Adnan Rajeh – The Unlawfulness of Harm #4

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the unlawfulness of harm and the importance of prioritizing one's relationship with Allah. They explain the narrations of the hadith and how it relates to the bankruptcy of a bankruptcy. The speaker emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and acknowledges that forgiveness is not a means of satisfaction.
AI: Transcript ©
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And the theme of the unlawfulness of harm

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is what we're talking about. And I've narrated

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for you 3 or 4 hadith so far

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about this.

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And what I'm trying to explain establish for

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you is that any form of harm is

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a problem for you on the day of

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judgment. No matter how small it is, no

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matter how

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simple it is, no matter how trivial you

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may feel it is, any aspect, any form

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of harm, any degree of harm is something

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that you're going to have to put yeah.

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Any be you're you're gonna have to answer

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for an idea of judgment. As a Muslim,

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you your number 1 priority in terms of

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people is that you don't cause harm. You

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You have priorities with Allah in terms of

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your relationship with Allah and and and obeying

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and rituals. When it comes to people, the

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number 1 thing is you don't cause harm.

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And this is something that's well established in

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our deen and in the Quran. The sunnah,

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I'm trying to stop I explained that to

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you and and just and demonstrate it for

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you. And the hadith tonight is very famous.

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You you know this hadith, but I cannot

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it's impossible for me to go through a

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series of the unlawfulness of harm and then

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not narrate this hadith that I have to

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do do it at some point. So I

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thought I would do it at I mean,

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somewhere in the middle. So he said, alayhis

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thought to some, this hadith narrated by Muslim,

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to the Sahaba. I said,

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Do you know who is bankrupt?

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But the answer to him

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the person who has no no, assets,

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has no, no liquidity, no wealth, no money,

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doesn't have a dirham, which is made of

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of of silver, a dinar, which is made

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of gold. He has no gold or silver.

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He has nothing. Have no buying power. That's

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what a muful is a bankrupt person is.

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he repeated the question again. So they repeated

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the answer and they repeated the question again

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and they repeated the answer. He was giving

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them a chance to see something see something

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and they didn't. So then he said,

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use the word.

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Right? And the the person from my

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the person who comes to day of judgment

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And I'm you and I use this wording

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in, 1 of the narrations. There's 3 narrations

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for this hadith. I'm gonna choose 1 of

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them. He said,

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In this hadith, that's the wording that the

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the narrator gave us. He comes on the

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day of judgement and he he performed salah

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and he performed qiyam

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and he actually did he prayed at night.

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He would get up at night and pray

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So not just the 5 prayers. This person

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went 1 step further and they did And

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they paid their

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but they come.

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And they have hit this person.

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And they cursed out this person.

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And they took took the wealth of this

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person person.

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And they have shed the blood of this

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And they and and they ruined the integrity

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of this person.

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And then every each of each person who

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was harmed is going to take away from

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from this person's good deeds

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Once their his Hasanat runs out, they start

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the the other people's bad deeds and putting

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it on his scale. So he's getting bad

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And that is the bankrupt person

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from the ummah of the prophet

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from this nation.

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So the bankrupt person of this nation is

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not the person who has no wealth,

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who doesn't have, yeah, any money.

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Bank account is empty. The bankrupt person is

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the day person who comes on day of

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and they have caused so much harm to

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people that they lose all of their saiyanat.

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And then they take on saiyanat they didn't

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do, and then now they only all they

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have is saiyanat, and now they deserve the

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hellfire. Even though they came in with salah

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and and

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Zakat. It's just that that's gonna be taken

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away from them because you owe something. From

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Duniya, you owe something. There's no currency, you

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know, to pay back in Duniya if I

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harm you,

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I I can figure out some way to

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fix it. What what what is it worth?

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How much do you want? How much do

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you want to drop this? And I can

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pay you. Even it could it could be

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expensive in terms of money, but it's money.

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Right? It's it's way less expensive than hasanat

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because the currency of Mirkiyam is hasanat and

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sayyat. And if you owe people something, that

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is what you're gonna be paying through.

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So, yes, you prayed and you should be

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entering Jannah because of the prayers that you

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have, but they're not yours. Because you you

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have debt that you haven't paid. You're gonna

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pay them back with those. Now you have

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nothing to allow you to enter anymore. Because

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if you come and you trespass and you

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transgress against the the rituals of Allah.

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Our lord is extremely forgiving, very merciful. If

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you come, you missed a prayer here, you

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missed something there, he'll forgive

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you. He's

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the most merciful. He will forgive you inshallah.

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You will you will find forgiveness, but people

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aren't people aren't forgiving. People are not forgive

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people are not merciful.

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Human beings are very stingy when you harm

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them. Look at yourself when you're harmed and

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tell me how easy it is for you,

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how quick are you to forgive people until

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when you're harmed. I have people that I'm

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I'm they're going to stand,

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I let go of it in Dunia.

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They're gonna stand, and I ain't going nowhere

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until we stand there and that and and

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what happened is rectified, and I take what

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is mine.

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And I take what I don't see myself

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ever being able to forgive them, and I'm

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gonna take back what is mine. That's how

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we are as human beings. Make sure you're

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not on the wrong side of that transaction,

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because the currency that you pay with is

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is insanely expensive.

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It's insanely

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And that's the bankrupt

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person of the nation of Muhammad alayhi salawat

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wa sallam. The person who

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comes and there's nothing left in their scales.

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Because, yes, they came with good deeds, but

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they harmed people and they didn't fix it

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and that harm

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All debts are gonna be paid,

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Think about that. All debts are gonna be

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paid, even the smallest ones.

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So if you've caused harm and you didn't

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rectify it, you didn't look for ways to

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fix it, then it

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could be a scary thing. And I think

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that's a

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a worthy reminder for all of us as

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Muslims and it's something the prophet

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took time to explain to his companions, and

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I hope that was a benefit to you.

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