Adnan Rajeh – Etiquettes of Salah 17

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The speaker discusses the importance of the Prophet alayhi)'s actions and their impact on society. They mention that the Prophet has a history of subhanelf and his actions are reflected in the culture of Islam. The speaker also talks about the need for people to acknowledge and acknowledge their subhanelf at any given moment.
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And there's maybe two or three ahadith left
that I want to narrate to you on
the etiquettes of salah And this is a
very famous one that you'll recognize the moment
I start narrating it And I think there's
a, there's an etiquette of salah that's attached
to it that is often Ignored.
Qal alayhi salatu wasalam Majtama'a qawmun fee
baytim min buyootillahi yaqra'oona kitaballahi wa yatadarasoonahu
baynahum illa ghashyatuhumul rahma wahaffatuhumul maya'ika watanazzalat
alayhimu ssakinatu wadhakarahumullahu fee man inda So the
hadith, the Prophet alayhi salatu wasalam what he
says is that never has a group of
people gathered in a masjid reciting the book
of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and performing
some form of dars between them Tadars means
that there is some degree of contemplation, reflection
or thought process going about the Quran This
never happens in a masjid in the house
of Allah except that Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala will have His compassion smother them and
His mala'ika come and join them and
calmness and tranquility surround them and He will
call them out by name amongst those who
are in the heavens fee man indahu which
is on its own a phrase that has
been and always will be a phrase that
the scholars will continue to discuss and talk
about and always wonder what exactly it means
but the wording is dhakarahumullahu fee man indahu
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will talk about
them bring up their names in a group
or in a gathering that only He subhanahu
wa ta'ala knows who is in it
and only Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is
able to appreciate what's actually occurring there but
these are the four things that happen every
time a group of people come to the
masjid and perform any form of recitation of
the Quran or remind themselves of it and
when you think about it salah is exactly
that when you pray, Quran is recited and
then if a short khatirah is offered after
it the khatirah is usually to reflect upon
something that is in the book of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala a teaching that Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala left in His book
and that is pretty much everything that this
hadith is talking about so every time you
come and pray isha and you hear something
that is being shared or you listen to
a reminder then all four of these things
occur Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala smothers you
with His compassion and empathy and the mala
'ika are sent to actually be with you
and to join you and you are surrounded
by His peace His calmness His sakinah His
calmness and tranquility and Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala calls you out by name amongst a
gathering that exists only in the heavens and
only He knows about subhanahu wa ta'ala
and there is absolutely nothing within our tradition
that is more meaningful and more moving to
the heart than this description the Prophet alayhi
salatu wasalam left us which is why you
are supposed to come to the masjid and
engage in activities which is why we do
this because for the moments where you are
sitting there and the Quran is being recited
and you are listening to some form of
dhikr you know that Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala is smothering you with His compassion He
is sending His tranquility towards you His mala
'ik are surrounding you He is talking about
you subhanahu wa ta'ala What more do
you want?
What more?
What better moment could there be for me
or for you in our lives than that
moment where we are able to experience all
of that The problem sometimes is that we
don't notice what we are experiencing Sometimes there
are so many hujub We put so many
barriers between us and Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala that we don't notice we don't appreciate
and acknowledge that which we are experiencing at
any given moment So it goes by and
is taken for granted and it's not reflected
upon and I hope that was a benefit