23 --> 02:20:24
			And if you believe in democracy.
02:20:24 --> 02:20:27
			But anyhow, those are my thoughts, brother.
02:20:27 --> 02:20:30
			And you know, Bashir Bhai, I also want
02:20:30 --> 02:20:33
			the common Ahmadis to think about this.
02:20:33 --> 02:20:37
			That Mirza Ghulam Qadiani said that the true
02:20:37 --> 02:20:39
			God is the one who sent his prophet
02:20:39 --> 02:20:40
			in Qadian.
02:20:44 --> 02:20:46
			And then he used to call that Qadian
02:20:46 --> 02:20:49
			is the place of the messenger of God,
02:20:49 --> 02:20:50
			you know.
02:20:53 --> 02:20:57
			Now, the point is, they always tell us
02:20:57 --> 02:21:02
			that everything in Mirza Ghulam Qadiani, you have
02:21:02 --> 02:21:05
			to go and compare with, Nauzubillah, Nabi Muhammad
02:21:05 --> 02:21:06
			Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
02:21:08 --> 02:21:10
			So, Bashir Bhai, let's use the same principle,
02:21:11 --> 02:21:11
02:21:14 --> 02:21:19
			Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, his preaching started
02:21:19 --> 02:21:19
			in Mecca.
02:21:21 --> 02:21:22
			And then we all know the whole history,
02:21:23 --> 02:21:25
			that how things become very difficult for Muslims
02:21:25 --> 02:21:25
			in Mecca.
02:21:26 --> 02:21:27
			Eventually, they have to migrate.
02:21:28 --> 02:21:32
			But within the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu
02:21:32 --> 02:21:36
			Alaihi Wasallam, both Mecca and Medina and Hijaz,
02:21:37 --> 02:21:40
			they became under the control of Muslims.
02:21:41 --> 02:21:45
			And Mecca and Medina became the Muslim-only
02:21:45 --> 02:21:45
02:21:47 --> 02:21:51
			No non-Muslim was allowed to live in
02:21:51 --> 02:21:51
02:21:51 --> 02:21:55
			If you want, either accept Islam or within
02:21:55 --> 02:21:57
			the four months, you leave this area.
02:21:58 --> 02:22:00
			This is in the Quran, Surah Tawbah, okay.
02:22:00 --> 02:22:03
			Now, the point is, why not you compare
02:22:03 --> 02:22:05
			Mirza Ghulam Qadiani here?
02:22:05 --> 02:22:08
			Because you are telling us that Ahmadiyyat is
02:22:08 --> 02:22:10
			spreading all over the world.
02:22:11 --> 02:22:11
			What about Qadian?
02:22:13 --> 02:22:15
			It should first be established in Qadian.
02:22:16 --> 02:22:16
02:22:16 --> 02:22:20
			Because you want to compare everything to who?
02:22:20 --> 02:22:23
			To Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
02:22:24 --> 02:22:25
			Jeebashir Bhai, what do you think about this?
02:22:26 --> 02:22:27
			Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:22:27 --> 02:22:32
			So, and that's maybe why K2 said, we're
02:22:32 --> 02:22:32
			going to return.
02:22:32 --> 02:22:34
			We're going to return the same way.
02:22:34 --> 02:22:36
			It'll be Fatah, like it was Fatah Mecca.
02:22:37 --> 02:22:38
			Maybe it'll be Fatah Qadian.
02:22:39 --> 02:22:40
			Doesn't look like it.
02:22:40 --> 02:22:41
			Doesn't seem like it.
02:22:41 --> 02:22:44
			And you know, the train is what really
02:22:44 --> 02:22:44
			hurt him.
02:22:45 --> 02:22:47
			You know, in 1928, I think, the train
02:22:47 --> 02:22:48
			station was built.
02:22:48 --> 02:22:52
			And you know, British government paid for it.
02:22:52 --> 02:22:53
			You know, it's one line.
02:22:53 --> 02:22:55
			You know, now it's got multiple stops.
02:22:55 --> 02:22:59
			But in 1947, Sikhs from Pakistan were able
02:22:59 --> 02:23:01
			to catch the train to Qadian, you know.
02:23:01 --> 02:23:03
			And a lot of things happened, brother.
02:23:03 --> 02:23:05
			Like, I think a few people who they
02:23:05 --> 02:23:09
			allege were Sikhs threw grenades into the Masjid
02:23:09 --> 02:23:11
			Aqsa, into the Temple Aqsa.
02:23:12 --> 02:23:14
			And so there was a lot going on.
02:23:14 --> 02:23:18
			The majority of the shaheeds, of Ahmadis that
02:23:18 --> 02:23:20
			were killed, and I think in all the
02:23:20 --> 02:23:23
			persecution, if you go back 90 years, was
02:23:23 --> 02:23:23
			in Qadian.
02:23:24 --> 02:23:25
			There's over 20 to 30.
02:23:26 --> 02:23:28
			So they're in big trouble.
02:23:28 --> 02:23:29
			They don't even want to go to India.
02:23:30 --> 02:23:31
			And brother, I looked it up.
02:23:31 --> 02:23:34
			They don't even have 10 temples in India,
02:23:34 --> 02:23:35
			which is hard to believe.
02:23:35 --> 02:23:37
			You know, they have like four in Qadian,
02:23:37 --> 02:23:39
			like two in Kashmir.
02:23:39 --> 02:23:41
			The rest of the country is a bunch
02:23:41 --> 02:23:42
			of mission houses, you know.
02:23:42 --> 02:23:47
			So where they have full religious freedom to
02:23:47 --> 02:23:50
			call texts, to say whatever they want, or
02:23:50 --> 02:23:52
			do whatever they want, it still didn't work.
02:23:52 --> 02:23:53
			It still didn't work.
02:23:53 --> 02:23:56
			So and this is just a net, you
02:23:56 --> 02:23:58
			know, it gives you the mentality of K2.
02:23:59 --> 02:24:02
			He would just say, what is he saying?
02:24:02 --> 02:24:03
			You know, someone should have stepped in and
02:24:03 --> 02:24:06
			say, no, no, this dream do not publish.
02:24:07 --> 02:24:08
			Because it's too embarrassing.
02:24:08 --> 02:24:09
			It's too embarrassing.
02:24:09 --> 02:24:11
			But these guys are delusional.
02:24:12 --> 02:24:14
			What about that diarrhea dream?
02:24:15 --> 02:24:17
			And then from that dream, Mirza Bashir Ahmad,
02:24:17 --> 02:24:20
			Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood is telling us that they're
02:24:20 --> 02:24:22
			going to get back Qadian from the diarrhea
02:24:22 --> 02:24:22
02:24:24 --> 02:24:25
			And then it never happened.
02:24:25 --> 02:24:29
			It never, even now, when it's possible, they're
02:24:29 --> 02:24:29
			not going.
02:24:30 --> 02:24:34
			In 1991, Mirza Tahir Ahmad has so many
02:24:34 --> 02:24:35
			political connections.
02:24:35 --> 02:24:36
			He got a visa.
02:24:36 --> 02:24:37
			He got a visa for India.
02:24:38 --> 02:24:39
			A, that's A.
02:24:39 --> 02:24:41
			B, he could have stayed.
02:24:41 --> 02:24:42
			He could have said, I want to be,
02:24:43 --> 02:24:46
			I want to move back to Ahmadiyya Mahalla
02:24:46 --> 02:24:47
			or something like that.
02:24:47 --> 02:24:49
			Or a neighboring village.
02:24:49 --> 02:24:51
			We'll take a neighboring village and then slowly
02:24:51 --> 02:24:51
			do it.
02:24:52 --> 02:24:53
			They didn't do any of it because they
02:24:53 --> 02:24:54
			don't want to.
02:24:54 --> 02:24:56
			You know, it's an asylum business, an asylum
02:24:56 --> 02:24:57
02:24:57 --> 02:25:01
			That's the reason people join jobs, wives and
02:25:01 --> 02:25:02
02:25:02 --> 02:25:05
			So, you know, and it's real sad to
02:25:05 --> 02:25:07
			me, brother, especially as you know, I'm a
02:25:07 --> 02:25:09
			guy who I did all the hard work,
02:25:09 --> 02:25:09
02:25:09 --> 02:25:10
			I went after the books.
02:25:10 --> 02:25:11
			I can barely read Urdu.
02:25:12 --> 02:25:13
			I can, you know, my Arabic is not
02:25:13 --> 02:25:14
			the best.
02:25:14 --> 02:25:16
			I went and reverse engineered books.
02:25:16 --> 02:25:19
			It takes time, time and time and time.
02:25:19 --> 02:25:21
			And to see Noonan just say, I saw
02:25:21 --> 02:25:22
			a dream and that's it.
02:25:24 --> 02:25:25
			That's not fair.
02:25:25 --> 02:25:25
			That's not fair.
02:25:26 --> 02:25:27
			And it's a dead give off.
02:25:27 --> 02:25:29
			These guys didn't do any research, you know,
02:25:29 --> 02:25:31
			and that's why that day against the non,
02:25:31 --> 02:25:34
			we saw Noonan has no scholarship at all.
02:25:35 --> 02:25:36
			Yeah, exactly.
02:25:36 --> 02:25:38
			So, Shabshi Bhai, stay with us.
02:25:38 --> 02:25:40
			Let's take somebody else as well.
02:25:40 --> 02:25:42
			Inshallah, continue the discussion.
02:28:41 --> 02:28:45
			I mean, Hassan Bhai, first of all, I
02:28:45 --> 02:28:47
			would say that all the du'as which
02:28:47 --> 02:28:49
			you made for us, for our team, may
02:28:49 --> 02:28:51
			Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala accept these du
02:28:51 --> 02:28:53
			'as for all Muslims.
02:28:55 --> 02:28:58
			And secondly, even though, yes, you said that
02:28:58 --> 02:29:01
			we can translate, but, you know, Hassan Bhai,
02:29:01 --> 02:29:05
			majority of the Ahmadi Qadianis who are watching
02:29:05 --> 02:29:07
			or who will be watching, they understand Urdu,
02:29:07 --> 02:29:10
			even though some of them cannot speak well,
02:29:10 --> 02:29:11
			but they understand Inshallah.
02:29:11 --> 02:29:13
			So your point was very clear, very, very
02:29:13 --> 02:29:14
02:29:14 --> 02:29:17
			Inshallah, it will reach to them because, you
02:29:17 --> 02:29:19
			know, what comes from the heart, it goes
02:29:19 --> 02:29:19
			to the heart.
02:29:20 --> 02:29:23
			Because what you said, there was not a
02:29:23 --> 02:29:27
			script, you know, there was your own genuine
02:29:27 --> 02:29:32
			passion and compassion and feelings and your own
02:29:32 --> 02:29:36
			good wishes for this community that you wish
02:29:36 --> 02:29:38
			for them, that they could see all of
02:29:38 --> 02:29:40
			that, that how all of this can be
02:29:40 --> 02:29:44
			compared to Islam and how all of that
02:29:44 --> 02:29:48
			can be defended in terms of, you know,
02:29:48 --> 02:29:50
			being the Islamic teaching.
02:29:50 --> 02:29:53
			For example, in all of these dreams we
02:29:53 --> 02:29:55
			are discussing today, I mean, the dream of
02:29:55 --> 02:29:58
			this Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, subhanAllah, what these
02:29:58 --> 02:29:59
			dreams have to do?
02:30:00 --> 02:30:03
			They are so disgusting, you can't even read
02:30:03 --> 02:30:05
			them, you know, subhanAllah, you can't even read
02:30:05 --> 02:30:05
02:30:05 --> 02:30:08
			And wallah, you know, sometimes, not just this
02:30:08 --> 02:30:10
			dream, there are many things which we are
02:30:10 --> 02:30:13
			reading, translating and quoting.
02:30:13 --> 02:30:17
			But subhanAllah, it's difficult for us as well.
02:30:17 --> 02:30:18
			But what we can do?
02:30:18 --> 02:30:19
			We got no other option.
02:30:20 --> 02:30:23
			So brother Hassan, definitely you will be in
02:30:23 --> 02:30:25
			our du'as and please you keep us
02:30:25 --> 02:30:26
			in your du'as as well.
02:30:27 --> 02:30:30
			And Inshallah, you are part of this noble
02:30:30 --> 02:30:34
			cause because you have concern for this cause
02:30:34 --> 02:30:36
			and you have concern for this community.
02:30:37 --> 02:30:40
			And Inshallah, your concern is definitely making you
02:30:40 --> 02:30:42
			part of this whole team, Inshallah.
02:30:43 --> 02:30:45
			And please, you know, make lots of du
02:30:45 --> 02:30:48
			'as for us that may Allah grant us
02:30:48 --> 02:30:51
			complete ikhlas, sincerity and may Allah grant us
02:30:51 --> 02:30:52
02:30:52 --> 02:30:55
			And what we mean by success is that
02:30:55 --> 02:30:58
			may Allah remove this veil from the eyes
02:30:58 --> 02:31:00
			of this community and they can see the
02:31:00 --> 02:31:05
			truth that these teachings, these principles, you know,
02:31:05 --> 02:31:08
			these beliefs, they have nothing to do with
02:31:08 --> 02:31:08
02:31:09 --> 02:31:11
			I always give this one example because it's
02:31:11 --> 02:31:14
			very simple to understand, very simple for a
02:31:14 --> 02:31:14
			common person.
02:31:16 --> 02:31:19
			In Islam, there is no such thing that
02:31:19 --> 02:31:23
			Prophet Isa was put on the cross.
02:31:24 --> 02:31:28
			But in Ahmadiyya, this is where everything begins.
02:31:28 --> 02:31:31
			Because in Ahmadiyya narrative, this is one of
02:31:31 --> 02:31:34
			the key points that Isa was put on
02:31:34 --> 02:31:34
			the cross.
02:31:34 --> 02:31:39
			And lastly, even last night, I was doing
02:31:39 --> 02:31:41
			a bit more research on the topic of
02:31:41 --> 02:31:47
			Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani accusing Prophet Isa of
02:31:47 --> 02:31:51
			being a drunkard or being an alcoholic, you
02:31:51 --> 02:31:51
02:32:58 --> 02:33:28
02:33:28 --> 02:33:28
			whatever you are doing, it is to increase
02:33:28 --> 02:33:28
			the honour of Prophet Isa.
02:33:28 --> 02:33:29
			Thank you very much.
02:33:30 --> 02:33:33
			And yes, inshallah, please make dua that may
02:33:33 --> 02:33:37
			Allah allow us to do this noble job.
02:33:37 --> 02:33:39
			It's a job in the sense that it's
02:33:39 --> 02:33:41
			an obligation of the Muslim Ummah.
02:33:42 --> 02:33:43
			And may Allah allow us to do in
02:33:43 --> 02:33:44
			the best way possible.
02:33:45 --> 02:33:47
			And we are full of shortcomings.
02:33:48 --> 02:33:50
			May Allah rectify our affairs.
02:33:51 --> 02:33:53
			May Allah remove our shortcomings.
02:33:54 --> 02:33:56
			And may Allah open the hearts and minds
02:33:56 --> 02:33:57
			of the common Ahmadis.
02:33:57 --> 02:34:00
			Thank you very much and welcome in the
02:34:00 --> 02:34:01
			future as well.
02:34:22 --> 02:34:25
			Your mic is muted.
02:34:27 --> 02:34:30
			Yeah, so I think he just left.
02:34:30 --> 02:34:30
			We didn't do anything.
02:34:31 --> 02:34:32
			Okay, no problem.
02:34:32 --> 02:34:35
			Jee Bashir Bhai, how people are going to,
02:34:35 --> 02:34:37
			you know, justify all of this?
02:34:37 --> 02:34:40
			How common Ahmadis are going to justify all
02:34:40 --> 02:34:42
			of this on Yawm ul Qiyamah?
02:34:44 --> 02:34:47
			Allah will not accept it, especially in 2024.
02:34:47 --> 02:34:50
			There's no excuse in 2024 to be in
02:34:50 --> 02:34:50
			the dark.
02:34:51 --> 02:34:53
			You know, some of the older women were,
02:34:53 --> 02:34:55
			you know, some of my grandmothers were illiterate.
02:34:55 --> 02:34:57
			You know, I don't know what Allah's gonna,
02:34:57 --> 02:35:00
			how Allah will deal with them, however He
02:35:00 --> 02:35:00
02:35:01 --> 02:35:03
			But, you know, you're looking for a sign.
02:35:03 --> 02:35:05
			All you had to do was read the
02:35:05 --> 02:35:05
02:35:06 --> 02:35:08
			It was really that easy.
02:35:08 --> 02:35:09
			It was, and if you had a book
02:35:09 --> 02:35:12
			of Hadith, go find Bukhari.
02:35:12 --> 02:35:14
			You find the Hadith, you know, and then
02:35:14 --> 02:35:16
			what answer could you give?
02:35:17 --> 02:35:18
			You know, whatever answer they're going to give,
02:35:18 --> 02:35:20
			Allah already knows what they're going to say.
02:35:20 --> 02:35:24
			You know, so, you know, brother, and I
02:35:24 --> 02:35:26
			have family members involved in this.
02:35:26 --> 02:35:29
			So I'm in deep and they're going to
02:35:29 --> 02:35:30
			be in a lot of trouble.
02:35:31 --> 02:35:33
			Totally, totally.
02:35:33 --> 02:35:36
			Because as you said, Bashir bhai, that especially
02:35:36 --> 02:35:40
			in this time and age, when information and
02:35:40 --> 02:35:45
			research is so easy, all it needs, do
02:35:45 --> 02:35:47
			you really want to research?
02:35:47 --> 02:35:50
			It just wants a genuine will and willingness.
02:35:51 --> 02:35:51
			That's it.
02:35:52 --> 02:35:54
			After that, the doors are just open for
02:35:54 --> 02:35:54
02:35:55 --> 02:35:57
			So I wish, you know, and subhanAllah, you
02:35:57 --> 02:36:01
			know, Bashir bhai, what really surprises me that
02:36:01 --> 02:36:05
			especially those who are living in the Western
02:36:05 --> 02:36:08
			countries, they are very well educated.
02:36:09 --> 02:36:11
			How do they justify all of this for
02:36:11 --> 02:36:11
02:36:11 --> 02:36:13
			Because how can you believe in all of
02:36:13 --> 02:36:13
02:36:14 --> 02:36:17
			So, Walla, I can't really reconcile this, that
02:36:17 --> 02:36:20
			someone even educated from a worldly point of
02:36:20 --> 02:36:24
			view, from a secular education, you still, you
02:36:24 --> 02:36:26
			know, your horizon is very broad.
02:36:26 --> 02:36:27
			How can you believe in all of that,
02:36:28 --> 02:36:31
			which is full with contradictions, you know, filled
02:36:31 --> 02:36:36
			with basically things which are not historically correct,
02:36:36 --> 02:36:39
			which we know with surety, subhanAllah.
02:36:40 --> 02:36:44
			Especially, brother, when Allah has allowed the truth
02:36:44 --> 02:36:46
			to be revealed within everyone's lifetime.
02:36:47 --> 02:36:49
			You know, there's so many things that we've
02:36:49 --> 02:36:52
			learned that, you know, and I'll tell you,
02:36:52 --> 02:36:54
			it's the Western education.
02:36:54 --> 02:36:57
			It takes you away from Allah, you know.
02:36:57 --> 02:36:59
			When I was a kid, they were teaching
02:36:59 --> 02:37:00
			me evolution.
02:37:00 --> 02:37:01
			I believed it.
02:37:01 --> 02:37:03
			I believe we all came from the island
02:37:03 --> 02:37:07
			of Galapagos or something like this, and we
02:37:07 --> 02:37:09
			all evolved, and we all came out of
02:37:09 --> 02:37:12
			Africa, and there used to be dinosaurs, and
02:37:12 --> 02:37:14
			there used to be fossils, there used to
02:37:14 --> 02:37:16
			be these strange creatures, you know.
02:37:16 --> 02:37:19
			But I know now not a single creature
02:37:19 --> 02:37:20
			has ever went extinct.
02:37:20 --> 02:37:22
			This is, Allah has a perfect system.
02:37:23 --> 02:37:26
			Allah created this perfect system to run forever,
02:37:27 --> 02:37:30
			until he feels like shutting it down, you
02:37:30 --> 02:37:30
02:37:31 --> 02:37:36
			So, you know, and that's the story, is
02:37:36 --> 02:37:38
			if you were Western educated, then you weren't
02:37:38 --> 02:37:38
			really educated.
02:37:39 --> 02:37:41
			You were, maybe you were taught how to
02:37:41 --> 02:37:42
			read and write.
02:37:42 --> 02:37:45
			But, you know, when I was a kid,
02:37:45 --> 02:37:47
			my dad used to always talk about the
02:37:47 --> 02:37:49
			short term and the long term, and he
02:37:49 --> 02:37:51
			said, we plan for the long term.
02:37:51 --> 02:37:53
			Well, if you're planning for the long term,
02:37:53 --> 02:37:55
			then you should worry about where are we
02:37:55 --> 02:37:56
			going to go from here?
02:37:57 --> 02:37:59
			When you die, it's going to happen like
02:37:59 --> 02:37:59
			this, right?
02:38:00 --> 02:38:02
			Because in 40 years, it'll go by just
02:38:02 --> 02:38:02
			like that.
02:38:02 --> 02:38:03
			It'll be over.
02:38:03 --> 02:38:04
			Where are you going to go?
02:38:05 --> 02:38:07
			You know, that's what people should think about,
02:38:07 --> 02:38:08
			you know.
02:38:08 --> 02:38:10
			I was at the gym playing basketball with
02:38:10 --> 02:38:12
			some of my Hindu friends, and I was
02:38:12 --> 02:38:14
			telling my brother, I think differently nowadays.
02:38:15 --> 02:38:16
			And they were like, why?
02:38:16 --> 02:38:18
			I said, I feel like I'm closer to
02:38:18 --> 02:38:20
			Allah now, because I'm older, and I'm getting
02:38:20 --> 02:38:22
			closer to the time where I have to
02:38:22 --> 02:38:24
			go see the Day of Judgment, and I
02:38:24 --> 02:38:27
			have to go show my face, you know,
02:38:27 --> 02:38:28
			and I'm preparing for that.
02:38:28 --> 02:38:30
			So MDs aren't prepared for nothing.
02:38:31 --> 02:38:32
			For them, it's only this dunya.
02:38:33 --> 02:38:36
			So whoever you can steal from, get asylum,
02:38:36 --> 02:38:37
			go to America.
02:38:37 --> 02:38:39
			I'd rather be poor in Pakistan my whole
02:38:39 --> 02:38:39
02:38:40 --> 02:38:40
			At least I get Jannah.
02:38:43 --> 02:38:44
			That's the reward.
02:38:44 --> 02:38:46
			That's what this is all about.
02:38:46 --> 02:38:48
			But they don't even believe in the descriptions
02:38:48 --> 02:38:48
			of Jannah.
02:38:49 --> 02:38:51
			You know, maybe for them, Jannah is just,
02:38:51 --> 02:38:53
			you know, a place, like a room or
02:38:53 --> 02:38:53
02:38:53 --> 02:38:54
			I don't know.
02:38:54 --> 02:38:54
			I don't know.
02:38:54 --> 02:38:56
			But I believe in all the descriptions of
02:38:56 --> 02:38:59
			Jannah in the Hadith and the Quran, you
02:38:59 --> 02:39:02
			know, and it gives me a yakinan, you
02:39:02 --> 02:39:04
			know, that I'm going to the right place.
02:39:04 --> 02:39:07
			So that, I think, is the entire issue.
02:39:07 --> 02:39:12
			It's the Western fogging up the brain, brother.
02:39:12 --> 02:39:16
			You know, brother Bashir, it's very interesting and
02:39:16 --> 02:39:19
			very crucial, what you said towards the end
02:39:19 --> 02:39:24
			of your comments, that this belief in afterlife,
02:39:25 --> 02:39:30
			this concern that I have to go back
02:39:30 --> 02:39:34
			to my creator, to my Lord, and I
02:39:34 --> 02:39:36
			will be questioned about my life, and it
02:39:36 --> 02:39:40
			will be me, not somebody else.
02:39:41 --> 02:39:45
			SubhanAllah, you know, I spoke to many people
02:39:45 --> 02:39:46
			in the past couple of weeks.
02:39:47 --> 02:39:49
			They said that, and some of them have
02:39:49 --> 02:39:52
			actually been studying at Jamia Ahmadiyya at one
02:39:52 --> 02:39:53
02:39:54 --> 02:39:56
			They said that this was that one of
02:39:56 --> 02:40:00
			those one major things, which caused them to
02:40:00 --> 02:40:02
			think about the Ahmadiyya ideology.
02:40:02 --> 02:40:06
			They said that if you speak to 10
02:40:06 --> 02:40:10
			well-versed Ahmadis, those who know the ideology,
02:40:11 --> 02:40:14
			if you talk to 10 of them, you
02:40:14 --> 02:40:17
			will get 10 answers about what is afterlife.
02:40:19 --> 02:40:23
			They said that somebody would say, eventually, you
02:40:23 --> 02:40:25
			know, everything will perish.
02:40:25 --> 02:40:28
			There's no eternal life in Jannah.
02:40:28 --> 02:40:31
			There's no eternal thing in Jahannam.
02:40:31 --> 02:40:32
			It will perish eventually.
02:40:33 --> 02:40:35
			And as you know, brother Bashir, some of
02:40:35 --> 02:40:38
			them quoting Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, that even
02:40:38 --> 02:40:41
			shaitan will end up going into Jannah eventually.
02:40:42 --> 02:40:46
			He said that, I was just thinking that
02:40:46 --> 02:40:51
			we've been taught that Muslims were divided in
02:40:51 --> 02:40:54
			different sects, and you know, they were on
02:40:54 --> 02:40:57
			the misguidance, and that's why Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
02:40:57 --> 02:40:59
			Qadiani came to revive Islam.
02:40:59 --> 02:41:03
			But we could not even get one answer,
02:41:03 --> 02:41:07
			one unanimous answer about afterlife from the entire
02:41:07 --> 02:41:11
			teachings of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani and all the
02:41:11 --> 02:41:11
02:41:12 --> 02:41:14
			Everyone has his own opinion.
02:41:14 --> 02:41:16
			If you read the works of Mirza Tahi,
02:41:16 --> 02:41:19
			for example, you get one understanding of quote
02:41:19 --> 02:41:20
			-unquote afterlife.
02:41:20 --> 02:41:23
			If you read the works of Bashiruddin Mahmood
02:41:23 --> 02:41:24
			Ahmad, you get a different understanding.
02:41:25 --> 02:41:27
			And then, you know, as they changed sometime
02:41:27 --> 02:41:30
			this word Akhira into believing in Mirza Ghulam
02:41:30 --> 02:41:31
			Qadiani, you know.
02:41:31 --> 02:41:34
			So, subhanAllah, you know, this is that one
02:41:34 --> 02:41:37
			thing which can cause people to think about
02:41:37 --> 02:41:40
			their behavior, and they have diluted, they have
02:41:40 --> 02:41:43
			clouded this one thing, i.e. afterlife.
02:41:46 --> 02:41:47
			Totally, brother, totally.
02:41:47 --> 02:41:51
			You know, I've taught many people who I
02:41:51 --> 02:41:54
			work with, you know, like OJT, and I
02:41:54 --> 02:41:54
			taught them the right way.
02:41:54 --> 02:41:56
			I taught them how to fix airplanes, how
02:41:56 --> 02:41:58
			to whatever, and I never wanted anything for
02:41:58 --> 02:41:58
02:41:58 --> 02:42:00
			I don't even want the swab that Allah
02:42:00 --> 02:42:01
			will give me.
02:42:01 --> 02:42:03
			But they asked me why, and I said,
02:42:03 --> 02:42:05
			I just, you know, I want to help
02:42:05 --> 02:42:07
			people just in general, you know, and I'm
02:42:07 --> 02:42:09
			not looking to put it on Twitter.
02:42:10 --> 02:42:11
			You know what I mean?
02:42:11 --> 02:42:16
			You know, so, you know, coincidentally, Allah will
02:42:16 --> 02:42:18
			reward, you know, he says clearly in the
02:42:18 --> 02:42:21
			Quran, you know, he's going to reward people
02:42:21 --> 02:42:23
			for what they've done, you know.
02:42:23 --> 02:42:25
			So, I don't know what they think, brother.
02:42:25 --> 02:42:28
			You know, some of my uncles, they lie
02:42:28 --> 02:42:30
			for a nickel or lie for a dollar.
02:42:30 --> 02:42:32
			I never understood that.
02:42:33 --> 02:42:35
			Why would you lie for, you're committed a
02:42:35 --> 02:42:37
			sin for nothing, for nothing.
02:42:37 --> 02:42:39
			Who cares about a hundred dollars or a
02:42:39 --> 02:42:43
			hundred rupees, but this many sins on your
02:42:43 --> 02:42:45
			head, you know, it's not going to work
02:42:45 --> 02:42:45
02:42:45 --> 02:42:49
			You're going to be in Jahannam forever, you
02:42:49 --> 02:42:51
			know, unless you're Muslim, you know, and maybe
02:42:51 --> 02:42:52
			you could get out.
02:42:52 --> 02:42:53
			It's up to Allah.
02:42:53 --> 02:42:56
			But yeah, brother, I don't really understand what
02:42:56 --> 02:42:57
			people think or what they do.
02:42:57 --> 02:42:59
			I think about Allah every morning, you know,
02:42:59 --> 02:43:01
			and that's the purpose of Salah is to
02:43:01 --> 02:43:03
			remember Allah.
02:43:04 --> 02:43:06
			You know, our elders used to always say,
02:43:08 --> 02:43:09
			you know what I mean?
02:43:09 --> 02:43:11
			You should know that this is if you
02:43:11 --> 02:43:12
			really believe in Islam, then you really believe
02:43:12 --> 02:43:15
			in heaven and *, and you don't want
02:43:15 --> 02:43:17
			to go to * at any cost.
02:43:17 --> 02:43:19
			So, yeah, brother, that's correct.
02:43:20 --> 02:43:22
			So, I think we have brother Dr. Nasir
02:43:22 --> 02:43:23
02:43:23 --> 02:43:25
			Let's take Dr. Nasir Ali.
02:43:25 --> 02:43:25
			Let's talk to him.
02:43:26 --> 02:43:27
			Assalamu alaikum, brother Nasir.
02:43:28 --> 02:43:30
			Assalamu alaikum, brother Imtiaz, brother Bashir.
02:43:30 --> 02:43:31
			How are you, people?
02:43:32 --> 02:43:36
			Walaikum assalam, brother Nasir, how are you?
02:43:37 --> 02:43:39
			Alhamdulillah, this is my third time on the
02:43:39 --> 02:43:39
02:43:41 --> 02:43:44
			This is every time the weekend is blessed
02:43:44 --> 02:43:45
			with the stream.
02:43:46 --> 02:43:48
			So, brother Imtiaz, I have a question.
02:43:50 --> 02:43:53
			He wrote a book in 1886, Irshadat-e
02:43:53 --> 02:43:54
02:43:54 --> 02:43:55
			Do you know about that?
02:43:58 --> 02:43:59
02:43:59 --> 02:44:01
			You can quote something, then I can remember.
02:44:02 --> 02:44:05
			Okay, maybe I'm forgetting the name.
02:44:05 --> 02:44:09
			No, just really quick, in 1886 was Shana
02:44:09 --> 02:44:10
			-e-Haq, and there's another one.
02:44:11 --> 02:44:13
			But not, you know, Ayn-e-Kamalat-e
02:44:13 --> 02:44:14
			-Islam is 1896.
02:44:14 --> 02:44:17
			Yes, yes, yes, that is Ayn-e-Kamalat,
02:44:17 --> 02:44:17
			I think.
02:44:18 --> 02:44:20
			He said that Allah has promised me that
02:44:20 --> 02:44:23
			I will have many wives and I will
02:44:23 --> 02:44:24
			have abundant of kids.
02:44:24 --> 02:44:29
			So, can you tell me after 1886, did
02:44:29 --> 02:44:33
			he marry or did he have children or
02:44:33 --> 02:44:33
02:44:34 --> 02:44:36
			It's not about just the children.
02:44:37 --> 02:44:39
			The main point was, the main point was,
02:44:39 --> 02:44:43
			he said that after his jillah in Hoshiarpur,
02:44:43 --> 02:44:45
			this is how everything started, okay.
02:44:46 --> 02:44:49
			He said that after I dedicated that time
02:44:49 --> 02:44:53
			to Allah in Hoshiarpur, then he has given
02:44:53 --> 02:44:56
			me this glad tiding that they are going
02:44:56 --> 02:45:03
			to be some blessed women, Babarkat Orte.
02:45:03 --> 02:45:05
			The word is Babarkat Orte.
02:45:05 --> 02:45:07
			He said that they are going to be
02:45:07 --> 02:45:10
			some blessed, and this was in 1886.
02:45:11 --> 02:45:13
			This prophecy comes from 1886.
02:45:13 --> 02:45:16
			He said that they are going to be
02:45:16 --> 02:45:20
			some blessed women whom I will marry after
02:45:20 --> 02:45:21
02:45:21 --> 02:45:26
			And from those women, I will have my
02:45:26 --> 02:45:27
02:45:28 --> 02:45:31
			But yes, that is a factual thing that
02:45:31 --> 02:45:34
			after that, he never married to anyone.
02:45:34 --> 02:45:37
			And our beloved Ustad Adnan Rashid bhai.
02:45:37 --> 02:45:38
			Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
02:45:39 --> 02:45:41
			Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, brothers.
02:45:41 --> 02:45:42
			Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
02:45:43 --> 02:45:45
			Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
02:45:45 --> 02:45:48
			Brothers, I apologize for joining late because I
02:45:48 --> 02:45:49
			had guests around.
02:45:49 --> 02:45:53
			So I'll just finish with the guests.
02:45:53 --> 02:45:57
			So in that way, the only crush he
02:45:57 --> 02:46:00
			had, the Muhammadi Begum, he didn't got her.
02:46:01 --> 02:46:04
			And in 1886, he said that God has
02:46:04 --> 02:46:07
			promised me that I will marry some good
02:46:07 --> 02:46:12
			women and I will have good progeny and
02:46:12 --> 02:46:13
			abundant of children.
02:46:13 --> 02:46:16
			So that prophecy was also not fulfilled.
02:46:16 --> 02:46:20
			So what do the Qadiani explain this?
02:46:20 --> 02:46:21
			How do they explain this?
02:46:22 --> 02:46:25
			They said they would simply say that it
02:46:25 --> 02:46:26
			was not about marriage.
02:46:26 --> 02:46:29
			It was just to guide that family.
02:46:29 --> 02:46:31
			And then they would say that this many
02:46:31 --> 02:46:34
			people from that family eventually were guided to
02:46:34 --> 02:46:35
			Ahmadiyya religion.
02:46:35 --> 02:46:38
			And that's how the prophecy was fulfilled.
02:46:38 --> 02:46:41
			On the other hand, obviously, this is the
02:46:41 --> 02:46:41
			last conversation, bhai.
02:46:42 --> 02:46:43
			Then we'll just move on to the next
02:46:43 --> 02:46:44
02:46:44 --> 02:46:48
			So basically, Mirza Ghulam Qadiani said in black
02:46:48 --> 02:46:51
			and white, and we have presented that multiple
02:46:51 --> 02:46:51
02:46:52 --> 02:46:56
			He said that God has informed me that
02:46:56 --> 02:46:59
			I should make my marriage with Muhammadi Begum
02:46:59 --> 02:47:04
			as a criterion to verify my truthfulness or
02:47:04 --> 02:47:05
			my falsehood.
02:47:05 --> 02:47:07
			And then he further clarified.
02:47:07 --> 02:47:09
			He said that I have not said this
02:47:09 --> 02:47:12
			until Allah has informed me.
02:47:12 --> 02:47:14
			And then on the top of that, he
02:47:14 --> 02:47:15
			took an oath as well.
02:47:16 --> 02:47:18
			And then, as you said, Hasan bhai, the
02:47:18 --> 02:47:20
			rest is the history.
02:47:21 --> 02:47:26
			This marriage never took place.
02:47:27 --> 02:47:30
			And obviously, when a prophecy is not fulfilled,
02:47:30 --> 02:47:32
			then people have to do some sort of
02:47:32 --> 02:47:33
02:47:33 --> 02:47:34
			They have to say something.
02:47:35 --> 02:47:39
			But the point is, what they are saying,
02:47:39 --> 02:47:42
			does it really justify to the failed prophecy?
02:47:42 --> 02:47:43
			That's the main question.
02:47:44 --> 02:47:45
			And the answer is no.
02:47:45 --> 02:47:49
			Because when God was telling Mirza, that's the
02:47:49 --> 02:47:52
			angle Adnan bhai is always going to this
02:47:52 --> 02:47:53
			particular angle.
02:47:54 --> 02:47:57
			That when God was telling Mirza Ghulam Qadiani
02:47:57 --> 02:48:01
			that make this marriage a criterion, does God
02:48:01 --> 02:48:03
			know at that time this marriage will not
02:48:03 --> 02:48:04
			take place?
02:48:05 --> 02:48:09
			There is a question from Adnan bhai.
02:48:09 --> 02:48:13
			Adnan bhai, can a prophet of Allah die
02:48:13 --> 02:48:16
			such a disgraceful death?
02:48:17 --> 02:48:18
			What do you say about that?
02:48:18 --> 02:48:21
			No, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala does not
02:48:21 --> 02:48:25
			humiliate his prophets in giving them a death
02:48:25 --> 02:48:27
			that puts question marks on their integrity.
02:48:28 --> 02:48:30
			Yes, prophets have been killed.
02:48:30 --> 02:48:32
			Yes, prophets have been chopped up.
02:48:32 --> 02:48:34
			Prophets have been assassinated.
02:48:34 --> 02:48:36
			Prophets have been decapitated.
02:48:37 --> 02:48:42
			But dying in your own feces, dying in
02:48:42 --> 02:48:45
			your own filth, I don't find any precedence
02:48:45 --> 02:48:46
			of that.
02:48:46 --> 02:48:48
			I don't find any precedence of that.
02:48:49 --> 02:48:51
			So there is no precedent, right?
02:48:51 --> 02:48:54
			So and in this case, you have to
02:48:54 --> 02:48:55
			understand something.
02:48:55 --> 02:48:57
			There is something very unique about Mirza Ghulam
02:48:57 --> 02:48:58
			Ahmad Qadiani.
02:48:58 --> 02:49:02
			Okay, in this case, it was his own
02:49:02 --> 02:49:07
			prayer, it was his own declaration, his own
02:49:07 --> 02:49:09
			proclamation that came to pass.
02:49:10 --> 02:49:15
			He said, he said while praying that, Oh
02:49:15 --> 02:49:19
			Allah, kill the liar, kill the liar within
02:49:19 --> 02:49:22
			the life of the truthful one.
02:49:22 --> 02:49:28
			When he was referring to Allah, you know,
02:49:28 --> 02:49:34
			he said, Oh Allah, this person is basically,
02:49:34 --> 02:49:37
			you know, claiming things, challenging me.
02:49:37 --> 02:49:40
			Okay, one of us is a liar and
02:49:40 --> 02:49:41
			the other one is truthful.
02:49:42 --> 02:49:46
			Okay, Oh Allah, kill the liar in the
02:49:46 --> 02:49:47
			life of the truthful one.
02:49:48 --> 02:49:52
			And then he prayed for Haiza, what we
02:49:52 --> 02:49:57
			call, you know, cholera, cholera.
02:49:57 --> 02:50:01
			Okay, basically diarrhea, extreme bouts of diarrhea.
02:50:02 --> 02:50:06
			Mirza literally died within a very short time
02:50:06 --> 02:50:08
			of this prayer.
02:50:09 --> 02:50:13
			Okay, and he himself proved it, that he
02:50:13 --> 02:50:14
			was the liar.
02:50:14 --> 02:50:18
			By his own standard, he died within the
02:50:18 --> 02:50:21
			life of Sanaullah Amr Sari, because Sanaullah Amr
02:50:21 --> 02:50:25
			Sari died in 1948, 40 years after Mirza
02:50:25 --> 02:50:26
			died, 40 years.
02:50:27 --> 02:50:32
			This alone is enough to convince anyone that
02:50:32 --> 02:50:35
			Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was shown to be
02:50:35 --> 02:50:36
			a liar by Allah.
02:50:37 --> 02:50:40
			Allah chose that he will be shown to
02:50:40 --> 02:50:41
			be a liar to the whole world.
02:50:42 --> 02:50:45
			But for some reason, his followers are very,
02:50:45 --> 02:50:46
			very stubborn.
02:50:46 --> 02:50:48
			What we call in the Urdu language, dheet.
02:50:48 --> 02:50:51
			You know dheet, with someone dheet, with someone
02:50:51 --> 02:50:53
			stubborn, you can bring the heavens down.
02:50:54 --> 02:50:56
			You can bring, you can break stars, you
02:50:56 --> 02:50:59
			can split the moon, you can bring the
02:50:59 --> 02:50:59
			sun down.
02:51:00 --> 02:51:06
			They will not accept, because, They are deaf,
02:51:06 --> 02:51:07
			dumb and blind.
02:51:07 --> 02:51:10
			Their hearts are sealed and they will not
02:51:10 --> 02:51:10
02:51:10 --> 02:51:11
			They will not return to Allah.
02:51:12 --> 02:51:16
			So, da'wah is for those who are
02:51:16 --> 02:51:20
			willing to listen and to evaluate and assess.
02:51:20 --> 02:51:25
			For those who keep telling us that, Oh,
02:51:25 --> 02:51:28
			many came before you, they died, we are
02:51:28 --> 02:51:28
			not going to believe.
02:51:28 --> 02:51:30
			They're telling us we're not going to believe.
02:51:30 --> 02:51:32
			No matter what reasons you bring to us,
02:51:33 --> 02:51:38
			what, you know, revelations you might expose to
02:51:38 --> 02:51:41
			us, okay, we're not going to believe.
02:51:42 --> 02:51:44
			We're not going to leave Mirza, no matter
02:51:44 --> 02:51:44
			what happens.
02:51:45 --> 02:51:46
			So, how do you argue with people like
02:51:46 --> 02:51:46
02:51:46 --> 02:51:48
			You can't argue with people like that.
02:51:48 --> 02:51:50
			So, we are talking to those who are
02:51:50 --> 02:51:51
			destined for Jannah.
02:51:52 --> 02:51:54
			We are reaching out to those people, Inshallah.
02:51:54 --> 02:51:58
			So, you know, this issue of Mirza being
02:51:58 --> 02:52:01
			humiliated by dying in his own filth, or
02:52:01 --> 02:52:06
			by, you know, the fact that he died
02:52:06 --> 02:52:09
			of cholera, he died of diarrhea, a serious
02:52:09 --> 02:52:10
			bout of diarrhea.
02:52:11 --> 02:52:12
			This was his own doing.
02:52:13 --> 02:52:15
			This was his own doing because he said,
02:52:15 --> 02:52:18
			Oh Allah, kill the liar in the life
02:52:18 --> 02:52:20
			of the truthful one and kill him with
02:52:20 --> 02:52:22
			heza, with cholera.
02:52:23 --> 02:52:23
			What more do you need?
02:52:25 --> 02:52:27
			And that proved that he was a liar.
02:52:29 --> 02:52:33
			And okay, look, if Mirza was truthful, if
02:52:33 --> 02:52:37
			Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was truthful, he would
02:52:37 --> 02:52:39
			have been the last person to die of
02:52:39 --> 02:52:41
			cholera on this planet.
02:52:43 --> 02:52:46
			Because if Allah wanted him to be known
02:52:46 --> 02:52:50
			as truthful, if Allah wanted the world to
02:52:50 --> 02:52:53
			follow him, if Allah truly loved him, Allah
02:52:53 --> 02:52:54
			would never kill him of cholera.
02:52:55 --> 02:52:56
			Allah would never kill him of diarrhea.
02:52:58 --> 02:53:02
			But Allah chose to kill him of diarrhea
02:53:02 --> 02:53:05
			because this is what proved that he was
02:53:05 --> 02:53:06
			an outright liar.
02:53:06 --> 02:53:10
			Anyone listening right now, if you're sincere, this
02:53:10 --> 02:53:11
			in itself is enough.
02:53:12 --> 02:53:15
			So Imtiaz Bhai, what is the Ijtihar called?
02:53:15 --> 02:53:16
			Akhri Ilan?
02:53:16 --> 02:53:17
			What is it called?
02:53:17 --> 02:53:18
			Akhri Faisla.
02:53:18 --> 02:53:19
			Akhri Faisla.
02:53:20 --> 02:53:21
			Go and check out Akhri Faisla.
02:53:22 --> 02:53:26
			Check out Akhri Faisla, the last judgment.
02:53:28 --> 02:53:30
			Mirza called it the last judgment.
02:53:31 --> 02:53:32
			And what was that?
02:53:32 --> 02:53:34
			Oh Allah, kill the liar in the life
02:53:34 --> 02:53:36
			of the truthful one and kill him by
02:53:36 --> 02:53:39
			Heza, by cholera.
02:53:40 --> 02:53:40
			And what happens?
02:53:41 --> 02:53:43
			Mirza dies within days and he dies of
02:53:43 --> 02:53:43
02:53:44 --> 02:53:44
			He dies.
02:53:45 --> 02:53:46
			Wake up.
02:53:47 --> 02:53:49
			Wake up and see that what Allah is
02:53:49 --> 02:53:50
			trying to do.
02:53:50 --> 02:53:53
			These screams are happening so that you can
02:53:53 --> 02:53:56
			see this evidence and save yourself from hellfire.
02:53:57 --> 02:53:59
			And you know Adnan Bhai, just to add
02:53:59 --> 02:54:01
			one thing about this Akhri Faisla.
02:54:01 --> 02:54:06
			Obviously, ever since Ahmadiyya Jamaat is in denial
02:54:07 --> 02:54:10
			that this thing actually did take place as
02:54:10 --> 02:54:12
			a result of that supplication of Mirza Ghulam
02:54:12 --> 02:54:13
02:54:14 --> 02:54:17
			Adnan Bhai, the interesting thing is, there happened
02:54:17 --> 02:54:19
			a debate.
02:54:21 --> 02:54:24
			Sanaullah, Rasool Rahimullah was on the one side
02:54:24 --> 02:54:27
			and there was a Qadiani debate on the
02:54:27 --> 02:54:28
			other side.
02:54:28 --> 02:54:30
			And we have three judges.
02:54:31 --> 02:54:35
			One Muslim, one Ahmadi and one non-Muslim.
02:54:37 --> 02:54:43
			Now, after that debate, the panel decided and
02:54:43 --> 02:54:46
			the verdict of the panel was that Sanaullah
02:54:46 --> 02:54:47
			is the winner.
02:54:48 --> 02:54:50
			He has proven his case.
02:54:50 --> 02:54:51
			And what is the case?
02:54:51 --> 02:54:54
			That Mirza Ghulam Qadiani did die as a
02:54:54 --> 02:54:57
			result of his own supplication and it proves
02:54:57 --> 02:54:58
			that he was a liar.
02:55:02 --> 02:55:07
			So, Alhamdulillah, Imtiaz Bhai, our target is, Inshallah,
02:55:07 --> 02:55:10
			the common people of Qadianis, you know the
02:55:10 --> 02:55:12
			Murabbis, they are not repairable.
02:55:13 --> 02:55:14
			They are irreparable.
02:55:14 --> 02:55:18
			They are doing this for money, for dollars,
02:55:18 --> 02:55:18
			for euros.
02:55:19 --> 02:55:21
			So, they are not our audience.
02:55:21 --> 02:55:25
			Inshallah, most of the Ahmadi Qadiani will revert
02:55:25 --> 02:55:28
			to Islam eventually, sooner or later.
02:55:28 --> 02:55:29
			That's what we are hoping.
02:55:30 --> 02:55:31
02:55:31 --> 02:55:32
02:55:33 --> 02:55:35
			Thank you, JazakAllah, brothers.
02:55:35 --> 02:55:36
			Thank you.
02:55:37 --> 02:55:38
			JazakAllah, Dr. Nasir, for coming.
02:55:39 --> 02:55:41
			Inshallah, we have our beloved brother, Naseer.
02:55:43 --> 02:55:46
			As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
02:55:48 --> 02:55:51
			Wa alaykum as-salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
02:55:51 --> 02:55:54
			Yeah, it's good to see you again, Adnan
02:55:54 --> 02:55:57
			Bhai, Imtiaz Bhai and Ahmed Bhai.
02:55:59 --> 02:56:04
			When Imtiaz Bhai was reading that reference about
02:56:04 --> 02:56:07
			their Khalifa, believe me, I was having a
02:56:07 --> 02:56:07
02:56:07 --> 02:56:09
			I dropped my tea.
02:56:09 --> 02:56:13
			I can't even drink my tea listening to
02:56:13 --> 02:56:16
			that filthy dream of that Khalifa.
02:56:17 --> 02:56:21
			I don't know how they comprehend, how Ahmadis
02:56:21 --> 02:56:26
			comprehend that their Khalifa is telling the dream
02:56:26 --> 02:56:30
			of the toiletry and about shit, filth, urine,
02:56:31 --> 02:56:32
			these sort of things.
02:56:32 --> 02:56:33
02:56:33 --> 02:56:35
			I don't understand.
02:56:35 --> 02:56:38
			Is there any, any sort of Hadith you
02:56:38 --> 02:56:39
			have listened like this?
02:56:40 --> 02:56:42
			Any sort of ayah of Quran they have
02:56:42 --> 02:56:43
			listened like this?
02:56:44 --> 02:56:47
			These things are the signs of Satan.
02:56:47 --> 02:56:48
			I don't know.
02:56:48 --> 02:56:53
			How did they even comprehend that Hadith?
02:56:53 --> 02:56:57
			And secondly, I have a question with Imtiaz
02:56:57 --> 02:56:57
02:56:58 --> 02:57:01
			Is there any dream of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
02:57:01 --> 02:57:08
			Qadiani seeing a woman with transparent clothes?
02:57:08 --> 02:57:12
			In that transparent clothes, he can see his
02:57:12 --> 02:57:13
02:57:14 --> 02:57:17
			Did you have any dream like this in
02:57:17 --> 02:57:18
			Ruhani Khazain?
02:57:21 --> 02:57:22
			I'm brother.
02:57:22 --> 02:57:26
			He claimed to have saw Sheikh Batalobi naked.
02:57:27 --> 02:57:28
			That's like a man, you know.
02:57:28 --> 02:57:30
			So, I mean, this isn't anything.
02:57:31 --> 02:57:33
			Even Mohammadi Begum, even Mohammadi Begum.
02:57:33 --> 02:57:34
			He had a dream about Mohammadi Begum.
02:57:34 --> 02:57:35
			Yes, yes.
02:57:35 --> 02:57:36
			And he saw her without clothes.
02:57:37 --> 02:57:38
			Yes, yes.
02:57:38 --> 02:57:41
			That, that thing, when Imtiaz Bhai will come,
02:57:42 --> 02:57:43
			he has a reference.
02:57:43 --> 02:57:47
			So, he should also tell us about that
02:57:47 --> 02:57:48
02:57:48 --> 02:57:50
			No, no, look, look, look.
02:57:50 --> 02:57:52
			Even if he had the dream, let's say.
02:57:53 --> 02:57:56
			Even if he had the dream, this is
02:57:56 --> 02:57:58
			supposed to be a prophet.
02:57:58 --> 02:58:01
			I claim this is not even a Sharif
02:58:01 --> 02:58:02
02:58:02 --> 02:58:05
			He's not even a decent man, let alone
02:58:05 --> 02:58:06
			a prophet.
02:58:06 --> 02:58:07
			And I will prove that.
02:58:07 --> 02:58:08
			Let me explain how.
02:58:09 --> 02:58:12
			Mohammadi Begum got married to another man called
02:58:12 --> 02:58:13
			Sultan Beg.
02:58:13 --> 02:58:15
			Mirza Sultan Beg.
02:58:15 --> 02:58:16
			She's a married woman.
02:58:17 --> 02:58:19
			And Mirza had a dream about her.
02:58:19 --> 02:58:21
			Let's assume he had a dream about her.
02:58:22 --> 02:58:24
			Dreams can be satanic and they can be
02:58:24 --> 02:58:25
			divine in nature.
02:58:26 --> 02:58:28
			Divine in the sense that they are like,
02:58:29 --> 02:58:31
			you know, like an inspiration.
02:58:31 --> 02:58:32
			They give good direction.
02:58:32 --> 02:58:34
			Yeah, good direction or inspiration.
02:58:34 --> 02:58:37
			In case Qadianis cut this out and start
02:58:37 --> 02:58:39
			saying, oh, look, Adnan Rashid believes in divine
02:58:39 --> 02:58:40
			dreams and revelations.
02:58:40 --> 02:58:43
			After Mohammad, knowing these people.
02:58:43 --> 02:58:46
			But let's say Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani had
02:58:46 --> 02:58:49
			this dream where he saw Mohammadi Begum naked.
02:58:50 --> 02:58:51
			Let's say that.
02:58:51 --> 02:58:53
			I don't even like to say this because
02:58:53 --> 02:58:54
			she was a believing woman.
02:58:55 --> 02:58:55
			She has passed away.
02:58:57 --> 02:59:00
			And may Allah reward her for all the
02:59:00 --> 02:59:04
			hardship and all the difficulties she went through
02:59:04 --> 02:59:06
			because of this indecent man called Mirza.
02:59:07 --> 02:59:09
			Let's say he had the dream.
02:59:09 --> 02:59:11
			Let's assume for a second he had the
02:59:11 --> 02:59:11
02:59:12 --> 02:59:15
			Why would you make that dream public when
02:59:15 --> 02:59:17
			you know the woman is married?
02:59:18 --> 02:59:20
			When you know she is someone else's daughter.
02:59:21 --> 02:59:23
			When she is not married to you.
02:59:24 --> 02:59:25
			She's not your wife.
02:59:25 --> 02:59:28
			You can't even make a dream like this
02:59:28 --> 02:59:29
			public, even if it's about your wife.
02:59:30 --> 02:59:32
			Even if it's about your wife.
02:59:32 --> 02:59:36
			Why are you talking like this about a
02:59:36 --> 02:59:37
			Muslim woman?
02:59:38 --> 02:59:39
02:59:39 --> 02:59:41
			Publicly humiliating her.
02:59:42 --> 02:59:43
			Putting her to shame.
02:59:44 --> 02:59:44
02:59:45 --> 02:59:48
			And you know Adnan Bhai when Mirza Ghulam,
02:59:48 --> 02:59:51
			you know how he stopped from these dreams
02:59:51 --> 02:59:52
			of Mohammadi Begum.
02:59:52 --> 02:59:52
			It's very interesting.
02:59:53 --> 02:59:56
			There was a guy called Jafar Zatelli.
02:59:57 --> 03:00:01
			So basically he started to publish the dreams
03:00:01 --> 03:00:02
			of Nusrat Jahan Begum.
03:00:05 --> 03:00:06
			He started to look.
03:00:06 --> 03:00:08
			We are not endorsing him as well.
03:00:09 --> 03:00:12
			But he was making Mirza Ghulam Qadiani taste
03:00:12 --> 03:00:13
			his own medicine.
03:00:14 --> 03:00:15
			And we don't agree with it.
03:00:15 --> 03:00:16
			No, we don't agree with it.
03:00:17 --> 03:00:20
			And just as the Qadianis would be offended
03:00:20 --> 03:00:24
			by any enemy of the Qadianis, any opponent
03:00:24 --> 03:00:30
			of the Qadianis attempting to insult, humiliate or
03:00:30 --> 03:00:34
			downgrade or degrade a woman of Mirza Ghulam
03:00:34 --> 03:00:36
			Qadiani, one of his wives, let's say.
03:00:37 --> 03:00:38
			And they start saying, I'm having a dream
03:00:38 --> 03:00:41
			or we are having dreams about that woman
03:00:41 --> 03:00:42
			in this way.
03:00:42 --> 03:00:44
			They would be highly offended.
03:00:44 --> 03:00:49
			Someone published a picture of Mirza Masroor's wife.
03:00:50 --> 03:00:51
			We know this for a fact.
03:00:52 --> 03:00:54
			And they went berserk.
03:00:54 --> 03:00:56
			They put him on trial.
03:00:56 --> 03:00:57
			They started to sue him.
03:00:58 --> 03:01:00
			And this was not a naked picture.
03:01:00 --> 03:01:04
			This was the picture of Mirza Masroor's wife.
03:01:04 --> 03:01:08
			Someone put it publicly and they sent him
03:01:08 --> 03:01:08
03:01:09 --> 03:01:10
			They wanted to sue him.
03:01:11 --> 03:01:13
			OK, and we understand why they felt offended,
03:01:14 --> 03:01:15
			because it's a woman.
03:01:16 --> 03:01:20
			And, you know, publishing the picture of a
03:01:20 --> 03:01:22
			woman like that, they didn't like it.
03:01:22 --> 03:01:23
			And we understand why.
03:01:24 --> 03:01:25
			We understand why.
03:01:25 --> 03:01:28
			The issue is now, how can Mirza Ghulam
03:01:28 --> 03:01:35
			Ahmad Qadiani make dreams about a believing woman
03:01:35 --> 03:01:36
			who is not related to him?
03:01:36 --> 03:01:38
			She's not mahram to him.
03:01:38 --> 03:01:40
			And he's making those dreams public.
03:01:40 --> 03:01:41
			Can you imagine?
03:01:41 --> 03:01:45
			What were the people, the enemies of the
03:01:45 --> 03:01:46
			Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam were doing?
03:01:47 --> 03:01:49
			You know, they were insulting the women of
03:01:49 --> 03:01:49
03:01:50 --> 03:01:52
			You know, what was the crime of Ka
03:01:52 --> 03:01:53
			'b bin Ashraf?
03:01:54 --> 03:01:58
			Ka'b bin Ashraf, the Jewish poet, you
03:01:58 --> 03:01:59
			know, what was his crime?
03:01:59 --> 03:02:02
			One of the crimes he committed was that
03:02:02 --> 03:02:06
			he was describing the women of Medina in
03:02:06 --> 03:02:08
			a very derogatory sexual way.
03:02:10 --> 03:02:10
			And then.
03:02:12 --> 03:02:13
			The rest is history.
03:02:13 --> 03:02:14
			We know what happened.
03:02:14 --> 03:02:18
			OK, so Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani publishing dreams
03:02:18 --> 03:02:21
			of a Muslim woman about her that I
03:02:21 --> 03:02:24
			saw her naked in my dream without clothes.
03:02:25 --> 03:02:27
			What the * is wrong with you, man?
03:02:27 --> 03:02:31
			Then he hugged him also in the dream.
03:02:31 --> 03:02:31
			Thank you.
03:02:31 --> 03:02:34
			So what is he trying to do?
03:02:35 --> 03:02:36
			What is he trying to tell people?
03:02:37 --> 03:02:40
			That I am intimate with a woman I'm
03:02:40 --> 03:02:40
			not married to.
03:02:41 --> 03:02:43
			She's someone else's wife.
03:02:43 --> 03:02:44
			She's someone else's daughter.
03:02:46 --> 03:02:48
			So where is your sense of decency?
03:02:48 --> 03:02:52
			If any man spoke about a woman, a
03:02:52 --> 03:02:55
			Qadiani woman, which we don't endorse, we don't
03:02:55 --> 03:02:55
03:02:56 --> 03:02:57
			OK, and we don't encourage.
03:02:57 --> 03:03:00
			But if any man spoke like that, how
03:03:00 --> 03:03:02
			would the Qadianis feel today if someone spoke
03:03:02 --> 03:03:04
			about your daughter, your wife, your mother like
03:03:04 --> 03:03:05
03:03:05 --> 03:03:06
			Well, your prophet was doing it.
03:03:07 --> 03:03:09
			And, you know, Narbhai, in this entire picture,
03:03:09 --> 03:03:13
			in this entire narrative about Mohammadi Begum, we
03:03:13 --> 03:03:14
			have a simple question.
03:03:14 --> 03:03:16
			What was the fault of Mohammadi Begum?
03:03:16 --> 03:03:18
			What was her fault?
03:03:19 --> 03:03:22
			Her fault was because she was Mohammadi Begum
03:03:22 --> 03:03:24
			and Mirza fell in love with her.
03:03:25 --> 03:03:26
			Mirza wanted to marry her.
03:03:26 --> 03:03:28
			It became his obsession.
03:03:29 --> 03:03:30
			And Imtiaz Bhai, do you have the reference,
03:03:31 --> 03:03:32
			the very reference what we're talking about in
03:03:32 --> 03:03:35
			case people are curious, what are we actually
03:03:35 --> 03:03:38
			talking about and what he actually said?
03:03:39 --> 03:03:40
			Yes, thank you very much.
03:03:40 --> 03:03:43
			This is very important to show the reference
03:03:43 --> 03:03:44
			to the people.
03:03:44 --> 03:03:49
			Even Adnan Bhai, another thing is this, that
03:03:49 --> 03:03:52
			even the woman or any person who is
03:03:52 --> 03:03:57
			non-believer, even he's your enemy, you can't,
03:03:57 --> 03:04:02
			you can't show this dream to the people
03:04:02 --> 03:04:04
			and announce this dream to the people.
03:04:05 --> 03:04:07
			The noble man cannot do this.
03:04:07 --> 03:04:11
			And I'm very, and I'm very, very surprised
03:04:11 --> 03:04:16
			that in Lahore, Pakistan, here I meet many
03:04:16 --> 03:04:19
			Qadiyanis, a few of them are my friends.
03:04:19 --> 03:04:22
			Everybody saw dream, everybody.
03:04:24 --> 03:04:26
			If you meet one Qadiyani, he will tell
03:04:26 --> 03:04:27
			you his dream.
03:04:28 --> 03:04:30
			You meet another Qadiyani, he will tell his
03:04:30 --> 03:04:30
03:04:30 --> 03:04:34
			And even in the family of Mirza, the
03:04:34 --> 03:04:38
			daughter of Mirza Tahir, he has dream about
03:04:38 --> 03:04:39
			Mirza Masoor.
03:04:39 --> 03:04:41
			Mirza Masoor have the dreams.
03:04:42 --> 03:04:43
			Everybody have dreams.
03:04:44 --> 03:04:47
			Yeah, one second, but sorry to cut you
03:04:47 --> 03:04:47
03:04:47 --> 03:04:51
			Yeah, and interestingly, Mirza Tahir Ahmed didn't see
03:04:51 --> 03:04:53
			a dream about Nida and she was living
03:04:53 --> 03:04:53
			next door.
03:04:53 --> 03:04:55
			So, sorry, go ahead.
03:04:56 --> 03:04:57
			Yes, yes, yes, yes.
03:04:58 --> 03:05:02
			For some reason, yeah, again, you know, imagine,
03:05:02 --> 03:05:04
			imagine, you know, someone talking like this about
03:05:04 --> 03:05:09
			Qadiyani women and yeah, and look, dreams, dreams,
03:05:10 --> 03:05:11
			what do they prove?
03:05:11 --> 03:05:16
			Especially when they are evil and satanic, what
03:05:16 --> 03:05:16
			do they prove?
03:05:17 --> 03:05:20
			For example, there are Christians around the world.
03:05:21 --> 03:05:22
			I have met Christians personally.
03:05:23 --> 03:05:26
			Okay, you can preach to them till the
03:05:26 --> 03:05:29
			cows come home that the Trinity is false.
03:05:30 --> 03:05:32
			You are, you are Mary worshippers.
03:05:32 --> 03:05:34
			You are Jesus worshippers.
03:05:34 --> 03:05:35
			You are not God worshippers.
03:05:36 --> 03:05:38
			You can do that all day long.
03:05:38 --> 03:05:40
			They will turn around and say, well, you
03:05:40 --> 03:05:41
			know, you can say what you like.
03:05:41 --> 03:05:43
			I had Jesus in my dream and he
03:05:43 --> 03:05:46
			appeared to me and he told me, yeah,
03:05:46 --> 03:05:48
			follow me and worship me or I had
03:05:48 --> 03:05:49
			Mary in my dream.
03:05:49 --> 03:05:51
			I saw I had a vision of Mary.
03:05:51 --> 03:05:53
			She told me, pray to me.
03:05:53 --> 03:05:55
			Absolutely right, absolutely right.
03:05:55 --> 03:05:57
			So are we supposed to accept those dreams?
03:05:57 --> 03:06:00
			These Qadiyanis, some of them, it is possible
03:06:00 --> 03:06:02
			the shaitan is bringing these dreams to them.
03:06:03 --> 03:06:06
			It is possible that jinns are bringing, shayateen
03:06:06 --> 03:06:09
			are inspiring these dreams so that they fall
03:06:09 --> 03:06:09
			into kufr.
03:06:10 --> 03:06:10
			It's very possible.
03:06:11 --> 03:06:12
			Just like it happens to Christians who have
03:06:12 --> 03:06:15
			visions of Mary and Jesus telling them to
03:06:15 --> 03:06:16
			worship them.
03:06:16 --> 03:06:18
			Are we, are we to believe them now?
03:06:19 --> 03:06:20
			Are we to believe them?
03:06:21 --> 03:06:23
			So dreams are relative.
03:06:24 --> 03:06:27
			They are not binding upon anyone unless they
03:06:27 --> 03:06:29
			are dreams of prophets, true prophets.
03:06:30 --> 03:06:30
03:06:31 --> 03:06:33
			So Imtiaz Bhai is looking for the reference
03:06:33 --> 03:06:35
			while he's digging out this reference.
03:06:35 --> 03:06:36
			It's very, very clear.
03:06:36 --> 03:06:37
			Yeah, yes.
03:06:37 --> 03:06:41
			Let me just say with the Muhammadi Begum,
03:06:42 --> 03:06:45
			he was also offering them a Muslim old
03:06:45 --> 03:06:45
03:06:45 --> 03:06:48
			He's saying, no, with this woman, she'll have
03:06:48 --> 03:06:49
			the promised son.
03:06:49 --> 03:06:52
			That's the extra side, the extra fish that
03:06:52 --> 03:06:53
			he was giving out.
03:06:53 --> 03:06:55
			He said, look, not only will you inherit
03:06:55 --> 03:06:57
			my land after I die, well, the woman
03:06:57 --> 03:07:00
			wouldn't, but the children somehow, even though in
03:07:00 --> 03:07:02
			Islam, you know, but they didn't really follow
03:07:02 --> 03:07:04
			the Islamic inheritance law.
03:07:04 --> 03:07:07
			But yeah, so he was offering the Muslim
03:07:07 --> 03:07:08
			old prophecy and Imtiaz is that.
03:07:09 --> 03:07:11
			So Allah got that wrong as well.
03:07:11 --> 03:07:15
			Ahmed Bhai, if you can please put on
03:07:15 --> 03:07:16
			the screen, I shared reference already.
03:07:17 --> 03:07:17
			Ahmed Bhai?
03:07:19 --> 03:07:21
			Adnan Bhai, do you know that hadith that
03:07:21 --> 03:07:23
			the Huzoor s.a.w. has said that
03:07:23 --> 03:07:27
			all Wahi is closed, only the Mubashirat, which
03:07:27 --> 03:07:28
			is the good dreams.
03:07:28 --> 03:07:32
			Naveed Bhai, let's deal with the reference.
03:07:32 --> 03:07:34
			Inshallah, we can discuss something else.
03:07:35 --> 03:07:38
			Okay, Adnan Bhai, I will read, or maybe
03:07:38 --> 03:07:39
			Adnan Bhai, if you can read and translate
03:07:39 --> 03:07:40
			for the people, please.
03:07:41 --> 03:07:44
			Okay, 25th July, 1892.
03:07:44 --> 03:07:48
			Okay, the reference is, if you make it
03:07:48 --> 03:07:50
			slightly bigger Imtiaz Bhai, I can't read it
03:07:50 --> 03:07:51
			like this.
03:07:52 --> 03:07:54
			Yeah, okay, yeah.
03:08:24 --> 03:08:28
			Sorry, one second.
03:08:28 --> 03:08:29
			I'm trying to make this big.
03:08:29 --> 03:08:31
			The text is not becoming big for some
03:08:31 --> 03:08:31
03:08:32 --> 03:08:34
			You know, one second, one second.
03:08:35 --> 03:08:37
			I'm trying to, yeah, just give me, let
03:08:37 --> 03:08:39
			me, let me just turn the camera.
03:08:39 --> 03:08:42
			Okay, so yeah, now I can see it.
03:08:57 --> 03:09:06
			Okay, I saw a dream, four o'clock
03:09:06 --> 03:09:10
			in the morning, okay, that my wife, the
03:09:10 --> 03:09:14
			mother of Bashiruddin Mahmood and another woman are
03:09:14 --> 03:09:17
			sitting there and I filled a container of
03:09:17 --> 03:09:18
			water with water.
03:09:23 --> 03:09:26
			And I lifted this container of water, a
03:09:26 --> 03:09:28
			leather container of water, and I brought it
03:09:28 --> 03:09:30
			to a pitcher and I filled the pitcher
03:09:30 --> 03:09:31
			of water.
03:09:36 --> 03:09:40
			While I was pouring water, that other woman
03:09:40 --> 03:09:45
			who was sitting in red clothing, she was
03:09:45 --> 03:09:50
			wearing red bright clothing, she came close to
03:09:50 --> 03:09:50
03:09:54 --> 03:09:56
			I see that this is a young woman.
03:09:59 --> 03:10:03
			She is dressed in red color from head
03:10:03 --> 03:10:03
			to toe.
03:10:06 --> 03:10:10
			Apparently, it looked like she's wearing a clothing
03:10:10 --> 03:10:13
			of net, which can be seen through.
03:10:19 --> 03:10:21
			I thought in my heart that this is
03:10:21 --> 03:10:24
			the same woman about whom I have been
03:10:24 --> 03:10:25
			publishing advertisements.
03:10:26 --> 03:10:31
			Okay, public pronouncements.
03:10:34 --> 03:10:36
			But when I saw, she looked like my
03:10:36 --> 03:10:37
03:10:43 --> 03:10:47
			Basically, basically, she said, or she said in
03:10:47 --> 03:10:49
			her heart that I am here for you
03:10:49 --> 03:10:49
03:10:49 --> 03:10:52
			I have come for you or I have
03:10:52 --> 03:10:52
			come now.
03:10:59 --> 03:11:02
			I said to Allah, let her come or
03:11:02 --> 03:11:04
			let her, you know, let this be true.
03:11:05 --> 03:11:06
			And that woman hugged me.
03:11:06 --> 03:11:07
			She hugged me.
03:11:12 --> 03:11:14
			When she hugged me, I woke up.
03:11:16 --> 03:11:18
			And I woke up and I thank Allah
03:11:18 --> 03:11:19
			for this, basically.
03:11:20 --> 03:11:21
			Okay, now.
03:11:22 --> 03:11:24
			Am I part of this chat right now?
03:11:25 --> 03:11:32
			Okay, so, sorry, I know one second.
03:11:32 --> 03:11:36
			So, Imtiaz bhai, is this, we're looking, although
03:11:36 --> 03:11:38
			this reference is important, but we're looking for
03:11:38 --> 03:11:41
			another reference where he actually said that she
03:11:41 --> 03:11:42
			was, she had no clothes.
03:11:44 --> 03:11:46
			Oh, yeah, I mean, where her head was
03:11:46 --> 03:11:46
03:11:47 --> 03:11:49
			Yeah, yeah, that one, that reference, that reference,
03:11:49 --> 03:11:53
			because this reference, obviously, it doesn't say this
03:11:53 --> 03:11:53
			is Mohammadi Begum.
03:11:54 --> 03:11:55
			This reference doesn't say the name.
03:11:55 --> 03:11:57
			And, you know, the Qadianis, how they're going
03:11:57 --> 03:11:58
			to say and how they're going to play
03:11:58 --> 03:11:58
03:11:58 --> 03:12:01
			No, actually, you know, Adnan bhai, look, if
03:12:01 --> 03:12:04
			we are going to accept their interpretation, they
03:12:04 --> 03:12:06
			will, they can say this about every day.
03:12:06 --> 03:12:08
			But the point, Adnan bhai, is there are
03:12:08 --> 03:12:09
			two women.
03:12:10 --> 03:12:12
			One of them is Nusrat Jahan Begum.
03:12:12 --> 03:12:13
03:12:13 --> 03:12:14
			And this is the other women.
03:12:15 --> 03:12:15
03:12:16 --> 03:12:18
			So, basically, they have to tell us this
03:12:18 --> 03:12:21
			has to be someone other than Nusrat Jahan
03:12:21 --> 03:12:21
03:12:21 --> 03:12:24
			And she's dressed in red and she's wearing
03:12:24 --> 03:12:25
			see-through clothes.
03:12:26 --> 03:12:26
03:12:26 --> 03:12:29
			Jali means net clothes that you can see
03:12:29 --> 03:12:30
			the body through these clothes.
03:12:31 --> 03:12:33
			And she hugged him.
03:12:33 --> 03:12:34
			She became intimate with him.
03:12:35 --> 03:12:36
			They can turn around and say, look, they
03:12:36 --> 03:12:37
			can turn around and say this is a
03:12:37 --> 03:12:38
03:12:38 --> 03:12:40
			Dreams can mean anything and all that.
03:12:40 --> 03:12:42
			The point is, why is the public making
03:12:42 --> 03:12:43
			these dreams public?
03:12:44 --> 03:12:48
			These dreams of sexual nature, these basically hard
03:12:48 --> 03:12:52
			dreams or wet dreams, let's say, why is
03:12:52 --> 03:12:53
			he making them public?
03:12:53 --> 03:12:56
			But the dream I'm looking for, the specific
03:12:56 --> 03:12:59
			one, is where he talks about Mohammadi Begum,
03:13:00 --> 03:13:03
			that she was seen without clothes and her
03:13:03 --> 03:13:05
			head was shaved, that one, that particular reference.
03:13:05 --> 03:13:06
			I'm looking for that one.
03:13:06 --> 03:13:06
03:13:07 --> 03:13:08
			Because that's very specific.
03:13:09 --> 03:13:10
			That's the one they can't just spin.
03:13:11 --> 03:13:12
			Because, you know, the Qadianis, we've been dealing
03:13:12 --> 03:13:13
			with them for the last year and a
03:13:13 --> 03:13:16
			half and how they like to spin things
03:13:16 --> 03:13:18
			and take them out of context or they
03:13:18 --> 03:13:21
			start screaming context, context, context.
03:13:21 --> 03:13:23
			You are making it worse than it is.
03:13:23 --> 03:13:23
03:13:23 --> 03:13:24
			That's what they claim.
03:13:24 --> 03:13:26
			So we want to give them a specific
03:13:26 --> 03:13:27
			reference, Inshallah.
03:13:27 --> 03:13:27
03:13:28 --> 03:13:31
			In the meantime, I think we have one
03:13:31 --> 03:13:32
			brother, Moiz.
03:13:33 --> 03:13:36
			The brother just left a second ago.
03:13:37 --> 03:13:39
			Oh, he's back.
03:13:40 --> 03:13:41
			Yeah, he's back, Inshallah.
03:13:41 --> 03:13:44
			Do we need to give next time PG
03:13:44 --> 03:13:46
			-18 warnings or something when you're showing a
03:13:46 --> 03:13:47
			reference of Mirza or something?
03:13:48 --> 03:13:50
			Because it seems like it's adult content.
03:13:50 --> 03:13:51
			No, no.
03:13:51 --> 03:13:52
			I think that's a given.
03:13:52 --> 03:13:54
			When you're discussing Mirza, it's all X-rated
03:13:54 --> 03:13:56
			conversation, unfortunately.
03:13:56 --> 03:13:59
			So be ready for any surprise, any shock
03:13:59 --> 03:14:01
			at any time.
03:14:01 --> 03:14:03
			That when we're dealing with Mirza, any, you
03:14:03 --> 03:14:08
			know, yeah, parental guidance advised.
03:14:09 --> 03:14:09
			It's all advised.
03:14:10 --> 03:14:10
03:14:10 --> 03:14:11
			And no joke.
03:14:11 --> 03:14:11
			We're not joking.
03:14:11 --> 03:14:14
			Because the language and the things like...
03:14:16 --> 03:14:18
			Like Naveed brought it up a couple of
03:14:18 --> 03:14:18
			weeks ago.
03:14:19 --> 03:14:20
			The Tafseer, SubhanAllah.
03:14:20 --> 03:14:22
			I read the whole 30 pages and I
03:14:22 --> 03:14:23
			was like baffled.
03:14:23 --> 03:14:26
			Like sometimes you're like completely baffled that how
03:14:26 --> 03:14:27
			can a person using such a language and
03:14:27 --> 03:14:30
			people consider him as a decent person.
03:14:30 --> 03:14:31
			Like, how does it work?
03:14:31 --> 03:14:35
			Yeah, and where he's equating Khushu with *.
03:14:36 --> 03:14:37
			Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
03:14:37 --> 03:14:44
			Inside in one's, yeah, again, parental guidance advised.
03:14:45 --> 03:14:45
03:14:45 --> 03:14:48
			So we have our brother Muiz Quraishi with
03:14:48 --> 03:14:48
03:14:48 --> 03:14:52
			And SubhanAllah, he has some family who were
03:14:52 --> 03:14:53
			in the cult before.
03:14:53 --> 03:14:55
			And he did da'wah, InshaAllah.
03:14:55 --> 03:14:57
			So we'd like him to share his experience
03:14:57 --> 03:15:00
			and his story, which can be basically encouragement
03:15:00 --> 03:15:03
			for other people who are stuck in this
03:15:03 --> 03:15:04
			cult to come out.
03:15:04 --> 03:15:06
			Go ahead, brother, please.
03:15:06 --> 03:15:08
			Hey, Can everyone hear me?
03:15:09 --> 03:15:10
			Yes, we can hear you.
03:15:10 --> 03:15:12
			Okay, first off, I'm a little nervous because
03:15:12 --> 03:15:15
			you're also intelligent, MashAllah, in the Quran and
03:15:15 --> 03:15:17
			the Sunnah and a lot of things.
03:15:17 --> 03:15:19
			I've been watching you since my third year
03:15:19 --> 03:15:20
03:15:20 --> 03:15:22
			It's about seven years now in Hyde Park.
03:15:22 --> 03:15:24
			A lot of your conversations, Mr. Rashid and
03:15:24 --> 03:15:26
			also Mr. Imtiaz.
03:15:26 --> 03:15:27
			I'm sorry, I forget your last name, but
03:15:27 --> 03:15:30
			you know, and also Bashir Ahmed.
03:15:30 --> 03:15:32
			Like you guys are like the Avengers right
03:15:32 --> 03:15:33
			now, man, honestly.
03:15:33 --> 03:15:34
			I'll tell you why.
03:15:34 --> 03:15:37
			So quick story in a nutshell, as I
03:15:37 --> 03:15:39
			was saying in the chat before, I grew
03:15:39 --> 03:15:42
			up in Ontario, Canada, but I'm from Pakistan.
03:15:43 --> 03:15:44
			So 96 out here, we were here.
03:15:44 --> 03:15:46
			I never, and we're growing up in a
03:15:46 --> 03:15:48
			household where we're taught the Quran and Sunnah,
03:15:48 --> 03:15:49
			but we don't categorize Muslims.
03:15:49 --> 03:15:52
			When I moved out to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in
03:15:52 --> 03:15:56
			university, that's where I got introduced to the
03:15:56 --> 03:15:59
			Ahmadiyya cult through a woman who, you know,
03:15:59 --> 03:16:01
			now I got married to, but it took
03:16:01 --> 03:16:02
			me about a year and a half to
03:16:02 --> 03:16:03
			explain to her.
03:16:03 --> 03:16:04
			And I gave her the chance that if
03:16:04 --> 03:16:07
			this is the Mahdi, then I will accept
03:16:07 --> 03:16:07
03:16:07 --> 03:16:08
			And then when I found more and more,
03:16:09 --> 03:16:10
			just things that you're talking about in these
03:16:10 --> 03:16:12
			recent streams, I'd studied a while back and
03:16:12 --> 03:16:14
			not at just the surface level.
03:16:14 --> 03:16:16
			And I'm glad that she opened up Hamza
03:16:16 --> 03:16:17
			and she became Muslim.
03:16:17 --> 03:16:19
			And now we've been married for a while,
03:16:19 --> 03:16:20
			it's been eight years.
03:16:20 --> 03:16:22
			And now her family, after eight years of
03:16:22 --> 03:16:25
			us having a conversation, constantly has accepted Islam.
03:16:26 --> 03:16:27
			So much so that, you know, it caused
03:16:27 --> 03:16:29
			a ripple effect in their individual lives in
03:16:29 --> 03:16:31
			terms of marriage and all the things in
03:16:31 --> 03:16:32
			the last stream that you talked about.
03:16:32 --> 03:16:33
			You have to get divorced, etc.
03:16:33 --> 03:16:34
			And, you know, it was tough.
03:16:34 --> 03:16:35
			I've seen it.
03:16:35 --> 03:16:37
			I've seen how they had to make changes
03:16:37 --> 03:16:38
			in their lives.
03:16:38 --> 03:16:39
			And it's tough.
03:16:40 --> 03:16:42
			I just want to ask you, like, you
03:16:42 --> 03:16:44
			know, when I'm making TikTok videos and I'm
03:16:44 --> 03:16:46
			studying off of what you're talking about and
03:16:46 --> 03:16:47
			I'm writing it down and I reiterate these
03:16:47 --> 03:16:50
			things, these concepts, especially Dr. Izhar and what
03:16:50 --> 03:16:52
			he talked about, you know, what I'm finding
03:16:52 --> 03:16:54
			is that they don't, like there's Bashar and
03:16:54 --> 03:16:56
			Bashir, the guy that you talked about.
03:16:56 --> 03:16:59
			And he didn't hear about the fact that
03:16:59 --> 03:17:01
			Mirza said, and I found this out in
03:17:01 --> 03:17:04
			his book, and it's also in Ahmadiyya Fact
03:17:04 --> 03:17:07
			Check, that you have to pay the chanda
03:17:07 --> 03:17:09
			or what not in chanda usir.
03:17:09 --> 03:17:11
			And if you don't, Mirza said that, I
03:17:11 --> 03:17:12
			can't remember which one, but he said that
03:17:12 --> 03:17:14
			you will be expelled from the community.
03:17:15 --> 03:17:16
			This was one of his books in the
03:17:16 --> 03:17:18
			Financial Sacrifice PDF.
03:17:19 --> 03:17:20
			That's where I read it online.
03:17:20 --> 03:17:22
			I can't remember the title of that book.
03:17:23 --> 03:17:25
			Mashoorat Ishtiharat, something like that.
03:17:25 --> 03:17:26
			I'm sorry, I don't know.
03:17:27 --> 03:17:28
			But essentially, I showed...
03:17:28 --> 03:17:29
			Majmoo Ishtiharat.
03:17:30 --> 03:17:31
			Majmoo Ishtiharat, exactly.
03:17:31 --> 03:17:33
			Page 165 to 160.
03:17:33 --> 03:17:35
			And the whole thing, the whole lot of
03:17:35 --> 03:17:36
			context in my video and TikTok, I even
03:17:36 --> 03:17:39
			presented it beforehand and then afterwards, like what
03:17:39 --> 03:17:39
			it leads into.
03:17:40 --> 03:17:42
			And he still said, you don't get excluded.
03:17:42 --> 03:17:44
			What I told him afterwards was like, I
03:17:44 --> 03:17:47
			think the community now changes your foundational beliefs,
03:17:47 --> 03:17:52
			which are against the whole love for all,
03:17:52 --> 03:17:53
			hatred for none thing.
03:17:53 --> 03:17:57
			So are you guys, essentially, are you writing
03:17:57 --> 03:17:58
			this down somewhere where we can access and
03:17:58 --> 03:17:59
			how to have these dialogues?
03:17:59 --> 03:18:01
			Because I'm afraid of my two little kids.
03:18:01 --> 03:18:03
			Because I'm afraid when the history comes out
03:18:03 --> 03:18:05
			to these guys, my son and my daughter,
03:18:05 --> 03:18:06
			when they grow up, they're going to find
03:18:06 --> 03:18:07
			out about the background.
03:18:07 --> 03:18:09
			And they have cousins, right?
03:18:09 --> 03:18:10
			I can't change everyone, but my immediate family.
03:18:11 --> 03:18:13
			So I'm worried and I'm preparing for the
03:18:13 --> 03:18:15
			next 10 years on how to talk to
03:18:15 --> 03:18:16
			my kids if it comes.
03:18:16 --> 03:18:17
			And inshallah, may Allah help us.
03:18:18 --> 03:18:21
			Yes, first of all, congratulations to you and
03:18:21 --> 03:18:22
			to your wife.
03:18:23 --> 03:18:24
			May Allah bless you guys.
03:18:24 --> 03:18:26
			May Allah bless your progeny and every single
03:18:26 --> 03:18:31
			person who enters Islam by following your example
03:18:31 --> 03:18:33
			and following your guidance.
03:18:34 --> 03:18:35
			May Allah reward you for all that.
03:18:36 --> 03:18:38
			And with regards to your question, whether we
03:18:38 --> 03:18:40
			are making an archive, we are.
03:18:40 --> 03:18:42
			We are working on an archive.
03:18:42 --> 03:18:43
			We already have an archive.
03:18:43 --> 03:18:45
			We're going to put it online.
03:18:45 --> 03:18:49
			We're going to put it on multiple platforms.
03:18:50 --> 03:18:52
			We're going to put it out in multiple
03:18:52 --> 03:18:56
			forms, book form, booklet, articles.
03:18:56 --> 03:19:00
			Videos, long streams, debates, dialogues.
03:19:00 --> 03:19:02
			We're trying to cover everything, basically.
03:19:02 --> 03:19:06
			So that, you know, this information is easily
03:19:06 --> 03:19:06
03:19:07 --> 03:19:08
			Inshallah, we're working on that.
03:19:09 --> 03:19:10
			Bear with us.
03:19:10 --> 03:19:12
			It's going to be public very soon, inshallah.
03:19:12 --> 03:19:14
			So when we said the cult will be
03:19:14 --> 03:19:16
			over in five years.
03:19:17 --> 03:19:19
			We're not just saying this.
03:19:19 --> 03:19:20
			We are working towards it.
03:19:21 --> 03:19:23
			And Allah is with us.
03:19:23 --> 03:19:24
			Allah is with us.
03:19:24 --> 03:19:25
			Allah is putting immense barakah in it.
03:19:25 --> 03:19:27
			The work is already happening.
03:19:27 --> 03:19:30
			We have pioneers like Brother Bashir, mashallah, who
03:19:30 --> 03:19:32
			has been at it for a long time.
03:19:33 --> 03:19:35
			He has done some amazing work that has
03:19:35 --> 03:19:37
			really set the tone.
03:19:38 --> 03:19:38
03:19:38 --> 03:19:41
			And alhamdulillah, many soldiers of Allah like him,
03:19:41 --> 03:19:43
			who have been, you know, trying to save
03:19:43 --> 03:19:46
			people from hellfire, trying to save people from
03:19:46 --> 03:19:48
			misguidance of the cult.
03:19:48 --> 03:19:51
			And, you know, they are the giants we
03:19:51 --> 03:19:53
			are standing on the shoulders of, basically.
03:19:53 --> 03:19:56
			So there are people like Brother Bashir and
03:19:56 --> 03:20:00
			A.K. Sheikh and, you know, Zaitoon that
03:20:00 --> 03:20:02
			they channel the work they have been doing.
03:20:03 --> 03:20:04
			So we only just came along, you know,
03:20:04 --> 03:20:08
			and it just became something on social media.
03:20:09 --> 03:20:10
			But inshallah, we're not just going to leave
03:20:10 --> 03:20:11
			it on social media.
03:20:11 --> 03:20:14
			We're going to make it archived so that
03:20:14 --> 03:20:16
			everyone can access.
03:20:16 --> 03:20:17
			And there's going to be a search engine
03:20:17 --> 03:20:21
			when anyone wants to search a particular topic
03:20:21 --> 03:20:22
			or a particular reference.
03:20:22 --> 03:20:25
			It'll be there instantly.
03:20:25 --> 03:20:25
03:20:26 --> 03:20:27
			So it's going to be very easy to
03:20:27 --> 03:20:31
			use reference point for people who are interested,
03:20:31 --> 03:20:31
03:20:31 --> 03:20:32
			So don't worry.
03:20:32 --> 03:20:34
			We're working on that, inshallah.
03:20:35 --> 03:20:38
			Just to make a note, I've covered 90
03:20:38 --> 03:20:40
			% of these streams, almost 90% of
03:20:40 --> 03:20:42
			the references that Imtiaz has brought.
03:20:42 --> 03:20:44
			I've saved it somewhere on the blog.
03:20:44 --> 03:20:45
			You just got to find it.
03:20:45 --> 03:20:46
			And if you can't find it, I got
03:20:46 --> 03:20:48
			the best customer service in the world, brother.
03:20:48 --> 03:20:53
			You don't get a phone line, no number
03:20:53 --> 03:20:57
			one, and I answer.
03:20:57 --> 03:21:00
			And look, I see it as a challenge
03:21:00 --> 03:21:02
			to find these references, brother.
03:21:02 --> 03:21:03
			I'll be up all night looking too, brother.
03:21:04 --> 03:21:04
03:21:04 --> 03:21:07
			And you know, wallahi, brother Rashid, Allah reward
03:21:07 --> 03:21:08
			you for being available.
03:21:08 --> 03:21:09
			I'll tell you one thing.
03:21:10 --> 03:21:12
			Forget about the rest of your life, whatever
03:21:12 --> 03:21:14
			else you may be doing and whatever else
03:21:14 --> 03:21:15
			you might have achieved in life.
03:21:16 --> 03:21:19
			This alone, this alone that you make yourself
03:21:19 --> 03:21:22
			available for people to guide them, to show
03:21:22 --> 03:21:26
			them light, this alone, and if you don't
03:21:26 --> 03:21:28
			achieve anything else in life, this alone is
03:21:28 --> 03:21:30
			a life worth living.
03:21:30 --> 03:21:32
			Wallahi, you will be saving a lot of,
03:21:32 --> 03:21:34
			you probably have saved a lot of people
03:21:34 --> 03:21:34
03:21:34 --> 03:21:35
03:21:35 --> 03:21:36
			So may Allah reward you, man.
03:21:37 --> 03:21:37
03:21:38 --> 03:21:39
			I just want to say something.
03:21:39 --> 03:21:41
			I just want to say something before I
03:21:41 --> 03:21:41
03:21:41 --> 03:21:42
			I know I'm not meant to interject, really.
03:21:43 --> 03:21:45
			If I can, by any means, I'm just
03:21:45 --> 03:21:47
			a student, help initiative, you know, through a
03:21:47 --> 03:21:48
			tourism initiative.
03:21:48 --> 03:21:51
			By any means, I would love to, because,
03:21:51 --> 03:21:53
			you know, I see what you're doing because
03:21:53 --> 03:21:55
			I've been in this, so I know how
03:21:55 --> 03:21:56
			it's working.
03:21:56 --> 03:21:58
			I see it progressing and I love it.
03:21:58 --> 03:22:00
			Just keep an eye out, brother.
03:22:01 --> 03:22:04
			And we will need volunteers.
03:22:04 --> 03:22:06
			We will need brothers and sisters around the
03:22:06 --> 03:22:08
			world to be part of this work.
03:22:09 --> 03:22:11
			InshaAllah soon, you will be able to join
03:22:14 --> 03:22:17
			the organization that is working towards it.
03:22:17 --> 03:22:17
03:22:18 --> 03:22:19
			You can easily become a volunteer.
03:22:20 --> 03:22:23
			You'll be able to participate tangibly, practically, InshaAllah.
03:22:24 --> 03:22:24
03:22:28 --> 03:22:33
			I was asking him for his TikTok handles
03:22:33 --> 03:22:35
			so I can connect with him on TikTok.
03:22:35 --> 03:22:38
			You know, there's still a lot of action
03:22:38 --> 03:22:39
			on TikTok.
03:22:39 --> 03:22:41
			We've sort of been busy, but we need
03:22:41 --> 03:22:42
			the help on TikTok.
03:22:42 --> 03:22:44
			If you know anyone who can help us
03:22:44 --> 03:22:47
			with the live streams, we're not even streaming
03:22:47 --> 03:22:48
			this on TikTok and I think there's like
03:22:48 --> 03:22:49
			a way to do it.
03:22:50 --> 03:22:53
			I don't remember, but brother, I left my
03:22:53 --> 03:22:54
			number, connect with me.
03:22:54 --> 03:22:57
			I'm Amityufaq, check blog on 10 different platforms.
03:22:57 --> 03:22:58
			It's easy to find me.
03:22:58 --> 03:22:59
			I'm not hiding from anyone.
03:23:00 --> 03:23:01
03:23:02 --> 03:23:04
			And brother, before you leave, I just want
03:23:04 --> 03:23:06
			to first show the reference of not by
03:23:06 --> 03:23:07
			seven, InshaAllah.
03:23:07 --> 03:23:09
			I just want to discuss something.
03:23:09 --> 03:23:09
			One second.
03:23:11 --> 03:23:13
			In the chat, I posted the reference in
03:23:13 --> 03:23:16
			English, in the chat, in the private chat,
03:23:16 --> 03:23:16
			in the public chat.
03:23:17 --> 03:23:17
			So it's all there.
03:23:18 --> 03:23:18
03:23:18 --> 03:23:20
			So please just stay with me.
03:23:21 --> 03:23:22
			Just let me share the reference of not
03:23:22 --> 03:23:23
			by seven.
03:23:23 --> 03:23:24
			Then InshaAllah.
03:23:24 --> 03:23:26
			Yeah, because it's important.
03:23:26 --> 03:23:29
			The question came up and we made an
03:23:29 --> 03:23:32
			accusation and we want to substantiate it.
03:23:32 --> 03:23:34
			We're not just saying this, right?
03:23:35 --> 03:23:36
			There you go.
03:23:36 --> 03:23:37
03:23:37 --> 03:23:38
03:23:38 --> 03:23:39
			So let me read it again.
03:23:39 --> 03:23:42
			14th of August, 1892.
03:24:31 --> 03:24:34
			14th of August, 1892.
03:24:38 --> 03:24:40
			Okay, everybody.
03:24:40 --> 03:24:42
			Everybody, this is the reference.
03:24:42 --> 03:24:45
			So now you can take a screenshot and
03:24:45 --> 03:24:47
			you can show the world, in particular, the
03:24:47 --> 03:24:50
			Qadianis, that your Prophet.
03:24:52 --> 03:24:56
			This is basically the Tazkira, which is the
03:24:56 --> 03:24:59
			compilation of the Ilham of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani.
03:24:59 --> 03:25:01
			And this is the fourth edition.
03:25:02 --> 03:25:05
			Page number is 160.
03:25:05 --> 03:25:09
			And the previous dream was on page 159.
03:25:10 --> 03:25:12
			Secondly, it's very easy.
03:25:12 --> 03:25:14
			When you want to search something in Tazkira,
03:25:15 --> 03:25:16
			just go for the date.
03:25:16 --> 03:25:19
			For example, in this case, when you're searching
03:25:19 --> 03:25:21
			in the new edition, you can just go
03:25:21 --> 03:25:24
			for the date, 14th of August, 1892.
03:25:25 --> 03:25:32
			And the previous dream was, this was 25th
03:25:32 --> 03:25:33
			of July, 1892.
03:25:33 --> 03:25:35
			The one we mentioned before, in which Mirza
03:25:35 --> 03:25:38
			Ghulam Qadiani is hugging someone.
03:25:38 --> 03:25:40
			So now this one, in which he is
03:25:40 --> 03:25:44
			having a dream that she's, you know...
03:25:44 --> 03:25:46
			So let me translate it.
03:25:46 --> 03:25:46
			I didn't translate.
03:25:46 --> 03:25:47
			I just read it in Urdu.
03:25:48 --> 03:25:50
			So the translation is basically...
03:25:51 --> 03:25:52
			If you want to read the translation in
03:25:52 --> 03:25:53
			English, you already have it.
03:25:54 --> 03:25:54
			Go ahead.
03:25:55 --> 03:25:56
03:25:56 --> 03:25:58
			So here we go, guys.
03:25:59 --> 03:25:59
			And be ready.
03:26:00 --> 03:26:01
			This is where you are.
03:26:01 --> 03:26:01
03:26:01 --> 03:26:05
			So in the English Tazkira, it says, August
03:26:05 --> 03:26:11
			14th, 1892, common era, Muharram 20, 1309 after
03:26:11 --> 03:26:11
03:26:11 --> 03:26:13
			I saw in my dream last night that
03:26:13 --> 03:26:16
			Muhammadi Begum, concerning whom a prophecy has been
03:26:16 --> 03:26:17
			made, was sitting with some people in a
03:26:17 --> 03:26:18
			village rest house.
03:26:18 --> 03:26:20
			And perhaps her head was shaving.
03:26:20 --> 03:26:24
			Her head was shaven, which in Hindu culture,
03:26:24 --> 03:26:26
			I've heard it's a woman whose husband has
03:26:26 --> 03:26:27
03:26:27 --> 03:26:28
			They shave their head.
03:26:28 --> 03:26:30
			And that's my own commentary.
03:26:30 --> 03:26:32
			But back to the quote.
03:26:32 --> 03:26:35
			She was naked and she looked very repulsive.
03:26:35 --> 03:26:37
			I said to her three times, the interpretation
03:26:37 --> 03:26:39
			of your head being shaven is that your
03:26:39 --> 03:26:40
			husband will die.
03:26:40 --> 03:26:42
			I placed both hands over her head and
03:26:42 --> 03:26:46
			again stated the same interpretation during my dream.
03:26:47 --> 03:26:50
			The same night, Mahmud's mother, who was Nusa
03:26:50 --> 03:26:52
			Jahan, saw in a dream that my marriage
03:26:52 --> 03:26:54
			with Muhammadi Begum had been performed.
03:26:54 --> 03:26:56
			And my wife had a document in her
03:26:56 --> 03:26:59
			hand, which specified that the dower for the
03:26:59 --> 03:27:01
			marriage was 1000 rupees.
03:27:02 --> 03:27:03
			And some sweets were sent for.
03:27:04 --> 03:27:08
			Then Muhammadi Begum was seen standing near me
03:27:08 --> 03:27:10
			in my wife's dream.
03:27:10 --> 03:27:11
			So that's the English translation.
03:27:12 --> 03:27:12
			Okay, okay.
03:27:12 --> 03:27:15
			Now I want to say something very quickly.
03:27:15 --> 03:27:18
			What was the claim I made earlier?
03:27:18 --> 03:27:21
			The claim was that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani
03:27:21 --> 03:27:25
			had a dream about a non-Mahram woman
03:27:25 --> 03:27:27
			who is not related to him.
03:27:28 --> 03:27:29
			She is Muhammadi Begum.
03:27:29 --> 03:27:32
			In this dream, he sees her naked.
03:27:33 --> 03:27:36
			Number three, he knows she is a married
03:27:36 --> 03:27:37
03:27:37 --> 03:27:38
			She is someone else's honor.
03:27:40 --> 03:27:43
			Number four, he is basically seeing her in
03:27:43 --> 03:27:46
			a very unpleasant, repulsive form.
03:27:48 --> 03:27:50
			My question is in all of this, what
03:27:50 --> 03:27:52
			is the fault of Muhammadi Begum?
03:27:53 --> 03:27:59
			Why is she being punished for not marrying
03:27:59 --> 03:28:01
			Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani?
03:28:02 --> 03:28:05
			Why is she being punished for being married
03:28:05 --> 03:28:07
			to Mirza Sultan Bey?
03:28:07 --> 03:28:12
			Why is Mirza making these public announcements, public
03:28:12 --> 03:28:15
			proclamations about a woman who is married to
03:28:15 --> 03:28:19
			another Muslim man and saying that he saw
03:28:19 --> 03:28:22
			her naked, shaven head in a dream.
03:28:23 --> 03:28:24
			And then he says that he got married
03:28:24 --> 03:28:25
			to her.
03:28:26 --> 03:28:29
			In that dream, while her husband is still
03:28:29 --> 03:28:30
			alive, he hasn't died.
03:28:30 --> 03:28:32
			And by the way, her husband didn't die.
03:28:33 --> 03:28:34
			He didn't die.
03:28:34 --> 03:28:36
			This dream was proven to be false as
03:28:36 --> 03:28:36
03:28:36 --> 03:28:39
			He died a long time after Mirza died.
03:28:40 --> 03:28:41
			A long time after Mirza died.
03:28:42 --> 03:28:42
03:28:44 --> 03:28:48
			So my question is again, why is Mirza
03:28:48 --> 03:28:54
			Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani so indecent, so immoral that
03:28:54 --> 03:28:57
			he has to put out a dream he
03:28:57 --> 03:29:01
			may have had about a woman he's not
03:29:01 --> 03:29:05
			married to, he's not related to by a
03:29:05 --> 03:29:09
			relationship of marriage or Nikah and he's saying
03:29:09 --> 03:29:10
			that he saw her naked in dream.
03:29:11 --> 03:29:14
			How is he honoring this woman?
03:29:15 --> 03:29:16
			How is he protecting her honor?
03:29:17 --> 03:29:18
			And what does the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
03:29:18 --> 03:29:19
03:29:19 --> 03:29:22
			The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he said in
03:29:22 --> 03:29:31
			a Hadith and I quote, A person who
03:29:31 --> 03:29:34
			covers a Muslim, Allah will cover him on
03:29:34 --> 03:29:35
			the day of judgment.
03:29:35 --> 03:29:37
			Allah will cover him on the day of
03:29:37 --> 03:29:37
03:29:38 --> 03:29:41
			So even if you see something unpleasant in
03:29:41 --> 03:29:44
			a Muslim, now this covering is of two
03:29:44 --> 03:29:44
03:29:44 --> 03:29:47
			The Ulema, the Ulema of Islam, they explain.
03:29:47 --> 03:29:49
			This covering the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is
03:29:49 --> 03:29:51
			talking about is of two types.
03:29:51 --> 03:29:54
			One is physically covering someone.
03:29:55 --> 03:29:57
			Someone who is naked, doesn't have clothes, you
03:29:57 --> 03:29:59
			give them clothes to wear or you cover
03:29:59 --> 03:30:01
			them with a shelter, Allah will cover you
03:30:01 --> 03:30:02
			on the day of judgment with a shelter.
03:30:03 --> 03:30:04
			This is one type.
03:30:04 --> 03:30:06
			The second type is that you see a
03:30:06 --> 03:30:09
			weakness, a shortcoming, a sin on their part
03:30:09 --> 03:30:10
			and you cover it.
03:30:10 --> 03:30:12
			You don't expose them publicly.
03:30:12 --> 03:30:15
			You don't go and start pronouncing publicly that
03:30:15 --> 03:30:17
			I saw this person to be committing this
03:30:17 --> 03:30:17
03:30:18 --> 03:30:20
			This is the second type of covering and
03:30:20 --> 03:30:21
			Allah will cover you on the day of
03:30:21 --> 03:30:25
			judgment when your sins will be publicly discussed
03:30:25 --> 03:30:27
			if you haven't covered anyone else.
03:30:28 --> 03:30:31
			So here Mirza is guilty of both crimes,
03:30:31 --> 03:30:32
			both types.
03:30:33 --> 03:30:35
			This was a dream which is a spiritual
03:30:35 --> 03:30:37
			experience and he saw her naked as he
03:30:37 --> 03:30:38
03:30:38 --> 03:30:40
			He could have kept it to himself and
03:30:40 --> 03:30:42
			not humiliate her publicly like that.
03:30:42 --> 03:30:46
			A married woman, a married woman, married to
03:30:46 --> 03:30:48
			a Muslim and there is no fault of
03:30:48 --> 03:30:48
03:30:49 --> 03:30:54
			She is innocent of any crime, number one.
03:30:54 --> 03:30:59
			Number two, even if he had this dream,
03:30:59 --> 03:31:02
			he could have simply covered her and not
03:31:02 --> 03:31:03
			mention her nakedness.
03:31:04 --> 03:31:07
			So he is going to extraordinary lengths to
03:31:07 --> 03:31:11
			humiliate this woman, punishing her for not being
03:31:11 --> 03:31:13
			married to him and it wasn't even her
03:31:13 --> 03:31:13
03:31:14 --> 03:31:17
			It was her father's decision to not give
03:31:17 --> 03:31:20
			her to Mirza in marriage and get her
03:31:20 --> 03:31:22
			married to another man called Mirza Sultan Beg.
03:31:23 --> 03:31:26
			Wallahi, any Qadiani watching, we have now substantiated
03:31:26 --> 03:31:29
			our claim with evidence, with reference.
03:31:30 --> 03:31:31
			Everyone can see it on the screen.
03:31:31 --> 03:31:35
			Take a screenshot and ask the Qadianis, how
03:31:35 --> 03:31:37
			can a decent man, how can a moral
03:31:37 --> 03:31:43
			man, let alone a Prophet of Allah, discuss
03:31:43 --> 03:31:46
			this about a woman, an innocent woman publicly?
03:31:46 --> 03:31:50
			Would you want any Tom, Dick or Harry
03:31:51 --> 03:31:53
			discussing your mother, your wife, your daughter?
03:31:54 --> 03:31:56
			Imagine if you went to the member.
03:31:56 --> 03:31:58
			I put this question out to the public.
03:31:59 --> 03:32:00
			Imagine if an Imam went on the member
03:32:02 --> 03:32:04
			and he stood up on Jummah and he
03:32:04 --> 03:32:08
			said, I had a dream and in my
03:32:08 --> 03:32:12
			dream I saw Abdul Ghafoor's wife or I
03:32:12 --> 03:32:15
			saw Abdul Kareem's wife or I saw Muhammad
03:32:15 --> 03:32:19
			Qasim's wife or I saw Jalaluddin's wife, okay,
03:32:20 --> 03:32:23
			naked and he was shaven head.
03:32:23 --> 03:32:28
			And imagine Jalaluddin, okay, or Muhammad Qasim or
03:32:28 --> 03:32:29
			Abdul Kareem.
03:32:29 --> 03:32:31
			These people are sitting in the crowd.
03:32:32 --> 03:32:33
			How do you think they would feel?
03:32:33 --> 03:32:35
			They would get up and they would drag
03:32:35 --> 03:32:37
			this Imam down and probably give him a
03:32:37 --> 03:32:37
03:32:38 --> 03:32:40
			How dare you mention my wife on the
03:32:40 --> 03:32:43
			member and you're humiliating my wife and me?
03:32:44 --> 03:32:47
			This is exactly what Mirza was doing to
03:32:47 --> 03:32:49
			an innocent Muslim woman and her husband.
03:32:50 --> 03:32:53
			You know, you know, Adnan Bhai, first of
03:32:53 --> 03:32:54
			all, I just want because, you know, when
03:32:54 --> 03:32:57
			you go on their website, you cannot find
03:32:57 --> 03:33:00
			the older edition of Tazkira.
03:33:00 --> 03:33:02
			So I just wanted to give you the
03:33:02 --> 03:33:03
			new edition as well.
03:33:03 --> 03:33:05
			So if you go on their website and
03:33:05 --> 03:33:08
			you download the latest edition, so it is
03:33:08 --> 03:33:12
			page number 175 of Tazkira.
03:33:12 --> 03:33:16
			And date is 14th of August, 1892.
03:33:17 --> 03:33:18
			Just remember the date.
03:33:18 --> 03:33:19
			Just remember the date.
03:33:19 --> 03:33:22
			It's easier to find the 14th of August
03:33:22 --> 03:33:24
			is the Independence Day of Pakistan.
03:33:24 --> 03:33:26
			Just remember that the year is 1892.
03:33:27 --> 03:33:28
			The year is 1892.
03:33:28 --> 03:33:29
			You will never forget it.
03:33:29 --> 03:33:30
03:33:30 --> 03:33:31
			Thank you so much.
03:33:31 --> 03:33:31
			Thank you so much.
03:33:32 --> 03:33:33
			I'm going to head out now.
03:33:33 --> 03:33:34
			I really appreciated this, guys.
03:33:35 --> 03:33:37
			And I just wanted to say that something
03:33:37 --> 03:33:39
			that really helped me out when talking was
03:33:39 --> 03:33:42
			brother Rashid, when you talked about the Krishna
03:33:42 --> 03:33:45
			Hadith that they always brought eight years ago,
03:33:45 --> 03:33:46
			when I talked to, you know, with them
03:33:46 --> 03:33:48
			and I couldn't find anything and they couldn't
03:33:48 --> 03:33:48
			find anything.
03:33:49 --> 03:33:50
			You are the person who brought to light
03:33:50 --> 03:33:51
03:33:51 --> 03:33:53
			Please don't stop what you're doing because the
03:33:53 --> 03:33:55
			fact that you said the difference in if
03:33:55 --> 03:33:58
			and versus there is, you know, when I
03:33:58 --> 03:34:00
			brought that up, not one person has been
03:34:00 --> 03:34:01
			able to talk about it in terms of
03:34:01 --> 03:34:02
			their side.
03:34:02 --> 03:34:04
			And I really hope that you continue what
03:34:04 --> 03:34:05
			you do.
03:34:05 --> 03:34:05
03:34:05 --> 03:34:06
			May Allah bless you all for this.
03:34:06 --> 03:34:07
03:34:07 --> 03:34:08
			Take care, guys.
03:34:08 --> 03:34:09
			And brother, real quick.
03:34:09 --> 03:34:11
			I left my phone number in the private
03:34:11 --> 03:34:11
03:34:13 --> 03:34:14
			I still need you on TikTok.
03:34:15 --> 03:34:17
			And then last thing in the Quran, there's
03:34:17 --> 03:34:20
			a lot of Allah says, if it doesn't
03:34:20 --> 03:34:21
			make it true, does not make it true.
03:34:21 --> 03:34:21
03:34:21 --> 03:34:23
			I'm going to message you on WhatsApp.
03:34:23 --> 03:34:24
			Take care, guys.
03:34:24 --> 03:34:25
03:34:28 --> 03:34:31
			Yeah, Ahmed bhai, if you want to bring
03:34:31 --> 03:34:32
			somebody else.
03:34:32 --> 03:34:34
			Daniyal bhai, you're on stage, inshaAllah.
03:34:35 --> 03:34:35
03:34:35 --> 03:34:37
			Assalamualaikum to all the panelists sitting here.
03:34:42 --> 03:34:44
			So first of all, I would just like
03:34:44 --> 03:34:47
			to convey the message that I'm a huge
03:34:47 --> 03:34:48
			fan of brother Adnan.
03:34:48 --> 03:34:50
			I've been talking to him for a long
03:34:50 --> 03:34:51
03:34:52 --> 03:34:54
			I talked to him mostly on brother Ahmed
03:34:54 --> 03:34:56
			Haq's lives, but I never actually had a
03:34:56 --> 03:34:59
			chance to talk to brother Adnan, who I've
03:34:59 --> 03:35:02
			been watching and getting inspired from since the
03:35:02 --> 03:35:04
			past, I don't know, four or five years.
03:35:04 --> 03:35:06
			And I'm also a huge fan.
03:35:06 --> 03:35:08
			And probably like a virtual friend of your
03:35:08 --> 03:35:09
			son, Musa as well.
03:35:09 --> 03:35:11
			He often comes live with brother Ali Dawa
03:35:11 --> 03:35:13
			and, you know, we always have a good
03:35:13 --> 03:35:14
03:35:14 --> 03:35:18
			So brother Adnan, I would like to see
03:35:18 --> 03:35:18
03:35:18 --> 03:35:21
			You guys have, you know, really gone to
03:35:21 --> 03:35:25
			the details of this 14th August dream thing.
03:35:25 --> 03:35:28
			But what's even more absurd than that is
03:35:28 --> 03:35:31
			literally the next statement in the same book
03:35:31 --> 03:35:34
			and the dream that Mirza states.
03:35:34 --> 03:35:38
			And to me, it sounds even more absurd.
03:35:38 --> 03:35:40
			So if anyone can display that on the
03:35:40 --> 03:35:42
			scene, that would be amazing.
03:35:42 --> 03:35:44
			But I can read it out loud if
03:35:44 --> 03:35:44
			you guys want.
03:35:47 --> 03:35:48
			So I'm going to read it out loud
03:35:48 --> 03:35:48
03:35:48 --> 03:35:50
			It's the 20th of August, 1892.
03:35:51 --> 03:35:54
			And Mirza states here that he saw in
03:35:54 --> 03:35:58
			his house, there was some person known as
03:35:58 --> 03:35:58
			Sahib Jaan.
03:35:59 --> 03:36:00
			Does anyone of you Sahib Jaan?
03:36:02 --> 03:36:04
			Sahib Jaan is some person.
03:36:04 --> 03:36:07
			Sahib Jaan was one of his servants?
03:36:08 --> 03:36:10
			Yes, yes, exactly.
03:36:10 --> 03:36:13
			He saw in Sahib Jaan's house a snake
03:36:13 --> 03:36:15
			wandering around.
03:36:15 --> 03:36:17
			And in that dream, Mirza, what he does
03:36:17 --> 03:36:20
			is places his hand on the serpent, on
03:36:20 --> 03:36:21
			the snake and the snake burns.
03:36:22 --> 03:36:25
			And he also sees that one of his
03:36:25 --> 03:36:27
			other, I don't know, one of his other
03:36:27 --> 03:36:32
			servants, Mehmood, he gets his hands burned by
03:36:32 --> 03:36:35
			placing the snake, placing his hand on the
03:36:35 --> 03:36:35
03:36:35 --> 03:36:39
			And he immediately, he immediately like thinks and
03:36:39 --> 03:36:43
			he ilham aata hai.
03:36:43 --> 03:36:46
			He thinks that, you know, in reality, his
03:36:46 --> 03:36:47
			servant's hand has burned.
03:36:48 --> 03:36:49
			But when he goes to his house the
03:36:49 --> 03:36:51
			next morning, he sees that he's absolutely fine.
03:36:52 --> 03:36:53
			So this kind of tells you that his
03:36:53 --> 03:36:56
			dreams are, you know, they have nothing to
03:36:56 --> 03:36:57
			do with reality.
03:37:00 --> 03:37:01
03:37:01 --> 03:37:04
			And even if they are dreams and not
03:37:04 --> 03:37:08
			the reality, in the case of the previous
03:37:08 --> 03:37:12
			dream where he saw Mohammadi Begum allegedly without
03:37:12 --> 03:37:12
03:37:13 --> 03:37:18
			May Allah, you know, reward Mohammadi Begum with
03:37:18 --> 03:37:19
			the highest abode in Jannah.
03:37:20 --> 03:37:20
03:37:20 --> 03:37:24
			She was victimized by this liar, this person.
03:37:24 --> 03:37:25
03:37:26 --> 03:37:28
			He didn't have to say that publicly.
03:37:28 --> 03:37:31
			He should have had the decency to keep
03:37:31 --> 03:37:32
			that dream to himself, even if he had
03:37:32 --> 03:37:34
			it and not put it out publicly.
03:37:34 --> 03:37:37
			Because now she is someone else's honor.
03:37:38 --> 03:37:40
			She is in another man's nikah.
03:37:41 --> 03:37:41
03:37:41 --> 03:37:45
			And if you talk like this in sexual
03:37:45 --> 03:37:48
			terms about someone else's wife publicly and you're
03:37:48 --> 03:37:54
			printing ishtiharat, you're printing public announcements, proclamations, and
03:37:54 --> 03:37:57
			you're publishing them on posters for people to
03:37:57 --> 03:38:00
			see that you saw another man's wife naked
03:38:00 --> 03:38:03
			in your dream in a very despicable shape.
03:38:04 --> 03:38:04
03:38:05 --> 03:38:06
			What are you doing, man?
03:38:07 --> 03:38:08
			What the * is wrong with you?
03:38:09 --> 03:38:13
			Can you imagine this from even a moral,
03:38:13 --> 03:38:16
			normal human being, let alone a prophet of
03:38:16 --> 03:38:16
03:38:16 --> 03:38:18
			This is very, very severe.
03:38:18 --> 03:38:21
			This case, this point alone is enough to
03:38:21 --> 03:38:26
			completely dismantle Mirza or debunk him.
03:38:26 --> 03:38:29
			Brother Adnan, I wonder why the family of
03:38:29 --> 03:38:32
			Mahmoodie Begum, particularly her husband, did they take
03:38:32 --> 03:38:34
			any action against him or did they try
03:38:34 --> 03:38:35
			to confront him or anything?
03:38:35 --> 03:38:38
			No, they were too scared.
03:38:39 --> 03:38:43
			You know, Adnan bhai, because the husband was
03:38:43 --> 03:38:47
			was basically in British army, right, Bashir bhai?
03:38:47 --> 03:38:47
03:38:48 --> 03:38:48
03:38:50 --> 03:38:52
			And you know, the funny part, he was
03:38:52 --> 03:38:53
			in the British army.
03:38:53 --> 03:38:55
			He went into the army to fight in
03:38:55 --> 03:38:56
			the war.
03:38:56 --> 03:38:57
			He even got shot in the war and
03:38:57 --> 03:38:58
			he still survived.
03:39:02 --> 03:39:03
03:39:03 --> 03:39:05
			And even the Second World War didn't kill
03:39:05 --> 03:39:05
03:39:06 --> 03:39:07
			Even the Second World War didn't kill him.
03:39:08 --> 03:39:08
			No, sorry.
03:39:08 --> 03:39:09
			The First World War.
03:39:09 --> 03:39:11
			The First World War, yes.
03:39:13 --> 03:39:14
			He fought in the First World War.
03:39:14 --> 03:39:16
			He got shot, he got injured, but he
03:39:16 --> 03:39:17
			still survived.
03:39:17 --> 03:39:18
			And here is Mirza saying that he would
03:39:18 --> 03:39:19
			have died if she didn't have married him.
03:39:20 --> 03:39:20
03:39:20 --> 03:39:22
			And you know, Adnan bhai, it's very interesting
03:39:22 --> 03:39:24
			that, you know, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
03:39:24 --> 03:39:28
			made sure in every case, whatever Mirza says,
03:39:28 --> 03:39:30
			it has to go against them.
03:39:30 --> 03:39:34
			For example, for example, the classic case of
03:39:34 --> 03:39:36
			Manzoor Muhammad and Mohammadi Begum, the other Mohammadi
03:39:36 --> 03:39:37
			Begum, right?
03:39:38 --> 03:39:40
			When Mirza said that this couple will have
03:39:40 --> 03:39:45
			a son, Bashir-ud-Daulah and Alam Kamab
03:39:45 --> 03:39:46
			and this and this and this.
03:39:46 --> 03:39:47
			Guess what?
03:39:47 --> 03:39:48
			The wife died.
03:39:52 --> 03:39:52
03:39:52 --> 03:39:56
			We don't want to say that wife died
03:39:56 --> 03:39:58
			because of, because Allah wanted to show Mirza
03:39:58 --> 03:39:59
			as a liar.
03:39:59 --> 03:40:03
			But this goes to show that how Allah
03:40:03 --> 03:40:07
			subhanahu wa ta'ala gave ample chances, ample
03:40:07 --> 03:40:12
			opportunities to his followers to contemplate, to know,
03:40:13 --> 03:40:15
			to think that this man is a liar.
03:40:15 --> 03:40:17
			But when you are dheet, when you are
03:40:17 --> 03:40:20
			stubborn, and when you are bent upon going
03:40:20 --> 03:40:22
			to hellfire, no one can save you.
03:40:22 --> 03:40:24
			You have to be willing to learn.
03:40:24 --> 03:40:26
			You have to be willing to change.
03:40:26 --> 03:40:28
			Otherwise, there's no hope for you.
03:40:28 --> 03:40:28
			You know?
03:40:29 --> 03:40:31
			So this is the point.
03:40:31 --> 03:40:33
			So brother Adnan, I would like to ask
03:40:33 --> 03:40:35
			a question regarding the dreams.
03:40:35 --> 03:40:37
			And when we talk about Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's
03:40:37 --> 03:40:39
			dreams, you know, inevitably, you have to bring
03:40:39 --> 03:40:42
			in the so-called and the false revelations
03:40:42 --> 03:40:43
			that he used to receive as well.
03:40:43 --> 03:40:45
			Now, if you look at his books and
03:40:45 --> 03:40:47
			you look at his teachings, you can never
03:40:47 --> 03:40:50
			tell what the guy is saying and what
03:40:50 --> 03:40:52
			he really means by the statements is, does
03:40:52 --> 03:40:55
			he really mean revelations or does he mean
03:40:55 --> 03:40:55
03:40:56 --> 03:41:01
			Because he, see, I have read some scripts
03:41:01 --> 03:41:03
			of Mirza and I can never tell it,
03:41:03 --> 03:41:06