Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Hadith #05 What is the Way

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary ©
The history of Islam is discussed, including the use of "has been spoken about" meaning that the Prophet sallua taala is showing the way, but cannot make people a Muslim. The speaker emphasizes the importance of avoiding evil in the past and the need to be aware of the consequences of past actions. The speakers also discuss the history of Islam, including the use of deadly paints and shacks to stimulate desire, and the importance of patientism and staying patient. The segment ends with a call to action for action and avoiding groups.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah Hamdan cathedral would you ban Mubarak and

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why should the one night ilaha illallah wa to who last surely Cara?

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Well, I should do another Mohammed Abdullah who was Sulu Salawat Allah He was cinema wanna hear screaming? cathedra am I'm about to come to the next Hadith for the Hadith of the Dawa and the DUA the book that was written by the Shehab and Hadith it and Hedeby Rahmatullah he Thailand he was going Allahu Taala Jeanette tahune for DOS.

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The next hadith is tremendous Hadith. It is a Hadith that depicts for us in very clear and certain terms without any doubt that Muhammad salallahu Salam was the messenger of Allah. Because what he said in this hadith, exactly describes for us what's going on in 2021 1442 years after the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and today is 24th day of Raja ship. And it's an important day in Al Islam not because of a surah Wyndemere Racz. Because we don't know when that happened. So the fact

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that people celebrating the month or Rajib is part of what this hadith is talking about. But it's an important day because we're coming out of the lockdown of Corona. With coming out of the lockdown of Corona. Today was the first day that I will children here in the UK, went back to school and we're gradually in Shaolin lizer job trying to get things back to some sense of normalcy, and normality. So as it relates to the issue today, this hadith leaves no doubt in the mind of the one who has

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intellect and he has eyes to see is no way that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam could have prophesized all of the things that he prophesied is from this hadith, or think Hadith as insult, Bukhari and Muslim. But Hadith also goes to show the level of intellect of the narrative of the Hadith, and he's none other than Khalifa immunol Yemen. May Allah be pleased with him, who they thought wasn't just a companion. He was from the key Bara Sahaba from the major companions, he was a

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person who was in the scale, he was someone and his father, as well as the dmn was a tremendous personality who got the shahada and this dish add FISA de la. So he along with his father, may Allah be pleased with both of them were companions and that's from his virtues that he along with his father, they embraced the deen of Allah subhanho wa taala. In addition to that, from his virtues, is that he was the one who the messenger of allah sallallahu it was setting them to the secret names of

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all of the people who are disbelievers, the hypocrites, and the newbie of Islam. Allah in such salaam was surrounded by a lot of hypocrites during his time, and they served as a serious threat internally to the Muslim community and the Nebby of Islam alayhi salatu salam to who they for the names of every single one of those people, which is assigning indication that he is the saw it will send a signal and the side Amana he took care of the secret and he took care of the trust of the

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NABI SallAllahu. I didn't send him many of us

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find it almost impossible to be left with some kind of Canaletto speech, or information that is hot, hot off the press or hot in its nature. We were hard pressed to keep that to ourselves. Some of us even take people's conversations and we open up the telephone. So other people around us can hear without the one who the person is being spoken to on the other end without him or her knowing that this is being done. So if the person today was given the names of all of the Manasa kin, that is

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some hot information, I mean a burner hold in a person's pocket for most people, and the case of who they are dwama Allah Allah He, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in trusting him is a sign and a proof indication just like the more than Bilbao era, just like even on Maktoum may Allah be pleased with them. They were people who were worthy of being put in that position, because the Prophet knew what he was doing SallAllahu it he was and he was setting them nicely. And a lot could be said about the

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virtues of Deva is that if you look at the Hadith that talk about the fitten that are going to affect and afflict this ummah, who they felt you can say as soon be had. He is a specialist in this issue is narrated a number of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu

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Do Salam in which the trials and tribulations have been spoken about, like this hadith that we're dealing with today of the Prophet sallallahu it was sending them a tremendous Hadith. And there's no way in the world that we can possibly do it enough justice in 40 minutes 45 minutes. This is a Hadith of the men hedges set a fee. And this is a Hadith that students need to study and see what an imam even hudgell Spallanzani said about and see what an Imam and know we said about it and see what

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some of the other animals said about it, like an Imam, a poverty and tuber Ronnie Rahmatullahi to Allah, Allah, Hema, and we'll come to that in sha Allah, who they thought he said, and I'll read the whole Hadith and then I'll come back in sha Allah and just touch and make tiny caught on a few points because it's a long Hadith and a lot can be mentioned.

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Are they for May Allah be pleased with him said that the people meaning the other companions, he said that the people they used to ask the messenger of allah sallallahu it was setting them about the good.

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Whereas I used to ask him about the evil things out of fear that the evil things may overtake me I may fall into them. He said once I said O Messenger of Allah, we the companions. We were in Jamia, we were in ignorance and we were in evil before this Islam and then Allah bestowed upon us the present good that we're in right now. So I want to know, will there be any evil after this good that we're in right now we were in Jamia we just evil the first evil and then Allah brought us LS lamb

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Allah, he didn't say you gave us LS lamb. And this is really important that the companions did not have Hulu and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam anytime they would exercise and show an express any form of Gulu he was stopped them SallAllahu it was setting them so who they first said to the Nebby for Jana and Allah Who behind the lair, Allah brought us this religion and we have the ayat of the Quran where Allah has established to the prophets Allah set a limit in Nicola tehidy It

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has set up and will still keep Verily you guide to the right path. Yeah, Mohammed. So Allah has established in this idea that the Prophet guys to Al Islam, but the meaning of that is that the Prophet shows the way as next week's Hadith inshallah is going to talk about the signposts the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. He showed the way, he illuminated the trip, but he cannot make someone become a Muslim. And that's why his uncle, his grandfather, many of his tribesmen, Abu Lahab, Abu

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Jahan, many of those people who may have blue health, they died on cover, and Allahu Taala told him in Nicoletta, the man acted when I can Allah Yeah, the manga shad. You do not guide those who do love ya Mustafa Elisa setup, but Allah guides those who Allah wants to guide so as they say, in English in America, you can bring the horse to the water, but you can't make a drink. So the prophets of Allah who was setting them can guide the people to the water to Ellis land, but he can't

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force them to drink. So that statement of who they for is another one of the many indications and proofs that the best way is the way of those companions and they didn't go overboard. I love brought us LS lamb yeah Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So I want to know,

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this good of Islam that we have, and will there be any evil after it? The Prophet say yes, there is going to be evil after this good, who they first said so I said, will there be good after that evil? The Prophet say yes, but that good that will come after that evil, it will be tainted and it is done. Some people describe it and translate it as tainted. Some people describe it as a little evil. I would like to call it the hen tainted evil is evil, but it's tainted. The Prophet said SallAllahu

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Sallam who very first said, I said to him, What will is done be What do you mean it is tainted? It has hidden evil. What is that hidden evil? The Prophet says SallAllahu wasallam there will be some people who will lead other people according to principles that are other than my tradition. They will guide them and other than my sunnah and with other than my sunnah. Yeah, duna be re had ye well, yes, the Nuna be re Suniti the dahin is going to be good, but it's going to be mixed up the

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affairs will be mixed up. What do you mean mixed up? What is

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As the evil the hidden evil, they're going to be a group of people who are going to be guiding people, by and with other than my traditions my authentic sunnah. You will see their actions and you will disapprove of what they do. Who they for went on to say, yeah Rasul Allah, will there be any evil after that good, the good that has done, the good that has the evil tainted the hidden evil? Will there be after that? Any good? The Prophet said sallallahu alayhi wa, any evil after that good.

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The Prophet says Allah, Allahu Allah, he was setting them yes, there will be some people who will invite others to the doors of the Hellfire, and whoever listens to them, and he accepts their invitation. He will be thrown into the hellfire, who they first said upon hearing that I said, O Messenger of Allah, describe those people to us. The third evil and the worst situation.

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Will there be any evil after that good that's tainted. Yes, there will be evil. And what is that evil jasola You will see some people who will invite other people to the hellfire and Arabic he said, Do I tune Abba YB Jahan NEMA min Ajay boom eBay ha cutter foofy. Hi, there will be duat callers on the doors of the Hellfire. Anyone who listens to the call and the $1. They're going to throw him subsequently into that particular Hellfire from that door that they're calling from. I say

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God sulla described for us those do not describe for us. He says of Allah when he was selling them, they will belong to us and they will speak our language home min Gil designa with the cannula Munna, B L. Sinha, Tina. They are like us, same color, same complexion, they are just like us. They are Muslims, the Arabs, they are from us. And they speak our language, that language can be Arabic in this case. Or it can be the language that the Muslims are speaking during that time.

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Who they've heard the Allahu Anhu he went on to say God also Allah, what did you command me to do? What do you automate to do if such thing should take place during my lifetime? If I were to see these do art, and I was deceived as evil. What do you automate to do? What's your advice? The Prophet told them something Allahu it was sending them. Stick to the Jamaat of the Muslims. Stick to the Jamar and stick to the emir, of that Gemma who they refer who's been asking all of these

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questions in the same Hadith want to be elaboration and clarification and elucidation so that there will be no doubt for himself and subsequently for us, people come now to read and understand this hadith. Ya Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, if this would have happened, and I'm alive, what do you command me to do encourage me to do advise me to do? He says stick to the Jamaat of the Muslims, and stick to the Imam, the leader who they will say yes to Allah. But what if there is no Gemma, and

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there is no Muslim Muslim leader? There's a lead over there, over there over there over there or there are no Muslim leaders at all. And the Muslim Jamaat is all scattered. What should I do in that case? He says something Allah What do you send him to Hubei for May Allah be pleased with him, then I advise you to keep away and to avoid all of the different sects at that time. Even if you have to bite

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on the root of a tree until Allah Azza Jo brings death to you in your in that state. Tremendous Hadith of the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa ala it was sending them to Sleeman Kathira first thing that we want to mention about this hadith one is the statement of who they Farah Diwan like I need the people who just asked about the good and I used to ask about the evil out of fear that it would hit me would overtake me. So I'd say out on sulla we were in J Lee and we were in evil and Allah Allah

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brought us this good so after this good that we in it, will there be any evil so the good that he's talking about in the beginning of the hadith is talking about the fact that the Companions rod the Align whom were taken from JB into Ellis Nyan so that's the first good first evil is what happened in Jamia we were in Jaha Leah and evil and then Allah brought us this good. So the first evil is when they were in a JD J. Leah is the pre Islamic times those things that happen before the Prophet

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came SallAllahu it was setting them so Rasul Allah came about 400 and something years after he said

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No money. So Revelation had been cut off in the dunya there was no guidance. There was no Islam. There was no head as it relates to divinely revealed knowledge. Then Allahu Taala sent His Prophet sallallahu it was said to them, as he mentioned in the Quran, who will levy Rossella sudo. Who Bill Huda Widener has to do with Hero Juan de Nicola, he will Oh Carrie Hello Kathy rune, Willow carry heavy machinery code and another ayat. Allah is the One who sent His Messenger with guidance and the

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religion of truth, to proclaim it over all other religions Judaism Christianity were isa brought and everything before that. Although the disbelievers made the test it the polytheists made the tested so Eliza Joe sent to the people of a JV Mecca. And there was Jahai a pre meeting across the whole globe, Jamia Hibiya and the way they marry J Leah and the way they stay married J Leah and the way they got divorced J Lea in their Reba J Helia. And all of them Ramona. They had some good, but for

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the most part, it was J V on another level on another level. And the worst manifestation of their Jamia was Jamia in their Aikido what they believed about Allah Tala Hora fat and shipped yet Allah wa Taala he married the jinn and after the having relations with the jinn, the angels came out and they are the daughters of Allah. That's J Hibiya. And then the Prophet came with Al Islam and Allahu Taala proclaimed the religion of Islam over all other religions, so it's not permissible to describe

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the world as Jahai Lea today. There are aspects of Jamia in the world but it's not okay because if a person says the whole world is just JV and this is Jamia, then it's as if the Prophet sallallahu Sallam didn't bring the truth, and this ayat is not applicable that Allahu Taala has made it hard and given him dominion over all other religions. So it's important to understand from this beginning of the Hadith, that number one the deen is clear, clear. And that's why who they for May Allah be

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pleased with him said that people used to ask about the good. And I used to ask about the evil because those are the two things in our religion, hide and shatter. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there was never an OB that was sent before me, except that it was the hawk and him to tell his people about all of the good that he knew, and to warn his people of all of the evil that he know of. So the prophets come to tell the people all of the good that they need to know and all of

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the evil so some of the companions and then the vast majority, according to this hadith there 99% of the companions, they used to ask about the good and are they for represented one present because we don't have any other Hadith saying, and there was another companion who came and he duplicated what they found. They was the only one we heard this hadith being his example. Which brings us to a very critical point and that is today because we have a lot of FB life, one of the signs of yomo Kiama we

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have a lot of infighting, and especially as it relates to people on the Sunnah. We have a lot of this stuff he's on a he's not on a he's not on it. This hadith is important, I believe that goes to show the decrepit understanding the wrong faulty understanding that some of our brothers and sisters have who believe I'm going to busy myself with just learning about all of the refutations who refuted who and why. And I'm going to gather up all of that information. And I'm going to have a

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folder for that so that I can talk about it in discussion and I can debate it. And the reason why I'm doing that is because they forgot who they for us to ask about the evil. So I want to know about the evil at the expense of learning my religion. So he doesn't learn about the Arcana of the Salah. He doesn't know about how to make wudu he doesn't learn about the Owen yet in his religion as an individual, but he's over indulging in reduced and refutations using the hadith of who they prefer.

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And that's a faulty understanding who they for May Allah be pleased with him said the vast majority of the companions were asking about the good. So our religion came and made things clear toe he this clear should have because clear bit eyes clear. And, and Sunnah is clear, innovation is clear, the Hawk is clear, falsehood is clear, and so forth and so on. The last thing that we would like to mention as relates to this issue is some of the people they will say, you know, let's just teach the

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people the good and that's it. When you're teaching them about our key then things like that. Don't teach them about the positions that some of the

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People may that go against the religion, when you teach them fifth, don't teach them about the positions as you go through the Babs and chapters of fic. Don't teach them about the conditions or the issues that have to be rejected and FIP. Just teach them the good and that said, this hadith of obey, if it goes to show that it is from the madhhab of the self, that in order to learn and appreciate and understand the good, there is no problem with learning the opposite of that good. And

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that's why the Companions used to say used to say, those people, nobody used to say it. Those people were born in Ellis lamb. They don't have a great appreciate their appreciation for Ellis lamb is not like the appreciation for those companions who were born in Jackie Leah, and J. Leah. Because when they were born in Jamia, they were a straight.

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But now if you want in the listening, you come up and there's a lot of internal insulated protections for each and every individual. So with that, you shouldn't be that strange person who's trying to learn all of their reputations and things like that going overboard?

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Who they first went on to say, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said to the Prophet sallallaahu Selim, we were in this evil, and then Allah brought us the good as I mentioned, it was a good of Ellis lamb, he said, is there going to be any evil after this good? The Prophet say, yes, the second evil, first evil, Jamelia, and then they're on Ellis land. Will there be another evil a second one? Yes. And the second EVIL The Prophet said SallAllahu wasallam was referring to the end

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of the time and the life and the era of the companions may Allah be pleased with them when they started having disputes when they started having internal strife that the Prophet alluded to in a number of a hadith Sallalahu it was setting them lad Tara Giroux by the CO Farah Yoruba comb, recover but do not turn into nonbelievers, disbelievers after me how by striking the necks of each other and fighting this is something that the Prophet prophesize was going to happen something

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Allahu it was setting them the Battle of the Camel, the Battle of Safina these misunderstandings at the companions had he had in May Allah azza wa jal be pleased with all of them. So that is the evil. That's the evil.

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He went on to mention and he said, God, also Allah. And after that evil, will there be any good he say, Yeah, after my companions, you have your fitna, there's going to come good. After that evil, there's going to come good, and then that good, there's going to be done. It's going to be hidden, evil, tainted, that good is going to be tainted. He said what is his team? And then he went on to explain people will be trying to be guided by other than my sunnah. This is a clear proof and an

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indication of why me and this hadith is about the Tao in the DUA. This can be explained that it could be benefited, beneficial to every ama bucket and Zeb individual, but the book is about the Dow in the Duat so people were giving dollar pay attention. People concerned about the dollar pay attention.

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This hadith goes to show that regardless of how religious you are, and how close your arm the keytab in the Sunnah with tenacity, you on the Sunnah, and you have good eye clock and good eye dad. Still, you are not exempt from the fitna. And this is something that's tremendous about who they fought, who knew the names of the mafia team, and yet he was worried about the evil. And this is what ibn Abi Malika said about the Companions, may Allah be pleased with all of them. Ibn Abi Malik is from

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the tabby mean, he said I met 30 of the companions of the NABI SallAllahu, wasallam. All of them were afraid of hypocrisy on himself. All of them thought I could be a hypocrite. They concern themselves with that. And today we exist and we're not concerned. The companions are worrying about what's good, what's the good, I want to do the good who vapor was worrying about the evil so that it didn't fall on him. They didn't exist as if they were no problems and they were not worried. No,

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because they were on good. And Allah azza wa jal brought them the evil from the cadet, which was the fighting the infighting. And then after that, is it going to be good? Yes. And then it is done. So the companions are the best of the people and they were tried, and that's what's going to happen to everybody after them. Allah Tabata cortada mentioned in the Quran, or has he been nurse

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To end your recording your Kulu Armineh will hula you afternoon when a crowded fraternal levena Men cuddling him the Andaman Allah who live in a sudoku will Jana Munna al caddy bone and caddy bien

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do the people think they're going to just be left saying we believe and not be tried, we tried those people went before them so that Allah would know those who truly are telling the truth and those who were lying. So the Companions, they were tried and we're going to constantly be trying and that's why we have those is that we had the life of the prophet teaching us that some of the law while he was setting up my cannula who leads me Nina into LA he had the you may be familiar to you, but Allah

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will not leave the believers in the condition that they're in the way they are right now. I mean, until Allah makes it to knees and Allah separates the good from the bad who's the believer and who's not the believer. So today those people given Duan Dawa, that government will step to you and ask you, what's the Islamic position? What's your opinion about this, this this and that. It's a child. It's a fitna, and then the person falls as a result of the pressure for an example. So you're going

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to constantly be tried, you're going to constantly be trying, when not below come, fish Sheree will hate fitness and we're Elena to root your own. We're going to try you people with good and with evil with evil and good. You're going to put fitna and good and evil and to me you're going to return. So we have to understand that. So it's the job about Dolla dolla and the Duat as people will giving Dawa. We have to stay the course. Don't become overwhelmed with negativity. Don't be of the people

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look at the community and you say look at this. It's no good that people are destroyed. There is no hired. The whole community has Jamia You can't talk like that. Because the fitna will never stay. What till I am. Window have been a nurse. Those are the days we change them with the people. Sometimes you win sometimes you lose sometimes up sometimes down. So with the companions. We were in Jamia and evil Allah brought us to Good Will they be evil after that good, yes, there'll be evil

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after that good. And after that, and after that evil will they'll be good. They'll be good after that and then it is done. So the Muslim has to relax, take it easy, it's not going to stay evil is not going to say tough forever. It may be your whole lifetime. It's your job and my job as we mentioned before, just to get on the syrup to Musa payments the Allah mentioned in the Quran, as Allah mentioned in the Quran, first stem sic Billahi Ohia eight acre naqada Siddhartha Mustafi hold

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on to what has been revealed to you and you on the set out to Mr. Kane, just stay on the syrup and keep treading our brothers and sisters in Palestine. I was born in 1964, march 10 1964. That means that the Palestinians have been dealing with what they've been dealing with every since I've been born. But still, the sharp and Philistine, the Palestinian Muslims still have to be patient. Does that mean you sit and you twiddle your thumbs? No, but you don't become hysterical and start doing

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things based upon emotions. So as a person given dour as a person of this ummah, take it easy. Don't become overwhelmed with negativity. Don't think that it's all over? Allah Tala mentioned in the Quran to this community yet are you living in an ominous Bureau was Sadhguru Arabi to tackle hola hola hola come to flee on oh you believe have patience, corps yourselves to be Musab make yourselves patient and feel Allah in the hopes that you will be successful. Prophet Muhammad to listen

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authentic hadith and so many Hadith about Sobor SallAllahu it was sending them and if a Sobor arama chakra who Haman cathedra you have to know that being patient on what you dislike it is a lot of good in it. He says something Allah What are you sending them why them and the muscle mass server? We're in an MA we're in

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an AMA UNASUR a suburb called Farraj and curb you should know that victory comes with patience and relief comes with distress. He says Allahu alayhi wa sallam as suburbia being patient is a light, it illuminate for you in the dunya and in the hereafter. So the point is that

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The Muslim should come down and take it easy and known for in the modern history you saw in America through Yusra. No one will stay in fitna forever. No one will stay down forever. No one will stay up forever. It doesn't happen.

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We have to move on because time is rolling. The newbie says something along why they you were it was sending them, you will see these people and they were trying to guide be guided by other than my sunnah. That's the defense. This is talking about the defense talking about the alterations to the religion. People are practicing the religion and they have some higher end it feels good. It's not only spreading knowledge is spreading. But in the spread of knowledge, things are being added on to

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the religion that are not from the religion that shuba had, like the 27th or rajuk, where people are going to do this month inshallah the prophets birthday, the hatom, the yummy. These things people believe in, and they have nothing to do with the Prophet brought sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said to the Companions to who they offer, you're going to see what they're doing these people, the good things, you acknowledge the bad things you'll acknowledge data for men whom what to care.

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You will see what they're doing and you're going to make in car and another Hadith. The Prophet says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you had dethrone the condemned ILM tests Maru and Tamala for yah, yah hoo. Those people who will be guiding other people with oven, my sunnah they'll say things and tell you about things. You never heard of them know that your father's ever hear of this stuff. So you'll be aware and let them be aware. So people are coming telling us that the prophets of Allah why do

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you send them as high as a nozzle? I will bugging them never heard about that. May Allah be pleased with them. People are coming they're telling us the most important thing and other slam is establishing the key Rafa, I will back in Oman, they didn't say that they didn't understand that some people come and say the most important thing that we get busy with is making tech fear. I will back in AMA, they didn't say that they didn't look like that. So when you hear people saying things

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now slogans and things like that the slogan may be true, died for men home

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for Matome care. The slogan may be true, but it's in his improper place. It's an improper time the wrong person is calling to it. And so forth and so on. Who they thought went on to say that I said, Yeah, rasool Allah after that evil Oh, after that good. Will there be any evil the third evil the worst one? He said, Yes. There will be some people who will invite others to the door of the Hall of Fame to either Abu Dhabi Jahannam call us on the doors of the Hellfire that goes to show that the

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Hellfire has different doors according to this hadith. Just as the Jana has different doors. There was a donut agenda core array Yan, people were given to fasting will enter in that door. There is the door of a gentleman that the Prophet will knock on some Allah who was sending me the first one to knock on it will be opening it will be the first one that go through that door. sallallahu alayhi wa it was selling them so that Jana has doors and the Hellfire has doors. The Jana has Daraa Jack

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levels going up. And the Hellfire has direct cat levels going down. He said in the Quran. Subhan Allah Allah about the Manasa Keeneland munei 15 If it Durkin s Philomena na the hypocrites on the lowest level of the Hellfire, so they are due at the door of the Hellfire, like the previous Hadith.

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He said at a ROTC Cooley Sabine and minha che fine get through each day. At the head of every Seville every way. There was a shaytaan call into that way in last week's Hadith. And this hadith says they are giving Dawa and they're at the doors of the Hellfire. These Hadith are intertwine. whoever listens to them. There'll be thrown into the hellfire, the one who says Just give me the Quran. That's a dour to the hellfire. Just give me the Quran and leave the Sunnah, the one who says

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all of these forms and ways of life that have been introduced to Benny Adam, other than what Al Islam is saying, no matter how they dress it up no matter how they call it, no matter how many people get behind it, no matter how much the government no matter how much the media mass media tries to get us to become insensitive to the fact that these things go against the religion. They keep chiseling out our mental state and our Eman and to the point where the person starts to give

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that accommodating point of view. Whoa

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It's okay. It's where we live. All of those schisms and SJ isms are what these do aren't the calling to changing the religion, changing the normality and the normality of Al Islam. Hey, don't be like they used to be a long time ago in the self. That's been evil. You have to be a person who's thinking now, I say Islam is not against modernity, as we said a million times. But as it relates to the RP devil, Islam and the bad that different Islam, it has to stay the same. And in terms of

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navigating in our lives, we have to navigate with the same tools and signposts that those companions were upon. May Allah Allahu Taala be pleased with them. So those people are calling us to their Hellfire Allah mentioned in the Quran in nama yet drew in Nama yedder, who is boho, meaning che Bong, and nama yet drew his Boulia cool numinous harvest site here shaytani gives Dawa to the people listen to him, to his his, so that they can be from the recipients of the Hellfire. And another ayat

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concerning these callers on the doors of the Hellfire Allah Tada mentioned in the Quran, where Allah Who whom? Emitting Duna in a nod, we made them Imams who were inviting people to the hellfire, the wrong IP the the wrong beliefs, the things that they're saying the things that they're doing, who they felt loved the Allah and who and this hadith he said that the prophets of Allah YT where it was setting them said that he said O Rasool, Allah Schiff, who Mina describe these people who are on the

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up word, the doors of the Hellfire, Prophet Muhammad said they're like us, they're going to be saying the things that we say they're going to look like us. They're gonna come dressed the way we dress. There'll be in the member, they'll be in the masjid, they give lessons, there'll be popular, some won't be popular, and they'll come with those things trying to change the religion. A big fitna, a man will wake up and go to sleep, go to sleep at night, as a believer wake up in the

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morning as a catcher. Things are going to be topsy turvy, goes to sleep as man wakes up in the morning as a chi theatre, because some of these people who are teaching and giving Dawa, that people are FANBOYS. They are cheerleaders that choir boys. So if the chef says go right, he goes right jump off the ledge, he jumped off the ledge, don't believe in this. He won't believe in that. And that's how it happens with podar Raj from Mohamed Salah Turkey and the Kumala Riccati none of you shake,

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recline on his couch Cheban and he's full shaytaan comes to him and says to Him who created this he says Allah who created that he said low credit that Allah and then he says who created a law with Tibet, roach. A Shakedown get some little by little in stages. He said describe them to us. They talk like us, they look like us. They're from us. This is similar to the Hadith that the Prophet said Woe unto the Arabs from the evil that has gotten close woe unto the Muslims, the Arabs, the

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people of that time, the Ummah from the evil that has gotten close, who they've been sent ya rasool Allah What do you command me to do? There's another Hadith of this another narration that the prophets described those two acts of Allah it was seven he said about those collars. Say a poofy hem Regina colonial home. colobus Shayateen Fiji wolfman ends, those callers will be a group of people will stand up they will stand up. They will have have hearts like devils champagne, they're human

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beings but they have hearts like Shayateen but they're in the bodies of human beings. And that's some of the people who can't understand why is this person so evil imeem so disruptive, so toxic, so problematic? Why is this person like that? Because he's a shaytaan. Using the religion to soul deceit of discord between people using the religion to stay on top of leading people lying on people misconstruing what they said what they didn't say, in order to control the people shell team share

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of pain. They have hearts, hearts that are shaped tonic, but their hearts in the bodies of men

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who they thought were the Allah and who said that the Prophet sallallahu was setting them say what do you automated do ya rasool Allah? He said, I order you to do what to stick to the Jamaat, the Muslims and their Eman. This is an E Shara era Adam al Horos Al Imam. This is an earshot of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is telling who they are not to me huddled during this time of the fitna. Don't be with the fitna people don't be with the DUA devil fitna calling to take fear calling

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to wherever they're calling to. People going to

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Have a board in general with tideal. All of that is fitna designed to separate the Muslims unnecessarily it's just folder and drama. Stay away from all of that stay away from all of that. Then the abuse of the law why they were it was sent them we know from the other narration that they've asked the Prophet sallallaahu Salam in another idea got also life that hits me. What do you want me to do? He told them something Allah while he was selling them test Maru with the theory. Lil

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Amir. We're in

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Daraa Varrick were acha Malik.

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Fantasma, what to tell ya rasool Allah, what should I do if I'm living at that time, and I see these dwad He said, Listen and obey the Emir. Even if he strikes your back and he takes your money, listen to Him and obey Him. Don't make him Rouge. So in this narration of silent Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet told him something Allahu sallam, tell him, he said, Hold on to the Jamaat of the Muslims and the emir, what if he has no Jamaat? Like right now? The Muslims are divided all over the world.

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They have countries and things like that. There is no Jamaat one Jamaat, and there is no Amir because umara I mean, here a mirror in Kuwait mirror in Qatar mirror over here in Palestine, and Amin and Pakistan and Amir in Nigeria, in the north, and in a minute, what should I do then? He said, Fine. Tehsil telecoil Faruk kola. Avoid all of those groups. So we're going to teach the people about the harp, and we're going to focus on the hunk, but in teaching the people about the

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right Arpita we're going to teach the people the mistakes that the different groups made, the past groups and the contemporary groups with edit with a clock with justice and just enough so that people can know. So we're going to teach you about Jamia, we're going to teach about the Kataria, we're going to teach them just enough what they need to know because Energi, all of that stuff is here right now. We're going to teach them where this one was the mean went wrong, where Jamaat went

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wrong, where the Sufis went, where where problems went wrong, we're going to teach them with a clock with edit. With sincerity with gentleness, we're going to teach all of that the focus is going to be upon West correct. And if anyone disagree, we're going to give Darwin to see her in a nice way and civilized way. Nothing wrong. They disagree. We're going to give Dawa in a nice way, not fighting, we're going to follow this hadith and stay with the Jamala Muslims. How can someone now say I'm

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fighting all of the deviance, and people don't know their religion, and I'm dealing with people the wrong way. This is about the Dow and the Duat, the Dow and the Duat. So we're going to teach them the truth and in teaching them the truth, we're going to explain the opposite of the truth and add as needed basis not going overboard in that stuff not going overboard in that. So keep away from all of those sects and I couldn't complete today's talk with that is not permissible for the Muslims to

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be with any of these Jamaat, this hadith, another Hadith that are going to come as we were saying you got to become Hadith number nine, Prophet Mohammed sending that hadith is going to come Inshallah, they will not cease to be a group of people from an ummah who will be victorious. So when we see ourselves in a station and in a way, where will we take it easy, no.

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Allow people to manage the team. The end result Allah is with those who have Taqwa Allah promised the people of LTE man he's going to take care of Be patient, they will always be a group that will be on the hop, be with that group. That's your job, stay on the path, stay on the path, and avoid all of these groups that Muslims have created for themselves. This is one of the clearest Hadith in addition to those ayat of the Quran, they show these groups are not permissible. These groups they

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do nothing for the most part except divide our community and Allah SNAM came to unite the community. Allah SNAM came to unite the community

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and Allah is Allah an alum have a was on the Allahu wa salam robotica then the beginner were early was hobby a Jemaine was set up my camera to Louis wabarakatuh

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