Adnan Rajeh – Etiquettes of Salah #18

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A woman used to pray for the brain at a village in the West and eventually passed away. She had a history of not wanting to be recognized and not wanting to be called a priority. The speaker also discusses the importance of not allowing people to perform Salah upon her, as it is part of her status, and the importance of not letting people perform Salah upon her, as it is also part of her status.
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وَبَعْدْ فَاذِهِ رِيَوْثُ الْجُمْوَعَ لَيْلَةٌ عَظِيمَةٍ مُبَارَكًا يُسَنُّ
فِيهَا لِكْثَوَى مِنَ الصَّلَاةِ عَلَىٰ سَيِّدِهِ وَمَوْلَاٰ يَرَسُولِ
اللَّهِ وَعَلَىٰ آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ وَمِنْ وَآلَاهُ مِنْ كُلِّ
عَمَلٍ صَالِحٍ The name of Jumu'ah, it's
a blessed night, there's a lot of barakah
in this night, and the sunnah is to
increase your prayer upon the Prophet ﷺ in
every good deed.
I remember, almost exactly 20 years ago, or
more maybe, maybe 21, I went for Salat
The masjid in my village, everything in Canada
is way too open, like, I consider this
masjid close to my house.
This masjid, to me, if I were living
back in my village, would be three villages
It's like, I'm an imam of a masjid
that exists three villages away, literally, how far...
The masjid was like a five minute walk,
and the one that I was imam of
was a seven and a half minute walk,
so it was just a little bit up
into the...
And when it came to regular days, I
would go and pray in the main masjid
with the sheikh, Sheikh Abu al-Qasim Marwan
al-Zuhuri, hafizahullah, I don't think he watches
any of this stuff, but if he does,
ya'ani, wa'hibbuhu fillah, and he was
someone who taught me a lot, and when
I was younger, I used to go and
ya'ani, we attended a lot of lessons
with him.
So, al-Fajr, I used to, like, go
to pray for the brain.
The masjid, we closed down the old masjid,
and go pray with the sheikh, because the
sheikh gave a dars in the morning, and
I would like to listen to it.
So we went, and it was very, very
It was similar to this, our area within
the suburbs of Damascus is an area that
takes a lot of snow, in comparison to
other parts of Syria, that doesn't take as
much snow.
So it was a very, very snowy morning,
and we knew, already from the night before,
that everything was closed.
No one's going to school, or to work,
or leaving the village.
Everyone's going to stay home, it's a snow
day, everyone looks forward to it.
So then, for salah, I had to walk
through snow to get there.
It was, like, maybe half a meter or
It can really snow, you don't think, people
don't realize, it can really, really snow.
My dad, and his, like, it's not him
telling the story, but his generation, remember, having
to go from the roof of one house
to the roof of another, and drop khubuz
in the chimneys.
That's how much snow.
It would go three or four meters, snow.
So, like, the door was closed down.
This was back in the 50s and 60s.
It's not as much anymore, but I remember
it would go up to, like, around a
So walking to the Masjid was hard.
So I walked to the Masjid of Fajr,
and there was four of us.
There's four of us and the sheikh.
And I'll never forget that morning.
Like, we did this maybe three or four
times a month.
I remember every single time.
I remember what dars he gave.
I remember the sheikh gave isaat after the
And he spent half an hour explaining this
I remember it very clearly.
And it's funny, years later, he and I
were talking about something.
Maybe five or six or even more years
later, and it was snowing, and this came
And he said, I remember when we prayed
Fajr, four of us.
I said, yes, and you said this.
I still remember the timing.
SubhanAllah, it's moments.
And you could have easily come to pray
Maghrib and then do tajma' al-isha' with
And that would be totally fine, honestly.
But, yeah, I mean, some of our scholars
used to say that there's barakah in going
to the Masjid at moments where people don't
And it's almost a part of it, without
getting any sentimental.
It's like, you go to the Masjid at
a moment where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
did not invite all of his servants.
And he invited you.
And you came to him subhanahu wa ta
You could have stayed home.
It's just something to think about.
I find it meaningful in that sense.
So inshallah, there's barakah in that.
Now, the theme is still etiquettes of salah.
And I had planned to narrate this hadith.
So I'll narrate it to you quickly.
It's a nice, it's a short hadith.
It's narrated, you know, Muslimun fi sahihihi a
'n Abu Hurairat radiallahu anhu qal.
كانت امرأة سوداء تقوم المسجد So the hadith,
this is called, if you look it up,
it's called حديث أمي محجن So you can
look it up, حديث أمي محجن or حديثي
محجنة because it's another name.
And Imam Muslim narrates this hadith by Abu
Hurairah where what it says, there was a
lady, and she was a black lady.
And of course this is not racially, it's
just a description that she was a foreign
She was not a lady of, you know,
she was a Quraishi lady or a lady
of great status.
She was a miskeen person who accepted Islam
and she was of simple background.
She came from Habasha or she came from
part of the world.
She was enslaved probably for a certain part
of her life.
And she accepted Islam and was now living
among Muslims.
تقوم المسجد تنظف meaning to clean the Masjid.
So her job was to clean the Masjid
and make it smell nice and remove anything
in it.
قال فتوفيت ذات ليلة فدفناها One night she
passed away, so we buried her.
قال فقام رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
للفجر The Prophet ﷺ would wake up for
فقال فلم يرها He didn't see her in
the Masjid.
فسأل عنها He asked about her ﷺ.
I remember when I heard this hadith years
and years ago that the Shaykh stopped there
and didn't actually finish.
He just talked about that.
The Prophet ﷺ asked, Where is she?
Where is فلانا?
Why is she not here?
The Prophet ﷺ would notice.
I don't...
No one, who does?
Give me a CEO of a company that
notices the janitor.
Tell me a physician who notices the cleaning
Tell me...
They don't notice the cleaning.
People don't have...
The Prophet ﷺ رسول الله خير الخلق أجمعين
عليه الصلاة والسلام سيد البشر يوم القيامة سيد
ولدي أدم He would walk in the Masjid.
He didn't see the lady who was cleaning.
And he asked, Where is she?
She's not here.
فقالوا يا رسول الله توفيت فدفناها فقال أبو
حريرة فكأنهم صغروا أمرها This is the wording
in Muslim.
They said, Yeah, she passed away.
We buried her.
And what I said, It seemed like they
were belittling her status.
You don't have time for this.
She passed away.
We put her.
فقال أفلا كنتم آذنتموني Why did you not
let me know?
أفلا كنتم آذنتموني Why didn't you wake me
up for this?
قال فسكتوا No one knew what to say.
فقال دلوني على قبرها Show me.
Where did you bury her?
So they showed him.
عليه الصلاة والسلام قال فذهب فصلى عليها عليه
الصلاة والسلام ثم التفت إلى الناس فقال ألا
إن هذه القبور مملوءة ظلمة على أهلها وإن
الله لمنورها عليهم بصلاة عليهم عليه الصلاة والسلام
Indeed, these graves are filled with darkness upon
the people who are in it.
But Allah will fill it with light when
I perform my Salah upon them.
عليه الصلاة والسلام Now, the part of this
etiquette of Salah that I'm trying to point
out to you صلى الله عليه وسلم أجمعين
is that a part of the etiquette of
praying is keeping the prayer space that you're
in clean is taking interest in that and
this is the status of the lady who
would clean the masjid this is her status
in the eyes of the Prophet عليه الصلاة
والسلام that he cared he asked about her
every day and he saw her every day
and when he didn't see her he asked
and when it turned out that he passed
away he went himself عليه الصلاة والسلام and
performed another Janazah for her I mean the
Janazah prayer had already been performed for this
lady he did it again for her عليه
الصلاة والسلام and he chastised the people for
not taking time and letting him know as
if they felt that she wasn't important enough
and she was Now, taking from that the
importance of cleansing the masjid and that there's
ajr in doing that but really to me
it's just a part of if you want
to talk about his etiquette عليه الصلاة والسلام
in general then you can do that but
the way I'm attaching it for Salah is
that when you come to a place it's
important that you leave it cleaner than the
way you found it if not at least
equal but to leave a masjid when you
pray it in worse than it was before
you came in there's a lack of etiquette
in that there's something missing in that and
the Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام of course would
teach us that and that's just his etiquette
in general صلى الله عليه و صحبه وسلم
أجمعين I mean Allah سبحانه grant us the
barakah of his Salah upon us and you
get the Salah of the Prophet عليه الصلاة
والسلام upon you when you perform Salah upon
him remember this that you were commanded to
perform Salah upon him عليه الصلاة والسلام you
were commanded to do this well, how do
you do it?
you don't say أُصَلِّ عَلَى رَسُولِ الله no,
you say اللهم صلِّ عَلَى رَسُولِ الله you
send it back to Allah سبحانه وتعالى it's
the only time when you're told to do
something and then you immediately your response is
you send it back to God to do
it everything else you're told to do you
do everything else you're told to say you
say except when it says صلِّ عَلَى رَسُولِ
الله you don't say أُصَلِّ عَلَى رَسُولِ الله
you say اللهم صلِّ عَلَى رَسُولِ الله why?
because the only one who can perform Salah
upon the Prophet in a way that is
worthy of his status is Allah سبحانه وتعالى
you and I are not of the we're
not of the status that deserve to actually
perform Salah upon him عليه الصلاة والسلام no,
Allah سبحانه وتعالى is the one who performs
Salah upon him I'm not of the status
to do that so the one who is
worthy or the one who will perform Salah
upon the Prophet عليه الصلاة والسلام is Allah
Himself so when you say it you send
it back to Allah سبحانه وتعالى because no
one else has the status or has the
ability to perform Salah upon him عليه الصلاة
والسلام إلا الله سبحانه وتعالى Himself which is
why is the only command when you're told
to do it you send it back to
Allah سبحانه وتعالى again and you do that
you صلِّ عَلَى رَسُولِ الله عليه الصلاة والسلام
and then he does that to you and
as he did it for Umm Mihjan رضي
الله عنها and she got the barakah of
that Inshallah we will all get also the
barakah of that يروي الإمام مسلم في صحيحه
عن أبي هرية رضي الله عنه قال كانت
امرأة سوداء تقم المسجد وتوفيت ذات ليلة فدفناها
فقام رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم للفجر
فلم يراها فسأل عنها فقالوا توفيت فدفناها يقول
أبو هريرة فكأنهم صغروا أمرها فقال عليه الصلاة
والسلام أفلا كنتم آذنتموني فسكتوا فقال دلوني على
قبرها فدلوه على قبرها فذهب فصلى عليها صلى
الله عليه وسلم ثم التفت إليهم فقال ألا
إن هذه القبور مملوءة ظلمة على أهلها وإن
الله منورها على أهلها بصلاتي عليهم