Abu Taymiyyah – What The Enemies Of Islam DONT Want You To See & Hear Feminism Liberalism
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1st and foremost, I want to take a
moment out
to thank
the organizers of this event.
Allahi, they went through a lot of trouble.
They really, really did.
Our staff, Ahmed Hassan,
was grilled more than once.
He was absolutely grilled by different parts of
the community
just so he could find a bigger area.
And as you can see, subhanAllah, was sitting
in this
beautiful I don't know whether it's a wedding
hall or
a conference hall
because there's a wedding going on on the
other side. Alright?
May Allah
bless every single individual who took part in
putting this program together.
And a special thanks to
those who,
run the Iqra Center, who made this happen.
I want to thank every single individual here.
Every single person who came
on a Saturday evening.
I normally tend to mention when there's a
program on a Friday evening and likewise a
Saturday evening.
the masajid
or the lecture halls so packed with youngsters.
We know what many of the youngsters are
especially on a Friday night, on a Saturday
many of them are up to no good.
So for you
to take the initiative now to attend a
to better your understanding
of the Quran
and the sunnah of the messenger sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam, it is something that should be
A lot of the time, we bash the
youth. Right?
They did this. They shouldn't be doing this.
But when they now fill out an event
like this, it's something that should be made
mention of. So may Allah
bless and honor every single one of you.
We should wallahi really, really be grateful to
We know the messenger salallahu alaihi wasalam said,
Whoever Allah was good for, He gives them
fiqh, He gives them understanding in the religion.
It is Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala choosing you
out of all the people
to come and sit in a program
where you want to better your understanding of
your religion.
I'm sure a lot of us, we have
that are not here today, that are up
to no good,
that are doing all sorts of crazy things.
But Allah
handpicked you out of everyone to come and
sit here
just so you can be enlightened with regards
to what is most precious to you. And
that is
your deen, your religion, my brothers and my
May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala continue to bless
every single one of us in Qayyab.
Before I start my lecture my brothers and
my sisters,
I want to mention the following.
And it's a concept that's very, very dear
to my heart.
Everything happens for a reason.
Many of you guys are aware,
I was on my way to the States,
more specifically here, Virginia,
back in 2019.
I landed at JFK Airport
and I was told immediately after landing, We
are putting you on the next fly back.
This is how America welcomes
its British citizens. Thank you so much.
I went back.
Wallahi Al-'Azim, at the time,
I felt pretty disheartened. However,
I kept on telling myself
everything happens for a reason.
How many a time, my brothers and my
sisters, do we find ourselves in a position
where we think that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
is maybe
choosing to give us a hard time.
However, we tend to miss the fact that
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala at times
has something better waiting in store for us.
Everything happens for a reason.
So if you ask me now,
if you had the choice to come in
or to come now
in 2022,
hands on heart, I would tell you 2,022,
due to so many things of hammarah that
happened within that period.
Everything happens for a reason,
Maybe an example that a lot of you
guys can relate to, and it's a very,
very common question that someone tends to ask.
I really, really want Princess Charming.
I really want her.
She's the woman of my dreams.
There's no one else on the face of
this earth
that will ever
be as good as this sister
that I'm interested in.
to make things worse,
your good friend comes along, and he snatches
her from under your nose.
Does it happen without a shadow of a
And you're telling yourself,
Why is Allah doing this to me? Why
always me?
Look at so and so.
He's having a great time in his marriage,
but look how Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala is torturing me. Why always me?
Couple of years go by my brothers and
my sisters,
you come across a sister, and vice versa,
it's alright brother, equal rights.
You come across a potential spouse, right,
and they have
characteristics and qualities
that blows your mind away,
that the mind couldn't imagine.
And then you say, If that didn't happen,
I wouldn't have this today.
If that didn't happen, I would not have
this today.
This is a very, very important aspect of
our aqidah,
of our belief system, my brothers and my
It will leave you,
right? It will leave you in a much
better place spiritually.
Another example of this, my brothers and my
what happened to Yusuf alaihis salatu wasalam and
his father Yaqub.
We know that
the many brothers that Yaqub
had, they envied him because Yaqub, the father,
loved him more than anyone else.
So they conspired.
Let's get rid of him. 1 of the
brothers said, Uchtoolu Yusuf, kill him.
And then he said at the end, Watakoonu
minba'alihi qummasalhin.
After that, we're all going to become righteous
Shaitan sometimes whispers, it's right.
Oh, it's just one time. Get rid, and
then the door of repentance is open.
And before we even get a chance to
we may end up dying in a very
very bad state. Alakulihal.
inspired and sent down upon
Yaqub the father.
He sent them revelation telling him, allow them
to take him.
Allow your other children to take Yusuf. You
must be wondering to yourself,
why would Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow that
to take place?
Even though Allah knows,
He's all knowing, right? He's all seeing, He's
all hearing.
Why would He allow Yaqub alaihisato to go
through all of this trouble?
He was hesitant. Shall I allow
these children of mine to take my most
beloved son, Yusuf alaihis salatu wasalam? He was
he was hesitant, and eventually
he ended up letting him go.
And the rest of history,
right? The story of Yusuf alaihis salatu waslam
is so beautiful.
Yahuwah went through so much trouble. He went
through so much misery. He went through so
much sadness up to the point that he
became blind because of excessive tears.
And you're probably thinking to yourself, why is
Allah azza wa Jal making him go through
this? It's a common
statement that comes out the atheist's mouth.
If there's really a God, why is He
allowing all of this to take place?
Everything happens for a reason.
We accept that our ears are limited. Right?
I don't think anybody can hear what's happening
Or siddha, which is happening in the car
park. If you accept that, why do you
fail to understand that your intellect is limited
as well?
And then later on we say, Oh, if
that didn't happen, I wouldn't have this today.
However, you missed out on a lot of
you started rebelling against Allah. You started
conducting yourself in a way that is displeasing
to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Everything happens for a reason my brothers and
my sisters.
I wouldn't be sitting here today, and Allah
knows best,
if my friend did not get shot in
his head.
Wallahi Alim. And Allah knows best.
My friend back in 2007,
he was shot in the head, and I
still remember it like it was yesterday.
At the time everyone was like, why would
God do this to us?
This was our close friend.
You know what his family done? You know
what his family done, brothers?
In front of the Mezdi they brought a
big hut
and they placed his body inside of there
the parents wanted his friends
to see what he went through.
Yes, brothers and sisters,
some of us might be living this type
of life, right?
We keep telling ourselves, I shall and I
will. How many people went to sleep and
they never woke up?
I shall and I will. They went to
sleep and they never woke up, guys. It's
a reality
that we hear about all the time.
And I'll just quickly mention this. Every single
You guys know what Eid is?
After the month of Ramadan, we celebrate, right?
Every single Eid we hear about someone who
died with alcohol in his mouth. Every Eid.
Or died jumping up and down in the
rapping or singing or,
doing whatever.
Every single Eid. And I'm sure you guys
heard of that case in Canada, right?
Of that sister, may Allah have mercy upon
her, died inside of the club
very very recently.
Sometimes we tell ourselves this, brothers and sisters,
because there were so many gangs after gangs,
I think we were 4th generation,
And it didn't seem like it was going
to stop.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala decreed
that he was shot in the head, and
they put his body there. I would see
old people,
they would walk into this hut, and they
would come out, and their beards and their
faces would be soaked with tears.
I still remember where the bullet shot was.
Everything happens for a reason.
What did that result in? So many people
ended up leaving the streets.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala gave me the tawfiq
to realize
no one done anything.
After he was shot, nobody done anything, brothers
and sisters. And I'm thinking, like, if something
happens to me like that, is that how
my friends
are going to behave like?
Is that how they're going to react?
So it was the reason why many people
disperse and they left the streets.
Everything happens for a reason, my brothers and
my sisters.
Right? Everything happens for a reason. No matter
how evil it may appear to you. Ibnutania,
he says, right? Not Abutania, Ibnutania,
passed away over 700 years ago. And Allah
nothing that Allah creates that is purely evil.
Nothing that Allah has created that happens is
purely evil. Our minds and intellects are limited.
The way you see things is very subjective,
brothers and sisters. Subjective.
You could always put a positive spin on
it. Always.
It depends how you end up looking at
And you have Ursul adhan, insha'Allah, something better
is going to happen.
So I thought I'd mention this, brothers and
hamduillahi rabbilalamin,
for a hot minute I thought they were
going to,
send me back again.
They spent they
they kept me there for approximately 9 hours.
But wallahi, seeing all of you and these
wonderful growing faces,
it helps.
Wallahi al-'azim, it really really helps.
Right? It was definitely worth it. See all
of these faces.
Right? All these brothers and sisters have attended
in order to better themselves. May Allah bless
That was just my little rant that I
wanted to get out of my chest to
feel better.
Right? My brothers and my sisters,
a lot of us
are sick and tired
with what keeps unfolding
right before our eyes.
A lot of us were sitting around feeling
sorry for ourselves.
Once upon a time, we looked at certain
things that would happen in society, and we
would be absolutely disgusted by it.
However, now we've become extremely desensitized to it.
Right? Because of how rampant and prevalent it
has become.
A lot of us are thinking to ourselves,
are things only going to get worse and
The messenger salallahu alaihi wasallam, he told us
this 1400 years ago. Layatizamanun
sharun min. There doesn't come a time, except
the time that comes after is worse or
better was.
That prophet who lived in the middle of
a desert,
who didn't have these advancements of technology,
He told us so many things that we
are seeing unfolding right before our eyes.
It's affecting us in so many different ways.
Messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
Where holding on to your religion is like
holding on to hot coal.
Right? You guys know what a shisha bar
is? Do you guys have shisha over here?
Honestly, I don't know. I've never been to
America before. It's my first time.
Yeah. Halal shisha.
Uncle said it's halal shisha. I don't know
what he's talking about.
Allahu 'alaam.
Maybe it's him.
Imagine now picking up that hot coal and
then holding on to it.
Would you be able to hold on to
it my brothers and my sisters? Your religion
will become like that. It will become more
and more difficult.
The messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he also
said in another hadith,
min asharati saa'a
an yaqillalayim
From the signs of the hour my brothers
and my sisters,
from the signs of the hour,
is that ilm,
becomes scarce.
Beneficial knowledge will become less and less and
Ignorance will become so widespread and
not knowing basic things
pertaining to our religion, my brothers and my
sisters, right,
will become so, so widespread and rampant.
You try to hold on to your religion,
fundamental traditional Islam,
right, you'll be looked at as a stranger.
People will say things such as, this guy
is bringing a new religion to the house,
and this is something that is perfectly normal.
Messenger Summa, alaihi wasallam, again, 1400 years ago,
he said,
up until the end of the hadith.
Islam is going to fade away.
The same way the embroidery,
right? You buy that Nike, would you guys
call it? Jeezers?
Or clothing? Jeezers are shoes, right?
What is it called?
Easy, easy. What's it?
The clothes that you're wearing, brothers and sisters,
that you just bought, you put it through
the washing machine, it's going to start fading
Islam is going to fade away like that
in the eyes of many.
Normative Islam, my brothers and my sisters, as
you guys are aware,
is being ideologically
You see it being tampered and tainted with
right before our eyes.
Messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam
said, Wayabharazina,
and I don't think I need to spell
that out.
Falling into a zina will become extremely widespread.
Illegal sexual practices
outside of marriage will just become a norm.
Once upon a time, brothers and sisters,
when a sister became impregnated that we knew
of, it would be a big deal on
the streets.
It would be a big deal amongst families.
May Allah protect us all from it. Right?
Everybody would think, SubhanAllah, how did that happen?
As time went on, that happens in a
household, in a family. They will say, wallahi,
you know, that family done it, you know,
it's not a big deal.
to some of these major sins.
Wayakturul Harj, likewise killings and shootings
will become extremely widespread as well. And I
don't think I need to spell that out,
my brothers and my sisters.
You guys want to,
be shocked
something that the miss salallahu alaihi wasa mentioned
over 1400 years ago, and I just wanna
put out a disclaimer
just in case we have someone here that
works for Fox News. Right, that wants to
take out of context what I'm about to
say, I spread peace.
I spread peace, guys.
I'm a compassionate imam.
The messenger salallahu alaihi wa sallam, he said,
That which I fear the most for my
Ummah is the practices of the people of
You see that which is being shoved down
our throats and rubbed on our faces.
That which is so widespread
right before our eyes, my brothers and my
Our Prophet mentioned this, salallahu alaihi wasallam,
over 1400 years ago, that this will become
extremely widespread and rampant.
Let me just point this out, I am
not here to incite violence
or harassment towards anyone. I'm just here my
brothers and my sisters to enlighten you all
of what our beloved Messenger salallahu alaihi wa
sallam mentioned.
I'm not here to express my own views
and opinions.
Let me point out the following my brothers
and my sisters,
and this is aqa'idah,
a principle
that I want you all to take home.
Shaykh ul Islam Taym Rahmatullahi alayhi and also
Ibn Uqayim, they have very similar statements.
One of the statements is
either da'afati
either da'afati sunnah,
aweyatul bidah.
If sunnah now becomes weak, you know the
sunnah of the Messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallallahu
alaihi wa sallallahu alaihi wa sallallahu alaihi wa
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam came with, you will
see the opposite in narrations
becoming so widespread and rampant.
Also Mutania says,
The more you
find, the more you find my brothers and
my sisters,
those who are calling to Allah becoming less
and less and less,
the more misguided,
the more wickedness,
the more evil you will see becoming extremely,
extremely widespread.
We had the feminist movement, right?
Who took over the world.
We're having a great time on Twitter, me
and them,
Great time.
They came out with whatever they wanted. What
do you have now? The opposite side, the
Red Bull movement.
This is very well known, and by the
way I'm not defending them or anything like
You have one extreme, and then you don't
have enough people, calling to normative Islam, you
will see the opposite taking a stronghold.
It's as simple as that.
From the beginning of time all the way
till this very day brothers and sisters,
how How is it, my brothers and my
that some of these
practices that we see unfolding right before our
has now become such a norm.
I'll give you guys an example of the
Rainbow team. Right?
I'm just pointing out what is very apparent.
You look on places like Twitter,
on social media, my brothers and my sisters,
even though they are a minority within within
within a minority,
they are the loudest on social media, agreed
or not?
Like I said, they are like a raindrop
that has what? Dropped in the ocean
compared to everyone else.
We've become extremely terrified
and scared
to talk about
what Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala and His Messenger
salallahu alayhi wasalam came with.
So much so that the dynamics have changed.
The narratives are being what pushed down our
throats that we have to
adhere and conform.
Let me make it very very clear again.
I am not here to incite violence or
harassment. Not at all.
I spread peace, guys.
I'm just here to enlighten my brothers and
my sisters, to take their religion a lot
more seriously.
How is it that this has become so
rampant and so widespread?
You guys wanna know why? Because there's not
enough people
calling on to normative Islam.
There's not enough people,
right, who are there propagating that which is
Due to the fear mongering tactics that are
the jamming tactics that are used to cancel
an individual
the moment he speaks out.
They're just fear mongering tactics,
However, my brothers and my sisters,
you guys know what a first commitment is,
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and His Messenger salallahu
alaihi wasallam
have come with a religion that is so
that is so logical, and it makes so
much sense.
Right? There are ways around it. That's why
none of my videos get taken down on
YouTube, guys.
Even though some of them extremely controversial because
we put these disclaimers at the beginning,
making it very very clear what intentions are.
However, my brothers and my sisters,
we really, really need to ask ourselves the
what do we want in the next couple
of years?
What do we want?
You know, I gave a lecture
on Christmas.
We called it shirkmas,
it's on my channel. Right?
Right to the end I mentioned something very
very important. Right to the begin right at
the end.
Brothers and sisters, don't be surprised,
don't be surprised
that tomorrow your son or your daughter
is walking into the house
holding the Christmas tree.
He or she walks in, or they walk
They walk in.
Why you guys laughing?
This individual walks in,
and they're holding this tree, and you're saying,
Mohammed and Fatima, what are you doing?
And then the child turns around and says,
What dad? What's going on?
Is that possible? Without a shadow of a
They just don't know, simply because they have
not been educated
with Islamic values and ethics.
Does that make sense?
They have not been educated.
If we don't know,
what do you expect them to know my
brothers and my sisters?
Right? We take them to university, and I
say this as someone who went to university
and studied civil engineering.
I went to a good university guys, it's
not just Islam.
But then I dropped out after a year
because I had to go to Madinah.
al kalam, the point of the matter is
we take our children, or we as individuals,
making our own choices, we go to these
universities, right?
Not equipped
with how to deal with
all of that which
is so prevalent
and widespread in these university settings.
I call it the jungle, you don't have
to agree.
I call it a breeding ground for kufur,
all types of fahesha, and I don't think
you guys are going to disagree with me.
And a lot of colorful things, right? It's
a breathing ground for that.
I just finished, when I was in the
The liberals really tried to come after me
by shutting down these programs,
but they failed.
secular universities,
I went round.
And I would be delivering a lecture about
Surat Yusuf.
Some of the students would come up to
me the moment I begin to speak about
Wallahi, they were like, what you're saying is
true, man.
I may have to, right, figure out a
different career.
They walk into class, that teacher does not
whether you're a Muslim, or you're a Christian,
or you're a Jew. They don't care brothers
and sisters.
You're a person of religiosity,
He's going to target you. You tell me
if I'm wrong or not brothers and sisters.
And then the individual comes out shaking
his faith, his Iman has been shaken to
the core, brothers and sisters.
Shaken to the core
because of the setting that he finds himself
This is real guys for our parents who
are here. This is real.
Recently I dealt with the situation,
And it was one of the family members
that messaged me. They were like, My sister
has apostate, she's become an atheist, type she's
a university student.
my parents, they don't want to do anything
about it.
Why? They don't wanna rock the boat,
They don't want to distract
her focus on her university studies.
Imagine that. That. Billaahi alaikum my brothers and
my sisters, I'm not telling anyone to drop
out of university.
I'm not telling anyone to leave school at
Right? I'm not saying that at all.
Please don't misunderstand me.
That shahada, that university certificate,
that university certificate, brothers and sisters,
if I've now lost my faith,
how is it going to benefit me the
I am admitted into that hole, into that
grave that is 6 feet down into the
We spend so much time learning the periodic
right, C2O,
Pythagoras' theorem,
evaporation, condensation,
and all of the differentiations that are out
there. Right?
But then
we can't
give a couple of moments
a day to the religion of Al Islam.
We can't give a couple of moments
learning about our religion,
and then we sit around
feeling sorry for ourselves. Why is all of
this happening? Why are our children becoming atheists?
Why are they all of a sudden, right,
confused about their pronouns?
We've taken them to these universities,
or we ourselves,
we've gone to these universities, and then we
are shaken to the cold brothers and sisters.
You may think to yourself, you may think
to yourself
that some of these current
or modern day ideologies, they're not a big
Shall I tell you, my brothers and my
sisters, something that
is Absir?
You may think to yourself, my brothers and
masters, that these modern day ideologies
are not a big deal. If I was
to embrace it, if I was to now,
conform to it, whether it may be secularism,
whether it may be feminism,
whether it may be liberalism,
whether it may be anything else.
Right? We hear about murder, right? We hear
these major sins that Allah has told us
about that shocks us from time to time.
It may well be that one walks into
university, my brothers and my sisters,
loving Allah and his Messenger salaam alayhi wa
But then he begins to utter or she
begins to utter
that which causes his Islam, Uhur Islam, to
I'll give you guys an example.
Give you guys an example with feminism.
It's become my favorite topic over the last
couple of months.
Minnesota, even Minnesota,
they specifically
asked me to speak about this
and also
how to become a high value man.
ghayrah, your protective jealousy has died.
The community is asking me, moms and aunties,
they want this to be spoken about, subhanAllah.
Alakuliha, the point that I wanted to make
my brothers and my sisters is the following.
A sister walks into university holding on to
Islamic values and ethics.
Mada Al Aqsa Alba Abdaliq.
She walks into some of these feminists,
runs into them, and then they end up
hijacking her brain,
polluting her mind.
In what way?
Everything is equal rights.
Let me ask you guys a question. Did
alislam came to establish
equal rights or justice?
came to establish justice.
They've been made to feel that
equal rights, equal rights
what is right, morally speaking.
Anything other than that should be completely eliminated.
Completely eliminated.
That's what they convince her with.
And then now she looks at Al Islam.
Certain commandments
and instructions in the Quran,
Where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
is giving instructions to a man to do
x y and z, and then a woman
to do x Y, and Z. And then
you know what she says?
This is not right.
This is not fair.
This is unjust.
This is oppressive.
Who's the one that's sent down this Qur'an
my brothers and my sisters? Allah subhanahu wa
Can you see how problematic the statement is?
This is now flirting with disbelief,
flirting with that which is going to take
away from you that which is most precious.
Your Islam, brothers and sisters.
Not so long ago, my brothers and my
sisters, one of the brothers who gives lectures
at universities,
he said to me, delivered a lecture on
And he made it very very clear what
al Islam comes with and how it came
to establish justice
and not necessarily equal rights.
The eyes of president, or you guys call
it MSA. Is that what you guys call
it. Right?
president who is female
took him to the side.
And you know what he said to him?
Why are you mentioning some of the
bad things about alayhis salaam?
Imagine that.
And that is because her mind got polluted,
my brothers and my sisters.
Her mind has been hijacked.
This, my brothers and my sisters,
is more worse than you might think.
And this sister is wearing hijab from top
to bottom, adhering to Islamic clothing, but then
she's coming out with all of this stuff.
Not realizing, subhanAllah.
The ramifications of the statement, unfortunately
why do we say justice very very quickly
just in case you guys are wondering? Let
me ask you guys a question. Is it
right and is it fair now to get
your wife or your daughter to start working,
to start working as
a miner.
You guys know what mining means?
Or is that a British term?
Or to stand under the heat, the burning
scorching sun, to start constructing
tall buildings.
Is that fair?
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
gave each one of them roles, and their
roles complement one another.
This is Islam my brothers and my sisters.
No matter how rich she is, a multi
she's got that stacked up in the bank,
you still have to clothe her.
Can I also say something, right?
Can I also say something, guys?
Can I also say something else?
We've got the situation in Minnesota, right?
I was told that in Virginia, mashallah, our
sisters, they're nothing like that.
Our brother, Ustad Ahmed, told me to specifically
point out,
right, that the sisters are great here in
Virginia. May Allah reward them with greatness.
Does that make sense, my brothers and my
sisters? People always ask, What shall I ask
him? At a marriage meeting. What shall I
ask her?
I've got a whole list of traits and
that a man should stay away from.
And then I've got a whole list of
and qualities
that a woman should stay away from. You
know what a big red flag is? The
moment he says to you, Wallahi, I want
you to pay for half of the expenses
in the house.
My brothers and my sisters, that is the
trait of a simp.
Wallahi ala'lim.
This is not a manly trait and characteristic.
The tables have turned,
priorities are not straight anymore
simply because of these values that we have
come across.
I'm getting a little bit carried away. I
have a lecture on feminism, it's on my
YouTube channel, please refer back to that inshaAllahu
The point of the matter is, my brothers
and my sisters,
this miskeen or miskeenah
goes into university not equipped with the right
tools to repel the doubts that are coming
their way,
and then it's very, very unfortunate
that they end up leaving the fold of
Ask me one of the reasons as to
why I left university.
And again, I don't want the parents after
me. Right?
Please, I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm just
pointing out what happened.
I told you guys, right?
I dropped out
due to two reasons. One of them was
I got accepted in Medina, so I had
to make a decision.
I remember as well, subhanAllah,
conversation that I had to have with my
May Allah bless him.
Right? It wasn't easy conversation. I remember taking
to a high class restaurant.
It was Turkish.
Lovely restaurant
and he's thinking why is Muhammad taking me
out today?
Right? This is very very unusual.
Because I insisted, and I know he's very
very busy.
And we started talking, just having a conversation,
conversation, conversation, conversation.
And I said, dad,
I may have to leave university. I remember
he had that shish kebab in his mouth,
and he choked on it.
And he was like, what?
And I explained everything to him.
How, you know, later on I can continue
my studies, I can get a Western degree
with a master's, I have to kinda like
come with a whole,
blueprint of my future.
And he was very reluctant and eventually allowed
Yes, we still have to seek permission brothers
and sisters. Why just because I give dawah
now and I start making decisions for myself,
you are always still that little child.
To your parents, no matter what you achieve,
no matter how many qualifications you get brothers
and sisters,
you are still mommy's boy and mommy's girl.
Realize that, brothers and sisters.
Right? Sometimes we think we became something and
we begin to speak to our parents as
if they are equals. No, they're not equals.
Does that make sense?
The next point that I wanted to, the
point that I was trying to, come to
that was the first reason. The second reason
my brothers and my sisters was
I would see people like me and you.
People like me and you,
Around the same age,
non Muslims learning my religion.
You called them Orientalists.
You guys heard of them, right? People who
learn your religion
just so they can they can become guided,
lya tudunla.
So that they could use it against vulnerable
Muslims who are uneducated with their religion.
They would go around university campus targeting
this guy, and then that guy, and then
whatever have you,
using it against them,
And then they don't have any answers. And
I want to make this very very clear,
brothers and sisters,
just because you don't have the answer,
it doesn't mean that there aren't any answers.
You should stick that on your wall, especially
in today's day and age, guys. Just
you don't have any answers, that doesn't mean
there aren't any answers.
1st year med student,
right? Especially
I think in, Somal I Aqan, right?
When a guy comes home after a couple
of days, they start asking him questions about,
this medicine and that medicine.
Right? What is he gonna soon what is
he gonna say, guys, if he doesn't know?
Oh, look, I'm still a, you know,
I'm still a, what you guys call it,
I'm still a beginner. I still need to
learn, I'll come back with the answer.
Is he going to, in his right mind,
med studies?
Is he gonna leave his medicine course?
No, he's not. No one in their right
mind would do that. Now my brother and
my sister,
why would you
be shaken to the court if you didn't
have any answers to the questions that are
being posed to you?
Go and ask others, my brothers and my
sisters. It is as simple as that.
None of us have encompassed
all of knowledge.
I'm ignorant about a lot of things. I
research, I get asked questions, and I read,
and I ask, and I research,
and then I put together maybe a program
to speak about it.
And that's everyone.
No one was born with knowledge, brothers and
Wallahu akharajakum minbotuni,
mahaati kumla taalamoona shayyah.
Allah Azzawajal took you out the wombs of
your mother, not knowing anything brothers and sisters.
You're going to be shaken of course in
today's day and age, and not something that
is surprising. But then you have to go
look for the answers.
Just like the med student,
he goes and researches,
you go and research as well my brothers
and my sisters.
That principle is very very important, and I
want you guys to go and relate to
Right? Just because you don't have the answers,
that doesn't mean there aren't any answers
for that which you are being asked about.
I'm thinking to myself, these guys are learning
my religion,
right? And I'm sitting around here
talking about calculus,
Let me go.
Right? This was one of the reasons my
brothers and my sisters.
There is an ideological attack
on Al Islam
from so many different angles,
from so many different directions, my beloved brothers
and sisters.
Wahalmin mudakir.
Is there anyone here that wants
to take heed with that which is happening
in front of us, my brothers and my
Enough is enough.
Up until when will we remain
not knowing about what Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
created us for.
Allah says, I didn't create a jinn in
His except to worship Me. We can't worship
Allah accordingly,
except with what? With knowledge.
We can't.
I believe my brothers and my sisters, and
I don't think anyone here will disagree.
You cannot function
in this world
without beneficial knowledge.
You know who you should ask?
Go ask Logan Paul and KSI.
Wallahi, you guys think I'm joking.
And not just them,
even that guy called the Beast, I think
that's his name, right? The Beast. Oh, he's
a mister Beast, mister Beast, right?
Justin Bieber adding to that as well.
And FouseyTube.
Why did I mention all of these names
I've mentioned it so many times. Some of
you guys may have heard in the lectures,
Why? Why did I mention all of them?
What do they all have in common? Who
can tell me?
The little one there has put his hand
up. FatihaAllahu
Go on.
Oh, he's shy, he sat down. No worries.
Everyone knows what they have in common is
girls, cars, materialistic things, they all have that
in common. Sahih.
I'll tell you something else they also have
in common.
They're all depressed.
They are all
This is not Abutemia
bringing it out of his own back pocket,
brothers and sisters.
I remember sending this video to my younger
brother Ibrahim.
I sent it to him, because there's a
brother that compiled all of these small little
clips and put it in a long video.
I said to Ibrahim,
What do you think?
He was like, Woah, man,
These guys look like they're living double lives.
You know what they keep on saying?
Right? You know what they keep on saying?
What you see on screen
is very different
to what happens behind closed doors. Wallahi
laddi laa ilaha ghayra. I heard them
say this with my own 2 ears
that really woke up my younger brother. And
I'm hoping that's going to do that to
you guys as well.
What do we put this down to my
brothers and my sisters?
Let me tell you guys something. No matter
what you acquire of this dunya,
if you have all of the materialistic things
that we keep aspiring for,
you still won't be happy.
You will be spiritually dead and empty.
The way Allah has created your heart, it
craves for its creator.
It craves for its Creator, my brothers and
my sisters.
That's the way Allah has created your heart.
No one is saying
that you can't work, that you can't go
to university, no one is saying that. There's
no harm taking from the dunya that which
is going to aid and help and assist
you hereafter. No problem. Walatan sanasiba kimin a
dunya. As Allah says, don't forget your fair
share of the dunya.
From the food and the drink and the
things that are permissible. No problem.
We're not the haram police guys that says
everything is haram.
Are you guys with me?
They are spiritually dead and empty.
They've said this with their own
We really want what they have right, but
look at the lives that they're living,
spiritually dead and empty.
The way Allah created your heart, He craves
for His Creator.
Let me speak about FouseyTube for a moment
is a Muslim, right?
More than once he has announced
his apostasy on YouTube. He will come out,
I'm leaving Islam.
I don't even watch these guys very richly.
Right? I am leaving Islam. And then there's
another title that says, I got Bipolar, I
got mental health, I got this. And he's
talking about it open.
Everyone comes everyone has seen it.
Recently, just before his boxing match, and excuse
me brothers and sisters
from for mentioning these names.
Right? It's not from the angle of dignifying
They was he was asked just for his
boxing match, and I took the video. Excellent.
I love these kind of videos.
Fortunately, when we talk to our Shabab and
we say, that righteous man, of the Tabi'in
of the Tabi'a Tabi'in
said, kadha wakadha, said this and that. Say,
wallaim, Allah yahamu.
May Allah have mercy upon him. But they
feel like they can't relate, right, because of
the distance in
time. Samad Al Hasan, Fusitub,
they asked him just before his recent boxing
how you feeling?
You know what he said? I couldn't feel
any better.
I stopped *.
I stopped zillah, like doing fornication outside of
marriage, I stopped drinking alcohol, I stopped doing
this and I stopped doing that, I stopped
consuming drugs,
and I'm staying on top of my salah.
And I can't I I I wouldn't feel
any better.
I couldn't feel any better. This is him
saying this.
Are you guys fans?
Are you probably interested with me?
Out of all people that might be or
that might give us a reminder, I know,
me mentioning this, people are gonna hold on
to it and be affected by it.
And he's saying it's helping him with his
mental health.
And I'm thinking to myself, Allah said in
the Qur'an,
over 1400 years ago that he sat down,
The salah, it removes the filth and the
evil from your life.
Also Allah said in the Quran,
Whoever turns away from My remembrance,
he will live a depressive life.
Also Allah said,
manaamina salihan minzikina
unsa wahuwamumumfalaanuhiyannu
Whoever from the male and the female,
right, whoever from the male and the female,
they do good deeds and they come with
iman. In this case, that's equal rights guys.
When it comes to the reward of Allah,
Al Ibadat,
the reward
in that case,
and Nisa shaka'aikur rijal, as the messenger sallalahu
alaihi wa sallam said.
When it comes to roles and certain things
that he instructed them with,
in that case, it's
justice. Justice. Like,
this person who comes with iman, faith,
he also comes with righteous deeds, He will
have that happy life.
He will be satisfied
in his
day to day dealings,
right, because of him coming with these two
things. And that's very vast, iman.
When we say iman, my brothers and my
sisters, we're talking about the duties
of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala upon you.
Right? The duties of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
upon you, my brothers and my sisters.
Learning about his rights upon you, it increases
your iman.
So this is fujuk for you my brothers
and my sisters. He's in a better place
mentally and spiritually,
and that is because he's staying on top
of his salah.
I get very very,
or should I say, I get many questions
coming to me all the time, brothers and
People talking about how spiritually dead and empty
they are.
You know who one of the most common
ones are?
who have blue ticks, you know, on Instagram?
What does blue tick mean?
Even I'm not, you know, certified there,
right? I'm not verified.
But they're all verified,
and they're messaging me, right?
One of the first messages He sends is,
you know, the emoji, the yellow emoji with
the crying, and with the tears coming down.
Allahu alaikum.
That's what he sends me.
I click on his profile,
and the guy has cars,
seems like he's living the life,
and then behind closed doors he's sending me
the yellow emoji with the tears.
And And I'm just talking to him. The
guy doesn't want my followers. He doesn't want
to shout out.
Right? He doesn't want any of this. He
doesn't want me to give him money, but
he just wants
to be in a better place spiritually, my
brothers and my sisters.
That's the reality of this world. The way
the dunya has been created, it is there
to entice you. It beautifies itself, making you
think. Once you acquire it, you will be
happy and satisfied.
And then my brothers and my sisters, it
stabs you in the back. You are left
How many people do I know, my brothers
and my sisters,
who are dealing in all sorts of haram,
whether it might be interest, whether it might
be this type loan and, right, haram and
whatever have you,
but they're extremely empty. But then you find
he suffices himself with the little that he
has, and he's so
right, peaceful.
That's the reality.
I have
friends that are multimillionaires,
guys, but I've never taken a single penny
of a penny of them, not a single
They would come to Medina while I was
there. You know how much I was getting
from the university?
840 riyals.
How much is that in dollars?
think it's 200 American US dollars.
You always go there.
This is my funny uncle.
$200 nothing guys.
But these multimillionaires
would say to me in the haram, in
the haram, wallahi, I wish I could leave
my job,
right, and just sit here like you're sitting
here, and just learn.
The whole of us are my brothers and
my sisters because I got given the red
by the brothers. I think I've got maybe
3 minutes left.
My brothers and my sisters,
I I made mention of the Rainbow team.
I'm gonna come back to that because I'm
going to compare it to ourselves.
They are so loud and so effective.
And that is because
they are collectively, not individually,
propagating that which they stand for.
And they have managed to acquire so much
and spread
whatever they are upon, right?
So much so, I don't know over here,
but in the UK,
the zebra crossing is rainbow colors.
You cross the road, it's got rainbow
They have rights.
And again for the 3rd time,
just in case, you know the media, right,
I'm not here to incite violence or incite
harassment towards anyone.
The reason why they've managed to reach this,
my brothers and my sisters, because they are
propagating that which they stand for.
If we care about ourselves and the next
generation, my brothers and my sisters,
start this journey and seek a knowledge.
I don't just give lectures to get a
ride out of the crowd for astaghla if
we feel good. No.
There is
an objective behind it.
A lot of time when we talk about
seeking knowledge, people think I have to pack
my bags and I have to go abroad.
That's good, excellent.
it's not just that brothers and sisters.
A little bit every day, a little bit
every day can go a very long way
in the kind of knowledge that you end
up acquiring
which will change your life for the better.
A little bit every day.
If you think you can't go abroad, right,
which is the better thing to do, And
I know everyone can't do that.
Little bit every day. I make
it an objective.
Every day I'm going to do a little
bit. Life with knowledge has become so easy.
We have the World Wide Web. For those
who didn't know what WWW stands for, the
World Wide Web, guys.
It's so easy to access. I know a
lot of you guys came, right, because you've
seen videos online.
But the Instagram
videos and the TikTok videos,
right, that's microwave knowledge, guys.
It is microwave knowledge.
We need a lot more than that.
We give so much to everything else. And
some of the attitude that some of us
may have is, when I find time,
then I'm going to go and do this.
Is that how we should
treat Allah azza wa jay? Is that a
kind of attitude we should have, my brothers
and my sisters?
And if you think, my brothers and my
sisters, that you can't
you can't
learn your religion the way you think,
be somewhat involved.
Be somewhat involved.
Some people have money,
Some people have skills.
Yesterday when I was in Philadelphia,
I was telling the son of one of
the mashaikh there,
I want you to learn Premiere Pro.
Does anyone here know what Premiere Pro means?
Premiere Pro is the system that is used
to edit videos.
May Allah guide them.
Don't look down on them, guys.
Some of us may think, Oh, look at
May Allah guide them. Right? Allah tells
us, You were like that once upon a
time, and then Allah will bless you.
Make dua for them.
That's the first thing.
If you can't be actively seeking knowledge for
whatever it be somewhat involved, Allah azza wa
jal may have mercy upon you because of
Editing is not easy,
and it's very very costly.
This brother is recording, right? So he's recording.
That's just the beginning of it.
After he gets the footage, he has to
edit it, then he has to upload it,
and then he has to cut it out,
do this, remove this, and add that. And
that's not easy.
Right? The brother that cuts some of my
videos that you've seen going around, I pay
him every single month
from my own pocket.
But I want the dawah to spread and
it's a form of sadaqa. Perhaps Allah will
bring it back to me. Right?
And it's the cause of a lot of
you guys entering into this hole today.
Be somewhat involved.
Help each other out. The masajid.
something as small as you know, people come
up to me
is just to spread the videos. Let me
reach people, perhaps, it's not anything else. Is
just spread the videos.
Let it reach people, perhaps it may what?
Guide them. And it will be on my
scale of good deeds and your scale of
good deeds.
Does that make sense to my brothers and
my sisters?
Let's get involved.
Enough is enough.
Right? It's only getting worse.
You have this generation, and the next generation,
what do you expect my brothers and my
Al Malikud Dayan Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Right? He's my priority,
and I'm going to give him precedence before
everything else.
When you have that kind of mentality, brothers
and sisters,
Whoever has taqwa, has consciousness
of Allah, Allah will open a door for
And will provide for him from where he
My favorite hadith, and I will conclude with
is the hadith that I've lived by, and
it's the first hadith that I was taught,
and I can't remember who taught me yet.
But I make du'afil.
You don't leave something with the sake of
Allah, except Allah will give you that which
is better.
And it may well be that you do
something for the sake of Allah, not you
leaving it. And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will
give you that which is better.
As Ibn Taym mentioned his dadul Mahad,
whoever thinks that if he leaves or he
does something for his sake and Allah is
not going to give him better,
This person has had bad thoughts of Allahu
jalaifiura if he thinks that.
May Allah bless every single one of you
Brothers, I say this from the bottom of
my heart, I love you all for the
sake of Allah.
Right? I really really do. The fact that
you all came here,
right? We always hear about America being the
worst place on the face of this earth.
I need to tell these Brits that they're
They're always speaking bad about Americans.
Americans are this, Americans are that. They're liberal,
they're all feminist.
And we got the girls from Virginia,
They're a lot more conservative.
But the point of the matter is, coming
here, seeing the masajid so full in Philadelphia,
and now seeing this kind of crowd who
are interested in their religion,
well, it makes me feel so good. And
then there's so much khair in the Muslim
Right? May Allah bless you all.
I think we're going to creation now.