Adnan Rajeh – Recitations from the book of Prophetic Descriptions 8
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Salatul Mubarak ala Sayyidina wa Habibina Muhammad wa
ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in wa ba'd,
inna hathihi laylatul jumu'ah laylatun azeematun mubarakah,
yusannu feeha liktharu minas salati ala sayyidi wa
mawlaya rasoolillah wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa
man walahu min kulli amalin as-salah.
It is the night of Jumu'ah.
It's a blessed night.
There's a lot of barakah in this night
in the sunnah.
It's to increase your salah upon the Prophet,
alayhi salatu wa salam, in all good deeds.
I continue, insha'Allah, with the recitation of
a hadith from Kitab al-Shama'il al
-Imam al-Tirmidhi and, insha'Allah, the hadith
that I chose tonight is from al-Shama
I didn't realize, this is a nice segue
for things.
So, the books that arrived to us from
the early centuries, especially a book like al
Imam al-Tirmidhi was in the third or
fourth Islamic century.
So we're talking, this is a thousand, I
don't think people fully appreciate.
This book is a thousand years old, right?
Just take a moment and just think it.
It's a thousand years old that we're reading.
Aside from, the Qur'an, obviously, is the
word of Allah.
It's infinite and it's not even, time cannot
be applied to it, really.
But a lot of the books that we
sit down and recite are a thousand years
I was just teaching a Hanbali matin, 950
years old.
It's 950 years old.
That's how old this book is.
It's still applicable today.
So this book is very old.
A lot of these books that are old
are narrated to us via transmitters, meaning people
who memorize them.
So not all of the narrations of these
books are identical.
So some of these books will have different
And the person who writes, who puts these
books together, has to go back to the
maqtootah, to the older scripts, and then choose
from them.
So they're not all identical.
So the book that I actually studied growing
up is not identical to the one that
I'm looking here.
There's a hadith in the one that I
studied that doesn't exist in this book, and
vice versa.
So when I prepared tonight's hadith, I didn't
realize it didn't exist in this book.
And I've been going back and forth looking,
where's the hadith?
I know it's usually number 65.
And I go to 65, it's like one
line, and this hadith is literally a full
And I remember that when he wrote it,
he chose certain sources for the book, and
they're a little bit different.
But I'm still going to recite for you
the hadith.
It's in Baab, ما جاء في عيش رسول
الله عليه الصلاة والسلام Something regarding how he
lived his life, in terms of his food
and eating.
And this is a very beautiful hadith, and
hopefully you'll find it beneficial.
يروي الإمام ترمذي في جامعه بسنة الصحيح عن
أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال خرج رسول
الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم في ساعة
لا يخرج فيها ولا يلقاه فيها أحد The
Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام left his home at
a time where he never left his home,
and where he never really went to meet
anyone, nor anyone met him.
Like it was a time that was very
weird, he never left his house عليه الصلاة
والسلام during that time.
He did have certain habits, and he had
a certain routine.
So he left at a time that was
very rare, and very awkward for him to
leave, and usually he's not meeting people.
فأتاه أبو بكر فقال ما أخرجك يا أبا
بكر So he ran into Abu Bakr, also
at a time that usually Abu Bakr is
not inside the house.
So the Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام asked him,
why are you out of the house يا
أبا بكر?
قال خرجت للقاء رسول الله صلى الله عليه
وآله وسلم ونظري في وجهه I left my
house because I was hoping to run into
the Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام and look at
his face صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم Now
he may have not actually done that, but
that's what he told the Prophet عليه الصلاة
والسلام and that's why I'm out.
I was hoping to run into you and
get a glimpse of your face صلى الله
عليه وآله وسلم قال فلم يلبث أن جاء
عمر and as they were talking عمر رضي
الله عنه comes walking فقال ما أخرجك يا
عمر The Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام asked عمر
it's also an awkward time, why are you
out of the house?
قال الجوع عمر is much more blunt, he
said I'm hungry, I'm starving I left the
house because I'm starving قال وأنا The Prophet
عليه الصلاة والسلام says وأنا قد وجدت بعض
الذي تجد and I have found in my
stomach similar to what you have found So
the Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام left the house
that day because he was hungry he left
his house because he was hungry عليه الصلاة
والسلام that's it, he was hungry, there was
nothing in the house to eat absolutely nothing
not that he didn't like what his wife
cooked for him no there was nothing in
the house to eat so he walked out
of his home, he was hungry Abu Bakr
left his home for the same reason and
Umar left the home for the same reason
Abu Bakr was too embarrassed to say it,
he didn't want to say that because he
knew if he said that to the Prophet
عليه الصلاة والسلام he was going to burden
him عليه الصلاة والسلام, if he was hungry
and someone told him I'm hungry he was
going to go look for food for him
Umar was much more blunt I'm hungry, that's
why I'm out so the Prophet عليه الصلاة
والسلام admitted that's why I left too, I'm
finding something similar I think when you realize
and the hadith is a long hadith, it's
a beautiful hadith it's a beautiful story really
it is but if you just took the
piece I just shared with you just the
piece that I shared with you there is
within it something that is very profound in
terms of our own reflection on our lives
and how we live our lives there are
so many things that we take I don't
want to say take for granted because it's
such a cliche to say that but there
are so many aspects of our lives that
are different from what he experienced عليه الصلاة
والسلام that we're not aware of so when
we listen to his story sometimes we have
the audacity to compare ourselves somehow or maybe
even to look at his life عليه الصلاة
والسلام maybe even in a moment of weakness
past judgment somehow forgetting that you have never
in your life walked out of your house
in hunger and if you have at some
point then you will relate to the story
appropriately and you'll remember that the person who
led humanity عليه الصلاة والسلام and changed the
face of history would commonly walk out of
his home in hunger this was not a
one time occurrence this happened quite commonly in
his life عليه الصلاة والسلام so we have
at least 6 more narrations different from different
people from Anas ibn Malik and Jabir ibn
Abdullah and others similarly where the Prophet عليه
الصلاة والسلام would be in a position of
true hunger but I'll continue the hadith anyways
قال فقال عليه الصلاة والسلام انطلقوا بنا الى
ابن الحيثم ابن التيهان let's go to one
of the Sahih ابن الحيثم ابن التيهان is
a very known name ابن الحيثم was one
of the people who attended بيعة العقبة he
was there for بيعة العقبة الثانية one of
the نقباء upon the Ansar when they went
back he's a great name amongst the Ansar
and he was a man who was a
resident of Medina obviously if you're a resident
of a country you have a little bit
more history you have more money so ابن
الحيثم he owned real estate and he had
gardens and he had farms and he had
orchards he took care of his family he
took care of people around him so the
Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said let's go
and visit him وكان كثيرا نخلي والشاه he
had a lot of date trees and a
lot of sheep ولم يكن له خدمون he
was not someone who had servants in his
home or in his life he did not
acquire servants of any sort فأتوه فلم يجدوه
they came to his house ووجدوا امرأته they
found his wife فقالوا اين صاحبك فقالا ذهب
يستعذبوا لنا الماء من قناة بني فلان he's
out bringing in water and back then of
course to have fresh water in your house
you have to go to wherever the fresh
water source is and fill up your containers
and bring them back فلم يلبث ان جاء
بقربة فوضعها and as they're talking and asking
where he is he's coming back رضي الله
عنه ابن الحيثم and he's with him he
has a full container of water that he
has filled up ثم اتى رسول الله صلى
الله عليه وسلم ثم اتى رسول الله صلى
الله عليه وسلم another narration of this hadith
exists in the connexion of the Quran also
has an authentic narration that he said in
this narration this is what he did قال
فجعل يلتزمه قال فجعل يلتزمه ويفضيه بأبيه وامه
he came to him and he came and
he hugged him and he wouldn't let him
go فداك أبي وأمي I would sacrifice everything
for you I would sacrifice my family for
you in happiness in another narration he would
come and say من أكثر حظا مني من
أكرم ضيفا مني who has a better luck
or a better guess than I do today
I have رسول الله coming to my home
I am the luckiest person on the planet
he was very happy رضي الله عنه with
the visitation قال من طلق بهم إلى ظل
وبسط لهم بساطا ثم من طلق إلى نخله
فجاء بقنو فوضعه فقال رسول الله صلى الله
عليه وسلم so he went and he took
them to a place where there was shade
he put for them something to sit on
like a carpet of some sort to sit
under the shade and then he went to
his نخل and he brought some of the
fruit that he had there فقال عليه الصلاة
والسلام ألا تنقيت لنا من رطبه why don't
you choose some of the رطب for us
he's hungry عليه الصلاة والسلام but he brought
from the نخل an empty container and he
left it there so he said choose for
us some of the رطب and the رطب
is the nicest of the dates obviously فقال
أردت أن تتخيروا من رطبه وبسره فقال أردت
أن تتخيروا من رطبه وبسره I wanted you
to choose with your own hand يا رسول
الله so the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
took it and he went and he chose
from the رطب and the بسر or the
بسر which is the the wet or the
ripe dates and some of the dates will
be a little bit more dry so he
chose from all of them عليه الصلاة والسلام
فأكلوا ثم شربوا من الماء فلما فرغوا قال
رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم so they
ate some of these dates and they drank
some of the water that he had brought
رضي الله عنه and once he finished doing
that he said the following هذا this here
والذي نفسي بيده من النعيم الذي تسألون عنه
يوم القيامة he said I swear to you
this is from the نعيم that you are
going to be asked about the pleasure that
you are going to be asked about يوم
القيامة ثم لتسألن يومئذ عن النعيم the day
will come when you will be asked about
all of the pleasure that you are offered
he sat there عليه الصلاة والسلام pointing at
a little bit of dates and some water
that he drank and ate when he was
starving قائد الأمة عليه الصلاة والسلام will sit
there and say this is amongst the نعيم
that we are going to be asked about
يوم القيامة صلى الله عليه وصحبه وسلم جمعين
he said هذا الظل والبارد والرطب البارد عليه
الماء البارد see this cool shade we are
in these moist dates this nice cold water
that we have we are going to be
asked about this يوم القيامة صلى الله عليه
وصحبه وسلم جمعين ثم انطلق يصنع لهم طعام
ابو الهيثم went and made them something to
eat لا تذبح ذات درٍ if you are
going to do it don't slaughter anything that
is offering milk make sure it is small
and it is not something that you are
benefiting from فذبح لهم عناقا فأكلوا فقال عليه
الصلاة والسلام هل لك من خادم I don't
want to bore you with this because I
think that is enough So anyways, Abu al
-Haytham would go and he would make them
طعام صلى الله عليه وسلم go back to
the books and read the continuation of it
if you are interested but I think this
is the point that that needs to be
made عليه الصلاة والسلام left his home at
one point in his life hungry and so
did Abu Bakr and Umar the two khalifas
that later on followed him in his legacy
and that is why they followed him in
his legacy because they didn't just follow him
politically but they are also very similar to
him in their character and how they lived
their lives the Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام was
the type of person who if he was
offered anything he saw it as a reason
for him to be grateful and he remembered
that he was going to be held accountable
for the pleasure that he is finding within
it he didn't look at the empty half
or the empty three quarters or whatever else
he could have had and didn't have عليه
الصلاة والسلام he looked at the moment of
pleasure that he was in in any given
second that he was living and he saw
that as a reason for him to be
a grateful servant to Allah عليه الصلاة والسلام
and as we said if you are starving
and you eat you don't feel that was
a good day for you it's not a
good day if you are hungry all day
and you got something to eat to him
عليه الصلاة والسلام it was a great day
he ate and it was a moment of
نعيم and he took a moment and he
remembered Allah سبحانه وتعالى and there is value
in having that character and being like that
and that is why we love him عليه
الصلاة والسلام and that is why we follow
him because that is how he was صلى
الله عليه وسلم أجمعين and he saw the
world through those lens I will end with
that so I don't bore you سبحانك اللهم
و بحمدك سنوا لا إله إلا أنت استغفره
و توب إليك و صلى الله وسلم و
بارك على نبينا محمد و لا إله إلا
أنت استغفره و توب إليك