Adnan Rajeh – Dealing with Turbulence of Time 4

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The speaker discusses the difficulties of life and the importance of grabbing the "fitna" concept in achieving success. They emphasize the need to recline to the basics and hold onto the basics for stability and happiness. The speaker also mentions the importance of not getting too caught up in details and not giving too much information.
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والحمد لله رب العالمين
اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على نبينا وحبيبنا محمد
وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين وبعد Inshallah, after the
khatira The brothers and sisters who fell during
the last 670 days or so or 470
days since the beginning of this conflict or
beginning of this attempt of genocide that the
apartheid state began on the people of Gaza
and as the ceasefire enters or enters into
action basically now or within this period we
ask Allah to grant them some degree of
relief and may they find some degree of
satisfaction in achieving a certain standard of bravery
and courage as a people, as a population
that will forever hold the bar for us
at a certain point that we may find
difficult to emulate in our lives and may
Allah teach us from this the lessons that
we need to learn to move forward in
a way that pleases him سبحانه وتعالى اللهم
آمين So we'll do this right after the
khatira inshallah يروي الإمام الطبراني في الكبير والإمام
الطحاوي في شرح المشكلة بسند صحيح عن أبو
واقد الليثي رضي الله عنه وقال The hadith
of Imam Tabarani with an authentic chain narration
narrated to us by Abu Waqid Al-Laythi
where he tells us in this theme of
dealing with fitna with turbulence or as it
was pointed out to me there's a different
word but now I forget what it is
but regardless fitna is something I think most
people understand at this point it's just the
difficulties of life really if you take the
word fitna the difficulties, the misfortunes, the shortcomings,
the hardships this is what fitna is all
that life is hitting you with it's the
good and the bad but mostly fitna is
used for the difficulties and the Prophet's hadith
within this chapter is always a little bit
overlooked because it's seen as prophecies for the
future but I think there's something for us
to benefit from these teachings because we all
go through turbulence in our lives and all
go through fitna and Abu Waqid Al-Laythi
tells us we were sitting with the Prophet
on a carpet of some sort and he
said indeed there's going to be in the
future there's going to be turbulence and difficulties
there's going to be a fitna something that
will make it difficult for people to function
and do their thing a lot of confusion
what do we do Ya Rasulallah?
he went down and he picked up the
piece of the carpet that he was sitting
on and he said you go like this
and he held on to the piece of
carpet strongly what he meant by that is
you hold on to your deen and you
hold on to what you were taught because
they were sitting with him on it now
we all know Aladdin had a carpet that
he sat on so the Arabs always had
some degree of respect for the concept of
carpets again there was a scarcity to having
something like this so they're all sitting on
the carpet it's really nice, it's comfortable unlike
what we're used to for us this is
uncomfortable because we're pampered as people but if
you're sitting all the time on turab you're
sitting on soil or dirt or sand or
you're sitting on rocks sitting on carpet was
pretty nice so they're sitting with him on
the carpet there's this feeling of oneness of
togetherness of clarity and they're asking what do
we do if it's difficult so he says
you hold on you hold on to what
you know to what you have and he
kept on talking saying about a fitna and
people are talking they're talking about it will
you not listen to the prophet he's talking
about the fitna what do you command us
to do you go back to the origin
of things you go back to your original
state this to me is an extremely profound
piece of advice that he offers here go
back to the origins of it all when
it gets really hard you have to be
able to recline on some of your maxims
what is it that is absolutely agreed upon
Islam is a beautiful and large faith and
there's a lot in it for sure it
can become a little bit confusing after a
while or it can be a little bit
complex if you're getting confused and if you're
feeling that you're in a state of fitna
and a little bit of chaos and turbulence
just recline go back to the basics go
back to the basics go back to what
it means to say la ilaha illallah go
back and know who your lord is go
back and just love Muhammad and hold on
to the Quran in your hands and just
hold on to the basic principles of honesty
and justice and truthfulness and righteousness and if
you do that in life then you'll be
safe even if you miss some details and
you fail to get it all right you
won't get it all right it's impossible to
do so if you get confused just go
back and hold back to the basics just
hold on that's what he was saying just
hold on to what you know just keep
yourself stable with the winds as life hits
you with all these winds and as you
start to lose orientation just hold down to
that which you know is stable which is
rooted in the ground and that's what we
have to do today as Muslims we have
to go back to the origins we have
to go back to the basics we have
to go back to the basics just the
basics of what Islam is and what Islam
teaches if we do that then a lot
can change for us if we stop fighting
about details that don't matter really that don't
matter that have no weight at all that
don't affect us as Muslims really and we
can't afford even to talk about right now
anyways we just put those aside and we
turn back and we climb back onto those
basics and we hold on to them and
we work together then there's nothing that's standing
in the way of removing our fitnas except
ourselves and I think he taught us a
lesson there that's worthy of sharing with you
Arabic we're
going to stand up and perform salat al
-ghaib and then salat al-sunnah and then
we have inshallah do we have some nasheed?
okay so