Adnan Rajeh – Seerah Halaqah #46

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The speakers discuss the importance of remembering difficult experiences and moments in life, protecting one's rights and giving back to others, and peace and forgiveness, as well as the need for strong leadership and being true to Islam. The upcoming war is discussed as a fight between two people, with one expressing concern about the lack of context and distraction, and the other acknowledging the fight is happening. The importance of shay pages and the whim of shay people is also discussed.
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So tonight inshallah we continue from where we
left off last week in the seerah of
the Prophet alayhi salatu was salam and this
last session and this session and probably a
part of next session and maybe the one
after will be telling the story of the
battle of Badr, Ghazwat Badr and as I
tried to point out the last two or
three times that although this part of his
life alayhi salatu wasalam a lot of it
is going to be telling the stories of
The battles did not take, if you look
at in terms of time percentage, they were
not the majority of his life or the
life of the sahaba radiallahu anhu ajma'in.
Meaning all together it was just a couple
of months that maybe if you put Badr
and Uhud and Khandaq and Mu'tah and Tabuk
and Hunayn and put them all together doesn't
they don't add up to a few months
when he was living there he lived in
Medina obviously for 10 years alayhi salatu wasalam.
Now the reason that they take a bigger
chunk for us here is because people tend
to remember difficult situations they tend to people
tend to recall hardships well and the Quran
was revealed during after these battles or during
the battles to comment on people's behaviors.
There's a lot of time in life where
things just kind of flow things just you're
you're flowing along there's not much to remember
about these days just regular days you wake
up, have food, go work, come back, family,
pray, go to sleep, repeat, do that a
couple times.
These days don't tend to be remembered that
It's the days in life where you have
to sacrifice something or where your values are
in question or where you are being tested
and trialed.
Those are the days that you remember and
sometimes nothing can happen for decades and then
a week comes by and years and years
of work can be shoved into one day
or a couple of days and that's why
when you read the Quran, the Quran does
not document every single day of his life
alayhi salatu wasalam.
No, it documents specific times, times where important
things happened, where there were tests and trials
and those are where the lessons are learned.
So I don't have a perfect record of
every single day from the day he went
to Medina until he passed away alayhi salatu
wasalam and there will be gaps in terms
of knowing what happened in this period.
I'll give you what between year two and
three what was going on between three and
four what was going on but it'll be
generic and we'll just take the verses in
the Quran that gave some teachings regarding what
was happening but yeah there'll be a large
chunk of the time where we're talking about
the battles even though the battles were not
long but they were important.
There were moments where people had to prove
themselves or people had to stand their ground
where it was scary or it was hard
to do so and the recollection of the
sahaba from those moments is strong and the
recollection and the revelation of the Quran regarding
those moments is also very clear which is
why we take some time and talk about
them and telling their stories and you're filled
with lessons and moments of beauty and moments
of integrity and moments of strength and courage
and bravery, things that as Muslims we identify
with and we should take with us as
a part of our identity because this is
what we, these are our ancestors these are
our forefathers, this is what they did, this
is why we're Muslim today, this is what
we have to aspire to, they were the
role models and they set the bar for
us and that's why we'll study these stories.
So last time I talked about what happened
in terms of the caravan that Abu Sufyan
went to Damascus with and within that caravan
he had taken all of the stolen wealth
that the sahaba had left behind and what
the Prophet ﷺ personally left behind and the
Prophet ﷺ kept tabs on this caravan all
along, from before he even left Mecca he
knew that they were preparing for it and
he kept an eye on it and when
he got to Damascus he knew it was
there and when it was on its way
back he also knew it was on its
way back and that's when he presented the
idea to the sahaba that we should go
after it and I went over last week
how the sahaba many of them were not
a big fan of this plan, they didn't
want to go after the caravan because things
were going well in Medina, it had been
two years and things were going really well,
it was Ramadan and they were enjoying a
very beautiful degree of spirituality, they were on
a mental psychological high, all of them, living
in Medina, they were with the Prophet ﷺ
they were finally respected and they had their
freedom and the country was actually well maintained
and things were thriving, they were getting better,
those who were not doing as well at
the beginning were now doing much better and
they didn't want to poke the bear, why
poke Quraysh and why instigate something?
for money, all you've been teaching us is
that wealth of dunya is not that important,
not to get caught up on those things,
but then the ayat focused on the fact
that it's not about the money, it's about
rights, it's about the fact that someone took
away your right from you, they did that
with force, you have been treated with injustice
and you have to continue to fight back
until you find justice again and then if
you don't want the money, you want to
gift it, gift it, and if you don't
need the money, you don't care for it,
you want to gift it back to the
person, gift it back, but take it back
first, take back what is yours, and this
idea within Islam is a concept in Islam
that is not negotiable and this is not
based on, I'm not talking about day to
day interactions, I'm not talking about you having
a disagreement with a family member or someone
at work saying something that you didn't agree,
I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about
actual dhulm, where a force or an army
removed you from your land, took away your
possessions, where you have been treated in a
way where your basic human rights have been
violated when that occurs, when that occurs, then
no, there is no bravery in forgiving, you
forgive after you go back and you fight
for what is yours, and you stand your
ground, and then if you want to forgive,
you can forgive when you pardon people, it
is when you have the ability, when you
are in a moment of strength, not when
you are weak, forgiveness when you are weak
is just an act of cowardice, it is
a way to get out of having to
stand up against oppression so these verses in
the Quran came and documented that, no, no,
it is not an option for you not
to go after this, you have to, this
is not about your money, who said anything
about your money, I don't care about your
money, it is so they went after the
caravan, Abu Sufyan is not naive, Abu Sufyan
knew that the Prophet had his eye on
this caravan, he knew very well that this
was not just any caravan, that this was
something, this was stolen wealth, so he knew
that at some point, something was going to
be instigated so that is why he left
with an abnormally well armed caravan, he had
way more people armed, way more cavalry with
him on this caravan than any other that
he ever left with, and his threshold to
changing his route was very low, and he
had his eyes all around waiting and once
the Prophet moved that morning, it was the
17th of Ramadan that this all happened, when
he moved with the 313 people that were
gathered for that morning, Abu Sufyan knew, before
he made it to where he was, Abu
Sufyan had already taken an alternate route down
the shoreline and he sent Amr ibn Dhamdham
down into Mecca, to call al-Lateema, smacking
his face and making a scene, to get
the people of Quraish to listen to him,
and Abu Jahl would swear that he was
going to go to the area that the
Prophet went to try and get the caravan,
and he would stay there for a week,
and he would perform Zabiha, and he would
eat, and he would dance for his Aslam,
to show the Arabs that no one messes
with them, and he got a bit arrogant,
and got ahead of himself even though Atika
had that vision that she had, she saw
a vision where a man would come in
the dream, three nights in a row, and
stand on Jabal al-Safa, and he would
say, O those who have betrayed, your days
are in three, three more days for you,
and Abu Jahl would get more agitated with
that than anything, he would come and he
would say, O Bani Abdul Muttalib, your ladies
are also Prophets, it's not enough that you
have a man Prophet, now you also have
a woman Prophet, she has visions, if
nothing happens, we're going to write on a
piece of document, and write on it, that
Bani Hashim are the biggest liars amongst the
Arabs, and then put it in the Kaaba,
and of course something happened.
Umayyah ibn Khalaf didn't want to go, but
they kept on mocking him until he went,
because he was told once by Bilal al
-Habashi, Bilal told him, one day I'm going
to take you out, and he told him,
why are you saying this?
He said, Rasulullah told me this, he said,
he told you that?
So when he was able to sell him
to Abu Bakr, he sold him immediately, he
wanted to get him away from himself, and
then when this happened, he told him, no
I'm not going, so they mocked him, so
they mocked him to the point where he
had no choice but to go with him,
but as he was getting dressed for the
war, Umayyah would look at Abu Jahl, and
he said, you're taking me to my deathbed,
which you're forcing me to do, Abu Rahab
didn't go, but he died in Mecca anyways,
and I talked about that last week, so
what's happening on the other side?
The Prophet, peace be upon him, on the
other hand, he left with 313 people, only
2 people on horseback, that's it, horseback is
a big deal, cavalry in those wars was
huge, it's like tanks, if you didn't have
a lot of them, you had a much
weaker army, they had just built an army,
so they weren't that well prepared, but they
were as prepared as they would be, the
rest were all on foot, the Prophet, peace
be upon him, made it to the area
where he was trying to catch the caravan,
and he missed it, and the news of
Quraysh leaving Mecca towards Medina, towards him, peace
be upon him, came across, so he gathered
the Sahaba, and he said this very very
famous quote that you will find, I will
repeat for you over the next couple of
months, 3 or 4 times, and whenever the
decision was that of a policy, or that
of a heavy impact on the well-being
of people, he would gather the Sahaba and
say, O people, give me your consultation, I'm
consulting you, what do I do?
Now, the question you may be asking, why
is he asking this, peace be upon him,
why not, he's a leader, it's an army,
he's the commander, he can just make an
executive decision, that we're going to go and
meet them, we're going to go and prepare
ourselves for war, we're going to fight, he
could have made that decision, peace be upon
him, the problem was that his agreement with
Al-Ansar was that he would be protected
in Medina, now if you've been listening to
my khutbas over the last 6-7 weeks,
we've been talking about the pledge of Aqaba,
now he's referring to in his mind, the
pledge of Aqaba, that pledge, when he asked
him for 5 things, the fifth was for
him to be protected, and the Muslims to
be protected, the agreement was in Yathrib, they
never talked about leaving the city, there was
never an agreement to fight outside the city,
so technically this is not a part of
the initial agreement, so he had to be
honest, we didn't agree to this, so I
have to ask what people think, what do
you think we do, because what he wanted
to do, he made it clear, is that
he wanted to go and meet Quraysh, not
in Yathrib, but meet them somewhere outside, in
the area that today is known as Badr,
which is why the battle was called that,
so Abu Bakr would stand up and say
something nice, go with us and we will
walk behind you, etc, etc, so Abu Bakr
of course was going to say that, his
face was lit up and he was smiling,
he sat down after he spoke, now in
any gathering for Arab, that would be enough,
if I ask for consultation, and one person
stood up, and they said something, and no
one objected, then that was how we voted,
that was a vote, that was consensus, there
is consensus that this is what we are
going to do, because one person stood up,
and no one stood up and argued back
or gave an objection, Abu Bakr stood, he
said those words, he sat down, no one
said a word, everyone is fine, he repeated,
O people, grant me your consultation, so Al
-Muqdad, Al-Aswad would stand up, Al-Muqdad,
a beautiful gentleman, a fun sahabi to talk
about, he would stand up, and he would
say, Go
and walk with us, we don't say to
you what Ibn Israel said to Musa, go
you and your lord fight and you stay
back and watch, no, we tell you go
with your lord and we come with you,
you are happy, he sat down, no one
objected, he repeated, people started looking around, we
are going to talk about Sa'd, 25, 26,
something like that, young man, Sayyidu Qawmi, the
leader of Al-Aws, Banu Abdul Ashhal, so
he would stand up, and he would say,
It seems like you want us to speak,
Al-Ansar, it seems like you want us
to speak, Yes, I want you to speak,
because Al-Muhajireen, they are with me, wherever
I go, they are going to go, they
don't have much of a choice here, but
you do, Al-Ansar, I didn't agree with
you on this one, this is not a
part of our initial agreement, so yes, I
need to hear from you, and this is
what he said, I put it up there
because it is honestly just a beautiful thing
to read, and I take much pleasure in
reading it to you and explaining it, because
you are going to see at the end
when I talk, when Sa'd Ibn Muadhir, who
is martyred and dies as a shaheed, I'll
remind you of these things, I'll remind you
of one or two or three moments in
his life, I don't have a lot about
Sa'd Ibn Muadh, how many hadiths did Sa'd
Ibn Muadh narrate?
How many stories do we have about Sa'd
Ibn Muadh in the seerah?
Three or four, three or four tops, that's
it, that's it, like I don't have a
lot of stories about the man, yet you
are going to see when he dies, the
throne of the almighty will shake in joy
when he dies, and the prophet would continue
to talk about him until he died, like
he would continue to remember him, because it
doesn't matter how long you live, doesn't matter
how much time you spend, it's what you
do with the time that you got, it's
sometimes just moments, moments where you do something
that's meaningful, moments where you are needed and
you come in and you make the difference,
and that's what Sa'd was like, Sa'd was
that type of person, he didn't talk a
lot, he wasn't always up front, but at
certain crucial moments, Sa'd stood up and made
the difference, Sa'd delivered, when Mus'ab Ibn
Umair came and was struggling in Medina, Sa'd
seized the moment and brought all of Al
-Aws to Islam, bringing like a couple of
hundred people all at once, causing Al-Khazraj
to get jealous, and causing a whole influx
of people from Khazraj accepting Islam, because of
that rivalry that they had, so he brought
technically 700 people to Islam within a day
or two, and then this moment, because Badr
would not have happened, I want you to
understand what I mean by this, had Sa'd
not stood up and said these things, Badr
would have not happened, the Prophet would have
went back to Medina, he would have went
back to Yathrib, he would go back, the
Ansar didn't give him the okay, they're not
saying anything, he's not going to risk breaking
the agreement, or going outside of the parameters
of the pledge that he took from them,
he would have went back to Medina, and
there would have been no Badr, and the
Mushrikeen would have went to the area of
Badr, and they would have had their parties,
and they would have strengthened themselves, and looked
all fancy and flashy in front of the
Arabs, and went back to Mecca, taking the
morale of the Muslims down even lower, but
Sa'd stood up and he said the following,
قَالَ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ قَدْ آمَنَّا بِكَ فَصَدَّقْنَاكَ
وَشَهِدْنَا أَنَّ مَا جِعْتَ بِهِ هُوَ الْحَقَّ Indeed,
O Prophet of Allah, O Messenger of Allah,
we have believed you, and we follow you,
and we testify that what you have brought
is the truth from Allah.
وَآطَيْنَاكَ عَلَى ذَلِكَ عُهُودَنَا وَمَوَثِيقَنَا عَلَى السَّمْعِ وَالطَّاعَ
And we have given you our pledges, he's
referring to Bayat al-Aqaba as well, that's
why I gave this Qutbah, it's a big
deal for them.
We gave you our pledges, we gave you
our word, عَلَى السَّمْعِ وَالطَّاعَ that we will
listen to you, we will adhere.
نَقُلْ سَمِعْنَا وَآطَعْنَا You tell us what to
do, and we will say yes, we already
gave our word on this.
Isn't it interesting how, not just how polite
he is, but how accurate he is.
No, no, I didn't agree to you on
this specifically, so I'm not going to make
a decision from myself.
I need you to be on board.
This is the type of leadership he brought.
He was no dictator.
He understood people, he valued people.
It's because he actually, yes, the Ansar probably
would have went with him had he not
asked the question.
Actually, I know they would have.
But do you not think that because he
did this, they felt more valued?
Correct or not?
Did they not feel more valued?
Did they not feel that this man actually
He listens to us.
He has interest in what we have to
Yes, because there is a small caveat in
the agreement and the pledge that we weren't
supposed to be outside of Medina.
They may not say anything, but if he
ignores it, عَلَيْهِ الصَّلَاةُ وَإِسْرَامٍ even the best
of us will still feel it.
You can be a very good person who
always wants to do good, but if people
around you fail to recognize or acknowledge or
treat you well, you'll notice it.
You'll notice it.
You may not stop doing the good, you'll
continue to do the good, but you will
notice it.
You're human, of course you're going to notice
And you'll register it somewhere.
That they don't care that much.
That I'm not that valued.
That my opinion doesn't matter that much.
And you'll hold on to it.
Then it'll happen again.
And you'll continue to do the good.
You won't stop.
You'll continue to do the good.
But now you'll put in that registry a
second one.
A second incidence.
And you'll continue.
And then again, someone will fail to care
about what you have to say.
You'll continue to work.
No problem.
Big smile doing it.
But you'll put number three.
And then after that number four.
And then number five.
And then you have a big bag.
And it's heavy.
And it's on your back.
And you're carrying it around.
And after a while you're not smiling anymore.
And you don't want to work anymore.
And then you move away.
And you stop volunteering.
And you leave.
And I wouldn't blame the person who goes
through that.
Even though as a Muslim, if you come
to me and I talk to you with
my tezkiyya hat on to teach you, I
say, no, learn to bag that and throw
it away.
It's rubbish.
But I wouldn't blame someone who is constantly,
continuously being ignored if they decide at some
point that maybe they're not that enthusiastic to
help you out anymore.
It's our problem in most Muslim institutions, most
Muslim countries, and most Muslim movements that we
don't value people.
We don't listen to them.
We don't care what they have to say.
And when they say what they want, and
when they actually express themselves, and they're going
out on a limb by doing it because
it's scary to speak and go against the
flow, we belittle it or we ignore it.
Or maybe we even chastise them for it
so they never speak again.
And then we wonder why it's not all
Why we're not chumming?
Why we're not actually jamming?
Why we're not working well together?
Why things aren't moving forward?
Why the community is not enthusiastic to do
Because they don't feel.
The Prophet, alaihi salam, knew that he could
say, we're going to fight the mushrikeen.
And all of them would say, Allahu akbar.
He could technically go by what Abu Bakr
al-Miqdad said and he wouldn't be wrong.
But he knows how people function, alaihi salam.
No, I need to hear from you.
You have to say that you're going.
So that you know that I care.
And so that Sa'd could have said, could
say this.
And the Ansar can feel something about themselves.
Alaihi salam.
A master.
A master of people management, alaihi salam.
And then he said, لعلك تخشى أن تكون
الأنصار ترى لنفسها حقا ألا تنصرك إلا في
Maybe you're scared.
Or you're worried that the Ansar feel that
they should only stand by you in their
Sa'd's a smart guy.
He's not, you see, he knew.
People act like, no, no, we're fine.
No, you're not.
You noticed.
You noticed that I didn't pay attention to
what you did.
You noticed that I neglected and ignored and
forgot to say something to you.
You noticed.
Of course you will.
You're human.
You have the right to.
So I've noticed that this is not what
we agreed upon.
We'll go with you but we didn't agree
upon this.
Had the Prophet alaihi salam not asked this
question, I know that it would have added
up in their hearts.
It would have added up in their hearts.
But he asked them, he knew what to
do, alaihi salam.
So let the person say it.
Let the person bring it forward and say,
here's what my concern is.
Good, say it.
So we can figure out whether we're going
to, because now the Ansar, they move with
him on their own accord.
They go with him but it's their choice.
They're not being forced to do something they
didn't agree to.
And you understand the difference?
The difference between I'm saying, yep, I know
it's not our agreement but I want to
do it with you.
Versus, we didn't agree to this but I
love you so I'm going to go but
you didn't really ask me my opinion here.
And that's going to leave a little bit
of a bitter taste and kind of a
No, no.
We'll let you speak first.
وَإِنِّي أَقُولُ عَنِ الْأَنصَارِ And I speak on
behalf of all of the Ansar that are
with us today.
وَأُجِيبُ عَنْهُمْ And I respond to you وَاخْطَعْ
حِبَالَ مِنْ شِئْتْ وَخُذْ مِنْ أَمْوَالِنَا مَا شِئْتْ
وَاتْرُكْ مِنْ أَمْوَالِنَا مَا شِئْتْ وَيَكُونُ الَّذِي أَخَذْتَهُ
مِنْ أَمْوَالِنَا أَحَبَّ إِلَيْنَا مِنَ الَّذِي تَرَكْتَهُ He
said, go wherever you want.
And make treaties with whomever you want.
And break treaties with whomever you want.
And here's our money.
Take from it what you want.
Leave from it what you want.
And that which you take from us is
more beloved to us than that which you
leave us.
رضي الله عنه وارضاه وَمَا أُمِرْتَ بِهِ مِنْ
أَمْرٍ وَمَا أَمَرْتَ بِهِ مِنْ أَمْرٍ فَأَمْرُنَا تَبَعٌ
لِأَمْرِكُ Whatever command you give us, then our
ruling or our opinion is your opinion.
Whatever command you give, that's what we want.
That is what we accept.
That's our opinion.
Our opinion is whatever your opinion is.
صلى الله عليه وسلم نعم لَإِنْ سِرْتَ حَتَّى
تَبْلُغَ بُرَكَ الْغُمْدَانِ لَنَسِيرَنَّ مَعَكِ Walk.
And then he gave us a place that's
very far away.
It's like saying Timbuktu or something.
If you walk to the end of the
earth, we will walk with you.
وَاللَّهِ لَنِسْتَعْرَضْتَ بِنَا هَٰذَا الْبَحْرُ فَخُطَّهُ لَخُضْنَاهُ مَعَكَ
مَا تَخَلَّفَ مِنَّا رَجُلٌ وَاحِدٌ And if you
decide to walk into the sea, then we
will walk behind you into the ocean.
Not one of us will stay behind.
وَمَا نَكْرَهُ أَن تَلْقَى بِنَا عَدُوَّا وَإِنَّا لَصُبْرٌ
فِي الْحَرْبِ صُدُقٌ فِي اللِّقَاءِ وَإِنِّي أَرْجُوْ أَن
يُرِيَكَ اللَّهُ مِنَّا مَا تَقَرُّ بِهِ عَيْنُكَ الله
أكبر He said, and we do not fear
seeing an enemy with you.
And you will see that we are perseverant
during war.
And that we are honest and truth during
And I ask Allah to show you from
us something that will be the cool of
your eye.
I'm hoping that you will see from us
something that will make you happy.
صلى الله عليه وسلم أجمعين فكبر الناس قال
وتهلّل وجه رسول الله عليه الصلاة والسلام And
his face started to glow عليه الصلاة والسلام
and happiness.
This is Sa'ad ibn Mu'adh.
You don't have to say a lot in
life, but sometimes, right moment, yeah, he just
plugged in, right moment.
And he got the ajr of this.
He is the one, I tell people, you
don't understand.
Badr happened because Sa'ad ibn Mu'adh
was there.
People say that, people look at me, what
are you talking about, you don't know the
Had he not stood up that day and
said this, I know the Prophet عليه الصلاة
والسلام would have not left.
Because عليه الصلاة والسلام is too wise to
take people to do something they didn't agree
He's too wise.
So he needed someone.
So someone had to speak up and Sa
'ad did.
And because of Sayyidina Sa'ad, we have
this story.
And the Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام was happy
with these beautiful words.
And they moved.
Did I put down somewhere?
Maybe I didn't.
So, it would take them around 200 kilometers
to go to where they were going to
meet the mushrikeen.
And to get there, they would have to
use camels.
For every three people, there was going to
be one camel.
For every three, one camel.
So it's 150 kils.
If there's three of us, there's one camel,
there's 150 kilometers.
How much are you going to ride?
You'll ride 50 and you'll walk 100.
So it was the Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام
and Ali ibn Talib ibn Mursad ibn Abu
So Ali and Abu Mursad are both 25,
26, 27.
They're very young, they're very strong.
Mursad is like a door of a man.
He doesn't care at all.
He said, يَرَسُلَ اللَّهَ اِرْكَبْ You ride, make
it, we're fine.
فَقَالَ لَهُ فَمَا أَنَا بِأَغْنَى عَنِ الْأَجْرِ عَنْكُمَا
I don't need the ajar less than you
I don't need the ajar less than you.
Nor do you need it more than me.
So Ali عليه الصلاة والسلام rode 50, walked
He forced them, even though both of them
were like, No, no, you're Rasulullah Ibn.
I can't be riding and you're walking.
But he refused عليه الصلاة والسلام.
You'll find this many times in his life,
عليه الصلاة والسلام.
The reason being is that he wanted the
He didn't want anyone to give him, make
it easier.
So he wouldn't get the, No, no, I'm
going to be like everyone else.
So I get the full ajar, like you.
His sight عليه الصلاة والسلام was on akhira.
What he was going to get for the
amount of effort that he was putting in
عليه الصلاة والسلام.
They would go and they would prepare themselves
in the area of Badr.
Because it's the, Now, we don't understand the
landscape of that region very well because we
don't live there.
But back then, if you wanted to, if
you were going to fight an army, you
needed the proper place to do it.
Or else it's impossible for you and for
Like it's just, it turns into a bloodbath
and it's a mess and there's no way
to strategize.
So they had to figure out.
So Badr was where he was going عليه
الصلاة والسلام.
Because that is the area where if a
battle is going to occur, that's the right
place for it to occur.
And Abu Jahl and Abu Sufyan knew that
So that's where they were headed to begin
Was going to take them, like the better
part of a day to get there.
So the Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام had a
very short period of time to prepare what
was going to happen.
Knowing that Quraish was going to outnumber his
army by a lot.
The difference was going to be, He didn't
know what the difference was yet.
But he knew that they were going to
outnumber his army by a lot.
So he'd go عليه الصلاة والسلام and he
would start figuring out where they're going to
Like where the actual, where they're going to
take it.
If you go to the سورة الأنفال you
find the ayah إِذْ أَنْتُمْ بِالْعُدْوَةِ الدُّنْيَا وَهُمْ
بِالْعُدْوَةِ الْقُصْوَةِ وَالرَّكْبُ أَسْفَلَ مِنكُمْ وَلَوْ تَوَاعَدْتُمْ
لَاخْتَلَفْتُمْ فِي الْمِعَادِ وَلَكِ الْيَقْضِيَ اللَّهُ أَمْرًا كَانَ
مَفْعُولًا So when we look at بدر I
think I have a picture of it here
Do I not?
I remember putting something here.
So, this is not going to be very
helpful for you.
So, this is like the best, the pictures
online are not very nice.
No, this is going to be helpful for
That's fine.
The Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام would come to
a certain area where he had a little
bit of an advantage in terms of the
Meaning a little bit higher land than the
land in front of it.
الدنيا As in the closer to Medina.
The closer to Yathrib.
القصوى in the Qur'an means the farther
Meaning the farther away from Medina.
So he came to Badr and there's two
spaces where you can camp.
You can camp farther away from Medina or
So he chose the closer area عليه الصلاة
والسلام to actually camp.
So he was there عليه الصلاة والسلام so
he starts to line people up.
And there are a bunch of stories that
I'm going to tell you that occurred within
this period.
So one of them, one of my favorite
is Sawadi ibn Ghazi's story.
So the Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام is strategizing
and they're planning out how the battle is
going to occur.
And the idea was that they were going
to they put themselves between two hills.
They put themselves between two hills.
So that they could not be penetrated.
They couldn't be flanked.
The hill, it was too big for them
to go around in Badr.
So he wanted them to stand in a
way even if it's just one line to
close the space between the two hills.
So that his army was filling the area.
He had 313 people making them into small
groups and filling that space.
So that it forces Quraysh to match him
within this area.
So that they can't really capitalize on their
numbers advantage.
So he's lining them up عليه الصلاة والسلام
This is war.
War is coming.
This is a big deal.
You can imagine that this is a very
very scary moment.
I'm going to point out to you how
scary this was for them from the Qur
But he's lining them up عليه الصلاة والسلام
and he's talking to them and he's giving
speeches and he's strategizing.
And there's this one guy who every time
the Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام walks by the
line is standing outside of the line.
Like he's not standing like he's a bit
ahead or a bit back.
He's a big guy with a big kurshu.
He's wearing the armor but he has a
big belly.
His belly is kind of coming out from
under the armor.
And he's standing there he's always in the
wrong like he's not standing right.
So the Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام would come
by and say استوي يا سواد استوي meaning
as in صلاة استوي and he gets to
stand in line.
Why are you ahead of your brother?
Stand in line.
Once second first time, second time, third time
every time he comes back سواد is standing
a little bit to the wrong direction or
a little bit ahead or a little bit
So the Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام as he
was speaking he had a stick he was
drawing things on the ground so he tapped
سواد on his belly.
استوي يا سواد get in line this is
like the fourth time get in line this
is war.
So he taps him on the belly فقال
سواد أوجعتني يا رسول الله you have hurt
me you have caused me pain.
Now the sahabah are looking at him like
are you insane?
What's wrong with you?
This is war.
What are you doing?
فقال أوجعتني يا رسول الله you have caused
me pain.
فأعطاه صلى الله عليه الصلاة والسلام he gave
him the stick فقال اقتص اقتد take your
right back.
If I harm you take back what is
Hit me.
فقال لا يا رسول الله فإنك إنما ضربتني
دون حجاب No it's not fair.
See you're wearing all this and your stomach
is not out and you hit me on
my flesh on my belly.
How is this fair?
The sahabah obviously are standing there ready to
kill this man.
But they don't know what's happening.
This is not fair.
This is not the same.
It's not equal.
قال فرفع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
عن بطنه So the prophet would lift up
his قميص showing his belly.
And the sahabah are standing there looking at
him قال فانكب سواد على بطن رسول الله
صلى الله عليه وسلم So this man he
plunged himself and hugged the prophet صلى الله
عليه وسلم his stomach.
And the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم ما
تصنع What are you doing?
فقال يا رسول الله إنها لرائحة الشهادة I
can smell martyrism in the air.
وأحببت أن يكون آخر عهدي بالدنيا أن يمس
وجه جلد بطنك يا رسول الله The last
thing I did in my life is for
my skin to touch yours.
I just wanted that to be the last
thing I did.
I came into skin-on-skin contact with
you, يا رسول الله So when I go
to Allah it's martyrism and this was the
last thing I did is I kissed your
صلى الله عليه وسلم أجمعين فسكت الناس وكان
سواد من أوائلي من استشد Amongst the earliest
people who fell that day Now how many
people died on the day of Badr?
Anyone know?
Anyone know how many Muslims were martyred on
the day of Badr?
Around 14 is the number that most seerah
scholars are accepting You're very close for Ahsan,
very good So it's around 14 Some books
will give you 12 or 13 Some will
say a little bit higher But 14 is
the number that most of them are happy
with And Sawad was one of them So
not a lot of people fell on the
day of Badr Very few Muslims actually passed
But one of them was Sayyidina Sawad رضي
الله عنه The Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام would
perform a certain degree of intelligence himself He
would take Abu Bakr and they would go
and do intelligence After he gave them some
of the instructions of what to do He
would go عليه الصلاة والسلام and map out
the area and scout and see what's happening
And they would find one of Abu Jahl
or one of Quraysh's spies He's a young
kid They would send sometimes these kids as
water boys or acting like they do as
job So the Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام caught
him فقال من أين أتيت Where do you
come from So he lies at the beginning
فقال لا بل أتيت من عندي فلان وفلان
You came from the army with these people
فصدقنا So be honest with us فقال نعم
He got scared Yes, yes I did فكم
القوم How many of them are there فقال
لا أدري I have no idea He was
not lying He's a kid, he has no
idea فقال عليه الصلاة والسلام He asked him
a question كم يذبحون How many do they
eat a day How many do they slaughter
for give me a day فقال بين التسعة
والعشرة They slaughter between 9 to 10 camels
daily فقال القوم بين التسعمائة والألف The number
is between 900 and 1000 Because every 100
people one camel suffices So the Prophet عليه
الصلاة والسلام made a little calculation It's between
900 and 1000 And the sahaba heard that
They heard the number 1000 1000 people Three
times their number Three times their number Three
times Traditional warfare That made a big difference
If you're going in And they're three times
your number And that's not just the problem
It's not even the problem It was actually
the difference of preparation It was the number
of cavalry that they had Versus the number
that he had عليه الصلاة والسلام The whole
thing It was a complete imbalance It was
a complete imbalance You're walking in You're outnumbered
3 to 1 And they are way more
prepared than you can ever be So the
sahaba would get a little bit scared And
I'm saying this now Because the verses in
the Qur'an are going to come and
address this piece They get a little bit
They're already scared beforehand They didn't want to
leave, right?
Most of them didn't want to leave to
begin with Now they're out And they've agreed
And now they're finding out that oh my
god there's a thousand of them coming Which
is a large army back then So they're
getting a little bit more scared The Prophet
عليه الصلاة والسلام He would run By the
way, they ran into like a man A
Bedouin man And the man would ask the
Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام a question He would
say من أين القوم؟
من أين الرجال؟
Where are you guys from?
So he would answer It's interesting It's an
interesting story فأجاب عليه الصلاة والسلام قال من
We are from water Right?
من ما؟
Now in Arabic tradition If you say من
Then what you mean by that is ما
العراق Meaning you come from the oases of
Iraq Right?
But he didn't say that عليه الصلاة والسلام
He said من ما؟
And Abu Bakr is standing there Because he
didn't want to tell this man who he
is Because he doesn't want to give Abu
Jahl any more information He wants to make
sure that no one figures anything out And
the man walks away And they had like
a nice little encounter And they went And
Abu Bakr said يا رسول الله من ما؟
We are from صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال
نعم أليس كل مخلوق من ما؟
Is not every creation created from water?
فقال بلى يا رسول الله صلى الله عليه
وسلم I didn't lie to them I didn't
lie He didn't ask He didn't confirm Where
exactly in Iraq are you from?
He didn't confirm I didn't offer the information
And this is within the art of war
is something very accepted But I always like
this story Because it shows the Prophet عليه
الصلاة والسلام way of thinking about things They
got very scared The Sahaba No one had
ever No one had fought Quraysh in a
battle for decades and decades at that point
It's been decades It's been at least 4
or 5 decades No wars And the last
4 times Quraysh had been in an encounter
of combat they had won Quraysh had not
been defeated in a very long time In
addition to that Quraysh was the spiritual and
political leader of the region They had alliances
with absolutely everyone So for the Sahaba this
was an absolutely terrifying moment They got very
scared So the verses in the Qur'an
that talk about this time إِذْ يُغَشِّيكُمُ النُّعَاسَ
أَمَنَةً مِّنْهُ وَيُنَزِّلُ عَلَيْكُمْ مِّنَ السَّمَاءِ مَاءً لِيُطَهِّرَكُمْ
بِهِ وَيُذْهِبَ عَنْكُمْ رِجِزَ الشَّيْطَانِ وَلِيَرْبِطَ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِكُمْ
وَيُثَبِّتَ بِهِ الْأَقْدَامِ The Prophet had people who
would stand guard when it was time to
rest And what the story goes is that
the people who were standing on guard One
of the guards يقول سَقَطَ السَّيْفُ مِّنِّي سَبَعَ
مَرَّاتٍ يَوْمَهَا I'm carrying my sword and it
fell from me seven times because he would
fall asleep And he's not to blame because
the ayah in the Qur'an يُغَشِّيكُمُ النُّعَاسِ
When Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala sent upon
you this nu'as Nu'as is when
you get sleepy أَمَنَةً مِّنْهُ To grant you
a certain degree of security and safety It's
like Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gave them
a 15-20 minute power nap They fell
asleep for a few moments and they woke
up feeling refreshed feeling caught When you are
filled with difficult emotions and you end up
being able to sleep for a while you
wake up and you feel a little bit
better It's very hard to sleep when you're
struggling with emotions It's hard but if you're
able to do it it grants you when
you wake up you feel a little bit
better It's like sleep presses the reset button
sometimes It's a superficial reset button It allows
you to kind of go back and start
over again Instead of struggling with maybe an
ongoing degree of anxiety and depression and fear
and upset and rage You sleep, you wake
up you feel a little bit better So
the sahaba at that point they were in
a position where they were very scared and
they were very worried and there was a
lot of anxiety because they didn't know how
this was going to play out They had
no idea So they all fell asleep for
like 15 minutes يغشيكم النعاسة أمنة منه It
came from Allah as a gift of safety
and security وَيُنَزِّلُ عَلَيْكُم مِّنَ السَّمَاءِ مَا أَلِّيُطَحِّرَكُم
بِهِ And then it rained softly upon you
granting you that purity granting you a little
bit of ease It was a nice rain
The earth smelled nice They were able to
fill out their bottles They were able to
drink water More happened obviously But this was
for them in terms of their mental well
-being وَيُذْهِبَ عَنْكُمْ رِجِزَ الشَّيْطَانِ And then he
removed from you all of the waswasa from
shaytan as he was telling you What did
he do?
What is Muhammad doing to you?
Do you understand what you're up for?
Are you ready to die today?
You didn't even say goodbye to your kids
Did you have your wasiya written?
Were you ready for this when you left?
That you weren't going to go back home?
Who's going to take care of your wife
and children?
All of these things started coming to their
mind as they stand there with him They're
human Brothers and sisters, they're human They were
human beings Sahaba were not angels They were
human They felt these things The difference is
that despite all of that they still stood
their ground That's the difference The difference is
even though that was going on in their
minds and hearts even though this was absolutely
impossible to imagine anyone doing they still did
it because they knew it was the right
thing to do In life, that's what you
have to figure out You have to be
able to assess something logically and rationally that
makes sense you know it's the right thing
to do You do it and yes, there
will be a rollercoaster of emotions that you
feel as you do it but that should
not sway you from doing it when you
know it's the right thing Standing up against
all of that Standing up against those emotions
and those feelings and the waspasah of shaytaan
and the whims and desires of the nafs
is what it means to be a good
Muslim That's what it means to be a
good Muslim Everyone can do the right thing
when it's easy to do it There's nothing
impressive about that You want to hear a
story about that?
You don't want to hear a story about
that You don't want to come here for
me to tell you a story about someone
who did something nice when it was really
easy for them to do the thing that
was nice Like yeah, fine, I could do
that too Move on Give me something interesting
Give me something to aspire to Give me
a story that I can think about and
that's what the Badr is That's how the
Badr is described in the Quran يوم الفرقان
يوم التقى الجمعان The day where there was
a differentiation between haq and batil where the
people of haq stood their ground and the
people of batil they declared themselves يوم التقى
الجمعان The two groups finally met face to
face haq and batil It's very rare haq
and haq never meet but batil and batil
always meet in wars batil is always fighting
itself It's rare where haq and batil actually
face off It doesn't happen that purely There's
always a little bit of a mix of
both and both sides It's hard to figure
out exactly who's right and who's wrong and
then all the old men sit in front
of the TV and scream at each other
for five hours and try debating who was
right Who knows?
But that day that day there was no
debate That day it was clear who was
haq and who was batil It was pure
as the sun It was clear as the
sky But it was scary It was scary
وَلْيَرْبِطَ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِكُمْ And all this happened so
that He would strengthen your hearts وَيُثَبِّتَ بِهِ
الْأَقْدَامِ And He would strengthen your feet on
the ground because you're going to need it
You're going to need it It would rain
upon the area the Prophet ﷺ was in
and the area that the mushrikeen would arrive
at The difference is the area that he
was in ﷺ was all rock So when
it rained the rock became actually more stable
and it was easier to move upon The
area that the mushrikeen camped in it was
all soil It rained, it became muddy So
now their boots were filled with mud They
weren't moving as easily The Qur'an says
that in the verse إِذْ أَنْتُمْ بِالْعُدْوَةِ الدُّنْيَا
وَهُمْ بِالْعُدْوَةِ الْقُصْوَةِ You're in the area that's
a little bit closer to Medina They're in
the area a little bit farther away وَالرَّكْبُ
أَسْفَلَ مِنكُمْ The caravan is now beyond you
It's beneath you It's over on the shore
It's out of your reach You can't get
there anymore وَلَوْ تَوَاعَدْتُمْ Meaning if you tried
to play it out where you would be
in the right place and they would be
in the right place you would have لَا
اخْتَلَفْتُمْ You would have failed to do it
وَلَاكِلْ يَخْضِيَ اللَّهُ أَمْرًا كَانَ مَفْعُولًا But this
is the decree of Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala You didn't know that this area would
be better than that one You didn't know
that it was going to rain and cause
this You didn't know any of that You
had no way to know that And if
you tried to plan this you would have
failed But this is the decree of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala The Prophet ﷺ Once
he camped in that area the space that
his camp was going to be in And
they prepared themselves A man by the name
of Al-Hubab ibn al-Munzir would come
to the Prophet ﷺ and say يا رسول
الله This is just a random sahabi Forgive
me when I say random I don't mean
it to be little I just say he's
not very famous He barely has another story
in all of the seerah of the Prophet
ﷺ Maybe another one That's it And he
didn't speak up very much He wasn't very
famous But he was a person He was
a strategist And he was looking at where
they camped within the area that they had
And he didn't like it He was like
I don't think this is the right area
They're going to stay in the same space
It's just something that is off for him
So he came to the Prophet ﷺ and
said يا رسول الله أهذا منزل أنزلكه الله
Is this the place that Allah told you
to camp here?
فقال لا قال أهو منزل تحبه فنبقى فيه
من أجلك Is this a space that you
So we'll stay here because you like it
فقال لا قال أهو الحرب والرأي والمكيدة Is
this the space that you chose because you're
strategizing for war and for combat?
فقال نعم هو الحرب والرأي والمكيدة فقال هذا
ليس بمنزل يا رسول الله This is a
bad spot This is a random soldier in
an army coming up to the Grand Commander
telling him Did you choose this space?
If it's divine I won't say a word
But did you choose it?
Is it just yours?
Yeah it's me It's wrong This is a
horrible space to stop The reason he said
that is because عليه الصلاة والسلام had built
the habit for them to say stuff like
that They didn't feel that they couldn't do
it They didn't feel that was weird that
I don't want to come and say something
to عليه الصلاة والسلام I don't want to
come and object or maybe change things No
no He had established عليه الصلاة والسلام such
an open relationship a degree of trust a
degree of love and a degree of advice
offering of تواصي بالحق والصبر where this person
didn't feel awkward at all to come up
to him عليه الصلاة والسلام in the middle
of the war and say This is not
the right place You're wrong You chose wrong
فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم فما ترى يا
حباب What do you think?
فقال يا رسول الله أما هنا فإننا لا
نحسن وأن نرى From here I don't like
our vision I don't like how much we're
seeing فتقدم بنا Move forward a little bit
Move forward a little bit to the end
of where the hills are not in the
middle of the hills Go to the end
واجعل الأبار من خلفنا There are a bunch
of wells up front Put them behind us
وطمرها يا رسول الله Cover all the wells
واترك واحدة نشرب منها فنشرب ولا يشربون And
keep one well that is visible We drink
They don't drink Now His idea is that
we get an advantage for ourselves and put
them at yet another disadvantage We're standing put
the wells behind us so they don't have
access to the water We cover them all
up so they don't know where they are
We leave just one that's apparent enough for
us to drink from And now we're a
little bit up front so we can see
better فقال نعم الرأي Very nice Excellent And
he moved the whole army عليه الصلاة والسلام
based on this person's advice It's at that
moment where the Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام would
begin making giving the ahadith about jihad He
would start talking عليه الصلاة والسلام All the
ahadith that you find about jihad When you
read his ahadith عليه الصلاة والسلام Know, know
that there is context to these ahadith Things
were happening If you read the ahadith that
talk about jihad في سبيل الله And the
beauty of جنة النعيم And what Allah سبحانه
وتعالى has made ready available to his servants
who are going to fight for him He
said these عليه الصلاة والسلام before battles It
was before battles that he said these things
So he started عليه الصلاة والسلام to talk
about jihad and talk about أجر الشهادة And
talk about those who go and do قتال
في سبيل الله When Allah سبحانه وتعالى offers
them Because that was the moment for them
That was the moment for them That's what
they needed to be told When else were
you going to tell them?
You're going to come to a bunch of
students and tell them حديث عن القتال They're
trying to write exams I'm going to come
and tell them No!
القتال في سبيل الله And then have them
lose their minds and go do something else
Because everything has context to it There will
be a moment You ask Allah that there
will never be a moment where you need
them But when you do need them you
will find them And they will grant you
a lot of comfort They will bring you
a lot They will bring you much comfort
Because of what he said عليه الصلاة والسلام
And I'm going to end with this because
we have to go I'll just say this
In the midst of all of this As
he was communicating with the sahaba strategizing, planning
He would take a moment every little while
and take a moment and go stand a
bit farther away from them towards the Qibla
and make dua عليه الصلاة والسلام اللهم وعدك
الذي نصرك الذي وعدت اللهم انجزني ما وعدتني
Oh Allah the victory that you have promised
me Oh Allah grant me that which you
have promised me اهرب ان تهلك هذه العصابة
لا تعبد في الارض If these people die
then we will never bring tawheed to earth
again And he would make dua يقول أبو
بكر فما زال يدعو حتى سقطت بردته عن
كتفيه نرى بياض ابيطيه He's putting his hands
up Oh Allah until this fell off his
burda would fall off his shoulders and you
could see his arms يالله ان تهلك يالله
نصرك And Abu Bakr would come and say
يا رسول الله هون عليك فإن الله منجز
كما وعدك يا رسول الله Take it easy
يشفق أبو بكر على رسول الله Abu Bakr
would feel feel bad for the Prophet عليه
الصلاة والسلام He was in a state of
because he has to worry He is the
leader and this has to work and if
it fails then the whole thing fails He
didn't know He never walked into a battle
knowing it was going to be victorious You'll
know that from Uhud If you don't know
that now you'll find that on Uhud He
didn't know on the day of Badr He
wasn't sitting back and No, no problem It's
all easy I already know we're going to
win this one Sleep, sleep No, no, no
He had no reason to believe that عليه
الصلاة والسلام He was never told that I'll
stop with that inshallah ta'ala so that
you can run the kahoot and we'll continue
the story inshallah ta'ala next week سبحان
الله الحمد لله ورحمه الله ورحمه الله وبركاته
وبركاته وبركاته وبركاته وبركاته وبركاته