Abu Taymiyyah – We Have to Learn to say NO Melbourne
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I just want to take a moment out
to thank the administration of the Masjid,
Sheikh Abu Hamza, and everyone else that was
involved in setting this program up.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
add it on the scale of good deeds.
My beloved brothers and sisters,
because of course it say brotherly advice. I
checked the poster this morning,
and it showed
that it should be a brotherly advice.
So I thought to myself,
would be such a wonderful idea
to stand over one of my favorite statements
that I came across
quite some time ago.
This is the statement of Ahmed
ibn Nuharbin Rahmatullahi
Alayhi Rahmatan Wasi'ah.
Ahmad ibn Nuharb
Alayhi, my beloved brothers and sisters,
said the following.
I worshiped Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala for 50
And I did not taste the sweetness of
until I left three things.
From the most commonly
commonly asked questions that we receive
all the time
is one saying,
I've prayed for so long.
I recite the book of Allah Subhanahu Wa
It may well be that I fast from
time to time.
I've tried doing
various different
acts of worship
but I don't seem to feel that connection
between myself
and Allah
What is it that I'm doing that maybe
preventing me from
not being able to taste the sweetness of
He says,
I worshiped Allah for 50 years. Imagine that,
brothers and sisters.
50 years of experience that this individual has.
This great Imam
and he's now
in three statements giving us the cure,
giving us the solution
to that which he has been experiencing,
that which he
felt deprived from.
Number 1, he says,
He said,
I stopped trying to please everyone
and I was able to speak the truth.
The second point that he mentioned was,
I stopped hanging around with the transgressors, the
wrong crowd.
And I was able to find righteous friends.
And the third point that he mentioned was
I stopped chasing after
the pleasures, the glitters, and the glimmers of
this world.
And I was able to taste
the sweetness of the Hereafter.
These are 3 valuable pieces of advice.
When I first came across this statement, my
beloved brothers and sisters,
it didn't occur to me that there is
a connection between the 3.
Which insha Allahu Ta'ala I will highlight.
The first point that he mentioned was
I stopped trying to please everyone
and I was able to speak the truth.
Brothers and sisters,
since I've been here at least
good 8 or 9 brothers
have asked me.
I'm hanging around with the wrong crowd.
Every time I try to do that which
is correct,
I just get sucked back into it.
Would you advise me?
This is the first piece of advice.
When you're around
this wrong crowd
that you have told me about,
brothers and sisters,
the only reason why
they stick with you or they feel comfortable
around you is because
you go with the flow.
You are somebody who
just gives into whatever they say.
if every time
they did that which is displeasing to Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala,
You took them by the hand and said,
or sister,
This is something that is displeasing to Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
And doing this brothers and sisters is not
easy. It really really isn't.
To speak out
to your friends and those who you've been
hanging around with all of these years,
you've been messing around with them all of
this time, it's not an easy thing.
What happens brothers and sisters when you keep
on doing that?
You are looked at somebody who keeps on
killing the gvayd.
Isn't that what we hear all the time?
This guy is always killing the
He's killing the mood.
Why is he always policing us?
And it's only a matter of time before
they begin to feel uncomfortable around you.
Whenever your name is brought up or shall
we call so and so. No. This guy
is always killing the mood.
He's always killing the vibe
and that is because brothers and sisters,
you spoke the truth and you did the
right thing.
It's very very easy
taking this route of you know what? Let
me just go with whatever they are saying.
Let me just go with the flow.
Here, brothers and sisters, we are trying to
taste the sweetness of Ibadah.
That which is going to bring us that
utter contentment that money can't buy.
People are spiritually dead
in today's day and age they are spiritually
Everyone's crying out for this contentment. Please brother,
advise me.
I feel empty.
I feel down. I feel miserable. What is
it that you can tell me
that will help me navigate and maneuver around
that which I'm experiencing.
He spoke the truth
and he stopped looking
for the pleasure of the people.
I have aqa'id brothers and sisters. I have
a principle in life. You know what this
principle in life is?
And I took this from Sheikh Usam Taymah
Rahmatullahi a'layhi. He says,
When the people cooperate in sin and evil,
it's only a matter of time
they will start hating one another.
You and your friend,
it might well be that you sit around
causing all sorts of mischief
that which is displeasing to Allah subhanahu wa
No one has the courage to tell the
other that they shouldn't be doing that.
He's attacking the honor of his Muslim brother.
Speaking about this one and speaking about that
one. And you're sitting there just laughing.
Going with the flow, Not wanting to kill
the mood and the vibe.
It is only a matter of time before
these two individuals,
they bash heads with one another.
And that is because they did not do
the right thing.
This kind of relationship brothers and sisters,
it doesn't bring about any good.
And like I said, it's only a matter
of time before they bash heads with one
Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
he said some very powerful statements when he
looks for the pleasure of the people.
And in the process of doing so, He
enrages Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
He enrages
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
What will be the consequence?
Allah Azawajal will become angry with that individual
and He will make the people angry with
him as well.
He Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala will become angry
and he will make those
who you try to please
angry with you as well. It's only a
matter of time.
It is only a matter of time.
Right? Let's give a couple of examples.
Right? You're at work,
Your main focus is pleasing
your boss.
And you know that there are certain things
that you have to do even when you
are at work.
For example,
from the basic essential that a Muslim needs
to come with his what?
His prayers. Right?
However, he doesn't want to rock the boat.
He doesn't wanna upset anyone. Well that's what
he thinks, right?
If I ask or make too many requests,
maybe my boss will look at me a
certain way.
So he gives up the rights of Allah
Right? The rights of a razzak,
the one who provides
for you and also your boss.
You give that up simply because you want
to be in his good books.
How often have we seen, brothers and sisters,
when one approaches
this matter in this way,
it's only a matter of time before you
see them clashing with one another. And that
is because
you did not prioritize the pleasure of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
You prioritize the pleasure of this boss and
it was only a matter of time before
they what?
They bashed heads with one another
or you felt,
right? That you are being treated a certain
way perhaps that is the consequence
of the sin you may have committed.
From the most common
questions that we receive all the time, I'm
I was in a haram relationship.
I'm struggling to get over it.
What can you advise? What can I do?
How can I get over it?
Especially on Instagram
a k a fitna gram.
There's gram, there's app,
Allah SubhanAllah even in the month of Ramadan.
Right? I was receiving messages
of brother and sister saying that they committed
in the month of Ramadan.
In the month of Ramadan, what is the
hukum? What is the ruling?
Brothers and sisters, in the month of Ramadan,
if husband and wife,
they carry out sexual *, it is kabeeratumminal
It is from the most major of sins
that one can fall into. In the month
of Ramadan, between husband and wife while fasting.
This is between husband and wife.
A man came to the messenger of Allah
alaihi wa sallam in the month of Ramadan
while he was fasting and he said, oh
messenger of Allah, I've destroyed myself.
And another narration, I've burnt myself.
Because they knew how serious he was. So
he asked him,
what did you do? He said,
I ended up having intimacy with my wife
while fasting in the month of Ramadan. Serious
sin between husband and wife.
I'm receiving messages
about what? 2 people have committed zina in
the month of Ramadan. Taibbi asked them, did
you know insha'a before the month of Ramadan?
They didn't. How did they get to know
one another? Through Instagram.
That innocent look, that innocent look. And brothers
and sisters, when you click on his or
her profile,
the opposite gender, you are playing with fire.
You are what? Playing with fire.
Fine brother say, I'm giving her dua. She
ends up giving him dua.
this is not a lecture on the month
of Ramadan and the sahkab.
But the point of the matter is,
2 people committing haram with one another.
2 people committing haram on another which eventually
leads to what? Heartbreak.
He says,
who loves
something for other than Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
It is only a matter of time
that one
becomes hurt by that which they loved for
Abidil Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's sake. How do
you love something for Abidil Allah Azza wa
Jal's sake? By prioritizing it over Allahu jala
And his teacher
also taught us,
Whoever wants a pure content heart,
let it be somebody who
always prioritize Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala over his
You want a pure content heart?
Pur Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala first. So this
young man and this young women,
This young man and this young woman, brothers
and sisters,
they did that which is displeasing to Allah
azza wa jal. Each one wanted to please
the other.
It might well be that she said to
him, let's do it halal way. He said,
no. I'm not ready which is a big
as to why
or to know that this individual is what?
Messing around and not serious. And he's there
to just chew you like a piece of
chewing gum and spit you out.
He's there to use and abuse.
The fact that he says, I am not
But he wants to mess around with you.
He wants to have a relationship with you.
The one who's serious is not going to
creep through the window. He will go straight
to your straight
Excuse me brothers, it has to be said.
Imam Alqattani ikhmatullahi alayhi, he says in some
lines of poetry,
Those men
that keep gazing at women.
You know what he compares them to?
I don't know what you
He says they are like what? Who wants
to take it out of my mouth?
He says those men that are gazing on
are no different to dogs.
What happens when a dog sees a piece
of flesh brothers and sisters? Let's be honest,
come on.
They start huffing and puffing
around this piece of flesh that they saw.
And I'm not saying all men are like
Insha'Allah these men that are here.
Are role models bein lahi ta'ala. But generally
especially amongst the kuffar, would we agree that
they are no different to what is being
mentioned here?
Right? As soon as a woman walks past
him, how does he look at her?
No further comment needed.
They begin to huff and puff.
The moment these dogs see a piece of
That's exactly
what men are like as the Sheikh here
is mentioning.
So going back to the point that I
was making,
They prioritize
other other than Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And that which they prioritize
was the cause that they were eventually
Likewise, if your marriage, brothers and sisters,
is not built on putting Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala first,
you will be left hurt. Take this from
me. It's a principle that I have in
I'm sure many of us have come across
this post that goes around from time to
time on WhatsApp.
The post with the triangle.
Not the free masonic sign.
There's a triangle
that has the husband on one corner and
the wife on the other.
Who's at the top? Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Just picture this with me, right? You have
the husband and the wife here, and here
is the top of the triangle.
They do that which is pleasing to Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala. What happens? They gain closeness
to Allah.
Also what happens between them? What is
They are also becoming close to one another.
Does that make sense?
The number one commandment when it comes to
your marriage,
right? Is your relationship with Allah. A lot
of people think when I sin
the consequences
are only what?
In the hereafter.
It will come back to haunt you in
this duniya before the hereafter.
This is a severe warning
for anyone who takes the sins lightly or
is wondering why my relationship is a mess.
And at times you have to be individuals
who are self critical.
And that's something that most people don't want
to do.
The way we are as human being, we're
ready to point the finger at everyone except
That's just the way we are.
They beg Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Throughout the year, you Allah grant me a
that will bring me utter joy.
My prince charming
making dua for him constantly
and then when he comes along on the
wedding night there is what?
All types of filth and evil and haram
that takes place.
Right? But before that they were on their
best behavior because they so badly wanted
the goodness to
drop from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
In essence, what we're doing is, we're just
throwing it back in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's
He gave us all of that, he gave
us that which we've been crying out for.
And then on the wedding night when we
should be what? Grateful, throw it back in
Because we want to please everyone
around us. They're saying to us, no.
This is our culture. This is what we've
been doing all of these years.
So and so married like that, so and
so done this, so and so done that,
to try and justify
the evil that is going to be taking
Well, Allah is times like that you should
be terrified
because that which happens
could be the reason why you're made to
It doesn't stop there. They got married kharas.
You know, they let the they let their
guard down.
I found the love of my life as
if everything is just going to go perfectly
Remember brothers and sisters, the filth and the
evil that we
as spouses watch together
may come back to haunt us.
And it will end up what affecting our
marriage and that's simply because we're just trying
to please the other.
Isn't that what it eventually boils down to?
I want to please so and so. They're
asking me to do this so let me
just give inla. You should not be accepting
As it will end up backfiring
really, really badly.
Even Ibn Altaeym Rahmatullahi a'layhi, he teaches us
something else. I keep quoting him, Milutaym. Right?
Milukaym Rahmatullahi a'lay is one of those personalities
brothers and sisters that is very dear to
my heart from the
early scholars
who was an expert
when it came to
matters pertaining to the heart.
Mullah was an expert.
The way He enlightens
in His books,
I honestly can't put it into us.
You think to yourself that, is he living
amongst us?
When you look at some of his sayings
and statements, you think to yourself is he
actually living amongst us.
He says,
Never does an individual use something to disobey
Allah azza wa Jal except that Allah azza
wa jal uses that to destroy him or
that something right there will be destroyed.
That something will be destroyed.
We use our marriages to disobey Allah aza
wa jal because we want to please the
and then we suffer the consequence
not actually realizing what the problem is.
And the easier route out of all of
this is to always blame everyone.
And the reality of the matter is that
it's boils down to what we are doing
with our own hands.
Never is one struck with calamities
except that which he does with his own
Yeah. So the first point was what?
I'll give you guys the example of a
When he was getting married, brothers and sisters,
he wanted to do it in a Masjid.
Didn't have a lot of money and the
little money that he had, he wanted to
spend it on buying the furniture for the
Perfectly understandable, right?
Were you gonna take your wife to an
empty house?
So he wants
to take that money and
and brighten up his house.
Doesn't have much for the wedding itself, so
he decided, you know what? Let me do
it in the Masjid.
So he tells his parents, and his parents
they absolutely what?
Lose control.
This guy is going to bring shame to
our family.
He wants to do it in a masjid
while everyone normally does it in a hall.
People are going to think that we're broke.
And before he went up to his parents
as well,
he found somebody who would bring chicken to
the Masjid to eat. You know how you
have in a lot of cultures,
it's meat.
And some cultures apparently I came to know,
there's actually aig
To bring other than meat, to bring chicken
is actually ayeel.
And that was the easy option and the
more cheaper one. I know maybe in the
Asian culture,
it's perfectly normal. But in some, it's a
no go. You have to bring laham, you
have to bring meat.
And that even what? Is Dadat Teemubillah
as they say.
That infuriated
them even more.
So to cut a very long story short,
eventually the brother pushed for it to be
done inside of the house of Allah ajna.
Right? They had Al Mihlus Al Arabid, you
know the Arabian
right at the front.
And then everybody was sitting on the floor.
It was such a very good look,
And remember also SubhanAllah,
his mother
tried to force him to enter into the
woman section.
Threatening that she's going to walk out if
he doesn't walk in.
If you don't come in, I'm going to
walk out. And he's telling his mother nicely,
mom I can't, I'm sorry, this, that.
Taib, long story cut short.
The parents were terrified
that this would bring shame to the families.
They were terrified that this would bring shame
to the family.
After the wedding, the brother gets a phone
from 1 of the
community leaders.
This auntie says to him,
the amount of phone calls that she got.
The amount of phone calls that she got
that they've never ever gone to a nikah,
It wasn't in a home. They didn't spend
tens and 1,000 of pounds.
It was done simply
in the house of Allah
By the way, I'm not forcing anybody to
have a simple marriage. It's tied up to
But the messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam did
say, the most blessed marriage is the one
with the
Right? And israaf without a shadow of a
doubt, when one is extravagant, it does have
an effect on his marriage. But this is
what he chose and I'm just giving you
that which happened.
I tend to quote a lot.
Especially that which relates to
those who attended the
gathering yesterday at the University,
quote a lot right?
Especially that which relates to the colorful things
in today's society,
which is quote the scripture,
Going back to the point that I was
people are saying that we've never ever attended
a marriage or an iqah or a wedding
as nice
and blissful as this.
So the parents heard about it. What did
you think the parents done? Ah, yes. It
They tried to take the plundits for it.
And perhaps brothers and sisters, that is due
to putting Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala first.
What was the hadith again?
does that which is pleasing to Allah
and in the process people become upset.
You do that which is pleasing to Allah
and in the process people become upset.
What happens?
will become pleased
and He will make the people pleased with
you as well. Isn't this exactly what happened
They were angry, they were upset,
they were causing mayhem.
Scared and terrified that this would bring shame
onto the family.
What did eventually happen? What eventually happened?
Everybody became happy and satisfied with this young
man who tried to do the right thing.
So the first one,
I stopped trying to chase after the pleasure
of the people.
And I was able to speak the truth.
You speak the truth, what happens brothers and
sisters? This guy always kills the mood, he
kills the
vibe, don't call him.
This guy is always policing us.
This will give you a very good idea
with the kind of personality you have. Whether
you're somebody who is able to control the
narrative when things are taking place in front
of you. Now looks at the second thing,
he said,
I stopped hanging around of the wrong crowd
and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala replaced them with
good friends.
I want to give you guys a couple
of options here.
Number 1, is that which we just mentioned.
He keeps speaking the truth, they cut him
Yes, he will be tested and he will
walk around,
maybe by himself
but it's only a matter of time that
Allah azza wa jal
replaces his bad evil friends with good ones.
Can you see the connection between the 2?
Spoke the truth, they cut him off, Allah
replace you with good friends.
Or brothers and sisters, it may well be
that one doesn't have the courage.
He does not have the courage to speak
Doesn't have the courage to speak out.
And brothers and sisters, my advice then is
we have to learn to be individuals
who are ready to say
I can't anymore.
They invite you to haram, they invite you
to evil.
If you don't have the courage and the
to disapprove of that which they are doing,
I can't do this anymore.
Cutting yourself off completely from that which
is going to corrupt
your heart.
And yes,
You will keep on being
led astray by the Shaitan. He will keep
on trying
but you have to uphold yourself together.
It will be extremely extremely tempting.
But because you cut them off,
and you waved away the
and the whispers of the shaitan,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, what does he do?
He replaces them with good friends.
And from the traps of shaitan brothers and
that one individual starts practicing,
It's only been little bit of time that
has started being steadfast. The shaitan whispers and
says, go back to your family
or should I say go back to your
old friends
and start giving them dua.
He himself hasn't equipped himself accordingly.
He doesn't have the knowledge,
and knowledge brothers and sisters, it teaches you
how to navigate around
fitna to shubuhat wa fitna to shahuat.
The 2 great fitna's which is the fitna
of doubts and the fitna of temptations.
It teaches you. But you just started practicing.
You're doing well. You're holding on just about
holding on to your religion by going to
the Muslim and so on and so forth.
Shaitan is whispering,
right? Shaitan is constantly whispering, go back to
your friends,
give them dawah.
Well, I remember was brother, back in the
day when I was still on the streets,
He went off the streets
and he was a top drug dealer. He
knew how to sell.
One day,
he comes back to the front line, right?
Front line where you sell the drugs.
It's a busy road.
He's trying to give dawah to his friends.
You know what he does?
That's not how you sell it. Let me
show you.
He's in his soap. The guy is in
his soap. Right? And he's got his haan.
And he's saying, No. No. That's not how
you do it. Let me show you.
Why is he doing that? Why is he
doing that? He's doing that in order to
bring the hearts close.
But is that really the way about it?
Let me show you how to sell.
And before you know it brothers and sisters,
he ended up falling back into the same
Can you see how the shayta trapped him?
Instead of telling them the truth, the guy
is actually showing them how to sell.
So wa taraktul suhibatul fasileelhatawajitu
I cut off
bad evil wrongdoing friends
and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala replaced them with
good ones.
One of my favorite hadith brothers and sisters
is when the messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said,
and if you don't take anything away from
this lecture Adan and this then
He said,
You don't leave something for the sake of
that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will give you
that which is better.
I remember
a brother taught me this hadith before I
went to seek knowledge. This is before 2010
And it was the most
or should I say the best piece of
advice that somebody ever gave me.
Until this very day, I can't remember who
he was. Wallahi can't remember who he was.
However, it had the biggest impact on my
At whatever stage it may have been,
leaving something for the sake of Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala.
Brothers and sisters, it is the promise of
Allah that He will give you that which
is better.
So you cut them off. Yes. You will
go through
But you left it for the sake of
Allah will give it, which is better.
You never refrain from hanging around from them
because you wanted the pleasure of Allah azza
wa jay.
He wanted to seek his satisfaction.
Just occurred to me, SubhanAllah,
the other day, for those who came to
I think it's HIYC,
the Masjid.
Some of you guys came to it, right?
We went through 20 benefits
that we can extrapolate
from the hadith
of the one who killed a 100.
What just occurred to me now is that
he left
his sins for the sake of Allah.
This maybe will be benefit 21, just as
I go along from time to time you
know, benefits come to my mind with regards
to the hadith.
Maybe approximately 4 5 months ago, somebody asked
me to deliver this lecture in Greenlane Masjid
in Birmingham
and I was only able to give 6
or 7 benefits. Alhamdulillah, reached 20. Now he's
21, it just occurred to me literally right
now as I'm delivering this lecture.
He left off whatever he was doing for
the sake of Allah.
And Allah gave him that which is better,
right? Do you guys agree with that?
was killing
people left, right and center taking
innocent lives
And I made a decision to change.
He says I'm gonna give it all up,
what shall I do? Is there a way
for me to be forgiven?
He was told by the man,
Go to so and so land and worship
Allah with them.
He left it for the sake of Allah
Azawajal. When did Allah Azawajal replace that with?
What did Allah replace that with?
Al Jannah
Allah Azza wa Jal replaced that with Al
He died on his way there,
and then the 2 angels they started what?
Arguing with one another, I am entitled to
him. The other one, the Angel of Rahmah
is saying, no, no, no, I should be
entitled to him.
And they both brought their
reasons for why
each one of them is entitled
more than the other.
The Angel of punishment said,
He never done any good deeds.
The Angel of Rahma said,
He was repenting,
his heart was
stuck on meeting Allah
So when he
it is reported that he was more closer
to the
land of killings.
The 3rd Angel that was sent was asked
to judge.
Whichever land he's closer to, then depending on
that, that Angel can take him.
So happened to me more closer to the
land of killings than land of evil.
Who would be entitled? The Angel of Adab,
right? The Angel of Punishment.
But perhaps because of him leaving her for
the sake of Allah,
Allah 'Azza wa Jal shook the earth so
that he may be more closer to
the land of redemption.
And Allah 'Azza wa Jal forgave him and
admitted him into Aljannah.
However, the difference between us and him is
that he made the decision there and then,
he had that firm resolve. I'm going to
and because of that
he took the practical steps to
better himself by leaving
as opposed to somebody who procrastinates,
keeps telling himself I'm going to change and
I shall and I will. How often have
we seen somebody going to sleep and he
never woke
up, right?
I will and I shall
and we commit sins day and night, right?
Commit sins day and night.
And you might go to sleep thinking, O
Allah what's the big deal about it? I
still have time, or amyan.
So now brothers and sisters,
these suhbatus salihim, when we speak about
righteous friends, we're not just speaking about the
friends that we hang around with.
Also your spouse is one of your closest
One needs to be extra careful of who
he chooses.
Many guys are not thinking straight.
Instead of thinking with the intellect, they're thinking
from somewhere else.
That woman brothers and sisters that you marry
has a big role to play
and what kind of individual you end up
I'll tell you guys something about Imran Ibn
Imran Ibn Khitan. Have you guys heard of
Imran Ibn Khitan?
Imran Ibn Khitan, brothers and sisters,
was someone who studied with the likes of
Radiallahu Ta'ala Anha. He took a hadith from
Aisha Radiallahu Ta'ala Anha.
He came across a very beautiful woman.
He came across a very beautiful woman, however
there are some strings attached to the whole
She was from the Khawarij.
She was from the Khawarij.
Imran ibn Itaan is someone who takes knowledge
from who? Aisha
Everybody was like don't marry her because you
might end up becoming from the Khawarij as
I think everybody knows who the Khawarij are,
They're the extremists
who emerged,
And then they fought against the companions, exited
against them and revolted.
Everyone's like, no, don't.
He was like, no, I'm going to change
I'm going to end up changing her.
You know also subhanAllah I found something very
very funny that I came across in Sira
Ala Manubillah. You know she's one time sitting,
Anna wa antifin Jannah,
me and you are both in Al Jannah.
So he asked why? Why is that?
She said,
I'm the patient one
and you're the thankful one.
Like what do you mean by that? What
do you mean like you're the thankful and
I'm the patient? What's that mean?
Look how beautiful I am
and look how ugly you are.
I'm being so patient with you and you're
the thankful one.
And those who read the Kitab of ibn
Udaymah Muttalai a'lay,
right? He has a book which talks about
the half of patience and the half of
being thankful to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
How they are two things when molded together?
It is
the components that takes you to jannah.
You know what ended up happening brothers and
He ended up becoming from the heads of
the Khawarij
that were on the front line killing the
And again it could be that you end
up leaving that haram relationship.
That haram relationship that you give up,
you let go.
You do it for the sake of Allah,
and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala grants you a
that brings you utter joy
to your heart.
Number 3.
I left off
the glitters and the glimmers of this world.
Take this as a principle brothers and sisters.
Not everything that glows is glamorous.
Not everything that glows is glamorous.
The way this world, this dunya has been
it is there to entice you.
It is there to entice you.
Makes it look so glamorous,
making you think that the moment you acquire
you will acquire that
contentment and that satisfaction that so many are
crying out for.
Only for you to be left disappointed, you
can maybe even call it stabbed in the
She was what beautifying
herself to you I e the dunya
or if you wanna call call her layla.
Beautifying herself to you, making you feel like
that the moment you grab her,
you will be what? Content and happy.
But But as Alib Nabi Talib radiAllahu ta'ala
Anhu and all the other intelligent individuals
realized, right? You know what he said?
I've divorced you 3 times
and there's no way that I can take
you back.
What happens when you divorce a woman 3
times brothers and sisters?
Is it possible for you to just take
her back now?
If you ever wanted to get back to
her, back with her, she would need to
get married,
have intimacy with a new guy, then get
divorced and only then you can what?
Have a new nikah with her. Am I
right at times she may have already forgotten
Does that make sense brothers?
Ali ibn Mutalib is saying this to the
dunya. I've divorced you thrice.
I can't take you back because they realized
how treacherous this world is.
How many people brother and sister we come
across stacking up money, right?
Telling themselves, okay, I need to make x
amount of money.
I will buy the house and everything will
be fine. All of these problems and issues
that we have will be fine.
How many of them even get to fulfilling
their goals?
Some in this world, they taste the wealth
that they acquired.
they are on their way of achieving their
so called goals and by that time they've
already departed from this world.
Can you see how the dunya deceived them?
This is the reality of the Dunya brothers
and sisters.
Welcome to this reality.
Subhanallah, I was in Sydney
and I was with a brother in Nakar,
who's very close with the mashiyah there.
One thing that really took me aback is
how nice the homes are.
Right? The kind of lifestyle that Muslims are
I was really taken aback that you are
able to build your own house.
In the UK you can't do that.
All the houses will be same.
You buy what you see.
As to fix it up like they have
over there in Sydney,
I had here as well but I still
haven't seen the houses yet.
I'm going kangaroo seeing tomorrow insha Allahu Ta'ala.
And they said they're gonna take me around.
Only thing that I want to see while
I'm here is a kangaroo.
My little sister waiting for the picture as
So I'm gonna go see everything Insha Allah
Ta'ala tomorrow.
Fashahidim Al Kalam pointed the matter is,
he says, yeah you look at the houses
it looks absolutely amazing.
Up until the point when a Sheikh receives
a phone call
from many of those who live in these
only then you come to realize what is
actually happening.
People who spend the majority of their lives
chasing after the dunya,
right? Chasing after that which
is bound to perish.
Do you think brothers and sisters that
money grants you happiness and these houses grant
you happiness.
Just ask the likes of Logan Paul and
Kya Sai and Justin Meeba.
All of them came out saying that we
thought, we thought
that fame and money would bring us happiness
and contentment.
I've been saying this to Allah.
All of these YouTubers that we might idolize,
May Allah reward their brother,
There's a brother called Smawatul Jannah.
He compiled small little clips of all of
saying that which is almost as identical to
the other.
We are depressed, we are sad. I remember
sending it to my little brother because my
little brother was watching them.
I asked him, what do you think?
He was like, yeah man.
These guys look like they live double lives.
They themselves admitting that we have a face
in front of the camera and then behind
closed doors we are different people.
This is the reality brothers and sisters.
This is the reality
that Dunya is not going to grant you
No matter how many times Andrew Tate says
Because it's him that became famous for saying
it, right?
Money does buy you happiness. Kalam Fadi
I'm gonna need to stop idolizing these guys,
prophets and sisters.
we have to stop
idolizing this guy.
Why is it that we need some non
Muslim to come along and teach us what
is right and what is not?
Polluting men's
minds. Let's be honest.
I know most of you guys know what
happened the other day, right?
My phone blew up, my twitter blew up
and my instagram blew up.
The guy decided to post me. Everybody's messaging
me, oh Masha Allah. Great. Wonderful.
And why are we getting excited over some
dimwhip who's
Honesty, one of the worst creation when you
think about it, the way he carries himself,
That's exactly him.
And what he says,
he makes Haram whatever he wants,
right? And then he says it's halal for
the men. There's a non Muslim saying this.
He is now using Islamic terms and muslims
are getting excited.
Oh, he said haram.
He's saying haram for women
to do all sorts of haram is okay
for men. It's halal. Halal he says.
So that's a mih.
And it's recently that it became what?
Cause before a very long time we used
to hear what?
That money doesn't buy you happiness. These kind
of statements and slogans would go around. And
most recently it started picking up because he
started saying, yes money does actually buy happiness.
On the reality, it is
Kalam Fali.
So just to summarize brothers and sisters,
look at the 3 things that were mentioned.
I stopped trying to please everyone
and I was able to speak the truth.
What happens when you've done that? Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala replaced
your bad friends with good ones.
It's what connected to one another. So Allah
azza wa jal now has granted you these
good friends that you're hanging around with.
Let me ask you a question brothers and
do these good friends that you have remind
you or talk to you about the Ferrari
and the BMW, the C Class, the 4
series, what are they speaking to you about?
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and hear after.
Can you see the connection between the 3?
Allah replace your bad friends with good ones.
And then the third point is,
taraktu I stopped chasing after the glitters and
glimmers of this world, I was able to
taste the sweetness of the hereafter.
And you will see that your good friends
will remind you of Allah azza wa jal
in the hereafter.
Go visit the graves they tell you from
now from time to time.
Reminding you of Allah azza wa Jal. They
see you doing wrong. And the good friend
brothers and sisters, when you look at Sadeek,
Sadeek is a very well known term right
that everybody
knows the meaning of.
Sadeek is only a true friend when he's
truthful to you. Otherwise that person is not
your friend.
He's not a truthful friend.
Sadeek comes from sit which means to be
Your friend will tell you that what you
need to hear,
As Amr Mahtabradiallahu
ta'ala An will say,
May the mercy of Allah be upon the
one who gifts me with my shortcomings.
Abu Hilban al Bisti would say,
The best of friends are those who really
go out their way to what?
To advise you.
Does that make sense?
Right. They are the ones that are advising
you constantly.
They pull you to the side when you
do something wrong. Don't do this. Don't do
Assakumullah khairam, brothers and sisters. And again, sha
Abu Hamza
and everyone else who was part of organizing
this program.
Oh, it's so nice to see all these
brothers, insha Allahu Ta'ala and sisters.