Adnan Rajeh – Post Isha Khaterah 15-07-2024

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of the "arbreach" concept in the culture of Islam, as it is often the only place where people are not trying to be close to Islam. The speaker explains that the most beloved spaces to Islam are the ones where services are offered and people show kindness and brotherly love. The speaker emphasizes the importance of listening to people and finding the right balance between the types of services and the types of support.
AI: Transcript ©
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And the theme, moving for the next maybe

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2 weeks or so will be the the

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significance of Masajid. And the reason I wanna

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talk about this a little bit, and I

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know I've talked about it before, is

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to help encourage,

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give you some ammo to encourage people to

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attend masajid in general, not necessarily any of

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this one, but any masjid. And also, to

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prepare ourselves for

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August. August is usually the month I try

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to make it the, the outreach month where

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yeah, everyone

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has a has a,

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an obligation of bringing at least one new

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person to a masjid that never came before.

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And I think a a good way to

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be able to do that, usually they're not

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gonna be converts. They're gonna be someone who

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is a Muslim just as distanced

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as to maybe know the significance of masjid

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and the importance of them and maybe what

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what lies within these walls and why it

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is that we we emphasize having these spaces

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and and and we we come to them

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often. So that's why I'm gonna narrate a

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a bunch of a hadith. I'll talk about

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that, giving giving you something to work with

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And this is a very short and simple

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hadith, and you've heard it before, and I

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think inshallah you'll hopefully find it a little

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bit, helpful.

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He said the most beloved spaces on earth

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to Allah are his and the most unbeloved

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space spaces to Allah on earth are the

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And it's not

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it it doesn't mean that, they're always gonna

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be like that. Like, you will find a

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masjid as I said in the Surah in

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the earlier in the salah, there are Masjid

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there'll be a masjid that's not the most

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beloved space to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. That

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the person who who who who built that

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message, built it with the wrong intention, the

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people who are taking care of it are

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not taking care of it with the right

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intention. It's not spreading the proper knowledge. It's

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not helping people, so it doesn't turn into

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that. But in general, this is what Allah

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this is a general rule, the rule of

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thumb. Like, it's like markets. Some markets

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won't be, yeah, any horrible places. The that

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that is they are filled with deceit and

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lie and and and backstabbing and lack of,

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of of

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and and lack of,

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of honesty. No. Some of them are. But

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the general rule that he's explaining here, alayhis

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salatu wasalam, is that Allah loves places where

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people come together with the sole intention of

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being close to Allah

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and they're trying to improve themselves. He does

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not like places where people go and behave

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in a selfish manner, and people are just

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trying to take something for themselves. That's kinda

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what he's trying to explain here, alayhis salatu

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wa sallam. So there are places where you

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go and you're just trying to * as

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much as possible for yourself. And there's a

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lot of deceit going on. There's a lot

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of selfishness. There's lack of of any any

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piety remembrance there. So doesn't like those places,

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but he likes places where people come in

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and they remember Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. They

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perform services, and they serve one another, and

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they're kind to one another. That's what he's

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looking for,

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in in the spaces. So the most beloved

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spaces to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala are the

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spaces where this happens, but you have to

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make sure that these spaces are that's things

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these things are happening in them. Like, we

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have to ensure that these spaces are having

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these things happen in them. Like, we have

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to make sure that these spaces is or

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spaces where services are being are being offered

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and people are showing kindness and tenderness and

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brotherly love and knowledge appropriate knowledge is being

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spread and we're taking care of each other.

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And it's selfless rather than or else it

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turns into a market

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or it can turn a message easily into

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a market. Well, I've seen a session being

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worse than markets. Well, I'm not badgered by

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by how much money people are asking me

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for in the markets. I can walk into

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a market and then someone come and said,

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do you want something, sir, in this place

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like I don't want? But sometimes in the

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masjid, they'll stand up and they'll keep on

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asking you for money until you give them

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whether you have it or you don't. So

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be careful. We have to be careful with

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how we run masjid and how we make

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make people feel when they're in a masjid.

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If you walk into a place to to

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buy a shirt and the person who comes

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in the place asks you, do what you

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want, and you say I'm good, and they

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keep on asking you, do you need any

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help? You're gonna start you'll leave.

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You'll leave. I don't want help, but I

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just wanna walk around and browse. I just

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wanna look.

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This is this is important.

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People have to come to a masjid and

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feel the way Allah

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wants them to feel because he let this

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this that that allows the space to be

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the most beloved space to Allah. What happens

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and it has to be according to what

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala loves where the people

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where his servants, they come here. They come

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to a masjid and they find solace and

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they find

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companionship and brotherhood and they find love and

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they find knowledge and find support and they

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find what they're looking for. They they find

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what it is that allows them to come

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again and then they find that surface that

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they have to find. There has to be

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these places. If they're not designed that way

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how different are they from a market?

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They're not that different when when we don't

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treat them that way. And I think I

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think with as simple as what he said

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alaihis salatu wa sallam is here, I think

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as profound as it is as well. Okay.

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There's a lot that he's tried to explain

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to us that we just have to listen

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to. I hope that was a benefit to

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