Adnan Rajeh – Dealing with Turbulence of Time-2

Adnan Rajeh
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The speaker discusses the importance of reading the Hadith and following Islam, emphasizing the beautiful source of comfort it provides. They also give advice on managing turbulence and being careful of adding things to Islam, particularly during death. The sun is his way of life and everyone can be proud of him.

AI: Summary ©

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			This is the night of Jumu'ah.
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			It is a lot of barakah in this
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			night, the blessed night, and the sunnah is
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			to increase your salah upon the Prophet ﷺ
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			in every good deed.
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			The hadith tonight is a collection of Imam
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			Ahmad, Imam Udawud, Imam Ibn Hibban and it
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			has a reasonable chain of narration and this
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			is a very famous hadith and the theme
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			of talking about dealing with turbulence or fitna
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			and as I pointed out yesterday and I
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			want this to maybe resonate with some of
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			you, that when you read the chapters of
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			fitna in books of hadith, usually the context
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			is always focusing on Armageddon or the apocalypse
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			or something that is going to happen later
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			in the future or something that has happened
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			So it takes away sometimes or it strips
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			us sometimes from our ability to benefit from
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			the hadith and to walk away with something
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			that we can do.
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			If you look at turbulence, the word fitna
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			or fitan, as what it is, just a
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			turbulence that happens in your life on a
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			personal level, on a communal level, and you
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			learn from the Prophet ﷺ how to deal
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			with them, then actually these hadith become very
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			They become really beautiful and you really, really
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			benefit from the profoundness of them.
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			And I'm going to try and do that
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			for you just so that you can inshallah
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			find some beauty and these hadith are very,
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			usually always slashed aside, people don't read them
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			very often, they're left for the scholars to
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			do in halaqats, when really I find that
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			there's a lot in them.
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			So this hadith is very famous, this is
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			what Arbad ibn Sariah said, وَقَالَ صَلَّى بِنَا
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			رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ ذَاتَ
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			يَوْمٍ ثُمَّ التَفَتَ إِلَيْنَا فَأَقْبَلَ عَلَيْنَا بِوَجْهِ صلى
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			الله عليه وسلم, he's right.
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			So one day the Prophet ﷺ prayed, then
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			when he finished he turned around and he
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			faced us with his face ﷺ, usually he
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			would do his dhikr or his du'a,
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			at this point he put his face out
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			and he got the attention of everyone, فَقَالَ
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			فَوَعَضَنَا مَوْعِظَةً بَلِيغَةً ذَرَفَتْ مِنْهَا الْعُيُونِ وَوَجِلَتْ مِنْهَا
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			الْقُلُوبِ حَتَّى قَالَ قَائِلٌ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ كَأَنَّ
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			هَذِهِ مَوْعِظَةٌ مُوَدِّعٌ فَبِمَاذَا تُوصِيْنَا So he turned
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			to them ﷺ and he gave them a
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			reminder, a true maw'idah, something that moved
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			the hearts of those who were listening, their
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			hearts were moved and their eyes ran with
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			tears and one of the people who were
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			sitting with, he said, يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ it
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			seems as if you are giving us a
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			farewell reminder, it's as if you feel like
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			you're never going to see us again and
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			if that is the case what wasiyah do
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			you leave with us and what should we
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			do if you leave ﷺ and many of
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			the scholars take that this actually was a
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			maw'idah that he gave ﷺ after hijat
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			al-wada'a, after his final sermon so
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			it was actually accurate, within three months he
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			had passed ﷺ so it was very much
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			so that's why he didn't correct the Prophet
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			ﷺ in his answer, he didn't correct the
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			person, he actually gave them a piece of
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			wisdom that we carry on today and you
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			hear a lot so he said the following,
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			قَالَ ﷺ أُوصِيكُم بِتَقْوَ اللَّهِ وَسَّمْعِ وَطَّاعَتِي وَإِنْ
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			عَبْدًا حَبَشِيًّا فَإِنَّهُمْ مَنْ يَعِشُ بَعْدِي فَسَيَرَ اخْتِلَافًا
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			كَثِيرًا number one, I leave with you my
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			final piece of wisdom or my wasiyah amongst
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			you, what I ask of you and this
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			is what a wasiyah is, when someone asks
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			you of something and it's a final ask,
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			I ask you of taqwa, for you to
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			continue to be mindful of Allah and number
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			two is سَمَعُ وَطَّاعَةِ for you to follow
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			along, meaning when the Muslims are unified and
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			they have a leader that you will offer
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			سَمَعُ وَطَّاعَةِ we talked about this in a
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			previous khutbah, the Prophet ﷺ is بَيْعَتْ لَعَقَبَةِ
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			is سَمَعُ وَطَّاعَةِ that you are going to
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			adhere, you are going to follow along قَالَ
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			وَإِنْ عَبْدًا حَبَشِيًّا even if your leader is
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			a slave that is brought from a part
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			of Africa and there's nothing wrong with that
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			obviously, but to the culture of the people
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			he was speaking to ﷺ, to them this
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			was something they had never heard of before,
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			so he ﷺ was challenging them, was challenging
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			some of their inherited understandings that yes, even
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			if one day you're ruled by someone who
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			was once a slave from a different culture,
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			you will listen because Islam is what unites
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			you, not your race, it's not urooba that
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			brings us together, it's Islam that brings us
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			together, it doesn't matter where the person comes
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			from فَإِنَّهُ مَنْ يَعِشْ بَعْدِي فَسَيَرَ اخْتِلَافًا كَثِيرًا
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			indeed, those who will live after me or
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			outlive me will see a lot of differences,
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			they'll see a lot of conflict, a lot
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			of dispute that's going to come, and then
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			he ﷺ said وَعَلَيْكُمْ بِسُنَّةِ وَسُنَّةِ الْخُلَفَاءِ الرَّاشِدِينَ
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			الْمَهْدِيِّينَ مِنْ بَعْدِي and I ask you to
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			hold on to my sunnah, to my way
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			of life sunnah is not just the miswak
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			and the imamah and the, as beautiful as
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			these things are sunnah is his way of
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			life ﷺ, how he saw the world, how
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			he treated people, what he valued, what he
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			sought to be, what his principles were ﷺ,
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			those things have to come first and then
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			everything else will follow take my sunnah, and
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			the sunnah of those, the leaders, the khulafa,
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			my successors who are rashideen, who walk the
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			straight path, mahdiyeen, who are guided by the
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			word of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, that
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			come after me تمسكوا بها hold on to
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			it وَعَضُوا عَلَيْهَا بِالنَّوَاجِذِ and bite down on
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			the, with your molars, like if you have
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			no other way to hold on to it
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			aside from biting down on it with your
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			teeth, if your arms are cut off and
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			your legs don't work and the only thing
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			you can do to hold on to this
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			sunnah is bite down on it with your
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			inner teeth and that's what you do, that's
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			what he's teaching ﷺ عَضُوا عَلَيْهَا بِالنَّوَاجِذِ and
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			this continues to be the way the Prophet
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			ﷺ taught us to live this is what
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			he left you with ﷺ, this is what
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			he asked you to do as turbulence comes
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			throughout life and you deal with these difficult
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			moments remember that ﷺ did not leave you
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			lost, no, he left you with clarity you
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			continue to be mindful of Allah, you continue
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			to hold on to the jama'ah of
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			the Muslimin you commit to the group, you
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			don't go on your own, you stick with
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			the jama'ah even if the jama'ah
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			is run by someone you don't like, even
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			if the jama'ah is run by someone
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			you don't respect even, even, it doesn't matter,
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			you stick to the jama'ah because that's
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			how we're defined, there's nothing else and then
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			you hold on to his way of life
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			ﷺ and the way of life of those
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			who were guided after him ﷺ the word
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			khulafa is not necessarily even a political term
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			in this hadith the word khulafa in this
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			hadith is not even necessarily a political term
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			but rather it's a religious one because the
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			khalifa is someone who picks up after someone
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			else and the Prophet ﷺ here wasn't even
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			necessarily talking about politics he was talking about
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			those who will pick up after him as
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			in the religious leadership of this ummah those
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			who he will learn from after he passes
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			away ﷺ it happened to be the first,
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			the same people when he passes away ﷺ
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			who are they going to learn from?
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			Abu Bakr I'm going to learn from first
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			and then if he's gone I'll learn from
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			Umar and then from Uthman, and then from
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			Ali, and then Zubair, and Tarha it happened
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			to work that way anyways but he's trying
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			to teach us, here's who you hold on
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			to hold on to this, tamassaku biha, wa
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			adlu alaiha bin nawajid and bite down on
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			it, bite down on it if you have
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			no other way to hold on and that's
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			how you deal with turbulence that is how
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			we deal with turbulence as an ummah we
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			hold on to what he left us ﷺ
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			and in the midst of these tornadoes and
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			high waves that are hitting us within this
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			world as long as we continue to hold
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			on to this wasiya that he gave us
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			ﷺ we will make it we will, when
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			the sun finally shines and it all calms
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			down you'll still be standing and you'll still
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			be facing the right direction and you'll still
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			be able to own that which you believed
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			in to begin with and there's no other
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			way around it aside from that and I
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			find this hadith, this hadith is beautiful he
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			concludes it ﷺ, he says wa iyaakum wa
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			muhdathati al-umuri fa inna kulla bid'atin
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			dhalalatin wa kulla dhalalatin finnaar and be careful
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			of making things up be careful of adding
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			to Islam something that's not from Islam be
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			careful of deciding that you don't like it
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			and you want to put your own touch
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			into the deen and bringing something that he
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			never taught, subhanahu wa ta'ala or bringing
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			something the Prophet ﷺ never taught because you
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			do that, you misguide people and when you
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			misguide people you end up in jahannam wa
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			l-iazubillah he left you with everything you
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			need ﷺ there's no need to make something
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			up and I think there's a lot within
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			that to reflect upon yarwil imam wahmad fi
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			musnadihi bi sanadin hasanin al-irbad ibn sariyah
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			qala salla bina rasulullahi ﷺ dhata yawmin thumma
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			altafata fa aqbala alayna bi wajhihi fa wa
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			'adana maw'idatan balighatan dharafat minha al-ayoon
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			wa wajilat minha al-quloob hatta qala qailun
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			ya rasulullahi ka anna hadhi maw'idata muwaddi
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			'in fa bimada tuwsiina fa qala ﷺ uwsiikum
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			bitaqwa Allah wa sam'i wa atta'ati
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			wa in abdan habashiyan fa innahu man ya
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			'ish ba'di minkum fasayara akhtilafan kathira wa alaykum
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			bi sunnati wa sunnati al-khulafa ir-rashideen
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			al-mahdiyeen min ba'di tamassaku biha wa abduu
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			alayha bin nawajid wayyakum wa muhdathati al-umuri
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			fa inna kulla bid'atin dalalah wa kulla
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			dalalahin finnaar sadaqa rasulullahi ﷺ alhamdulillah la ilaha
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			illa anta astaghfirullah