Adnan Rajeh – Personal Reflections

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The speakers discuss the return of Islam and the importance of avoiding false assumptions and staying true to one's values. They emphasize the need to be a good person and the importance of trusting oneself. The importance of learning to deal with pain and suffering, including learning to handle emotions and dealing with past experiences. The speakers stress the need for self-help and finding one's own way to deal with pain.
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As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah.
Come to
Prayer Come
to Prayer As
we continue to watch what is occurring in
the Holy Land And this is the 58th
or 59th coming out of the 60th Khutbah
Where I've had to talk about this I
count the age of this genocidal attempt in
Khutbahs It's been around 60 now That I've
had to come up on this minbar and
figure out how to address The ongoing bloodshed
in the Arab of Palestine upon the Palestinian
people in Gaza May Allah grant them salvation
Last week as I talked about some reflections
regarding what occurred in Sham The moment I
said that this is the last Khutbah I
was going to talk about it It's almost
like there was this psychological relief that I
experienced Because I could put this away now
I didn't have to think about it anymore
And the moment you do that in life
is when it all comes pouring in And
it had to happen obviously during my week
off to make my week off easy And
I got the chance to really reflect on
the last 14 years And to process what
happened And to relive or to at least
deal with many of the emotions that had
been put away for over a decade Listening
to the testimonies of the people who walked
out of the jails And to those who
have been there for the 14 years And
what they've been through and what they've felt
and how they are today And what they
hope for the future Listening to them was
listening to every Muslim And to every person
in this world who hopes for freedom And
hopes for a better future A future where
there is justice and there is tolerance And
there is khair for everyone And listening to
all that coming from people who I lived
with And I grew up with from my
country Was just a lot to deal with
And I had to spend the week really
just processing all of it and thinking about
it And I walked away with a few
personal reflections Just personal reflections Things that I
learned for myself Things that I now am
much more aware of than I was maybe
before I left Lessons that I've taken with
me that I know now to be for
sure truthful Not just through the wisdom of
those who taught them But also through personal
experience And hopefully something that can be of
benefit and of value to you And the
verse in Surah Yunus that I just quoted
for you Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and
it's hidden in the surah It really is
It's hidden within the surah that talks about
qada and qadar And if you've followed me
over the years Surah Yunus is one of
the surahs that I talk about a lot
It talks about one of the most essential
aspects of our aqidah Of our atiqad, of
our creed Which is believing or understanding what
qada means What qadar means, what destiny When
he predestinates things subhanahu wa ta'ala What
does that actually mean And within the surah
right in the middle There's two verses They're
almost inserted there just for an occasion like
this Where he says subhanahu wa ta'ala
Indeed we have destroyed many of the nations
that came before you Once they oppressed, once
they transgressed And we had sent them our
signs to educate them But they would never
listen Because they disbelieved in it to begin
with They weren't going to change their mind
midway through their tyranny And it's through our
destruction of them We offer them that which
they deserve Those who are criminals And then
he says ثُمَّ جَعَلْنَاكُمْ خَلَائِفٍ And then we
made you predecessors, stewards And then we made
you stewards of the earth After them لِنَنظُرَ
كَيْفَ تَعْمَلُونَ So we will observe, watch, judge
Hold accountable, depending on what you do Sometimes
in life This is what Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala does He takes it away from
someone, the baton And gives it to someone
else Here, let's see what you'll do with
it You didn't like what they were doing
with it, did you?
You thought they were all corrupt and weren't
doing a good job Here, go ahead, here's
yours لِنَنظُرَ كَيْفَ تَعْمَلُونَ Watch, see, observe what
you're going to do with it How are
you going to deal with this responsibility?
The same thing was said to Bani Israel
When Musa told them وَقَالَ مُوسَى لِقَوْمِهِ استَعِينُوا
بِاللَّهِ وَاصْبِرُوا Musa said to his people Seek
aid in Allah Be perseverant إِنَّ الْأَرْضَ لِلَّهِ
يُرِثُهَا مَنْ يَشَاءُ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ وَالْعَاقِبَةُ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ The
earth belongs to God He makes the inheritors
of it, whomever he wants And at the
end, the Muttaqeen will prevail So they answered
him They said قَالُوا وُذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِ أَنْ
تَأْتِيَنَا وَمِنْ بَعْدِ مَا جِئْتَنَا We have been
living a horrible life Before you became prophet
And after you became prophet Nothing has changed
with your presence It's all been just garbage
From before and after They're complaining They didn't
like any of it So what did he
قَالَ عَسَىٰ رَبُّكُمْ What do you know?
Maybe the day will come Where your Lord
يُهْلِكَ عَدُوَّكُمْ عَسَىٰ رَبُّكُمْ يُهْلِكَ عَدُوَّكُمْ That he
will destroy your enemy وَيَسْتَخْلِيفَكُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ And
he will make you the stewards of the
earth فَيَنظُرَ كَيْفَ تَعْمَلُونَ And then he will
observe and judge you For how you will
do With the responsibility And authority that you
have And that happened as well I have
four personal reflections That I want to share
with you Number one You need a Qibla
in life When I walked, when I left
Just before I left Syria I went and
visited my Shaykh In the middle of the
night The night that I left Just to
give salams to him And kiss his head
And he told me This is the phrase
that he told me Before I left قَالَ
يَبْنِي الْمُؤْمِنُ كَالْغَيْثِ Because I was in tears
I didn't want to قَالَ الْمُؤْمِنُ كَالْغَيْثِ أَيْنَ
مَا حَلَّ نَفَعَ A true believer is like
rain Wherever he goes He will do something
good So don't be upset Wherever you go
If you have good in you You will
do something good الْمُؤْمِنُ كَالْغَيْثِ أَيْنَ مَا حَلَّ
نَفَعَ And I never And this is a
very common phrase And I thought he was
just Throwing a cheesy quote to me A
quote that I've heard a million times before
It's nothing new I was hoping for something
different I asked the guy who came to
the Prophet ﷺ And told him And he
said And he didn't like it He's like
no no give me something Give me something
I want substance I won't see you again
So I thought the same way He gave
me some cheesy quote That I've heard a
million times Only to understand it later That
this is actually How we're supposed to live
as people And as Muslims specifically As a
Muslim specifically Wherever you're dropped on earth You
have a Qibla The word Qibla is not
just for Salah Actually it exists for Salah
As a figure of speech As an analogy
to be drawn from life itself Like the
concept of Qibla that we have in Salah
Is an analogy that is drawn from your
life Your life has a Qibla Which is
why your Salah has a Qibla It's not
the other way around Your life has a
direction A Qibla You're directed You're facing somewhere
You know where you're going You have an
idea of what the goal is It doesn't
matter where you're dropped on earth We can
pick you up Twirl you around until you're
dizzy And then throw you somewhere And you'll
stand up Wait until the dizziness goes away
Ask where the Qibla is Not just for
your Salah As important obviously As it is
for you to taqeem To your ritual But
the idea here is that you know What
you're here for You know what your goals
are You have a direction You know your
Qibla Where is Mecca?
Where is Mecca?
Where did it all begin?
Where did Adam a.s. put the first
Where did Ibrahim a.s. rebuild?
Where did Muhammad a.s. establish things?
That's my direction And you stand towards it
Not just in your Salah But in your
life Your life has a direction The Qibla
This saves you Understanding this It saves you
It saves you This is why this is
a personal reflection It's not about you doing
something for the ummah No, this is to
save you You need this direction You need
to carry this Or you're the one who's
going to suffer If you don't have that
You're aimless I came here, I was aimless
I was ripped out of my environment The
two things that I do in life Are
impossible Very difficult to do in other places
If you're a physician Once you work in
one place That's it It's hard to move
It's very, very hard to go And work
as a physician somewhere else If you're a
sheikh And you run a masjid It's very
hard to go and work somewhere else It's
based on trust It's based on It's on
merit, on work I was aimless But if
you have a Qibla If you were taught
There's a direction Then you'll figure it out
You know where to go And you know
where you're going So brick by brick You'll
build again You'll rebuild again Because you have
a Qibla Because you were taught something important
in your life We stand in Salah And
we sit down And we figure out And
the masjid is a little bit crooked It's
not perfect Why?
Because we're trying to make sure That our
direction is accurate in Salah May your direction
be accurate in life as well May your
direction be accurate in life as well What's
the point of you getting it by Arguing
for hours Upon exactly what is the right
direction here for Qibla And figuring it out
down to the decimal And then standing there
in Salah But then your life has no
direction What's the point?
What's the point?
Your life has to have We stand there
and put our hands up like this Why?
Go do Umrah What do you do in
Every time you come in front of the
Hajar al-Aswad As you perform your tawaf
You turn You're walking this way You turn
to your left And you look Where's the
Hajar al-Aswad And you put your hands
up And you say Allahu Akbar Bismillah Allahu
Akbar Because this is your direction And in
Salah you stand here in London, Ontario And
you put your hands up towards the Hajar
al-Aswad And you say Bismillah Allahu Akbar
Because your direction is the same It doesn't
matter where you are If you lived in
a colony in Mars You would figure out
where the direction of the Kaaba is And
you would put your hands up And you
say Bismillah Allahu Akbar Because you have a
direction We have a direction That Qibla saves
you It saves you These are personal reflections
It saved me It saved my life My
sanity My ability to be anything Was just
having that direction Remembering that there's a goal
here There's an Ummah that we carry the
hum of That we carry the responsibility of
We are champions of our own nation The
nation of Muhammad alayhi salatu wasalam We are
the champions of it We belong to it
It belongs to us We carry the responsibility
on our shoulders We walk around with it
When we do that When we live that
way Knowing where the direction is Knowing what
we're trying to do It doesn't matter where
we are Or when we are Or how
well we are doing Or how poorly we
are doing How happy you are How sad
you are It doesn't make a difference And
when you live like that It saves you
There will be a moment in your life
Well this will be the only thing that
saves you As it saved many before us
Imam Muslim narrates to us That Abdullahi bin
Shaqiq the Tabi'i Asked Ummah Aisha May
Allah be pleased with her He said O
Ummah of the believers Did the Prophet ever
pray sitting down?
That was his question So she said This
is what she said though Listen to this
answer She said Yes After people broke him
She said yes After people broke him It's
rubble That's hatam Hatam is when you break
something Destroy it People They asked of him
so much That they literally They literally made
him so tired He couldn't stand up anymore
That's when he finally prayed But he continued
to pray He continued to do it He
never stopped Yes he had to do it
sitting down now Because he was that tired
Because people sucked his blood Because they took
away They took from him everything they could
Because they kept on asking He kept on
giving He kept on asking He kept on
giving He never stopped though Yes he got
tired But he prayed He didn't stop This
is the point I want to make He
didn't give up at some point He kept
on doing it Yes he did it sitting
down But he kept on doing it And
his direction was the same And this is
the This is what we have to learn
from him My second piece of reflection Al
-Hijrah is a sunnah of the prophets To
immigrate To go from one place to the
other To travel Not just for purposes of
leisure and tourism But rather to be removed
from where you live And go live somewhere
else And have to build a life Is
the sunnah of the prophets When the prophet
was being prepared for this After he figured
out Mecca couldn't do it Was not going
to do it for him He went around
And he started asking the tribes In the
different years of Hajj Year of number 10
Year of number 11 Year of number 12
And he knew at that point in his
mind That he was going to leave his
hometown He knew it He didn't like it
But he knew it That at some point
he was going to have to leave If
this works out He's going to go somewhere
So the verse of the Qur'an Would
talk about this a lot It would tell
him stories Of Musa alayhi salatu wasalam When
Musa had to leave He had to leave
and go to Median And then come back
Tell him the stories of Ibrahim alayhi salam
So he got to hear all these verses
in the Qur'an Of the prophets before
him Of Yusuf alayhi salam People having to
go and live And build a life somewhere
else And he loved Mecca And he loved
Mecca He didn't love a piece of earth
More than Mecca And I don't think anyone
alive Loves their hometown As much as Rasulallah
alayhi salatu wasalam Loved Mecca You see he
was born there And his father was born
there And his grandfather was born there And
his great grandfather was born there All of
them All of these people Of great status
They built the city They built the city
It's not that he lived there No no
Abdul Mutalib And Hashim ibn Abid Manaf And
Qusay ibn Kilaf These people who are his
direct ancestors They built the city They defended
the city They gave the city its legitimacy
His great great grandfather Sayyidina Ismail Is the
reason the city exists To begin with His
ownership His right to live on this land
Is unparalleled And he would say this As
he walked out He would turn towards And
he would say You're the most beloved piece
of land to me If it wasn't for
the fact That I was kicked out By
your people I would never have left But
he never went back He never went back
Alayhi salatu wasalam Some of us can't go
back Because we can't go back Like we're
not there Because we can't He could But
he didn't Like he was able But he
didn't Out of loyalty to those Who took
him in Alayhi salatu wasalam He visited He
did Umrah But he never did He never
went back And lived there again He lost
his home He lost his ability To reside
there His descendants would reside In Medina for
many generations Before they moved back To Mecca
again And Allah would tell him Indeed the
one Who has made the Quran Obligatory upon
you We'll send you back one day We'll
send you back one day It's okay Because
he was in tears Alayhi salatu wasalam He
was crying But he went And he lived
somewhere else And he built something Of great
beauty Everyone who goes to Umrah Comes back
and says I love Mecca I love Medina
But I would stay in Medina Longer if
I could Everyone I love Mecca I love
Medina But I wanted to stay In Medina
longer Because he built it there Alayhi salatu
wasalam Because he's there Alayhi salatu wasalam You
can love a piece of land But land
is only as good As the people who
are living on it The value of a
community Is the value of the people in
it When you leave And you go somewhere
else And you have to rebuild There's nothing
It's not evil It's not bad Imam Shafi
'i tells us Imam
Shafi'i has a piece of poetry He
says Go, travel Learn There are five benefits
Of traveling Because he saw it Alayhi salatu
wasalam Himself Imam Shafi'i had one madhhab
When he was living in Mecca And then
he built a whole new one If you
study Shafi'i It's a very tiring madhhab
To study Because you have to see The
opinion of al-jadeed And al-qadeem You
have to study The new opinion And the
old opinion Because when he went to Cairo
It was a whole different lifestyle People were
from all over the place He had to
figure out A new madhhab Alayhi salatu wasalam
There's benefit In being sent somewhere else I
didn't feel that I'll be honest with you
I didn't feel that When I left I
didn't feel it Not at all I couldn't
see it It took me a long time
To see it It took me a long
time To love the place I was in
And love the people That I was with
But once I did It made sense He
did this Alayhi salatu wasalam And many of
you Have done this as well In your
lives See that as something positive Because Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala does أقول قولي هذا
وأستغفر الله لي ولكم فاستغفروه يغفر لكم يا
فوز المستغفرين استغفر الله الحمد
لله وحده وصلى الله وسلم وأبارك على من
لا نبي بعده وعلى آله وصحبه ومن اتبع
نهجه ووفى عهده My third piece of reflection
That I wanted to share with you You
must learn to hold yourself accountable For failures
and things that don't go on well I
learned this over the last 11 years This
is probably the most important lesson That I
learned You have to learn to hold yourself
accountable For the misfortunes The failures The lack
of accomplishments That you suffer in your life
If you don't learn how to do that
It's hard for you to grow as a
person We can't really grow as human beings
If we don't have the ability To hold
ourselves accountable Look at the Prophet His life
Look at how he Every single time something
went wrong He went back And he reassessed
their choices His choices and the Sahaba's choices
And he held himself and the Sahaba accountable
For things that didn't go well And he
made And he admitted that And he pointed
it out And he took feedback And the
Qur'an made sure That this is documented
This is an easy point Because the Qur
'an documented this piece Had the Qur'an
not documented this piece I may not have
had the ability To talk about it I
may have gone to Mimbar and said this
And someone would say No, this is not
true Rasulullah made no mistakes He never did
this But the Qur'an talks about it
The Qur'an says عَبَسَ وَتَوَلَّ The Qur
'an says عَفَى اللَّهُ عَن كَلِمَ أَذِنْتَ لَهُمْ
حَتَّى يَتَبَيِّنَ لَكَ لَذِينَ صَدَقُوا Not to take
down from his status No one comes even
remotely close To how much we love him
And listen to him But even him عليه
الصلاة والسلام Had to be pointed out That
didn't work out very well You should have
done something different Do it differently next time
And he did عليه الصلاة والسلام Time and
time again Because how else Are you going
to grow?
How else are we going to become better
people If we don't have the ability To
look at our mistakes And say That wasn't
right I didn't do that right I didn't
have the right mentality During that period of
time Being able just to say that And
hold ourselves accountable For our mistakes I grew
up in a country Where I had the
perfect anger I could blame everything On this
tyrant And I did I absolutely did I
blamed him for everything If it was too
cold I blamed him for it I blamed
him for the bad weather Everything was his
fault Because of what he was Because of
what he did to people Because of how
he treated human beings You couldn't help but
feel that way towards him But that took
away something from me I didn't notice it
then But it took away something from me
It took away my ability To assess my
own efforts And to blame myself when it
didn't work When I came here And that
wasn't there anymore And I faced the same
failures These same failures I figured out just
now He was responsible for a number of
things But he wasn't responsible for the stuff
That I wasn't doing well I was responsible
for that I sucked at it I didn't
know what I was doing I had to
relearn it again Make sure that in your
life You have no hangers Because you won't
grow You honestly won't grow If you have
something to blame Every time it doesn't work
out Then you won't go anywhere My last
piece of reflection That I want to share
with you And this is for everyone in
this room And those beyond Oppression and trauma
And pain and suffering They don't just disseminate
They don't disappear They don't just go away
Once you are inflicted by this stuff It
doesn't go away It stays with you It's
you and this new pain Before it was
just you And then you were hurt Now
it's you and this hurt You have to
deal with it It will never go away
But it doesn't have to sit there And
ruin your life But it won't go away
But it's there It's always going to be
there You have to learn how to deal
with it You have to learn how to
process it Understand it Accept it Incorporate into
you Incorporate this pain Into the new you
Allow it to affect you In a positive
way Because if you don't It will sit
there And then it will weigh on you
And it will harm you Most people don't
know that And I am amongst most people
Who don't understand that very well We weren't
taught this piece But when you study his
life Out of his salatul islam You find
he was different He is someone who was
very very In touch with his own emotions
So much so that Sometimes we don't understand
the stories Sometimes he's so in touch That
we don't feel like We can relate to
it As a man who would cry At
every story he was told Of pain by
someone That came and shared it with him
He didn't feel that was a problem He
would share their sorrow He had that openness
He had that ease He loved the people
that he loved And when he lost them
He mourned them He grieved for them And
he did it for as long as he
needed You have it in the stories When
Hamza bin Abdul Talib passed away When Zaid
passed away When he went back to the
grave of his mother All of these are
in sihah All of these are stories In
the authentic books And he would sob And
they would describe his sobbing And they would
say Naheeb Naheeb is when someone cries And
goes like this I've never seen anyone do
that before I've never seen anyone do that
before Yeah he did Because he was not
ashamed Of his own emotions He wasn't ashamed
Of expressing them Of feeling them It didn't
take away from his masculinity It allowed him
to grow as a person Allowed him to
deal with more We don't know how to
do that A lot of us don't We
don't We think masculinity Is just masking it
all And just keep on going It changes
us You're not the same person after a
while You're not the same person after a
while When you're hurt And you don't allow
that hurt You don't deal with it It
changes you Wallahi it does These are personal
reflections I'm telling you I'm not talking about
you It changes you You're not the same
person Your wife does not recognize you anymore
Your parents ask what's going on Something changes
when you're hurt And you don't deal with
your hurt When you go through pain You
go through oppression Or you go through mistreatment
And you don't allow it You don't sit
down and deal with it It takes away
a piece of who you are It eats
away at you as a person And it
ruins what you once were And it takes
away from your own potential So don't let
it happen Deal with your personal pain and
suffering And if you need to cry Then
cry And if you need to talk to
someone Talk to someone And if you need
professional help Then go seek it Because it
doesn't go away It doesn't disappear Alayhi salatu
wasalam Had a level of maturity And strength
on the inside That he could deal with
these pains Think about Someone who was born
as an orphan No father Buried his mother
at six Lost his grandfather at eight Got
married Lost the love of his life Lost
two of his male children Lost three of
his female children Lost four of his uncles
Three of his close cousins Two of his
close aunts His adopted son I don't know
how he got up in the morning And
smiled Alayhi salatu wasalam I honestly don't All
this within his life He didn't live that
long Sixty-three Gregorian Sixty-one years he
lived Sixty-three in hijri Not sixty-one
in miladi Sixty-three in miladi Sixty-one
in miladi That's all he lived Alayhi salatu
wasalam He saw all that And yet no
one smiled more than him And no one
was more optimistic More than him Alayhi salatu
wasalam Because he allowed himself To feel his
pain When he lost Ibrahim Alayhi salatu wasalam
At the end of his life His son
Ibrahim died Ibn Mas'ud came and found
him Crying for him He called Ya Rasulallah
Hatta anta ya Rasulallah Ibn Mas'ud thought
This is not appropriate Men don't cry Fa
qala ya Ibn Mas'ud Inna al-'ayna la
tadma' Wa inna al-qalba la yakhsha' Wa
inna ala firaqika Ya Ibrahim la mahzunoon Wala
naqulu illa ma yurdi rabbana The heart feels
the sorrow And the eyes pour the tears
And we are so saddened That we lost
you O Ibrahim But I will never say
anything That does not please my lord I
only say that What pleases my lord Alhamdulillah
For everything Alhamdulillah for everything Everything Everything Alhamdulillah
But learn to deal with it Because if
you don't It will eat away at you
Brothers and sisters I have spent most of
my time Explaining things in English So I
will brief you as much as I can
Four thoughts I contemplated during this week When
I said to myself I will avoid talking
about what happened in Damascus And I will
focus on the issues Of the Muslims in
this land So I remembered That I learned
from this experience Things And I wanted to
share some of them First You should have
a Qibla Carry the burden of this Ummah
If you don't carry its burden This Ummah
will carry your burden If you don't carry
the burden of this Ummah This Ummah will
carry your burden This Qibla that is in
prayer That was sent by the messenger of
Allah Peace be upon him Towards the Kaaba
Towards Mecca It is a Qibla for you
in your life Not only in prayer It
was sent in prayer To be a mirror
of what happens in life You have a
Qibla in your life Wherever Allah places you
Wherever you go No matter how small or
big you are Healthy or sick Poor or
rich You have a Qibla And you know
where you are heading And you know who
you serve And you know what is required
of you And you hold on to this
Qibla At least five times a day You
know where you are heading This will save
you I swear to you by my Lord
That this will save you It may not
save the whole Ummah It may not be
my effort to save the Ummah But it
is the burden of this Ummah And knowing
your Qibla will save you And save me
from it As a person, it will save
us to have a Qibla So do not
forget this matter You are not alive The
second issue Migration is good The messenger of
Allah migrated Peace be upon him In response
to the migration of the prophets before him
Joseph, Moses and Abraham They all migrated And
Noah They all left their homes And their
lands And their countries Which they loved To
another country So Allah wrote in their hands
a benefit So look at your benefit In
the country where Allah established you And keep
the love of your country in your heart
As the messenger of Allah kept the love
of his country in his heart The third
Know that if a person does not learn
To bear the responsibility of his actions He
will fail If a person does not bear
the responsibility of his actions He will fail
Each of us should look at what he
does Does he present the best face?
Do not blame anyone but yourself This is
advice by Allah There are those who deserve
to be blamed No doubt There are those
who deserve to be blamed But if you
blame them What will benefit them from their
What will fight them?
Yes Will try to remove them?
Yes But what will benefit them from their
If you blame them and do not blame
yourself You will not be able to improve
your effectiveness Nor your productivity Nor your effort
So bear the responsibility alone This is the
Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah As for
the last issue Deal with the pain that
is inside you As the Messenger of Allah
dealt with him Deal with the pain that
is inside you Every person has pain inside
Close the door on it and leave it
It will not melt and go But stay
Maybe it grows Then you change your personality
Then you change your being Then you change
your feelings Change your emotions We know this
in marriage It is known If there is
pain in marriage And when the couple talks
about it He turned to hatred He turned
to hatred The pain does not go The
pain is not forgotten It stays with you
But if you deal with it You took
something positive from it for your life And
if you did not deal with it You
took something negative from it for your life
Feel free to do so Encourage your friends
who have time And want to take a
course to learn something I think there is
benefit within it You