Adnan Rajeh – The Significance of Invocation 4

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The Prophet's message is a collection of hadiths that are considered authentic and apply to various people, including those who are not familiar with his teachings. The "ham" is a sign of weakness, and the developers of the "ham" are not present for that purpose. The importance of forgiveness is emphasized, and seeing and forgiving people for their actions is emphasized. The "ham" is not just for the people sitting on them, but for the people who sit with them, forget about them, and want to be reminded.
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This is the night of Jumu'ah, the
blessed night, the night of barakah, and this
night and this sunnah is to increase your
salah upon the Prophet, peace and blessings be
upon him, and all good deeds.
The hadith and I a collection of both
Bukhari and Muslim narrators by Abu Huraira, and
the theme of the significance of zikr or
invocation is still what I'm covering in.
This is a very famous hadith, it's a
long one, so I'm going to narrate it
in pieces as we go along, and I
won't do too much reflection so that we
don't keep people too long.
But it's a very beautiful hadith, it's worth
your while to know this hadith in your
life and kind of have it applied to
Most long hadiths aren't authentic, this is one
of the ones that are, and it's a
very beautiful concept that you'll find within it.
And this is what he said, peace and
blessings be upon him, This
hadith is both Bukhari and Muslim, that the
Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, tells
us that indeed Allah, peace and blessings be
upon him, has on earth malaika.
Now malaika, when we talk about the angels,
we only know so many things about angels.
A lot of what we know about angels
sometimes is not actually true, it's just based
on whatever we inherited within the culture that
we're living in.
But Allah created these creatures from noor, and
we don't know much else aside from the
fact that they obey Allah, whatever he says.
And they have intellect, and they have choice,
they just can't choose to disobey him, and
they can ask questions, and they can have
As you'll find in the Quran, they talk
to Allah, they asked him when he created
Adam, what is this, and where is it?
So they are creatures that have minds, and
they have the ability to speak, and they
have different purposes.
Jibreel's purpose is to bring huda, which is
why he is the highest ranked malaika amongst
them all.
Because he is the one who is given
the responsibility to carry the word of God
to his messengers, so there's nothing more important
to that.
And then you have Mikal, and you have
Malakul Maut, and you have Nafiqul Sur, you
have all of these different malaika who have
different purposes.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has amongst the
malaika, a group that have a purpose of
just going around earth, looking for people who
are gathering to remember Allah subhanahu wa ta
That's it.
This is what he says, this is literally
the wording.
Looking for people, like this one here.
I speak to you about Allah, and you're
listening, this is dhikr.
This is a form of dhikr.
Salah is a form of dhikr.
Majlis ilm, a seating of knowledge, is a
form of dhikr.
Anything, halaqat quran, halaqat anything, this is a
form of dhikr.
We're speaking, we are embracing Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala's book, we're speaking about Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala, about his teachings, this is
a form of dhikr.
So they go around, until they find a
group that are embracing or engaging in the
act of remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala, or invocation.
So they call each other, tanada, halummu ila
haajatikum, come to what you've been looking for.
Qala fayahaffoonahum bi ajnihatihim ila as-sama'id
dunya, and they come and they smother these
people with their wings, to protect them.
And to allow Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's
mercy to come upon them.
And then they return to as-sama'id
dunya, and they continue to protect them until
they get too far.
And then when they get too far away,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala asks them, Fayaqululuhum
rabbuhum, maada yaqulu ibadi, these people that you
were with, what are they saying?
Fayaqululuna yusabbihunaka, yukabbirunaka, yahmadunaka, yumajidunaka.
They are exalting you, they are praising you,
they are magnifying you, they are showing you
This is what they're doing, this is what
they're spending time doing.
Fayaqululuhum rabbuhum, hayra'ooni, have they seen me?
Fayaqululuna la, lam yara'uk, they have not
seen you.
Fayaqululuhum, fakayfa law ra'ooni, how would they
behave had they seen me?
Fayaqululuna, kanu ashadda laka tamjida, wa ashadda laka
ta'zima, wa akthara laka tasbiha.
Then they would have exalted you more, and
they would have magnified you more, and they
would have exalted you much more than they
were doing before.
Fayaqululuhum rabbuhum, famaada yas'aloon, and Allah asks
them, wa huwa a'lam, in the hadith
the Prophet ﷺ, every time he gives us
the wording of God, he says, wa huwa
a'lam, when Allah asks a question before
he's asked, the Prophet ﷺ says, wa huwa
a'lam, he knows more than the mala
'ika about this question.
This whole hadith is for ibrah, for you
to learn something.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala does not require
the mala'ika to explain anything to him.
He does not lack the knowledge, subhanahu wa
But it's there for us to reflect upon,
to hear, so that we have a good
understanding of how Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
sees us, and sees the actions that we
engage in, and what he values, subhanahu wa
Fayaqululuhum, famaada yas'aloon, what are they asking
for, wa huwa a'lam, Fayaqululuhum, yas'aloonaka
aljanna, they're asking you that you grant them
aljanna and the akhira.
Fayaqululuhum, hal ra'oha, and he says, why,
have they seen it?
Fayaqululuhum, la, no, they have not.
Fayaqululuhum, fa kayfa la ra'oha, how would
they behave had they actually seen it?
Fayaqululuhum, kanu idhan ashadda alaiha hirsa, wa ashadda
laha talaba, wa a'adha ma feeha ragda,
then they would be much more engaged in
taking it, they would care about it more,
they would be focused on having it more
than anything else, and they would have loved
it more.
Fayaqululuhum, famimma yata'awadhoon, what is it that
they seek refuge from, what are they scared
of, what do they not want?
Fayaqululuhum, yata'awadhoona bikaminan, now they are seeking
refuge in you from the hellfire.
Fayaqululuhum, hal ra'oha, have they seen it?
Fayaqululuhum, la, no, they have not.
Fayaqululuhum, fa kayfa la ra'oha, how would
they behave had they seen it?
Fayaqululuhum, kanu idhan ashadda minha firara, wa ashadda
laha makhafa, had they seen it then they
would run away from it quicker, and they
would be in a higher state of fear
from it.
Fayaqululuhum rabbu subhanahu wa ta'ala, ya malaikati,
ishahadu anni qad ghafartu lahum, O my malaikat
be my witness, be witness that I have
forgiven them.
Fayaqululuhum rabbana feehim fulanun ata lihaajatin laysa minhum,
but amongst these people that you have just
forgiven, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make
us amongst those people.
He said amongst them is someone who came
for a haaj, meaning he didn't come to
embrace in the remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala, he had no interest in the
salah, he didn't care for the khatir or
the dhikr, he didn't want to be reminded,
but he had to wait for fulan, because
they need something from fulan, so he waited
for fulan anyways.
So the malaikat are saying what about fulan,
he's not really there for that purpose, is
he also forgiven?
Fayaqululuhum rabbu subhanahu wa ta'ala, ghafartu lahumul
qawmu la yashqa bihim jaleesuhum, I have forgiven
him, because they are the people whom whoever
sits with them can never go wrong, they
can never be in a state of shaqa,
in a state of humiliation, or a state
of loss, those who sit with them, forget
about actually doing what they are doing, if
they just end up being in their vicinity,
then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, mercy will
find its way to them.
Subhanahu wa ta'ala jalla jalaluhum, ta'azamallah,
taqaddasallah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, tabbirullah, wamajidullah, wahidullah,
la ilaha illa hu, this is how you
know that inshallah, you are amongst those people.
This is what he says, he tells us
the story, this story is a figurative story,
it is not just for ibra or ibra,
that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has malaikat,
who have one job, they just go around
to see who is remembering Allah, and then
they come and they love them.
That's what the malaikat, yahafunahum bi ajnihatihim, they
just cuddle them, they cuddle them with their
wings, it's love, it's a hug, they just
come and they love them, and they show
them love, and then they speak to their
Lord, and they advocate for you, and say
yes, they are doing this, who knows, they
don't know what's in your heart, they don't
know if you have ikhlas or not, they
don't know, they just see you saying la
ilaha illallah, subhanallah, taqaddasallah, nahmadullah, they see you
exalting and praising and glorifying and magnifying the
Lord, so they go to Allah and they
say this is what they are doing.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's question every
time is, have they seen me, have their
senses been able to reach me, or reach
my jannah, or reach my naab, no, their
senses have not been able to reach you
yet, they are doing it based on, just
based on the evidence that you provided for
them in the universe, they know you are
there even though they can't reach you with
their ears or their eyes or their noses
or their tongues or their hands, they can't
touch you yet, they can't see you, but
they know, so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
says, what if they could, what if they
could, what if they could see Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala, then what, then how would
they be?
Isn't that what ihsan is, brothers and sisters?
When the Prophet alayhi salatu was asked by
Jibreel in the famous hadith that every child
here memorizes, what is ihsan, what did he
tell them?
To worship Allah as if you can see
him, but you can't, so you are happy
with the fact that he sees you, there
is nothing left between you and Allah except
to see him, that's what this hadith, that's
what ihsan is.
What if they could see me, well then
they would be much, it would be a
different level, it would be a different level
in their hearts of their love for you
and their exaltation for you.
They asked Jannah, okay have they seen it,
no, what if they could see it?
Are they scared from Jahannam, yes, what if
they could see it?
Don't wait until you see it, don't wait
until you see it, if you wait until
you see it then you are too late,
do what this hadith is saying, no, do
what this hadith is saying, increase your glorification
of Allah, your magnification, your love for Allah
even though you can't see him, increase your
desire in Jannah even though you can't see
it, increase your fear and refuge seeking from
Allah even though you can't see it, don't
wait until you can see it, that's not
a good strategy, it's not a good strategy
to wait until you can see it, these
Malaik are just there to encourage this peace
and then even if someone is sitting amongst
them, that's why, if you just spend time
with good people, this phrase is a phrase
that only the divine can say, only the
divine himself can say this phrase, the one
who sits with them will never go wrong,
will never be punished, will always find forgiveness,
you go and you cuddle up to the
Saliheen and you stick yourself with them, you
make sure you are in their vicinity, even
if, as what he has said, I love
the Saliheen, I am not one of them,
this is what the Imam is saying, and
I hope to find their intercession on the
day of judgement, why?
the people, the one who spends time with
them will be forgiven even though he has
nothing like them, he wasn't there for the
same reason, he didn't have the same intention
at all, may Allah make us amongst those
people and grant us that barakah and that
beauty, because what's more beautiful than that, imagine
that you sit here right now, and this
is what you are getting, as you sit
here, the Malaik are cuddling you with their
wings, and they are speaking to their Lord,
saying, oh no, they are here, saying, they
are magnifying you, oh Allah, they are glorifying
you, and if they saw you, they would
do even better, but they are there, and
Allah tells them, I forgive them all, may
Allah forgive all of us, what is left
in life, tell me, think about it, come
explain to me, what is left in life
itself, aside from Allah, having the Malaik be
his witness, as he forgives you, and forgives
all those who just hang out with you,
because you are loving him, because you are
speaking of him, because it is impossible for
your tongue to speak his name and sing
his praise, and he not love you back,
and he not show you the grace that
you have shown yourself, and I find that
to be an absolutely beautiful concept to reflect
what do my servants say?
they say, they glorify you, and praise you,
and glorify you, and glorify you, they say,
have they seen me?
they say, no, they say, how could they
have seen me?
they say, then they would have been more
glorifying to you, more glorifying to you, more
glorifying to you, they say, then what do
they ask for?
they say, Paradise, they say, have they seen
they say, no, they say, how could they
have seen it?
they say, then were they more eager to
see it, and more eager to see it,
they say, then what do they ask for?
they say, they ask for you from the
fire, they say, have they seen it?
they say, no, they say, then how could
they have seen it?
they say, then were they more eager to
flee from it, and more eager to fear
it, they say, bear witness, O angels, that
I have forgiven them, they say, there is
a man among them, he has come to
me for a need that is not of
their own, they say, I have forgiven him,
they are the people, their sitting is not
painful for them.