Adnan Rajeh – Post Isha Khatera 01-12-2024

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The speaker discusses the etiquette of not moving a finger during a prayer and mentions that people may not be able to correct the person they are speaking to. They encourage people to practice different methods of doing things, including praying, and encourage them to use their finger down the whole time. The speaker also mentions a book about a person who broke their finger during a prayer and emphasizes the importance of not moving their finger during the prayer.
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I share with you and this is an
etiquette because it's it's not really And you'll
see what I mean in a moment But
he's describing or the law I know something
that he saw the prophet alayhi salatu salam
do in his Salah But I know my
age to Rasul Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
Well, you're funny jealous.
I'm tough.
Jerusha region.
I will use raw Toma wada ya day
he or the ra I he I laugh
I he they he Toma Rafa suburb at
a home you ashara be her you had
Riku her So he said that he saw
the prophet alayhi salatu salam pray one day
have his right foot stand up and his
he's sitting on his left foot and then
he put his arms on his thighs and
then he moved his His pointing finger The
second one beside the the thumb he put
it up and he moved it Imam Muslim
and his sahih on Abdullah Ibn Zubayr same
wording Where he says That he put it
up and didn't move it So when you
study this topic, which is when you say
I should know a lot a lot of
new people move their finger this Pointing finger
here in the right in your in your
right hand There are the madhab have four
different ways of doing this and if you
do any of these you're fine So Abu
Hanifa and the ahnaf or the Hanafi in
general the way they do it is that
they Put their finger up and a nafi
nafis when you say Yeah, when you're denying
in that you had to heed there is
no God but Allah so the no God
peace That's nafi.
So when they would say nafi they would
put their finger up.
So I should do a lot You know
her in Lala and then he put his
finger down until the end of the salah
and wouldn't move it The Shafi'i do
it the flip Yeah, if that so they
put it up when it says in Lala
so the imam is Shafi'i went like
this I should do a lot.
Yeah, in Lala and then he keeps it
up this way until the end of salah
when with no movement You know Ahmed with
the Hanabilah they move it only they put
it up only when the name of Allah
subhana Allah is used So
They move it whenever they say the word
of Allah subhana put it down again, right?
Imam Malik in Maliki you have a different
way of doing it They put so the
way you put your hand on your on
your thigh Either you put in all three
fingers and you're and this one is down
like that so all three fingers are are
taken inside and the thumb wraps around and
the finger is downy up and down or
These two fingers go back in and then
the middle finger and the thumb make a
halaqa make it and both and all my
that Except both both of them are fine.
Imam Malik.
He would have his hand put on the
side So instead of having it down like
this You have it like this and then
he would move the finger right and left
not up and down all throughout Salah All
throughout Salah regardless of what's being said All
four methods have evidence and all four methods
are fine So whatever madhab you follow you
can do whatever it is that you were
taught and it's fine So you'll see people
doing different things because the scholars have different
opinions on how to do this The reason
that I say it's an etiquette.
It's because it's not of the level.
It's not a funny.
Obviously, it's not an act It's not an
obligatory action.
It's not a pillar.
It's not an obligatory action It doesn't even
sometimes in many for many scholars.
It does not level up a rank to
a Sunnah Something that is must have that
is recommended to do with different degrees of
levels of recommendation So whatever you do is
fine And don't necessarily feel that you have
to correct the person beside you who is
doing it It was doing it a little
bit differently than you You know why I
tell you this because there's a story that
exists in the books and he's an old
style I'll just share with you this place
to where a Shafi'i was praying beside
Yeah, I mean I'm Ali key So the
Shafi'i would go I should know a
lot in the law and his finger goes
up and that's it He's like this and
he's making throughout Salah and beside him is
a guy and he's moving his finger the
whole time And he didn't know what was
So what's what I was over he broke
his finger for him This is in the
This is books like 700 800 years ago
It's in the books that this is what
they would there was sometimes lack of under
etiquette lack of understanding that some of these
Details some of these details and acts of
worship and rituals There's a lot of opinions
and there's a lot of ease There's a
lot of ease so you can do different
things as long as you take whatever you
do from the teachings of a of a
valid scholar or from one of the schools
of Jurisprudence that have an argument for it
then you're safe And if you decide to
keep your finger down the whole time then
you're fine as well All that is fine
It's an etiquette of Salah and it's something
that yeah, I need has different methods of
being performed I just want to share with
you because I see people people ask me
this question often and I I want to
make sure that There are four different methods
of doing it You can listen to this
hotel again Forgot what they were We
have a session so please pay your Sunnah