Adnan Rajeh – The Significance of Invocation #3

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The speaker discusses the importance of comparing individuals in various situations, such as death or alive, to avoid confusion. They use an example of the Prophet's words, which they believe are powerful and reference to the importance of speaking of Allah's name. The speaker emphasizes the need for competitions and ways to make it happen.
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يَرُوِي لِإِمَانَ الْبُخَارِيُّ فِي صَحِيهِ عَنْ أَبِي مُوسَى
الْأَشْعَرِيِّ قَالَ قَالَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلَيْهُ
سَلَمُ The Hadith Tonight, Collection of Imam Bukhari,
Narrated by Abu Musa al-Ash'ari And
inshallah, after, this is a very short khatir,
I won't take a few minutes And then
after that, inshallah ta'ala, we have a
student who just finished reciting a full khatmah
upon Shaykh Ra'id and brother Zakariya So
inshallah, we're going to have the khatmah recitation
here after the Salat al-Sunnah If you
would like to attend, you're welcome to inshallah
ta'ala If you'd like to attend like
a khatmah and a dua of the student
and of the Shaykh for him as well
And to congratulate the student inshallah ta'ala
upon concluding his khatmah al-ijaza Then you're
welcome to do that inshallah ta'ala as
well It's something worthy of celebrating and of
inshallah using as a means to encourage younger
people Or others to inshallah walk down that
same path and enjoy the barakah of the
Qur'an So he says in this famous
hadith, the theme is still the significance of
dhikr I'm going to talk about this for
a while until I can get my thoughts
straight and prepare to talk about something different
He says, the example of someone who
mentions Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, remembers Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala, speaks of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala And the one who doesn't,
the example of the person who has a
daily wird where they sit and they just
perform tasbih And salat on the Prophet ﷺ
and tahleel of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and hamd and istighfar The person who does
this daily and the example of the person
who does not do that in the eyes
of the Prophet ﷺ An example of the
alive and the dead And this plays into
the same point I was making yesterday Yes
your body may be fine, the physical aspect
of your existence may be doing really well
But your spirit may not And what is
the point if your body is alive but
your spirit is dead What's the point if
your spirit that wants Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala is deprived from Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala So on the inside it's shriveled and
it's in pain and it's like it's almost
dead And even though the body outside may
be attractive and young and everything is nice
because you're still in your twenties But your
spirit isn't And the Prophet ﷺ would use
this example, this is the example he made
ﷺ No one could make this example but
Rasulullah ﷺ And get away with it obviously
by explaining it and people accepting it The
example of the one who speaks of Allah
and remembers him and invocates him And the
example of the person who doesn't is like
the example of someone who is alive and
someone who is literally dead Is there any
comparison between an alive person and a dead
one In any way, can you compare in
any form between someone who is alive and
someone who is dead What comparison can you
draw between someone who is alive and someone
who is dead Are there ways to compare,
are there any competitions that are appropriate to
make between a live person and a dead
one Give me something Any form of comparison
that would be appropriate between someone who is
still alive and someone who is dead There's
nothing, there's actually nothing in common anymore Which
is why the first thing we do when
someone passes away is we put them in
the ground Because they're no longer a person,
it's just flesh that will go back to
the earth very quickly So the Prophet ﷺ
is telling us, you speak of Allah, you
don't speak of Allah It's like someone who
is alive and someone who is dead What
more of a comparison does he need to
give in order for this point to become
clear What more does he need to say
in order for us to understand that we
cannot afford not to be in connection with
Allah Not to be speaking of Allah, thinking
of Allah, rejoicing in His name, singing His
praise within ourselves and amongst people around us
I think this is one of the most
powerful traditions and narrations that we have As
simple as it is, I hope that you
find that beneficial