Adnan Rajeh – Dealing with Turbulence of Time 10

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The history and character of Islam are discussed, including struggles with Islam's actions and negative consequences on society. The loss of Sevan's last known We've, as well as challenges to living in a changing world and the importance of staying true to one's beliefs. The segment ends with a mention of a touring event where Sevan talks about improving things and leaving people in a position to deal with problems.
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ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in wa ba'd
yaru'il imam al-bukhari fi sahihihi ani
zubayri ibn adiyyin qal atayna anas ibn malikin
radiallahu anhu faqulna lahu atayna anas ibn malikin
fa shakawna ilayhi ma nalqa minal hajjaj so
this hadith, the theme is still dealing with
turbulence or tribulation or fitna in general and
I think the theme is becoming clearer to
those who are listening to this everyday that
it's just going back to the basics and
to the fundamentals and holding on to them
is really the way out of any difficult
situation for any Muslim whether on an individual
level or on a communal level or a
larger one and anas ibn malik towards the
end of his life, anas lived long enough
radiallahu anhu to be around during the time
of al-hajjaj, ibn yusuf al-thaqafi the
known tyrant of the Umayyad Caliphate the man
who literally bombarded the Kaaba he broke the
Kaaba this is the degree of what happened
it's very hard to talk about Islam sometimes
knowing the history that we have when many
of us don't know the history or don't
know how to understand the history of what
we have like they don't understand how to
comprehend our history our history is neither like
after the prophet a.s. passed away when
the seerah ends meaning when that book stops
being the parameter that keeps it all in
line after that it's history it's human history
there are beautiful moments and there are dark
moments and there's everything in between really and
as a group of human beings on this
planet if we have any hope of a
future that's better than the present that we're
in we have to be able to look
at that history and then emphasize the stuff
that were good and then go back to
them and then point out the stuff that
were garbage forgive me and that we don't
do that again and we admit it there's
nothing to defend here yes that was wrong
they shouldn't have done that one I don't
know why they did that there's really no
evidence for it and it was not helpful
and everything in between can be some degree
of difference of opinion and a lot of
the problems that happen amongst Muslims I'm ranting
now on something that has nothing to do
with the problem a lot of the problems
that exist amongst Muslims is based on what
I call politics politics is not just governance
and government politics is how human beings view
their view steps or decisions that they take
or decisions that they make regarding their betterment
or regarding improving their lives or doing the
right thing there will always be difference of
opinion there will always going to be difference
of opinion it's normal it's normal that after
Sayyidina Uthman who was murdered in his home
as the Khalifa that they were going to
disagree on that they were going to fight
it's normal that's expected if they didn't I
would actually start questioning our history and wonder
who the heck played who's rigging the books
here it's impossible they don't fight over this
it's impossible he is Zun Nurain Zun Nurain
murdered in his home as the Khalifa you're
telling me they didn't no one no one
no one nothing not even a what are
you talking about of course they're going to
disagree you're telling me after he died there
wouldn't be some degree of disagreement of who
was going to actually rule the Muslim Ummah
after Muhammad no disagreement if you told me
the story and there was no disagreement I
would laugh at you it's impossible they're human
beings of course there's going to be a
little bit of that in it it's history
it's normal it's a part of the human
experience of being alive of being alive and
wanting different things and fearing certain things it's
a part of it so we have all
these history all these stories there even the
difference between the Muslims the Ahlul Sunnah wal
Jamaah and the Shia for example yes they
some of them went down a path of
theology that is absolute that removes them from
Islam altogether but really it comes down to
the same problem how do you explain a
political event that occurred at a certain moment
when we differed on explaining it when Ahlul
Sunnah wal Jamaah were much more really what
Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaah were is that they
were just more realistic in understanding the historic
event within its context and they refused to
go crazy about the whole issue and then
others decided to see it in only one
dimension and it caused all this problem anyways
al-Hajjaj he was a zalim he was
someone who was when he died Sayyidina Sa
'id ibn Jubair and sorry Sayyidina al-Hassan
al-Basri and Imam al-Nakha'i one
of them made they made sujood and other
shukr another one made a dua of shukr
and brought people together and fed them for
a week out of happiness that this person
died this is how zalim he was so
they came to Anas ibn Malik the sahabi
of the Prophet as far as we know
he was the last one of the last
people who one of the last sahaba to
ever pass away khadim khwaydim Rasulallah the little
boy who ran in the Prophet's home at
that year he was in his 90s a
man who filled the world with knowledge and
ilm and stayed away by the way from
all of this he stayed away from all
of it it was too confusing he didn't
so they came to him Zubair ibn Adiz
one of the tabi'een said shakowna ilayhi
man alqa min alhajjaj hajjaj is just he's
he's he said be
perseverant every time as time progresses there's going
to be more and more problems so you
just have to be perseverant I heard these
words from the mouth of our Prophet he
said I was with him I heard him
say it every time every zaman that goes
there will be more problems it doesn't mean
there's not going to be any goodness it's
just that the challenges are going to get
worse the challenges are going to be more
in quantity or maybe worse in quality it
doesn't mean there's not going to be good
people or people of high status or a
lot of khair that we're going to see
no it's going to be there for sure
it's just that there's going to be a
lot of difficulties because they were like why
is the hajjaj even around why does he
exist why is he doing this we're just
we're only we're less than 100 years away
from the Prophet's death and he's doing this
and it's no no no you see it's
that wisdom look it's life it moves on
more people more problems more people more problems
so just be perseverant continue just stick to
it stick to what you know is right
stick to what you know is beautiful is
pure is helpful stick to that and you'll
be fine you'll be fine despite all of
the shuttle that's going to that exists today
in the world think of the shuttle that
exists today think of the imagine if one
of the imagine if this gentleman who came
complaining about the hajjaj that he poked his
head he poked his head out of his
grave today and I took him on a
tour and I showed him what was going
on what would he say now if I
told him you had a problem with the
hajjaj you're like the hajjaj let me show
you let me show you a million hajjaj
let me show you how the earth is
now is breeding hajjaj every single day not
hajjaj hajjaj is breeding let me show you
how they are treating al-ardal haram in
al-balad al-haram let me show you
how the ummah is there's nothing that brings
it together let me show you palestine al
-ardal muqaddasa let me show you how muslims
are all over the globe fighting for some
rights of just having their values respected, just
basic values, and then he probably wouldn't have
much of a problem with the hajjaj anymore.
He'd probably be like, all right, you suck,
but at least you're one of us and
this is all still subhanAllah.
And one day may come in the future
where they may look back and say that
we were complaining too much too, and that
we could have done better, and we should
have done better, and we had the ability
to do better, but we didn't.
Instead of crying about the status that we're
in right now, and that it's not good,
and that it's not going to get any
better, and losing hope, and not having any
plan forward of things actually improving, maybe we
kind of, I don't know, forgive me, suck
it up, and just go ahead and do
the best we can with the tools that
we've got, and maybe we can make a
future that's better for the people who come
after us.
They'll have their own problems.
Do they have to have their problems and
Do I have to make sure they inherit
mine too?
The Prophet ﷺ told them that there are
going to be more problems as time progresses,
so they have what's coming to them, they
have their problems coming their way, but why
do I have to leave them mine?
Why can't I clean up a little bit
before I leave?
And leave them something that they can deal
with, they can work with, so that they're
not in that position.
And that was the wisdom of Sayyidina Anas,
and he was talking to these guys, it's
okay, it's okay, believe me, things can get
way worse.
And they did.
And they did.
I hope that was a benefit to you.