Adnan Rajeh – Performing Dawah – Outreach #04

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the importance of guidance in Islam, and how it can be used to make money. The speaker emphasizes the need for a mindset and perspective in order to achieve success in the field. The segment also mentions a sermon from Sayyidina Ali about wanting to guide people through the process of guidance.
AI: Transcript ©
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Buchare, you a Muslim? Could Have

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you saw Hey, I said. And then Abu Asmaa call Ali Ali, the haritonai

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collection of both Imam buchare and Muslim, and it is read to us

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by sahali bin Saad, and he tells us what the prophet Ali Islam told

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Sayyidina Ali one day, and the theme is outreach and Dawa,

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and I'll narrating a number of Hadith over the next week or so or

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more. And this is the cornerstone Hadith, or one of the strongest

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and one of the shortest and easiest to remember, and probably

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the one that has the most impact on this concept. And I nafeed Over

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the last couple of nights, and I left it for today, just to kind of

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build build up towards it. And so he said, ala ya saw some kala. And

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he told this, Ali Kala and yahadi, Allahu, bika, rajulan, wa hidden,

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haul min Hari, Naam. But he said, ala ya saw any Hadi Allah, if

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Allah was to guide through you, one person,

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one person. He used the term Wahid and alaihi salatu. He said one

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just to make it if Allah was to guide through you. And he uses

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that term yahadi abuka, because you, we don't guide, I don't

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guide, and neither do you. We encourage we.

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And he

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put on a good, good form of role modeling. We inspire, we teach,

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but we don't guide. Guide isn't something that comes from Allah

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subhanahu wa but he guides Subhana wa Taala through people. A lot of

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what he does Subhana wa Taala happens through people. A lot of

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what you receive in your life, whether it's provision or any

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knowledge you don't it doesn't just drop from the sky. Happens

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through people. It's coming from Allah, subhanaw taala, it was

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happening through people. And guidance is the same.

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But he's telling Sayyidina Ali is if Allah guides someone through

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you, just one person through you, it's better for you thanhammer and

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Nam is a it's a word that the Arab used to describe the best of dunya

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the most, the most, and the best of it and Nam is from Anam, which

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is livestock. And helmur and naam are livestock that have a reddish

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color to them, and they were seen as the most valuable, like the

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most expensive of them all, because they were beautiful to

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look at. So it's like being so he's telling you it's better than

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all the riches of the world that you live in. It's better if Allah

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guides one person through you. It's better than all the riches in

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the world. If you're if you have to choose between ya rab, give me

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all the money in the world, versus you use me. It's certain that you

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guided Quran through me. It's certain, it's verified that if

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Quran was guided through me, then that's better. It's way better.

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It's way better than being given all of the riches of the world,

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even though you may take those riches and use them in great ways

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and spend them, but you never know as you do that whether it's

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certain that when you used all these riches, that they actually

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works, that Allah actually verified for you that, yes, I

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accept these riches that you spent in sadaqah, if he can, if one

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person is in a verifiable manner, guided through you, it's better

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than all the riches in the world.

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Just to be guided like you have to think of things that way. Though

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like this requires a mindset where, ya rab, you're gonna guide

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people. You're gonna guide people. Ya rab, of course, may it be

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through me. Ya rab, make it through me. Don't put me aside and

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guide them through others. No, no. Use me. Keep me as the tool that

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is you're going to use for that, because he can easily put you

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aside and guide through other people. They can guide his he can

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guide those who deserve to be guided and whom he wants to guide

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through others. And then you're standing alone, and it's not

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happening through you anymore. You're not getting anything. It's

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the value of guidance happening through you that Allah subhanahu

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choses you to send guidance through you. It's a very valuable

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thing, and you spend the rest of your life. You can understand this

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hadith, the rest of your the rest of your life, just ya rab. Never

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substitute me, never put me on the bench. Just keep me. Keep me as

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the tool that you'll use to guide people. And you're so grateful

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that Allah is using you to guide, guide people that you want nothing

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else. Because what else would you want? If every person that Allah

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guides through you is better for you than all the riches in the

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world, then on a daily basis, you are making more money than you

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could ever imagine in your life. Anyways, so what else do you want?

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It's all an issue of mindset and perspective, and that's what he

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told said nali. You know what he told Sayyidina? Undo this. You

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know what he told him?

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Anyone know

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what did he tell him this alias he was going towards.

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He was carrying the he was carrying it, and he was marching

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towards khabar to fight. He told him, by the way, if Allah guides

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one person through you, it's better than whatever riches you

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may think exist behind the walls of that castle over there, because

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once you get through.

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Castle, the riches the Muslims were hungry, they would eat

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because of the riches that existed behind the walls of that castle. A

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lot of them like, let's get through these * walls so we

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can have food and not be cold at night. So he tells them, the

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guidance of one person is better than whatever happens if you go

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through war and get all the riches on the other side. And that's when

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he chose to teach him and desaratos and I find that to be

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absolutely magnificent and worthy of magnificent and worthy of

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reflection. I hope that was beneficial to you. Yay. Hadith

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beside and then Abu Asmaa, Ali Lani, Hadi

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