Adnan Rajeh – The Pledge of Al-Aqabah – An Offering And A Return

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The speakers discuss the importance of protecting each other's values and deeds in a love atmosphere. They emphasize the need for a pledge to protect everyone and commit to change in social values. They also emphasize the need for intervention in the situation of an Arab conflict and offer proposals to avoid deaths and achieve success in life. They stress the importance of finding a path forward to achieve success and avoiding false accusations.
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وَقَدْ جَعَلْتُمُ اللَّهَ عَلَيْكُمْ كَفِيلًا إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَعْلَمُ
مَا تَفْعَلُونَ It's difficult to feel any form
of joy or optimism for anything that's occurring
anywhere in the world.
When we continue to watch the people of
Gaza pull their children and their elderly and
their family members from under the rubble of
their own homes, entering the 14th month or
15th month even of this ongoing massacre, of
this ongoing genocidal attempt, I have to admit
that I feel even as someone who speaks
on Manabir and teaches Islamic studies to people
and spends a lot of time chatting with
individuals and groups in different settings that the
needle has been shifted quite a bit when
it comes to this topic.
In terms of people's bravery, in terms of
their courage, in terms of what the public
opinion actually is and what we feel we
can address and what we feel we could
not address before, I am the product of
my background and upbringing and society at the
end, nothing more.
And I feel less interested in what the
western governments have to say about my opinion
on certain things these days.
I have lost that feeling of caring, I
don't care anymore.
I honestly don't care what they think about
what I think at all.
Not a bit, not even one bit.
I used to, I admit, I used to
feel that there was hope for different cultures
and different ways of thought coming together and
actually living in harmony and for there to
be a certain degree of mutual respect that
actually exists between different schools of thought in
life and I don't feel that that's the
case at all.
Because as a Muslim, I feel completely targeted,
I feel isolated, I feel violated, frankly, in
the way that every government in the world
has dealt with this ongoing saga.
And when I look at it, I'm forced
to go back in history a few more
decades and see that this has been going
on for a long time.
For a long time, a blind eye has
been drawn to the pain and the bloodshed
and the suffering of Muslim people everywhere.
It doesn't seem to matter to them.
And I never thought it should, I never
thought it should.
I know that it doesn't.
And I think it's naive of us to
think that any group on the earth would
care for us more than we care for
ourselves or that they will actually prioritize us
in any way.
But I used to think that living here,
there was a certain standard that we were
all being held to.
And I find that really the only group
that's being held to any standard is the
group that I'm a part of.
Everyone else can go ahead and do whatever
they want, say whatever they want, behave any
way they want, and with very little consequences.
And I think that has brought out of
the Muslim community within this part of the
world good things.
I honestly think good things have come from
Watching our university students camp out on campus
almost all across North America, to me, was
something very refreshing.
I didn't know that was even possible.
I didn't think that that was something that
could happen.
And I couldn't even imagine that it would
bring any khair, meaning any of the universities
would actually cave into any of their demands.
But they did.
They did.
And it just goes to show that I
think we have lacked a little bit of
courage here.
And I speak here, and honestly, I'm talking,
you're listening to me, but I am speaking
to myself.
I'm not speaking to you when I say
these things.
And I think we need to start speaking
up a little bit louder, a little bit
clearer about what it is that we believe
in, and what we demand, and how we
see the world.
And we have to bring that to the
center, to the front.
We ask Allah to grant the people of
Gaza a way out from the misery that
they are in, and grant them their victory,
and grant them their freedom.
As I ask Allah to grant that to
the people of Lebanon, and the people of
Sham, and Sudan, and Bangladesh, and Pakistan, and
the people from Myanmar, and from China, and
the Muslims that exist in every corner of
the world where they are not being treated
I ask Allah to grant them the victory,
and the way out that they hope for,
and that they aspire to.
Allahumma ameen.
And I think while saying that, it just
makes the topic that I'm sharing with you
more important.
It just makes it more important.
We're lacking a pledge.
We're lacking an agreement.
We're lacking a way to ensure that everyone
in this room, and beyond this room, across
the globe, Muslims around the world, hold themselves
to a specific standard.
A standard that we all owe ourselves, and
owe Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to be
held to.
I think that's a piece that's missing.
If we continue to deal with our own
deen in the form of it being something
that we like, it's something that if we
have time we contribute to, we participate to
the best of our ability, I don't think
we're going to get very far.
The way we have to see it is
the way the Ansar saw it, when they
offered their pledge to the Prophet ﷺ.
So let's go back quickly, and I'm going
to bring this whole thing together.
We've been through all five articles.
I want to bring it all together for
you today.
When he stood there ﷺ, after the introduction
actually occurred, and he explained what he wanted.
He said, وَتَنصُرُونَ
مِمَّا تَمْنَعُونَ وَتَنصُرُونَ بِهِ أَهْلِكُمْ وَأَمْوَالَكُمْ When he
asked for those five things, he said, you
have to adhere to the teachings I will
bring you.
I'm coming as a leader, you have to
adhere to the teachings, you have to commit
to your wealth, you have to commit to
a change in social values, you need to
put your deen first, you have to prioritize
it, and you have to make sure that
it's best interest is always what you're thinking
about, it's not second to anything, it's second
to none.
And that you must protect this message with
all your might.
That's what he asked them for ﷺ.
Al-Bara' ibn Ma'rur, the eldest of
the group, he said, Yes, Ya Rasulullah, we
will protect you with that which we use
to protect ourselves and our family.
We know that you are Rasulullah, and we
are the people of war, and we have
inherited the strength of fighting for what we
believe in from our ancestors, and we will
show that to you.
نُبَعِعُكَ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ That's what he said.
فَقَامَ أَبُو الْحَيْثَمِ إِبْنُ التِّهَانِ فَقَالَ يَا رَسُولَ
اللَّهِ And then Abu al-Haytham ibn al
-Tihan, one of the elders of the Ansar,
put his hand up before people got a
little bit too rowdy, and he said, يَا
رَسُولَ اللَّهِ إِنَّ بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَ أَقْوَامٍ حِبَالًا وَإِنَّا
قَاطِعُوهَا فَهَلْ عَسَيْتَ إِنِ اللَّهُ أَظْهَرَكَ عَلَى النَّاسِ
أَن تَتْرُكَنَا وَتَدَعَنَا إِلَى قَوْمِكِ He said, we
have a lot of alliances and treaties with
tribes that exist inside our city and outside,
and most of those treaties are going to
be severed with you coming to us.
We're going to lose our alliances.
We're going to lose the good blood that
we have with a lot of the tribes
around us.
If Allah ﷻ grants you the victory and
the strength that you aspire to, will the
day come where you will leave us and
go somewhere else?
Again, take this in the symbolism that it's
It's through this pledge that he came to
them ﷺ.
It's through this pledge that he came to
them ﷺ.
And Abu al-Haytham's fear was, what will
happen if it works out?
Do you leave us then?
Will a day come where you leave us?
I'm going to commit everything for you, Ya
Rasool Allah.
Will you leave me hanging at some point?
Will you leave me out to dry?
Will you leave me with nothing?
Will that happen at some point?
Will I give you everything, Ya Rasool Allah,
and at some point you will leave me
and walk away from me?
And leave me to face the consequences of
what I did for you?
Will a day like that come?
It's a very good concern.
فقال رسول الله ﷺ أَبَلِ الدَّمُ الدَّمُ وَالْهَدْمُ
الْهَدْمُ أَنَا مِنكُمْ وَأَنتُم مِّنِّي أُسَالِمُ مَنْ سَالَمْتُمْ
وَأُحَارِبُ مَنْ حَارَبْتُمْ He said, no, my blood
is now your blood.
And I will live with you, and I
will die with you.
Your friends are my friends, and your enemies
are my enemies, and I will be with
you till the end.
فَكَبَّرَ النَّاسُ اللَّهُ أَكْبَرَ See, once you accept
this pledge, He comes to you, ﷺ, He
never leaves.
He will never leave you, ﷺ.
He will stay with you till the end
of your life.
You will always be there.
You will never be left alone.
The moment you say, Ya Rasulullah, yes, I
offer this.
The moment you say that to your...
The moment you offer it, then you will
never be alone.
You will never...
Because He is making this pledge on behalf
of God Himself.
That's why.
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يُبَايِعُونَكَ إِنَّمَا يُبَايِعُونَ اللَّهُ يَدُوا اللَّهِ
فَوْقَ أَيْدِيهِمْ Indeed, the ones who are giving
their pledge to you, exclusively, they are offering
their pledge to God Himself.
The hand of God is above all of
their hands.
You know, when people do a pledge, they
put their hands on top of their hands.
That's how we agree to something.
Everyone puts their hand.
You have five or six people with their
hands on top of each other, agreeing.
They do it when they play sports.
It happened even before that in war.
But you put your pledge.
Allah says, يَدُوا اللَّهِ فَوْقَ أَيْدِيهِمْ Figuratively speaking,
Allah's hand is above all of their hands.
Meaning, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is in
this with you too.
You are offering this pledge to Allah.
He is the medium, ﷺ.
He is the tool.
He is what Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
is using for this pledge to be meaningful.
Because He is the most beloved to Him
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
See, when you offer this pledge, Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala gifts you the thing He
loves most.
Rasulullah ﷺ.
He offers you Muhammad.
You know, you want to...
You offer me this pledge, I'm going to
give you that which I love most on
this earth.
That which I've always loved the most.
I'm going to give you Habibi Rasulullah ﷺ.
That's what they were offered.
So people, Takbir, Allahu Akbar, they were all...
And they were ready to go and perform
their bay'ah.
And As'ad ibn Zurara would stand and
say, Hold on.
He said, تَخَافُونَ مِنْ أَنفُسِكُمْ خِيْفَةً فَبَيِّنُوا ذَلِكَ
وَذَرُوهُ فَهُوَ أَعْذَرُ لَكُمْ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ تَعَالَى As
'ad was 21 years old when he said...
22 years old when he said this.
Here's the wisdom of this gentleman.
As'ad would die the year later.
He would die the next year.
He was the person who was there the
first day.
See, when the Prophet ﷺ, the Hajj of
the 10th year, spoke to the first six
individuals of Yathrib, As'ad was the eldest
of them.
As'ad is the one who said, Yes,
yes, we want to do this.
So he went and he brought 72 people
the next time, this time.
And he took Mus'ab with him the
He brought 12 people the time after, sorry.
And they took Mus'ab with him.
They came back with 72.
He has been the orchestrator of all of
Mus'ab lived in his house.
He gave the first khutbah to Sayyidina As
He would only live a year later.
Why is he intervening right now?
He's intervening because this is where an intervention
is needed.
He said, Slow down, Ahl Yathrib.
We only came here because we knew he
is Rasulullah ﷺ.
We know that.
And we also know that the moment we
bring him to us, we are now up
against all of the Arab.
And many of our great people will die,
not knowing that he was going to die
himself, رضي الله عنه, a year later.
And the swords of the Arab are going
to come for you.
So either you are people who have perseverance,
and have patience, and are willing to go
through all of that.
So take him with you.
And your ajr is with Allah ﷻ.
Or you are people who have a little
bit of fear left inside of you.
And if you have a little bit of
fear left inside of you, then say, We
have some fear.
Because that's at least an excuse that you
can show Allah ﷻ that we were scared.
That's why we didn't do it.
So as he is saying that, someone in
the crowd will call and say, فَمَا لَنَا
إِن فَعَلْنَا So what do we do?
What do we get in return if we
do all these things?
What do we get in return if we
do all of these things?
All five stuff that you asked, what do
we get in return?
Because As'ad made a good point.
This is a big deal.
Are you sure about this?
Take a moment and think.
Islam does not need anyone.
Allah ﷻ does not need anyone.
You and I need this.
No, Allah does not.
Allah ﷻ is not in need of His
servants, nor is His deen, nor is His
book, nor is His Habib ﷺ.
This is for them.
The price is an expensive price to pay.
It's heavy.
Are you sure about this?
Are you sure when you give your word,
you have to come through with it?
So he started thinking.
So one of them came up with a
good idea.
And he said, فَمَا لَنَا What do we
So we're going to do all this.
What do we get?
فَقَالَ صَلَالَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ الْجَنَّةَ أَقُولُ قَوْلِ هَذَا
وَاسْتَغْفِرُ اللَّهَ لِي وَلَكُمْ فَاسْتَغْفِرُوهُ يَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ يَا
فَوْزَ الْمُسْتَغْفِرِينَ استغفِرُوا اللَّهُ الحمد
لله وحده وصلى الله وسلم وبارك على من
لا نبي بعده وعلى آله وصحبه ومن اتبع
نهجه ورفع عهده يقول تعالى إِنَّ اللَّهَ اشْتَرَى
مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ أَنفُسَهُمْ وَأَمْوَالَهُمْ بِأَنَّ لَهُمُ الْجَنَّةَ this
ayah in surah al-tawbah you go back
to the tafsir and you see the narration
that we have from عبد الله بن رواح
رضي الله عنه who attended bayat al-aqaba
he says that this verse was revealed regarding
that that this verse was revealed regarding bayat
al-aqaba that's his narration that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala himself would answer the ansari
who asked the question what do we get
in return?
you get jannah that's it there was no
more he did not elaborate on it at
all he didn't offer anything more he didn't
even spend a moment describing jannah or talking
about the beauty of what you will find
when you're in the presence of the almighty
himself subhanahu wa ta'ala when you're taking
to the place where you are you have
access to his compassion and his mercy and
his love and his grace and his knowledge
subhanahu wa ta'ala in ways that the
human mind does not have the ability to
even begin to imagine he didn't spend any
time explaining any of that he just said
what you get in return is jannah you
offer this and you get jannah and if
you want jannah as well then you have
to offer what they did you have to
offer what they offered you have to live
your life in adherence to his words subhanahu
wa ta'ala following what he taught you
have to commit your wealth you have to
commit to changing social values and standing by
the principles of your deen you have to
put Islam first at all times you have
to protect it with your life and your
wealth and whatever else you have and whatever
else you possess and if you don't do
that then it's not fair it's not fair
for them to have to give all of
that to get jannah and then we'd give
something less and get the same it doesn't
make any sense that's what they offered when
he said aljannah alayhi salatu wasalam that's all
he said qalu amit anna yadaka ya as
'ad as'ad get out of the way
we're going to perform our bay'ah this
is a winning transaction for us we do
not accept this bay'ah this pledge to
be removed from your side nor will we
remove it from our side people started pushing
and shoving and the way they were seeing
it as if whoever was going to perform
the bay'ah first was going to enter
jannah yawm al qiyamah first so i ask
you oh ibadallah do you offer your pledge
to the prophet alayhi salatu wasalam ya ibadallah
do you offer your pledge to the prophet
as the ansar offered their pledge to the
prophet alayhi salatu wasalam and if you do
then make sure that you understand what the
articles are and you don't need to write
a paper you don't need witnesses all you
need to say is i offer you this
pledge i will live my life the way
you asked i will follow the book i
will put my wealth i will adhere to
the values i will put islam first and
i will protect this with all of my
might and once you do that he will
enter your life alayhi salatu wasalam and once
he enters your life he will never leave
you he will never leave you and that
will be and that is the best transaction
you can ever imagine what is better in
your life than having rasulallah alayhi salatu wasalam
in your heart carrying him with you carrying
his teachings and his legacy alayhi salatu wasalam
this is how islam will come back again
islam will come back in a correct form
when people offer the prophet alayhi salatu wasalam
that which those who lived with him offered
him during his life alayhi salatu wasalam it's
not too late and there's no difference there's
no difference from that night that night in
minna that thirteenth night of hajj in the
twelfth year there's no difference from that moment
and the moment that i share with you
right now time doesn't stop for anyone time
keeps on moving and there's no difference today
than it was yesterday what was offered to
him yesterday alayhi salatu wasalam still applies today
and can still be offered today and must
be offered today if you want there to
be change in the world then you must
offer him alayhi salatu wasalam this in your
heart and you must offer that pledge and
then stick to it to the end as
the ansar did they stuck to it to
the end to the bitter end for most
of them they all perished all of them
for the sake of allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala throughout the next thirty years from that
night from that night for the next thirty
years they would fall one by one until
none of them were left all seventy two
that night who offered this pledge died within
the next thirty years for the sake of
allah subhanahu wa ta'ala they saw it
through and as they saw their part through
allah subhanahu wa ta'ala was definitely going
to see his part through subhanahu wa ta
'ala and make sure that they got that
they got jannah and this is it this
is what we need this is what's missing
it's an offering and there's a reward if
the reward is meaningful to you if this
is what you hope for in life if
this is what you spend your time thinking
about hoping that you reach if you're worried
about your mortality and what comes after and
yawm al qiyamah and where you're going if
this is your actual worry in life then
this is the pledge that you require you
want jannah this is how you get it
you offer your pledge to sayyidi rasulallah alayhi
salatu wassalam and when I think about the
status of the muslim ummah today I don't
see any other way out I don't if
you are totally and fully committed as the
ansar were you will always find your way
you'll always find a way to do something
that's helpful to do something beneficial to push
islam forward to be a force of goodness
you'll always find a way no matter where
you are no matter how busy you are
how old or how young how healthy or
how sick how wealthy or how poor it
won't make a difference wherever you are dropped
you can be parachuted into any place and
time and you will still find a way
to push this forward and to commit yourself
to it because this is what you're alive
for you don't need permission you're not seeking
validation you're not hoping for support you're not
allowing anything in your life to distract you
you don't have excuses for why you're not
showing up for stuff you don't have excuses
and you don't rationalize why you're not actually
contributing you don't do any of that you
don't wait for someone to welcome you someone
to call you in someone to open the
door for you this is your door and
this is your story and this is your
cause you're on the wrong side you're on
the wrong side you're not outside looking in
you're inside calling in that's what you're doing
this is your deen you offer the pledge
to muhammad a.s. and you stand beside
him he is calling people from across the
rails to come by are you there?
why are you there?
why are you across the rails?
what are you doing there?
come and stand beside him a.s. where
you belong and contribute to his work and
call people over and support them why are
you over there?
you're in the wrong place?
they were the ansar see here's the point
I have to end because they knew that
they were different they weren't muhajireen so they
had to commit themselves in order to be
on the right side of things so they
did I hope that was a benefit to
you and they knew that Allah ordered us
to do a great thing so he said
Allah and his angels send blessings upon the
prophet O you who have believed send blessings
upon him and submit to him O Allah
send blessings upon Muhammad and upon the family
of Muhammad as you sent blessings upon Ibrahim
and upon the family of Ibrahim and bless
Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad as
you blessed Ibrahim and upon the family of
Ibrahim in all the worlds you are the
praiseworthy one O Allah be pleased with the
four caliphs the lady of the Hanafah, Abu
Bakr and Umar and Uthman and Ali O
Allah be pleased with his wives the mothers
of the believers and his good and pure
family and his companions and his followers and
those who followed them with goodness until the
Day of Judgment and those who are with
us by your mercy O most merciful O
Allah forgive the Muslims and the Muslims and
the believers and the believers the living and
the dead O Allah free the drowning and
blow the sorrowful and lift the sorrow from
the drowned and lift the darkness from the
oppressed and purify our blood and the blood
of the Muslims O Allah purify the blood
of my brothers the weak in every place
and purify their blood in Palestine and in
Lebanon and in Damascus and in Sudan and
in Pakistan and in other countries O Lord
of the worlds O Allah extend this nation
with your help O Allah O Allah O
Lord of the worlds extend this nation with
an urgent help not a temporary one O
Allah return Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa to the
refuge of the Muslims remove the Zionists from
it a humiliating humiliation O Allah grant us
all in it a prayer before death O
Lord of the worlds and that is not
difficult for you O Allah and that is
not difficult for you O Allah O Allah
O Allah O Allah O Allah O Allah
O Allah